Drogo and Goda Coat of Arms
The Ware Family of Virginia, Europe, the Mediterranean, the Pontic Steppe and the Fertile Crescent: Descendants of the Carolingian Dynasty, the Merovingian Dynasty, English Monarchs, and Rulers of Normandy WANDA WARE DEGIDIO wwdegidio@gmail.com warefamilyhistory.com Harold de Ewyas de Waer / Ware Coat of Arms
Maud d'Avranches Coat of Arms
Peter Ware of York Co., VA was said to be the son of Sir James Ware of Ireland, a son of Sir Christopher Ware of Yorkshire, England, from the book: Wilder and some connecting (especially some Ware) families, 1960, by William Wilder. DNA has proven this to be incorrect. Peter Ware descended from Ralph de Gaël, de Waer, and is now Peter Ware III upon learning the names of his father and grandfather as Peter Ware I and Peter Ware II. Grandma's Book, By Eron M. Sharp, 1960, and the Ware-Tucker-Turnbull family Bible record, 1709-1930, VA State Library, shows Nicholas Ware I, II and III and actually Nicholas Ware I (b. c1642-1713/1723) m. Jenny Garrett, and Nicholas Ware II (c1686-1744).
Submit corrections or new lineage to Wanda at wwdegidio@gmail.com.
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Pedigrees and Charts
Chapter 3 - Wares of France
Chapter 4 - Wares of England
Chapter 5 - Wares of the British Colony
Chapter 6 - Wares of America
To jump to any chapter, use CTRL F, enter the word chapter and the number and hit enter.
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Pedigrees and Charts
Chapter 3 - Wares of France
Chapter 4 - Wares of England
Chapter 5 - Wares of the British Colony
Chapter 6 - Wares of America
To jump to any chapter, use CTRL F, enter the word chapter and the number and hit enter.
This Ware family can be traced back to Ralph de Gaël, de Waer, de Ware (1020-12/21/1057), a Court Staller under King Edward the Confessor, and Earl of East Anglia as well as Lord Montfort under William the Conqueror. The Dictionary of National Biography, Vol. 8, p. 758, states, "He is sometimes spoken of as Ralph Gael, and also as Waer." He was the son of Drogo, son of Walter II, "the White", count of the Vexin and Amiens, and his wife Princess Goda of England. Goda, or the latinized version Godiva, was the daughter of King Æthelred and Emma, and Emma was the daughter of Richard I, Duke of Normandy, and his wife Gunnora. Thus, Ralph de Gaël descends from the ancient kings of England, dukes of Normandy, kings of France and Charlemagne. The title Court Staller was a term that describes the king’s council or high office holder of the royal palace. The Merovingian connection arose when Chrotlind, daughter of Merovingian King Theodoric III, married Lambert of Hesbaye, and their daughter Rotrude married Charles Martel, whose granddaughter Rotrude Martel married Gerard I, count of Paris, another ancestor of this Ware family.
Richard, son of King Henry II of England, led the 3rd Crusade with Sir Richard Tylden by his side. Sir Richard was the Steward of Hugh de Lacy, Constable of Chester and the father of Sir Henry Tylden, grandfather of Sir William Tylden and great grandfather of Sir William Tylden who fought in the Battle of Poitiers. John Tylden was a clothier of Benenden, co. Kent and Nathaniel Tylden of Tenterden, co. Kent sailed on the Hercules to the MA Bay Colony with 7 children on March 1634. In addition to both families being named in the 1628 Will of John Hatch, the Tilden and Ware families settled in Scituate and Dedham, MA, as did most of those traveling on the Hercules. Peter Ware's lineage is proven through the 1628 Will of John Hatch of Tenterden and Tenterden Kent Marriages 1597-1894, by Peter Smith.
The following shows the DNA of a Belgium male, identified as WER001, and Belgium is the location where this Ware family settled for many generations. DNA of the descendants of Peter Ware of York Co., VA, is a close match when you consider they are separated by hundreds of years and almost all changes are mainly on fast mutating markers. R1b is the most common haplogroup among Europeans, but the specific DNA of the descendants of Peter Ware is unusual within this particular haplogroup. DNA such as this generally occur in very small interbreeding populations causing changes to occur more quickly. The changes that occurred appear to show that this particular haplogroup may have evolved independently from other R1b haplogroups.
- BELGIUM – SEE: http://originsdna.com/content/WERtable2.csv
Richard, son of King Henry II of England, led the 3rd Crusade with Sir Richard Tylden by his side. Sir Richard was the Steward of Hugh de Lacy, Constable of Chester and the father of Sir Henry Tylden, grandfather of Sir William Tylden and great grandfather of Sir William Tylden who fought in the Battle of Poitiers. John Tylden was a clothier of Benenden, co. Kent and Nathaniel Tylden of Tenterden, co. Kent sailed on the Hercules to the MA Bay Colony with 7 children on March 1634. In addition to both families being named in the 1628 Will of John Hatch, the Tilden and Ware families settled in Scituate and Dedham, MA, as did most of those traveling on the Hercules. Peter Ware's lineage is proven through the 1628 Will of John Hatch of Tenterden and Tenterden Kent Marriages 1597-1894, by Peter Smith.
The following shows the DNA of a Belgium male, identified as WER001, and Belgium is the location where this Ware family settled for many generations. DNA of the descendants of Peter Ware of York Co., VA, is a close match when you consider they are separated by hundreds of years and almost all changes are mainly on fast mutating markers. R1b is the most common haplogroup among Europeans, but the specific DNA of the descendants of Peter Ware is unusual within this particular haplogroup. DNA such as this generally occur in very small interbreeding populations causing changes to occur more quickly. The changes that occurred appear to show that this particular haplogroup may have evolved independently from other R1b haplogroups.
- BELGIUM – SEE: http://originsdna.com/content/WERtable2.csv
The following Descendants of Richard I, Duke of Normandy, The Merovingians, Pedigree of Vermandois and Ancestors of Ralph de Gael / Hugh The Great are provided to give you an overview of the information contained in the Ware Family History.
The Ware connection to the Merovingian line is through Adalrich / Eticho, Duke of Alsace, (c645-689) who married Berswinde, daughter of Saint Sigebert III, Merovingian king of the Franks, (son of Dagobert I and Ragnetrud) and Emnechilde, (daughter of Bodilon of Treves and Saint Sigrade of Verdun), and also under their son Adalbert, Duke of Alsace through his wife Gerlinda (Gerelindis) daughter of Odo de Pfalzel and Adala (daughter of Hugobert and Irmina). Hugobert was count of the palace under King Childebert III. [Both are under the Ancient Ware History link].
BIRTH: ca. 700 Haut-Rhin, Alsace, France
DEATH: 743 Upper Alsace, France
MARRIED: ca. 727
WIFE: Edith of Alsace
1. Gerald I, of Sundgau de Anemanni and Alsace, Count of Paris (c728-779) m. Rotrude Martel and their daughter Hildegard (c758-783) m. Charlemagne as his 2nd wife.
2. Warin d'Alsace
3. Liutfrid II, count of Sundgau m. Hiltrude of Wormsgau, Children: Hughes II who m. Bava "Ava", daughter of Gerald I and Rotrude, and Luitgarde d'Alamanni, the 4th and last wife of Charlemagne.
4. Thietbaldus d'Alsace
5. Hughes d'Alsace, prince of Bourgogne married Bertha
6. Ermentrude, countess of Auxerre
7. Hildfrid d'Alsace
"He was the third in a line of Etichonid dukes dating back to circa 670. He succeeded his father Adalbert in 723. In the 720s he made his younger brother Eberhard count of the Sundgau. He made his court at Strasbourg, where he patronised the monastery of Weissenburg in seven separate donations between 734 and his death. Liutfrid was on good terms with the bishop of Strasbourg, Heddo, a partisan of Charles Martel." Liutfrid, Duke of Alsace - Wikipedia.
"In 743 Pepin campaigned against Odilo and forced him to submit to Frankish suzerainty. Carloman also campaigned against the Saxons and the two together defeated a rebellion led by Hunoald at the head of the Basques and another led by Alemanni, in which Liutfrid of Alsatia [Alsace] probably died, either fighting for or against the brothers. In 746, however, the Frankish armies were still, as Carloman was preparing to retire from politics and enter the monastery of Mount Soracte. Pepin's position was further stabilised and the path was laid for his assumption of the crown in 751." Source: Francia – WikiVividly.
While Adalrich and his sons had founded and patronized many monasteries and nunneries, having appointed either holy men or daughters and sisters to run them, they are never mentioned as having personally lorded over these foundations. By contrast, Etichonids in the ninth century exercised direct lordship over monasteries. According to a royal diploma of 849, Liutfrid approached his brother-in-law Lothar I and requested that the emperor confirm the grants of immunity and protection that Lothar’s father, Louis the Pious, had extended to Grandval. At first glance, Liutfrid’s presumption to intercede for the monastery scarcely differs from Adalrich’s behavior centuries earlier. A closer look reveals that whereas in late Merovingian diplomas Etichonid dukes appear alongside their abbots jointly petitioning the ruler for favors, Liutfrid appears in Lothar’s confirmation not alone, but also as the self-styled ‘illustrious count and lord of the monastery’. Lothar then went on to affirm Liutfrid’s sweeping control of the monastery, stipulating that ‘the said Liutfrid and his successors may possess undisturbed the aforesaid property of the monastery under the protection of our immunity’. Politics and Power in Early Medieval Europe: Alsace and the Frankish Realm, By Hans J. Hummer, p. 214.
BIRTH: ca. 728 Île-de-France, France
DEATH: 779 Île-de-France, France
MARRIED: ca. 758
WIFE: Rotrude Martel
1. Bego, (ca. 756-) count of Paris & Marquis de Septimanie m. Withburgis. Children: Landree, Leuthard, Eberhard, Liedrat, Adelaide, Lisiard, Engeltrude m. Unruoch II (s/o Berengar I), Suzanne of Paris m. Wulfhard of Flavigny.
2, Hildegard (ca. 758-783) m. Charlemagne as his 2nd wife.
3. Engeltrude / Engletrude of Paris (ca. 760-)
4. Etienne (Stephanus) (ca. 762-) count de Paris de Poissy.
5. Audran de Frioul (ca. 764-) m. Ansperge de Lombardie. Children: Engeltrude, Didier, Ansa.
6. Leuthard (ca. 766-) m. Grimhildis.
7. Berengar I, (ca. 768-) Children: Eberhard, Unruoch II (m. Engeltrude of Paris, d/o Bego, (had Berengar II Eberhard, Bertha and Adahard) and Lisiard.
8. Bava "Ava" (ca. 770-) m. Hughes II of Tours, son of Luitfried II, count of Sundgas, and Ava's 1st cousin. Children: Stephen, Charles, Torquat, Eberhard, Liutfrid, Bertha of Tours, Hughes of Tours, Ermengarde of Tours, Adelaide "Adela" of Tours m. Conrad I, count of Aargau Auxerre who had: Hugh the Abbot and Conrad II, Duke of Burgundy. Adela next m. Robert the Strong and had Odo and Robert I (866-923), both kings of Francia (France).
Gerald I’s wife was Rotrude, daughter of Carloman Martel, Prince of the Franks and granddaughter of Charles "The Hammer" Martel, ruler of Austrasia and his wife Rotrude of Austrasia. Rotrude Martel was born between 735-740 in Belgium. They had five known children: Carloman, Mayor of the Palace; Pepin the Short, King of the Franks and father of Charlemagne; Hiltrude, Duchess Consort of Bavaria, married Odilo, Duke of Bavaria; Landrade, and Auda of France married Thierry IV, count of Autun.
Gerald assumed a prominent position in the middle third of Lothar's elongated Middle kingdom, virtually in the geographical center of the Carolingian empire. His name does not appear frequently in imperial diplomas, but he makes his presence keenly felt. Initially he was count palatine. When in 853 Lothar erected a Provencal kingdom for his youngest son Charles, a minor, he placed Gerard in charge. Already Lothar had granted Gerard the counties of Lyon and Vienne, the so-called ducatus Lugdunensis, and on one occasion referred to him as margrave. In all likelihood Gerard's position there was partly justified by relationship with former counts. After the young King Charles of Provence's death in 863, Gerard continued in place during the struggles for the Provencal inheritance between Louis II, Lothar II and Charles the Bald. During this period Lupus of Ferrieres wrote addressing the duke. This use of the ducal title in correspondence cannot have been arbitrary; clearly Gerard continued to hold such a position. According to the full scope of his charge he had been regent of Provence, and it is apparent that he retained viceregal power under Lothar II - for his honors subsequently became the basis for Boso's Provencal kingdom.
Gerard's position was even more complex than Lotharingian circumstances suggest, for in the 850-60's he also held honors in Charles the Bald's kingdom and was thus a high official of two rival kings. This important aspect had consistently been neglected ever since Longnon rejected the basic indications of identity in an essay of 1878. The annals of Saint-Bertin provide extensive information regarding a Count Gerard of Bourges active in the late 860s, and the possibility that he was Gerard of Lyon has often been entertained and dismissed. Yet the county of Bourges is directly or indirectly associated with three names - Stephen, Gerard, Hugo - pointing unmistakably to Gerard (II) and his wife Bertha's family, the Etichonen. Three Bernards Sent South to Govern II: Counties of the Guilhemid Consanguinity, By Donald C. Jackman, p. 30.
Pepin the Short and Carloman Martel were sons of Charles "The Hammer" Martel and his first wife Rotrude, daughter of Lambert of Hesbaye. Charles was Mayor of the Palace and the de facto ruler of Francia 718-741. Upon Charles' death in 741, Carloman and his brother Pepin, succeeded to their father's legal positions, Pepin in Neustria and Carloman in Austrasia. Carloman was the father of Rotrude Martel who married Gerard I. Gerald I, count of Paris. Count Gerard I, was born in Belgium, and was the direct ancestor of Drogo of Mantes, count of Valois and of this Ware family.
Charles "the Hammer" Martel (ca. 688-741) was a Carolingian ruler of the Frankish kingdom of Austrasia. He was also the grandfather of Charlemagne, king of the Franks from 768. His father, Pepin of Herstal, was mayor of the palace under the last kings of the Merovingian dynasty. When he died in 714, Charles, his illegitimate son, was imprisoned by his father's widow. He escaped in 715 and was proclaimed mayor of the palace by the people of Austrasia. A war between Austrasia and the Frankish kingdom of Neustria followed, resulting in Charles being declared the ruler of all the Franks.
Muslims from Spain invaded France in 732 and Charles defeated them near Poitiers in a great battle in which the Muslim leader, Abd-ar-Rahman, the emir of Spain, was killed. Charles was able to drive the Muslims out of the Rhone valley completely by 739. He died in Quierzy, leaving the kingdom divided between his two sons, Carloman (c715-754) and Pepin the Short. Carloman becomes mayor of the palace of Austrasia and also receives Alamanni, Thuringia and the north of Alsace. Pepin becomes mayor of the palace of Neustria. Carloman, who by all evidence was a deeply pious man, retired to a monastery in 747. This left Francia in the hands of Pepin as sole mayor of the palace and dux et princeps Francorum, a title originated by his grandfather and namesake Pepin of Heristal.
BIRTH: ca. 700 Haut-Rhin, Alsace, France
DEATH: 743 Upper Alsace, France
MARRIED: ca. 727
WIFE: Edith of Alsace
1. Gerald I, of Sundgau de Anemanni and Alsace, Count of Paris (c728-779) m. Rotrude Martel and their daughter Hildegard (c758-783) m. Charlemagne as his 2nd wife.
2. Warin d'Alsace
3. Liutfrid II, count of Sundgau m. Hiltrude of Wormsgau, Children: Hughes II who m. Bava "Ava", daughter of Gerald I and Rotrude, and Luitgarde d'Alamanni, the 4th and last wife of Charlemagne.
4. Thietbaldus d'Alsace
5. Hughes d'Alsace, prince of Bourgogne married Bertha
6. Ermentrude, countess of Auxerre
7. Hildfrid d'Alsace
"He was the third in a line of Etichonid dukes dating back to circa 670. He succeeded his father Adalbert in 723. In the 720s he made his younger brother Eberhard count of the Sundgau. He made his court at Strasbourg, where he patronised the monastery of Weissenburg in seven separate donations between 734 and his death. Liutfrid was on good terms with the bishop of Strasbourg, Heddo, a partisan of Charles Martel." Liutfrid, Duke of Alsace - Wikipedia.
"In 743 Pepin campaigned against Odilo and forced him to submit to Frankish suzerainty. Carloman also campaigned against the Saxons and the two together defeated a rebellion led by Hunoald at the head of the Basques and another led by Alemanni, in which Liutfrid of Alsatia [Alsace] probably died, either fighting for or against the brothers. In 746, however, the Frankish armies were still, as Carloman was preparing to retire from politics and enter the monastery of Mount Soracte. Pepin's position was further stabilised and the path was laid for his assumption of the crown in 751." Source: Francia – WikiVividly.
While Adalrich and his sons had founded and patronized many monasteries and nunneries, having appointed either holy men or daughters and sisters to run them, they are never mentioned as having personally lorded over these foundations. By contrast, Etichonids in the ninth century exercised direct lordship over monasteries. According to a royal diploma of 849, Liutfrid approached his brother-in-law Lothar I and requested that the emperor confirm the grants of immunity and protection that Lothar’s father, Louis the Pious, had extended to Grandval. At first glance, Liutfrid’s presumption to intercede for the monastery scarcely differs from Adalrich’s behavior centuries earlier. A closer look reveals that whereas in late Merovingian diplomas Etichonid dukes appear alongside their abbots jointly petitioning the ruler for favors, Liutfrid appears in Lothar’s confirmation not alone, but also as the self-styled ‘illustrious count and lord of the monastery’. Lothar then went on to affirm Liutfrid’s sweeping control of the monastery, stipulating that ‘the said Liutfrid and his successors may possess undisturbed the aforesaid property of the monastery under the protection of our immunity’. Politics and Power in Early Medieval Europe: Alsace and the Frankish Realm, By Hans J. Hummer, p. 214.
BIRTH: ca. 728 Île-de-France, France
DEATH: 779 Île-de-France, France
MARRIED: ca. 758
WIFE: Rotrude Martel
1. Bego, (ca. 756-) count of Paris & Marquis de Septimanie m. Withburgis. Children: Landree, Leuthard, Eberhard, Liedrat, Adelaide, Lisiard, Engeltrude m. Unruoch II (s/o Berengar I), Suzanne of Paris m. Wulfhard of Flavigny.
2, Hildegard (ca. 758-783) m. Charlemagne as his 2nd wife.
3. Engeltrude / Engletrude of Paris (ca. 760-)
4. Etienne (Stephanus) (ca. 762-) count de Paris de Poissy.
5. Audran de Frioul (ca. 764-) m. Ansperge de Lombardie. Children: Engeltrude, Didier, Ansa.
6. Leuthard (ca. 766-) m. Grimhildis.
7. Berengar I, (ca. 768-) Children: Eberhard, Unruoch II (m. Engeltrude of Paris, d/o Bego, (had Berengar II Eberhard, Bertha and Adahard) and Lisiard.
8. Bava "Ava" (ca. 770-) m. Hughes II of Tours, son of Luitfried II, count of Sundgas, and Ava's 1st cousin. Children: Stephen, Charles, Torquat, Eberhard, Liutfrid, Bertha of Tours, Hughes of Tours, Ermengarde of Tours, Adelaide "Adela" of Tours m. Conrad I, count of Aargau Auxerre who had: Hugh the Abbot and Conrad II, Duke of Burgundy. Adela next m. Robert the Strong and had Odo and Robert I (866-923), both kings of Francia (France).
Gerald I’s wife was Rotrude, daughter of Carloman Martel, Prince of the Franks and granddaughter of Charles "The Hammer" Martel, ruler of Austrasia and his wife Rotrude of Austrasia. Rotrude Martel was born between 735-740 in Belgium. They had five known children: Carloman, Mayor of the Palace; Pepin the Short, King of the Franks and father of Charlemagne; Hiltrude, Duchess Consort of Bavaria, married Odilo, Duke of Bavaria; Landrade, and Auda of France married Thierry IV, count of Autun.
Gerald assumed a prominent position in the middle third of Lothar's elongated Middle kingdom, virtually in the geographical center of the Carolingian empire. His name does not appear frequently in imperial diplomas, but he makes his presence keenly felt. Initially he was count palatine. When in 853 Lothar erected a Provencal kingdom for his youngest son Charles, a minor, he placed Gerard in charge. Already Lothar had granted Gerard the counties of Lyon and Vienne, the so-called ducatus Lugdunensis, and on one occasion referred to him as margrave. In all likelihood Gerard's position there was partly justified by relationship with former counts. After the young King Charles of Provence's death in 863, Gerard continued in place during the struggles for the Provencal inheritance between Louis II, Lothar II and Charles the Bald. During this period Lupus of Ferrieres wrote addressing the duke. This use of the ducal title in correspondence cannot have been arbitrary; clearly Gerard continued to hold such a position. According to the full scope of his charge he had been regent of Provence, and it is apparent that he retained viceregal power under Lothar II - for his honors subsequently became the basis for Boso's Provencal kingdom.
Gerard's position was even more complex than Lotharingian circumstances suggest, for in the 850-60's he also held honors in Charles the Bald's kingdom and was thus a high official of two rival kings. This important aspect had consistently been neglected ever since Longnon rejected the basic indications of identity in an essay of 1878. The annals of Saint-Bertin provide extensive information regarding a Count Gerard of Bourges active in the late 860s, and the possibility that he was Gerard of Lyon has often been entertained and dismissed. Yet the county of Bourges is directly or indirectly associated with three names - Stephen, Gerard, Hugo - pointing unmistakably to Gerard (II) and his wife Bertha's family, the Etichonen. Three Bernards Sent South to Govern II: Counties of the Guilhemid Consanguinity, By Donald C. Jackman, p. 30.
Pepin the Short and Carloman Martel were sons of Charles "The Hammer" Martel and his first wife Rotrude, daughter of Lambert of Hesbaye. Charles was Mayor of the Palace and the de facto ruler of Francia 718-741. Upon Charles' death in 741, Carloman and his brother Pepin, succeeded to their father's legal positions, Pepin in Neustria and Carloman in Austrasia. Carloman was the father of Rotrude Martel who married Gerard I. Gerald I, count of Paris. Count Gerard I, was born in Belgium, and was the direct ancestor of Drogo of Mantes, count of Valois and of this Ware family.
Charles "the Hammer" Martel (ca. 688-741) was a Carolingian ruler of the Frankish kingdom of Austrasia. He was also the grandfather of Charlemagne, king of the Franks from 768. His father, Pepin of Herstal, was mayor of the palace under the last kings of the Merovingian dynasty. When he died in 714, Charles, his illegitimate son, was imprisoned by his father's widow. He escaped in 715 and was proclaimed mayor of the palace by the people of Austrasia. A war between Austrasia and the Frankish kingdom of Neustria followed, resulting in Charles being declared the ruler of all the Franks.
Muslims from Spain invaded France in 732 and Charles defeated them near Poitiers in a great battle in which the Muslim leader, Abd-ar-Rahman, the emir of Spain, was killed. Charles was able to drive the Muslims out of the Rhone valley completely by 739. He died in Quierzy, leaving the kingdom divided between his two sons, Carloman (c715-754) and Pepin the Short. Carloman becomes mayor of the palace of Austrasia and also receives Alamanni, Thuringia and the north of Alsace. Pepin becomes mayor of the palace of Neustria. Carloman, who by all evidence was a deeply pious man, retired to a monastery in 747. This left Francia in the hands of Pepin as sole mayor of the palace and dux et princeps Francorum, a title originated by his grandfather and namesake Pepin of Heristal.
Charles Martel, Pepin Martel and Carloman Martel
BIRTH: ca. 766 Fezensac, Gascony, France
DEATH: 3 Jan 816 Île-de-France, France
MARRIED: ca. 797
WIFE: Grimhilda / Grimhildis / Grimmilde of Aquitaine
1. Adalbert of Fezensac (ca. 798-)
2. Eberhard of Fezensac (ca. 800-)
3. Adalhard or Adalard the Seneschal (ca. 802-ca. 870) (had Stephanus and Adalhard II).
4. Engeltrude of Fézensac (ca. 806-ca. 853) m. Odo / Otto I, count of Orleans
5. Gerard II Roussillon (ca. 810-ca. 878) count of Paris
Leuthard I of Paris, count of Paris and Fezensac, was the son of Gerard I of Paris and Rotrude and brother of counts Stephen of Paris and Bego of Paris. About 781, he was sent by Charlemagne to the duchy of Aquitaine where he stayed in the circle of Louis the Pious, king of Aquitaine (781-814) and emperor of the West (814-840).
Leuthard and wife Grimhilde are named in the foundation charter of Ponthières and Vézelay, founded by their son Gérard de Roussillon. In 801, Leuthard followed Emperor Louis the Pious in his expedition to Spain and participated in the capture of Barcelona, for which he received the county of Fezensac in the duchy of Aquitaine, where he became the first count. In 809, he was involved in the siege of Tortosa. According to historian René Poupardin, Leuthard ended his days in the county of Paris.
Leuthard and Grimhilda had: Engeltrude of Fézensac, wife of Odo / Otto count of Orléans, and mother of Ermentrude of Orléans who married future emperor Charles the Bald; Adalard the Seneschal (of the Carolingian empire under the reign of Louis the Pious); and Gérard de Roussillon, count of Paris, Vienne and Roussillon. His son Gérard de Roussillon succeeded him as count of Paris.
BIRTH: ca. 766 Fezensac, Gascony, France
DEATH: 3 Jan 816 Île-de-France, France
MARRIED: ca. 797
WIFE: Grimhilda / Grimhildis / Grimmilde of Aquitaine
1. Adalbert of Fezensac (ca. 798-)
2. Eberhard of Fezensac (ca. 800-)
3. Adalhard or Adalard the Seneschal (ca. 802-ca. 870) (had Stephanus and Adalhard II).
4. Engeltrude of Fézensac (ca. 806-ca. 853) m. Odo / Otto I, count of Orleans
5. Gerard II Roussillon (ca. 810-ca. 878) count of Paris
Leuthard I of Paris, count of Paris and Fezensac, was the son of Gerard I of Paris and Rotrude and brother of counts Stephen of Paris and Bego of Paris. About 781, he was sent by Charlemagne to the duchy of Aquitaine where he stayed in the circle of Louis the Pious, king of Aquitaine (781-814) and emperor of the West (814-840).
Leuthard and wife Grimhilde are named in the foundation charter of Ponthières and Vézelay, founded by their son Gérard de Roussillon. In 801, Leuthard followed Emperor Louis the Pious in his expedition to Spain and participated in the capture of Barcelona, for which he received the county of Fezensac in the duchy of Aquitaine, where he became the first count. In 809, he was involved in the siege of Tortosa. According to historian René Poupardin, Leuthard ended his days in the county of Paris.
Leuthard and Grimhilda had: Engeltrude of Fézensac, wife of Odo / Otto count of Orléans, and mother of Ermentrude of Orléans who married future emperor Charles the Bald; Adalard the Seneschal (of the Carolingian empire under the reign of Louis the Pious); and Gérard de Roussillon, count of Paris, Vienne and Roussillon. His son Gérard de Roussillon succeeded him as count of Paris.
BIRTH: ca. 810 Roussillon, Isere, Rhone-Alpes, France
DEATH: 878 Avignon, Vaucluse, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
MARRIED: ca. 830
WIFE: Bertha, daughter of Hugh of Tours and Eva / Bava
1. Hucbald de Gouy, de Senlis (ca. 840 Ostrevant, Nord, France-894/5)
2. Ava de Paris m. Widerick I de Morvois
"Gerard is first encountered in 819 together with his wife Bertha in exchange of lands ... in the foundation charter prayers are instituted for the parents, Leuthard and Grimilde, Hugo and Bava (Ava)." Three Bernards Sent South to Govern II: Counties of the Guilhemid Consanguinity By Donald C. Jackman, 2015, p. 30.
"Indeed, respectable authorities attest that Gerard was the son of count Leuthard and Grimilde; that he took an oath of fidelity to Charles the Bald in 833, but after the death of Louis le Debonnaire, he followed the party of the Emperor Lothaire, who left him as tutor to his son Charles, king of Provence. The latter being dead, in 863, Gerard served the emperor Louis II and Lothaire, king of Lotharingie. After the death of Lothaire, arrived August 8, 869, King Charles-le-Chauve claimed to succeed him to the prejudice of the Emperor Louis II; but Gerard preserved Provence and Upper Burgundy to the Emperor. When Charles came to put the siege before Vienna in 870, Gerard left Berthe, his wife, in the city, and went to the defense of a neighboring castle of great importance. Bertha supported the siege of the place entrusted to her, with the courage of a heroine; but Charles having practiced intelligence among the inhabitants, Gerard went to the camp of this prince, and obtained permission to retire where he wished with his family. He passed into Burgundy, where, having founded several monastic establishments, he died in 890, and was buried, as well as his wife and his son Thierri, who died before him, in the abbey of Poutières, which he had founded, from Châtillon-sur-Seine. He left a girl, named Eve, whose fate is unknown. The existence of Gerard de Roussillon is invoked, under the name of Gerard, Duke of Burgundy, in the testament of William X, Duke of Aquitaine ... The abbey of Vezelai, following the Gallia christiana, was founded by Gerard, count of Provence, and by Berthe, his wife, to the year 867. This foundation was confirmed by a diploma from Charles- le-Chauve, dated January 7, 868, and published by Dom Bouquet." Chronique rimée de Philippe Mouskes, Vol. 1, By Philippe Mousket, 1838, p. ccxivii.
“Gerard de Roussilon, whom the verses and songs of the troubadours had made famous, came down from Luitfried I, count of Sundgau about 790, by his father count Leuthard, married Grimilde, and who lived in 837.” Historical Memories of the Repub. Sequanoise and princes of the Sequanoese Republic, By Louis Gollut, 1841, p. 1741.
“The historical Girard, son of Leuthard and Grimildis, was a Burgundian chief who was count of Paris in 837, and embraced the cause of Lothair against Charles the Bald. He fought at Fontenay in 841, and doubtless followed Lothair to Aix. In 855 he became governor of Province for Lothair's son Charles, king of Provence (d. 863). His wife Bertha defended Vienne unsuccessfully against Charles the Bald in 870, and Girard, who had perhaps aspired to be the titular ruler of the northern part of Provence, which he had continued to administer under Lothair II. until that prince's death in 869, retired with his wife to Avignon.” The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences ..., Vols. 11-12, 1910, p. 47.
BIRTH: ca. 810 Roussillon, Isere, Rhone-Alpes, France
DEATH: 878 Avignon, Vaucluse, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
MARRIED: ca. 830
WIFE: Bertha, daughter of Hugh of Tours and Eva / Bava
1. Hucbald de Gouy, de Senlis (ca. 840 Ostrevant, Nord, France-894/5)
2. Ava de Paris m. Widerick I de Morvois
"Gerard is first encountered in 819 together with his wife Bertha in exchange of lands ... in the foundation charter prayers are instituted for the parents, Leuthard and Grimilde, Hugo and Bava (Ava)." Three Bernards Sent South to Govern II: Counties of the Guilhemid Consanguinity By Donald C. Jackman, 2015, p. 30.
"Indeed, respectable authorities attest that Gerard was the son of count Leuthard and Grimilde; that he took an oath of fidelity to Charles the Bald in 833, but after the death of Louis le Debonnaire, he followed the party of the Emperor Lothaire, who left him as tutor to his son Charles, king of Provence. The latter being dead, in 863, Gerard served the emperor Louis II and Lothaire, king of Lotharingie. After the death of Lothaire, arrived August 8, 869, King Charles-le-Chauve claimed to succeed him to the prejudice of the Emperor Louis II; but Gerard preserved Provence and Upper Burgundy to the Emperor. When Charles came to put the siege before Vienna in 870, Gerard left Berthe, his wife, in the city, and went to the defense of a neighboring castle of great importance. Bertha supported the siege of the place entrusted to her, with the courage of a heroine; but Charles having practiced intelligence among the inhabitants, Gerard went to the camp of this prince, and obtained permission to retire where he wished with his family. He passed into Burgundy, where, having founded several monastic establishments, he died in 890, and was buried, as well as his wife and his son Thierri, who died before him, in the abbey of Poutières, which he had founded, from Châtillon-sur-Seine. He left a girl, named Eve, whose fate is unknown. The existence of Gerard de Roussillon is invoked, under the name of Gerard, Duke of Burgundy, in the testament of William X, Duke of Aquitaine ... The abbey of Vezelai, following the Gallia christiana, was founded by Gerard, count of Provence, and by Berthe, his wife, to the year 867. This foundation was confirmed by a diploma from Charles- le-Chauve, dated January 7, 868, and published by Dom Bouquet." Chronique rimée de Philippe Mouskes, Vol. 1, By Philippe Mousket, 1838, p. ccxivii.
“Gerard de Roussilon, whom the verses and songs of the troubadours had made famous, came down from Luitfried I, count of Sundgau about 790, by his father count Leuthard, married Grimilde, and who lived in 837.” Historical Memories of the Repub. Sequanoise and princes of the Sequanoese Republic, By Louis Gollut, 1841, p. 1741.
“The historical Girard, son of Leuthard and Grimildis, was a Burgundian chief who was count of Paris in 837, and embraced the cause of Lothair against Charles the Bald. He fought at Fontenay in 841, and doubtless followed Lothair to Aix. In 855 he became governor of Province for Lothair's son Charles, king of Provence (d. 863). His wife Bertha defended Vienne unsuccessfully against Charles the Bald in 870, and Girard, who had perhaps aspired to be the titular ruler of the northern part of Provence, which he had continued to administer under Lothair II. until that prince's death in 869, retired with his wife to Avignon.” The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences ..., Vols. 11-12, 1910, p. 47.
BIRTH: ca. 840 Ostrevant, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
DEATH: ca. 895 Hainaut, in Ostrevant, Belgium
MARRIED: ca. 861
WIFE: Hedwig of Friuli (ca. 840-936 Belgium), d/o Eberhard, Duke of the March of Friuli and Princess Gisela, d/o Louis the Pious
1. Hucbald de Dillingen, (ca. 862-908) count of Dillingen, killed in a church near Frankfurt
2. Raoul de Gouy, (ca. 864-926) count of Ostrevant, Vexin, Amiens and Valois
3. Laune, (ca. 866->926) Archdeacon de Bourges, attended his brother Raoul upon his death
Hucbald, fl. 894, count of Ostrevant. In his history of the church at Reims, Flodoard tells us that Hucbald married a sister of abbot Raoul of Saint-Vaast, son of Eberhard of Friuli ... and that archbishop Hervé of Reims was a "nephew ... from sister" of Hucbald, "It continues in the high priesthood of Herive of Reims, the lord, the king left the hall, too, was taken to the office of a bishop, a man of a noble family, the grandson of the count of Hucbald that is to say through her sister" ...Flodoard, Historia Remensis ecclesiae, iv, 1, MGH SS 13: 558.
The identification of Hélvide, daughter of Eberhard of Friuli, with Hélvide who was mother of count Raoul, whose stepfather was Roger, count of Laon, as indicated in Flodoard's annales for the year 926. "Ralph Earl's son Heilui died. Not long after Roger count of the Laon regions dies." Flodoard, Annales, s.a. 926, 36. The identification of Hucbald of Ostrevant.
Flodoard also tells us that when the relics of St. Calixtus were being transferred to Reims, bishop Dodilon of Cambrai wanted to give them to Hucbald. This suggests that the county ruled by Hucbald was in the diocese of Cambrai. That he was a partisan of king Eudes is shown by his appearance in a fragmentary charter of Eudes in the seventh year of his reign (1/13/894-1/12/895) "Our faithful companion Hucbald ... year 7 reg. Odone away at the glorious king" Giry (1896), 133-24, and in another undated charter of king Eudes "count Hucbald" Favre (1896), 161, n. 5. As noted by Grierson, the only counties in the diocese of Cambrai which were also in the kingdom of Eudes were Artois and Ostrevant, and since Baldwin II of Flanders was then in control of Artois, Grierson concludes that Hucbald was count of Ostrevant, Grierson (1939), 111, n. 170; independently concluded by Hirsch (1910).
Roger I, d. 926, count of Laon, lay-abbot of Saint-Amand became lay-abbot of Saint-Amand probably in 922 or 923, succeeding king Robert I, and he appears as abbot on 6 April 925 "... and in devotion to the faithful companion of our Roger worth mentioning on the abbot of the monastery of coenobiique Elnon ..." He appears as count of Laon in 923 ["... the castle of Laon, being made in the companion, which he carried off the Roger ..." Flodoard, Annales, s.a. 923, 13].
Comte d'Ostrevant, Hucbald, husband of Heilwich, [married] the daughter of Evrard de Frioul and Gisele. This count violently opposed the translation of the relics of Calixte de Cysoing in Reims. Gallia irradiata, By Charles Meriaux, 2006, p. 218. The wedding of count Hucbald of Ostrevant and, in the second marriage, of Roger I, count of Laon was performed by lay abbot of Saint-Amand. Chant and its peripheries: essays in honour of Terence Bailey, By Bryan Gillingham, Terence Bailey, Paul Merkley Institute of Mediaeval Music, 1998.
The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines also appointed 'Hucbaldus of Hainacq' who married Heilwis Friuli (v. 855 v †. 895) daughter of Eberhard or Evrard, marquis of Friuli and the Carolingian Gisele, herself the daughter of the Emperor Louis the Pious and Judith of Bavaria. Later he shows Heilwig of Senlis as the mother of Raoul I de Gouy.
BIRTH: ca. 864 Vexin, Seine Inferieure, Normandy, France
DEATH: 926 in Valois (now Oise), Picardy, France
MARRIED: ca. 885
WIFE: Hildegarde / Eldegarde (ca. 864->926) daughter and heiress of Ermenfrid de Friuli, count of Amiens
1. Raoul / Ralph II de Gouy, Count of d’Ostrevant, Vexin de Cambria, Amiens and Valois (ca. 898-943/44)
House of Valois-Vexin-Amiens from 895-1035:
895-919 Ermenfrid of Amiens, count of Amiens, Vexin and Valois
919-926 Raoul of Ostrevent, count of Amiens, Vexin & Valois, after father-in-law’s 919 death
926-931 Roger de Leon II (†931) count of Amiens, Vexin & Valois, Raoul’s uterine brother 926
931-944 Raoul II (†943/944) count of Amiens, Vexin and Valois, after his brother's 931 death
944-998 Gautier I, count of Amiens, Vexin & Valois, inherited after his father's death in 926
998-1024 Gautier II, count of Amiens, Vexin & Valois, inherited after his father's death in 944
1024-1035 Dreux, count of Amiens and Vexin, inherited after his father's death in 1024
Raoul appears for the first time on 7 Jul 915, when he intervened in an act of Charles the Simple "... some of the faithful of our God, ye, and Raoul was the companion that is to say, our sub Rotbertus, RHF 9: 522-55. On 8 Sep 920, he appeared in another act of Charles along with Hagano, favorite of Charles "... Hagano was the venerable companion, and the servant Raoul ..." RHF 9: 549-81. In 925, he is first referred to as Raoul de Gouy, when his lands along with the lands of the sons of Baldwin and the lands of Helgaud were excepted from a treaty between Hugh the Great and the Normans "Hugh, the son of Roger, he received orders from the Norsemen and the security of the covenant of the, land of the children of Baldwin, emperor Raoul take some of the security of being left outside, and the Hildegard." Flodoard, Annales, s.a. 925-932. Raoul appears as the stepson of count Roger of Laon, and is called the son of Hélvide [Hedwig] at his death in 926 "count Raoul, son of Heiluid, died." Flodoard, Annales, s.a. 926-36.
Hildegard, his wife, Raoul, his son, & Laune, Archdeacon de Bourges, his brother, [in whose arms he died in 926 after being wounded in battle], subscribed to the last act. ... Archdeacon of the same Church, his brother, and his son Raoul, to whom he recommended the Abbey of Deols. He was buried in the church of Saint Augustin d'Orleans, leaving [wife] Hildegard. Raoul, son of Hucbald, count of Ostrevant and Hedwig, [daughter of Eberhard, Duke of Friuli] married Hildegade, heiress of the counts Ermenfrid and Gozdert. These two counts possessed the counties of Amiens, Valois and Vexin ... and he certainly acquired them by the intermediate of his wife. Dictionary of Nobility, containing genealogies, history ... Vol. 5, By Badier, 1854, p. 335. Ermenfrid was still count in 919, when he took part with other partisans of Charles the Simple in a pleading at Herstal, but this was the last time he appeared in records.
Grierson maintained that the Nibelung family held Amiens, Vexin and Valois as a unity under King Eudes [Odo]. After the coronation of Louis the Simple they fell into disgrace with Eudes, who confiscated and gave their counties to Ermenfrid, who managed to retain them under Charles the Simple. [Ermenfrid was count of Amiens, a son of Eberhard, Duke of the March of Friuli (815-12/16/866) and Gisela, daughter of King Louis the Pious, he married Adelaide (ca. 840-), daughter of Geoffrey Gatinais]. From Ermenfrid, these counties they passed to Eldegard [Hildegard] and to her husband, Raoul de Gouy, d. 926, son of Heiliwich [Heilwig], wife of Hugbald [Hucbald], Count of Ostrevant, thence to his son Raoul, Count of Valois, d. 943, and finally to Eldegard's son, attested heir of Erminfrid who died after 992. The Nibelungs by David H Kelley, FASG, 2005, p. 436.
BIRTH: ca. 889 Cambrai, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Normandy, France
DEATH: ca. 943/44, he was killed in battle in Vexin, Seine Inferieure, Normandy, France
MARRIED: ca. 909
WIFE: Luitgarde (c889-978), daughter of Herbert I, count of Vermandois, and Bertha de Morvois
1. Adele (ca. 910-) m. Bernard of Crepy, count of Senlis (daughter Adele m. Walter II “le Blanc” (her 1st cousin)
2. Walter I (ca. 914-Aft 955) count of Vexin, Amiens and Valois m. Eve, daughter and heir of Landry, count of Dreux (son Walter II “le Blanc” m. Adele de Crepy de Senlis, his 1st cousin)
3. Ralph / Raoul III (ca. 916-Aft. 955) "In 995, he [Walter I] "returned to the church of Saint-Crepin in Valois a possession usurped by his brother Raule."
Luitgarde was first married to Raoul II, who has inherited the counties of Valois, Vexin and Amiens (originally inherited by his father Raoul I upon count Ermenfrid’s death in 919). By Raoul she had Adele, Walter and Ralph. This little district known as Vexin was sometimes under the Norman dukes, sometimes under the French crown and finally was absorbed with Normandy in the French kingdom.
Flodoard states Raoul, count of Valois, d'Amiens and Vexin tried to invade Vermandois in 943/4, during the course of which he was killed and upon Raoul’s death, Eldegarde married Waleran, from the Valois region. In a charter dated (c960–c987) the countess gave some of the lands at Gondreville that she had received as her dower from her husband Waleran, as a monastic endowment. The charter was drawn up at Pontoise in the Vexin, and witnessed by her son Walter and Hugh Capet.
Raoul II was the grandson of Hucbald, Comte d'Ostrevant, and his wife Heilwig of Friulia, daughter of Eberhard, Duke of the March of Friulia and his wife Gisela Carolingian, was the nephew Louis IV King of France, and was killed in battle in 944. Charles Cawley, "Norman Nobility: Comtes de Meulan", Medieval Lands, Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, March 2015.
After the death of her husband Count Ralph / Raoul, Luitgarde married Waleran I Count of Meulan b: ca. 902 in Meulan, Yvelines, Ile-de-France, France and they had Waleran II, count of Meulan, b: ca. 945 in Meulan, Yvelines, Ile-de-France, France. Dictionary of Nobility, containing genealogies, history.
BIRTH: ca. 920 in Valois now Oise, Picary, France
DEATH: ca. 998 Amiens, Somme, Picardy, France
MARRIED: ca. 939
WIFE: Eve / Eva de Dreux, d/o Landry, count of Dreux
1. Walter / Gauthier II, (ca. 940-1047) "the White" de Gouy, count of Vexin, Amiens and Valois
2. Guido / Guy, Bishop of Soissons, he was held hostage for Louis d'Outremer at Rouen
3. Raoul / Raule / Ralph de Vexin
4. Geoffrey / Gozefried / Godefrid / Godefroi de Vexin
5. Fulk de Vexin
Walter I, son and successor of [Ralph de Gouy] Valerano in the counties of Vexin and Valois, appears for the first time in a donation card he made in 965 of the church of Saint-George to the abbey of Saint-Pere in Vallée, and with another unofficial card confirmed the donation made to the same monastery by Teofredo his noble vassal. In 968 he signed one of Riccardo, Duke of Normandy, in favor of the abbey of Saint-Denis, and in 975 that with which Ugo Capeto Hugh Capet] before climbing to the throne he returned the abbey of Saint-John to the church of Orleans. In 985 he was in Amiens for his second son Guido's illness, he judged a question that arose between the abbey of Corbia and the visions Roricon and Saxwalon. To the privilege accorded to that monastery by Adalberon, Archbishop of Reims, he gave him the village of Mericourt with the covenant of administering the skin of his funeral, from which he can very easily be inferred, both died shortly thereafter. In 987, Walter signed with his sons Gauthier, Gozefride and Raoul, a Charter of King Hughes in favor of the Abbey of Corbie.
He had married, not after Eve daughter and heir of Landri count of Dreux, and because he had maternal reason the county of Amiens, you see it now called comes Ambianensis, now comes Dorcassinus; but most often comes with no other added. This last title perhaps hinted at Vexin, who was his principal and paternal patrimony, having failed to find in any way that he qualified for Vilcassinensis. He had four sons, Gualtiero who followed Guido, bishop of Soissons, who in a bishop of Beauvais was held hostage by King Louis IV to the Duke of Normandy, Raule and Goffredo, whose particularities are unknown. The Art of verifying the dates of the historical facts of the inscriptions, Vol. 11, 1835, p. 587/588.
A charter of 29th September 986, records Walter as witness and describes him as count of the Vexin. Further details of the family's lordship of the county of the Vexin is gained from a charter of Walter's grandson Drogo, who restores the villa of Genainville in the Vexin to the monastery of Jumieges, given to his grandfather Walter in return for his protection. The Valois charter also yielded the name of Walter's father, who must himself also have been count of Amiens, Valois and the Vexin and thus clearly an important magnate. The Frankish Kings and Culture in the Early Middle Ages, p. 104, Rosamond McKitterick – 1995.
BIRTH: ca. 940 in Amiens, Somme, Picardy, France
DEATH: 1027 in Castle at Crespy, Valois, now Oise, Picardy, France
MARRIED: ca. 979
WIFE: Adele de Crepy, (ca. 940-) d/o Bernard (ca. 900-), de Senlis, count of Valois and his wife Adele (ca. 910-) (d/o Ralph II de Gouy of Crepy (ca. 898-943) and Luitgarde, ca. 889-978 d/o Herbert I (ca. 848-907) and Bertha de Morvois (ca. 866-6/15/923).
1. Adele / Alex de Vexin m. Robert II, count of Meulan
2. Raoul / Ralph I, he had son Raoul / Ralph II who became count of Amiens, Vexin, Pontoise, Mantes and Chaumont-en-Vexin, Peronne and Montdidier. Ralph II married Adele, the widow of Renaud de Semur, and upon her death, he married Alienor "Haquenez", heiress of Peronne and Montdidier, but fell in love with Anna of Kiev, Queen of France. He divorced Alienor, accusing her of adultery, and married Anna, and was excommunicated by the church.
3. Sprota / Sprote / Sprotte de Crepy (ca. 980-) m. William de Grandmesnil
4. Fulk / Folque, Bishop of Amiens
5. Auda / Oda de Vexin (ca. 988-) m. Hilduin de Meulan, vicomte de Mantes
6. Drogo / Dreux (ca. 990-7/1/1035) of Mantes, count of Valois and Vexin, he was considered one of most powerful lords of his time m. Princess Goda / Godiva (ca. 998->1035), d/o King Ethelred the Unready (ca. 966-4/23/1016) and Emma of Normandy (ca. 979-3/6/1052)
“Gautier II, surnamed White, ... speaking in 1018; he died 1027. He had married Adele de Crepy, daughter of Bernard, count of Valois; (Morey says Herbert, county of Senlis,) & became, by this marriage, count of Valois, or rather of Senlis.” Memoirs to serve history of the province of Vermandois, 1772, Samuel Berthroud, King's Printer. p. 11. Adele was the daughter of Bernard, count of Valois, based on the property she owned that was passed down to her children, all being related to Bernard and not Herbert.
Walter II, "the White", count of Vexin, Valois, and Amiens; built the Castle of Crespy in Valois, was founder of Monastery of Saint Arnulf, Valois, 1008; married Adela and died 1017-24. Burke's Peerage, Vol. 2, p. 281.
Comte Mantes. "Walters comes" donated property "near our village ... Medantum" to "Chartres monastery of St. Peter" for the soul of "my wife Adelidis, my children", by charter to [1006], signed by count Walter, and his sons Rudolf and Drogo.
“From his marriage he left four sons and a daughter, namely: Dreux, [Drogo] who follows; Fulcus and Gui Bishops of Amiens; Raoul, count of Crepi; and Alix, married to Robert II, count de Meuler.” The art of checking the dates of historical facts, inscriptions, charts, chronicles, and other ancients monuments, since the birth of our Lord, dated 1818, p. 491.
This marriage is confirmed by the Chronicle of Alberic of Three Fountains which names "Hucbaldus de Hainacq" as "huius [= abbas Rodulfus] sororius" [843]. The latter was undoubtedly a relative of the Comte d'Ostrevant, Hucbald, husband of Heilwich, the 1st daughter of Evrard de Frioul and Gisele. We will see that this count violently opposed the translation of the relics of Calixte de Cysoing in Reims wedding of Count Hucbald of Ostrevant and, in second marriage, of Roger I, count of Laon and lay abbot of Saint-Amand. The Art of verifying the dates of the historical facts of the inscriptions, Vol. 11, 1835, p. 587.
BIRTH: ca. 840 Ostrevant, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
DEATH: ca. 895 Hainaut, in Ostrevant, Belgium
MARRIED: ca. 861
WIFE: Hedwig of Friuli (ca. 840-936 Belgium), d/o Eberhard, Duke of the March of Friuli and Princess Gisela, d/o Louis the Pious
1. Hucbald de Dillingen, (ca. 862-908) count of Dillingen, killed in a church near Frankfurt
2. Raoul de Gouy, (ca. 864-926) count of Ostrevant, Vexin, Amiens and Valois
3. Laune, (ca. 866->926) Archdeacon de Bourges, attended his brother Raoul upon his death
Hucbald, fl. 894, count of Ostrevant. In his history of the church at Reims, Flodoard tells us that Hucbald married a sister of abbot Raoul of Saint-Vaast, son of Eberhard of Friuli ... and that archbishop Hervé of Reims was a "nephew ... from sister" of Hucbald, "It continues in the high priesthood of Herive of Reims, the lord, the king left the hall, too, was taken to the office of a bishop, a man of a noble family, the grandson of the count of Hucbald that is to say through her sister" ...Flodoard, Historia Remensis ecclesiae, iv, 1, MGH SS 13: 558.
The identification of Hélvide, daughter of Eberhard of Friuli, with Hélvide who was mother of count Raoul, whose stepfather was Roger, count of Laon, as indicated in Flodoard's annales for the year 926. "Ralph Earl's son Heilui died. Not long after Roger count of the Laon regions dies." Flodoard, Annales, s.a. 926, 36. The identification of Hucbald of Ostrevant.
Flodoard also tells us that when the relics of St. Calixtus were being transferred to Reims, bishop Dodilon of Cambrai wanted to give them to Hucbald. This suggests that the county ruled by Hucbald was in the diocese of Cambrai. That he was a partisan of king Eudes is shown by his appearance in a fragmentary charter of Eudes in the seventh year of his reign (1/13/894-1/12/895) "Our faithful companion Hucbald ... year 7 reg. Odone away at the glorious king" Giry (1896), 133-24, and in another undated charter of king Eudes "count Hucbald" Favre (1896), 161, n. 5. As noted by Grierson, the only counties in the diocese of Cambrai which were also in the kingdom of Eudes were Artois and Ostrevant, and since Baldwin II of Flanders was then in control of Artois, Grierson concludes that Hucbald was count of Ostrevant, Grierson (1939), 111, n. 170; independently concluded by Hirsch (1910).
Roger I, d. 926, count of Laon, lay-abbot of Saint-Amand became lay-abbot of Saint-Amand probably in 922 or 923, succeeding king Robert I, and he appears as abbot on 6 April 925 "... and in devotion to the faithful companion of our Roger worth mentioning on the abbot of the monastery of coenobiique Elnon ..." He appears as count of Laon in 923 ["... the castle of Laon, being made in the companion, which he carried off the Roger ..." Flodoard, Annales, s.a. 923, 13].
Comte d'Ostrevant, Hucbald, husband of Heilwich, [married] the daughter of Evrard de Frioul and Gisele. This count violently opposed the translation of the relics of Calixte de Cysoing in Reims. Gallia irradiata, By Charles Meriaux, 2006, p. 218. The wedding of count Hucbald of Ostrevant and, in the second marriage, of Roger I, count of Laon was performed by lay abbot of Saint-Amand. Chant and its peripheries: essays in honour of Terence Bailey, By Bryan Gillingham, Terence Bailey, Paul Merkley Institute of Mediaeval Music, 1998.
The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines also appointed 'Hucbaldus of Hainacq' who married Heilwis Friuli (v. 855 v †. 895) daughter of Eberhard or Evrard, marquis of Friuli and the Carolingian Gisele, herself the daughter of the Emperor Louis the Pious and Judith of Bavaria. Later he shows Heilwig of Senlis as the mother of Raoul I de Gouy.
BIRTH: ca. 864 Vexin, Seine Inferieure, Normandy, France
DEATH: 926 in Valois (now Oise), Picardy, France
MARRIED: ca. 885
WIFE: Hildegarde / Eldegarde (ca. 864->926) daughter and heiress of Ermenfrid de Friuli, count of Amiens
1. Raoul / Ralph II de Gouy, Count of d’Ostrevant, Vexin de Cambria, Amiens and Valois (ca. 898-943/44)
House of Valois-Vexin-Amiens from 895-1035:
895-919 Ermenfrid of Amiens, count of Amiens, Vexin and Valois
919-926 Raoul of Ostrevent, count of Amiens, Vexin & Valois, after father-in-law’s 919 death
926-931 Roger de Leon II (†931) count of Amiens, Vexin & Valois, Raoul’s uterine brother 926
931-944 Raoul II (†943/944) count of Amiens, Vexin and Valois, after his brother's 931 death
944-998 Gautier I, count of Amiens, Vexin & Valois, inherited after his father's death in 926
998-1024 Gautier II, count of Amiens, Vexin & Valois, inherited after his father's death in 944
1024-1035 Dreux, count of Amiens and Vexin, inherited after his father's death in 1024
Raoul appears for the first time on 7 Jul 915, when he intervened in an act of Charles the Simple "... some of the faithful of our God, ye, and Raoul was the companion that is to say, our sub Rotbertus, RHF 9: 522-55. On 8 Sep 920, he appeared in another act of Charles along with Hagano, favorite of Charles "... Hagano was the venerable companion, and the servant Raoul ..." RHF 9: 549-81. In 925, he is first referred to as Raoul de Gouy, when his lands along with the lands of the sons of Baldwin and the lands of Helgaud were excepted from a treaty between Hugh the Great and the Normans "Hugh, the son of Roger, he received orders from the Norsemen and the security of the covenant of the, land of the children of Baldwin, emperor Raoul take some of the security of being left outside, and the Hildegard." Flodoard, Annales, s.a. 925-932. Raoul appears as the stepson of count Roger of Laon, and is called the son of Hélvide [Hedwig] at his death in 926 "count Raoul, son of Heiluid, died." Flodoard, Annales, s.a. 926-36.
Hildegard, his wife, Raoul, his son, & Laune, Archdeacon de Bourges, his brother, [in whose arms he died in 926 after being wounded in battle], subscribed to the last act. ... Archdeacon of the same Church, his brother, and his son Raoul, to whom he recommended the Abbey of Deols. He was buried in the church of Saint Augustin d'Orleans, leaving [wife] Hildegard. Raoul, son of Hucbald, count of Ostrevant and Hedwig, [daughter of Eberhard, Duke of Friuli] married Hildegade, heiress of the counts Ermenfrid and Gozdert. These two counts possessed the counties of Amiens, Valois and Vexin ... and he certainly acquired them by the intermediate of his wife. Dictionary of Nobility, containing genealogies, history ... Vol. 5, By Badier, 1854, p. 335. Ermenfrid was still count in 919, when he took part with other partisans of Charles the Simple in a pleading at Herstal, but this was the last time he appeared in records.
Grierson maintained that the Nibelung family held Amiens, Vexin and Valois as a unity under King Eudes [Odo]. After the coronation of Louis the Simple they fell into disgrace with Eudes, who confiscated and gave their counties to Ermenfrid, who managed to retain them under Charles the Simple. [Ermenfrid was count of Amiens, a son of Eberhard, Duke of the March of Friuli (815-12/16/866) and Gisela, daughter of King Louis the Pious, he married Adelaide (ca. 840-), daughter of Geoffrey Gatinais]. From Ermenfrid, these counties they passed to Eldegard [Hildegard] and to her husband, Raoul de Gouy, d. 926, son of Heiliwich [Heilwig], wife of Hugbald [Hucbald], Count of Ostrevant, thence to his son Raoul, Count of Valois, d. 943, and finally to Eldegard's son, attested heir of Erminfrid who died after 992. The Nibelungs by David H Kelley, FASG, 2005, p. 436.
BIRTH: ca. 889 Cambrai, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Normandy, France
DEATH: ca. 943/44, he was killed in battle in Vexin, Seine Inferieure, Normandy, France
MARRIED: ca. 909
WIFE: Luitgarde (c889-978), daughter of Herbert I, count of Vermandois, and Bertha de Morvois
1. Adele (ca. 910-) m. Bernard of Crepy, count of Senlis (daughter Adele m. Walter II “le Blanc” (her 1st cousin)
2. Walter I (ca. 914-Aft 955) count of Vexin, Amiens and Valois m. Eve, daughter and heir of Landry, count of Dreux (son Walter II “le Blanc” m. Adele de Crepy de Senlis, his 1st cousin)
3. Ralph / Raoul III (ca. 916-Aft. 955) "In 995, he [Walter I] "returned to the church of Saint-Crepin in Valois a possession usurped by his brother Raule."
Luitgarde was first married to Raoul II, who has inherited the counties of Valois, Vexin and Amiens (originally inherited by his father Raoul I upon count Ermenfrid’s death in 919). By Raoul she had Adele, Walter and Ralph. This little district known as Vexin was sometimes under the Norman dukes, sometimes under the French crown and finally was absorbed with Normandy in the French kingdom.
Flodoard states Raoul, count of Valois, d'Amiens and Vexin tried to invade Vermandois in 943/4, during the course of which he was killed and upon Raoul’s death, Eldegarde married Waleran, from the Valois region. In a charter dated (c960–c987) the countess gave some of the lands at Gondreville that she had received as her dower from her husband Waleran, as a monastic endowment. The charter was drawn up at Pontoise in the Vexin, and witnessed by her son Walter and Hugh Capet.
Raoul II was the grandson of Hucbald, Comte d'Ostrevant, and his wife Heilwig of Friulia, daughter of Eberhard, Duke of the March of Friulia and his wife Gisela Carolingian, was the nephew Louis IV King of France, and was killed in battle in 944. Charles Cawley, "Norman Nobility: Comtes de Meulan", Medieval Lands, Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, March 2015.
After the death of her husband Count Ralph / Raoul, Luitgarde married Waleran I Count of Meulan b: ca. 902 in Meulan, Yvelines, Ile-de-France, France and they had Waleran II, count of Meulan, b: ca. 945 in Meulan, Yvelines, Ile-de-France, France. Dictionary of Nobility, containing genealogies, history.
BIRTH: ca. 920 in Valois now Oise, Picary, France
DEATH: ca. 998 Amiens, Somme, Picardy, France
MARRIED: ca. 939
WIFE: Eve / Eva de Dreux, d/o Landry, count of Dreux
1. Walter / Gauthier II, (ca. 940-1047) "the White" de Gouy, count of Vexin, Amiens and Valois
2. Guido / Guy, Bishop of Soissons, he was held hostage for Louis d'Outremer at Rouen
3. Raoul / Raule / Ralph de Vexin
4. Geoffrey / Gozefried / Godefrid / Godefroi de Vexin
5. Fulk de Vexin
Walter I, son and successor of [Ralph de Gouy] Valerano in the counties of Vexin and Valois, appears for the first time in a donation card he made in 965 of the church of Saint-George to the abbey of Saint-Pere in Vallée, and with another unofficial card confirmed the donation made to the same monastery by Teofredo his noble vassal. In 968 he signed one of Riccardo, Duke of Normandy, in favor of the abbey of Saint-Denis, and in 975 that with which Ugo Capeto Hugh Capet] before climbing to the throne he returned the abbey of Saint-John to the church of Orleans. In 985 he was in Amiens for his second son Guido's illness, he judged a question that arose between the abbey of Corbia and the visions Roricon and Saxwalon. To the privilege accorded to that monastery by Adalberon, Archbishop of Reims, he gave him the village of Mericourt with the covenant of administering the skin of his funeral, from which he can very easily be inferred, both died shortly thereafter. In 987, Walter signed with his sons Gauthier, Gozefride and Raoul, a Charter of King Hughes in favor of the Abbey of Corbie.
He had married, not after Eve daughter and heir of Landri count of Dreux, and because he had maternal reason the county of Amiens, you see it now called comes Ambianensis, now comes Dorcassinus; but most often comes with no other added. This last title perhaps hinted at Vexin, who was his principal and paternal patrimony, having failed to find in any way that he qualified for Vilcassinensis. He had four sons, Gualtiero who followed Guido, bishop of Soissons, who in a bishop of Beauvais was held hostage by King Louis IV to the Duke of Normandy, Raule and Goffredo, whose particularities are unknown. The Art of verifying the dates of the historical facts of the inscriptions, Vol. 11, 1835, p. 587/588.
A charter of 29th September 986, records Walter as witness and describes him as count of the Vexin. Further details of the family's lordship of the county of the Vexin is gained from a charter of Walter's grandson Drogo, who restores the villa of Genainville in the Vexin to the monastery of Jumieges, given to his grandfather Walter in return for his protection. The Valois charter also yielded the name of Walter's father, who must himself also have been count of Amiens, Valois and the Vexin and thus clearly an important magnate. The Frankish Kings and Culture in the Early Middle Ages, p. 104, Rosamond McKitterick – 1995.
BIRTH: ca. 940 in Amiens, Somme, Picardy, France
DEATH: 1027 in Castle at Crespy, Valois, now Oise, Picardy, France
MARRIED: ca. 979
WIFE: Adele de Crepy, (ca. 940-) d/o Bernard (ca. 900-), de Senlis, count of Valois and his wife Adele (ca. 910-) (d/o Ralph II de Gouy of Crepy (ca. 898-943) and Luitgarde, ca. 889-978 d/o Herbert I (ca. 848-907) and Bertha de Morvois (ca. 866-6/15/923).
1. Adele / Alex de Vexin m. Robert II, count of Meulan
2. Raoul / Ralph I, he had son Raoul / Ralph II who became count of Amiens, Vexin, Pontoise, Mantes and Chaumont-en-Vexin, Peronne and Montdidier. Ralph II married Adele, the widow of Renaud de Semur, and upon her death, he married Alienor "Haquenez", heiress of Peronne and Montdidier, but fell in love with Anna of Kiev, Queen of France. He divorced Alienor, accusing her of adultery, and married Anna, and was excommunicated by the church.
3. Sprota / Sprote / Sprotte de Crepy (ca. 980-) m. William de Grandmesnil
4. Fulk / Folque, Bishop of Amiens
5. Auda / Oda de Vexin (ca. 988-) m. Hilduin de Meulan, vicomte de Mantes
6. Drogo / Dreux (ca. 990-7/1/1035) of Mantes, count of Valois and Vexin, he was considered one of most powerful lords of his time m. Princess Goda / Godiva (ca. 998->1035), d/o King Ethelred the Unready (ca. 966-4/23/1016) and Emma of Normandy (ca. 979-3/6/1052)
“Gautier II, surnamed White, ... speaking in 1018; he died 1027. He had married Adele de Crepy, daughter of Bernard, count of Valois; (Morey says Herbert, county of Senlis,) & became, by this marriage, count of Valois, or rather of Senlis.” Memoirs to serve history of the province of Vermandois, 1772, Samuel Berthroud, King's Printer. p. 11. Adele was the daughter of Bernard, count of Valois, based on the property she owned that was passed down to her children, all being related to Bernard and not Herbert.
Walter II, "the White", count of Vexin, Valois, and Amiens; built the Castle of Crespy in Valois, was founder of Monastery of Saint Arnulf, Valois, 1008; married Adela and died 1017-24. Burke's Peerage, Vol. 2, p. 281.
Comte Mantes. "Walters comes" donated property "near our village ... Medantum" to "Chartres monastery of St. Peter" for the soul of "my wife Adelidis, my children", by charter to [1006], signed by count Walter, and his sons Rudolf and Drogo.
“From his marriage he left four sons and a daughter, namely: Dreux, [Drogo] who follows; Fulcus and Gui Bishops of Amiens; Raoul, count of Crepi; and Alix, married to Robert II, count de Meuler.” The art of checking the dates of historical facts, inscriptions, charts, chronicles, and other ancients monuments, since the birth of our Lord, dated 1818, p. 491.
This marriage is confirmed by the Chronicle of Alberic of Three Fountains which names "Hucbaldus de Hainacq" as "huius [= abbas Rodulfus] sororius" [843]. The latter was undoubtedly a relative of the Comte d'Ostrevant, Hucbald, husband of Heilwich, the 1st daughter of Evrard de Frioul and Gisele. We will see that this count violently opposed the translation of the relics of Calixte de Cysoing in Reims wedding of Count Hucbald of Ostrevant and, in second marriage, of Roger I, count of Laon and lay abbot of Saint-Amand. The Art of verifying the dates of the historical facts of the inscriptions, Vol. 11, 1835, p. 587.
BIRTH: ca. 990 Amiens, Somme, Picardy, France
DEATH: 1 Jul 1035 while on pilgrimage to the Holy Land (Burke's Peerage), he died of poison in Bithynia in 1035 on his way to the Holy Land with Robert Duke of Normandy. The Battle Abbey Roll: With Some Account of the Norman Lineages, By Catherine Lucy Wilhelmina Powlett Duchess of Cleveland, 1889, p. 42,
MARRIED: ca. 1019
WIFE: Princess Goda / Godiva of England, daughter of Æthelred I "the Unready", King of England and Emma de Normandy
1. Gautier [Walter III], Count of Pontoise, Chaumont, and Mantes
2. Aumary de Pontoise, part founder of the abbey of St. Martin de Pontoise and father of Aumary called the "Delicate"
3. Fouques [Fulk] (c1029-Aft 1076) de Gael, de Mantes, de Vexin named by Orderic Vitalis as the Bishop of Amiens in 1076
4. Raoul [Ralph] de Mantes de Gael / Waer, de Montford, earl of East Anglia, earl of Hereford and count of Amiens
Goda / Godiva was daughter of Æthelred I "the Unready", King of England and Emma de Normandy d/o Richard I. Count Drogo was wise and strenuous, the true friend of Duke Robert, who in consequence of a cession made by Henry, became his suzerain. He was also lord of precipitous Mantes and the Mantois, either a dismemberment or an enclavure of the Vexin. Source: The Collected Historical Works of Sir Francis Palgrave, K. H., By Francis Palgrave, 2013, p. 93. Drogo married 1025 or before as her first husband, Goda / Godiva of England, daughter of Æthelred I "the Unready" King of England and his second wife Emma de Normandy (-bef. 1049). Goda's first marriage was arranged by Robert II, Duke of Normandy. Source: Orderic Vitalis. Dreux [Drogo] married Goda / Godiva, daughter of Æthelred II, King of England, of whom he left four sons, 1) Gauthier; 2) Raoul, of whom nothing is known but his birth; 3) Fulk, who was bishop of Amiens after Guy, his uncle; and 4) Amauri de Pontoise. Source: The art of checking the dates of historical facts, inscriptions, charts, chronicles, and other ancient monuments, since the birth of our Lord, dated 1818, p. 492.
Their children were : "1) Gautier [Walter III], Count of Pontoise, Chaumont, and Mantes; 2. Aumary de Pontoise, part founder of the abbey of St. Martin de Pontoise and father of Aumary called the "Delicate"; 3. Fouques [Fulk], bishop of Amiens in 1076 and 4. Raoul [Ralph] count of Amiens, nephew to Edward the Confessor, and earl of Hereford, according to Malmesbury." Journal of the British Archaeological Association - Vol. 14, 1858, p. 37.
Drogo accompanied Robert, Duke of Normandy to Jerusalem and died on the journey. According to Orderic Vitalis, Henry I King of France took back the Vexin after the death of Count Drogo. The necrology of Reims Saint-Rémi records the death "X Kal Aug" of "Drogo comes". He died on 13 Aug 1035, in Nicaea or nearby. He arrived in that city in present Turkey sometime between the 1st and 3rd of July, where his lord on pilgrimage to Jerusalem was poisoned on the way back from the Holy Land. Robert, "the Magnificent", along with most of his knights, also died on this pilgrimage. The ensuing battles to stop Robert's son William (later William the Conqueror) from surviving to adulthood, lends credibility to the theory that they were intentionally poisoned.
BIRTH: ca. 990 Amiens, Somme, Picardy, France
DEATH: 1 Jul 1035 while on pilgrimage to the Holy Land (Burke's Peerage), he died of poison in Bithynia in 1035 on his way to the Holy Land with Robert Duke of Normandy. The Battle Abbey Roll: With Some Account of the Norman Lineages, By Catherine Lucy Wilhelmina Powlett Duchess of Cleveland, 1889, p. 42,
MARRIED: ca. 1019
WIFE: Princess Goda / Godiva of England, daughter of Æthelred I "the Unready", King of England and Emma de Normandy
1. Gautier [Walter III], Count of Pontoise, Chaumont, and Mantes
2. Aumary de Pontoise, part founder of the abbey of St. Martin de Pontoise and father of Aumary called the "Delicate"
3. Fouques [Fulk] (c1029-Aft 1076) de Gael, de Mantes, de Vexin named by Orderic Vitalis as the Bishop of Amiens in 1076
4. Raoul [Ralph] de Mantes de Gael / Waer, de Montford, earl of East Anglia, earl of Hereford and count of Amiens
Goda / Godiva was daughter of Æthelred I "the Unready", King of England and Emma de Normandy d/o Richard I. Count Drogo was wise and strenuous, the true friend of Duke Robert, who in consequence of a cession made by Henry, became his suzerain. He was also lord of precipitous Mantes and the Mantois, either a dismemberment or an enclavure of the Vexin. Source: The Collected Historical Works of Sir Francis Palgrave, K. H., By Francis Palgrave, 2013, p. 93. Drogo married 1025 or before as her first husband, Goda / Godiva of England, daughter of Æthelred I "the Unready" King of England and his second wife Emma de Normandy (-bef. 1049). Goda's first marriage was arranged by Robert II, Duke of Normandy. Source: Orderic Vitalis. Dreux [Drogo] married Goda / Godiva, daughter of Æthelred II, King of England, of whom he left four sons, 1) Gauthier; 2) Raoul, of whom nothing is known but his birth; 3) Fulk, who was bishop of Amiens after Guy, his uncle; and 4) Amauri de Pontoise. Source: The art of checking the dates of historical facts, inscriptions, charts, chronicles, and other ancient monuments, since the birth of our Lord, dated 1818, p. 492.
Their children were : "1) Gautier [Walter III], Count of Pontoise, Chaumont, and Mantes; 2. Aumary de Pontoise, part founder of the abbey of St. Martin de Pontoise and father of Aumary called the "Delicate"; 3. Fouques [Fulk], bishop of Amiens in 1076 and 4. Raoul [Ralph] count of Amiens, nephew to Edward the Confessor, and earl of Hereford, according to Malmesbury." Journal of the British Archaeological Association - Vol. 14, 1858, p. 37.
Drogo accompanied Robert, Duke of Normandy to Jerusalem and died on the journey. According to Orderic Vitalis, Henry I King of France took back the Vexin after the death of Count Drogo. The necrology of Reims Saint-Rémi records the death "X Kal Aug" of "Drogo comes". He died on 13 Aug 1035, in Nicaea or nearby. He arrived in that city in present Turkey sometime between the 1st and 3rd of July, where his lord on pilgrimage to Jerusalem was poisoned on the way back from the Holy Land. Robert, "the Magnificent", along with most of his knights, also died on this pilgrimage. The ensuing battles to stop Robert's son William (later William the Conqueror) from surviving to adulthood, lends credibility to the theory that they were intentionally poisoned.

The Conqueror and his Companions, Vol. II as mentioned above, speculated Adele to be the daughter of Herbert, Count of Senlis, however, my research has shown her to be the daughter of Bernard, Count of Senlis and Valois.
Emma de Normandy was married to King Ethelred the Unready from 1002-1016 and to Cnut from 1017-1035, both of Kings England.
King Æthelred of England married Emma of Normandy in 1002 to strengthen his relationship with Normandy and suppress the Viking threats. They had two sons, Edward the Confessor and Alfred and a daughter Goda / Godiva of England. When King Sweyn Forkbeard of Denmark invaded and conquered England in 1013, Emma and her children were sent to Normandy, where Aethelred soon joined her. They returned to England after Sweyn's death in 1014 and Aethelred died just two years later. Aethelstan, his heir apparent, died in June 1014. Emma made an attempt to get her oldest son, Edward, recognized as heir, but Aethelred's eldest son Edmund Ironside was next in line for the kingship, but he too soon died in 1016.
Cnut, the son of Sweyn Forkbeard, invaded England and he held out of London until the deaths of both. Queen Emma attempted to maintain Anglo-Saxon control of London until her marriage to Cnut was arranged. After their marriage, Cnut became the king of all England. Emma's sons from her marriage to Aethelred were sent to live in Normandy under the tutelage of her brother, while Emma became Queen of England, and later Denmark and Norway. Emma befriended clergy on the European continent, and developed a close relationship with Aelfsige of Peterborough. Her close relationship with clergy and the church strengthened her husband's claim to the throne as a Christian king.
BIRTH: ca. 1020 England
DEATH: 12/21/1057 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1101 Kent, England
WIFE: Gytha d/o Osgod Clapa
CHILD: Harold de Gael de Waer, Lord of Ewyas
Ralph de Gael was Court Staller under King Edward the Confessor, and Earl of East Anglia (Norfolk and Suffolk) and Lord Montfort under King William the Conqueror. He married Gytha, daughter of Osgod Clapa.
There were two Ralphs in Norfolk, father and son, the younger being the son of a Breton mother. The elder was staller under Edward and earl under William there is nothing to show that he was ever dispossessed of his lands or office. But, as we find his son fighting among his mother's countrymen on William's side at Senlac, ... he evidently migrated to his mother's country and joined himself to the Breton followers of William. At the battle of Hastings, if Wace can be trusted, Earl Raoul (Ralph) joined himself to the Breton followers of William. This seems to be the Ralph (mentioned previously) who is therein described as the English traitor. Gael lay west of Rennes in the extreme west. He is more usually styled 'de Guader' as (by Orderic) when repelling the Danish attack on Norwich in 1069 or in the writer's Calendar of Documents preserved in France (p. 400); de Wader, as by Robert of Torigny; or de Waer, as in the Norfolk Domesday. Source: The Victoria History of the County of Norfolk, Vol. 2, edited by Herbert Arthur Doubleday, William Page, p. 10.
When Godwin, Earl of Wessex, returned from exile in 1052, there was almost war between the English Saxons and the Normans, but it was prevented and many Normans had to flee the country. Edward the Confessor intervened on Ralph de Gael's behalf. Godwin made peace with his underling Ralph, but died 9/14/1053. In that year, Ralph became Earl of Hereford in his own right and held the counties of Gloucester and Oxfordshire as well. Ralph de Gael died in 1057.
Walter de Gifford in Domesday names ROGER DE LACY, Lord and Tenant-In-Chief, Walter followed William Fitz-Osbern and Bodin de Vere. He held land in Norfolk granted to Walter Gifford. John de Vere, Earl of Oxford in 1345 and was with HAMON and JOHN WARE, John Gifford and THOMAS DE LACY, WALTER DE LACY as the first owner of Ewyas Harold, then called Ewyas Lacy.
BIRTH: ca. 1020 England
DEATH: 12/21/1057 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1101 Kent, England
WIFE: Gytha d/o Osgod Clapa
CHILD: Harold de Gael de Waer, Lord of Ewyas
Ralph de Gael was Court Staller under King Edward the Confessor, and Earl of East Anglia (Norfolk and Suffolk) and Lord Montfort under King William the Conqueror. He married Gytha, daughter of Osgod Clapa.
There were two Ralphs in Norfolk, father and son, the younger being the son of a Breton mother. The elder was staller under Edward and earl under William there is nothing to show that he was ever dispossessed of his lands or office. But, as we find his son fighting among his mother's countrymen on William's side at Senlac, ... he evidently migrated to his mother's country and joined himself to the Breton followers of William. At the battle of Hastings, if Wace can be trusted, Earl Raoul (Ralph) joined himself to the Breton followers of William. This seems to be the Ralph (mentioned previously) who is therein described as the English traitor. Gael lay west of Rennes in the extreme west. He is more usually styled 'de Guader' as (by Orderic) when repelling the Danish attack on Norwich in 1069 or in the writer's Calendar of Documents preserved in France (p. 400); de Wader, as by Robert of Torigny; or de Waer, as in the Norfolk Domesday. Source: The Victoria History of the County of Norfolk, Vol. 2, edited by Herbert Arthur Doubleday, William Page, p. 10.
When Godwin, Earl of Wessex, returned from exile in 1052, there was almost war between the English Saxons and the Normans, but it was prevented and many Normans had to flee the country. Edward the Confessor intervened on Ralph de Gael's behalf. Godwin made peace with his underling Ralph, but died 9/14/1053. In that year, Ralph became Earl of Hereford in his own right and held the counties of Gloucester and Oxfordshire as well. Ralph de Gael died in 1057.
Walter de Gifford in Domesday names ROGER DE LACY, Lord and Tenant-In-Chief, Walter followed William Fitz-Osbern and Bodin de Vere. He held land in Norfolk granted to Walter Gifford. John de Vere, Earl of Oxford in 1345 and was with HAMON and JOHN WARE, John Gifford and THOMAS DE LACY, WALTER DE LACY as the first owner of Ewyas Harold, then called Ewyas Lacy.
BIRTH: ca. 1051 Herefordshire, England
DEATH: 1120 Herefordshire, England
MARRIED: ca. 1081 Herefordshire, England
WIFE: Matilda "Maud" (SISTER of Hugh Lupus, Earl of Chester & daughter of Richard d'Avranches and Emma de Conteville)
"Ralph Comes Est Anglia, pater In Duchesne's list of names of Normans who flurished in England before the Conquest”, and "Ralph Comes Est Anglia, pater Heraldi dominus de Sudley," Journal of the British Archaeological Association - Vol. 14, British Archaeological Association. p. 36, 1858. The names and order of Harold's sons are perserved in the Gloucester cartulary ... They were Robert, Roger, John (to whom his father gate Sudeley, and whose issue were barons), Alexander, and William. Robert de Ewias, the eldest is described in the "Gesta Stephani" as "vir stemmatis ingenuissimi." According to the "Liber Niger," he held in capte upwards of forty-seven fees, the mesne tenants of which were twenty knights. Mediæval Military Architecture in England, Vol. 2, By George Thomas Clark, p. 43, 1884.
1. Robert Fitz-Harold de Ewyas (c1082-Aft 1147) In 1136, "Stephen commissioned one Robert son of Harold to retrieve matters in Wales.” “This man was the lord of Ewias, the grandson of Ralph Earl of Hereford, the son of Drogo of Mantes and of Godgifu the daughter of King Aethelred." The Foundations of England: 1066-1154, By Sir James Henry Ramsay, p. 357, 1898. "Haraldus de Ewyas" donated "ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis de Ewyas…decimam de domino castelli de Ewyas…" to Gloucester St Peter, confirmed by "Roberto herede meo", witnessed by "Rogerus, Johannes, Alexander et Willelmus filii mei…". A later Gloucester St. Peter manuscript dates this donation to 1100 by “Haraldus dominus de Ewyas”. Bannister states that Robert de Ewias founded in 1147 the Cistercian abbey at Dore in which he was buried, he married Sibilla a wealthy heiress of Sir Robert de Tregoz of Norfolk and Essex.
2. Roger Fitz-Harold de Ewyas (c1084-Aft1166) H Military fee certifications in the Red Book of the Exchequer, in 1166, recorded that "Rogerus de Wias" held a knight’s fee "de Cliva" from "Roberti de Weias" in Herefordshire.
3. John Fitz-Harold de Ewyas de Sudeley (c1086-Bfr 1166) “John de Sudeley, Lord of Sudeley and Toddington in 1140. He m. Grace, dau. and heir of Henry de Traci, feudal Lord of barnstaple.” A Genealogical History of the Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, Bernard Burke, p. 52, 1866. The 1130 Pipe Roll recorded that "John de Sulleia" accounted for his wife’s property in Gloucestershire.
4. Alexander Fitz-Harold de Ewyas [c1088-] See donation of Haraldus de Ewyas above.
5. William Fitz-Harold de Ewyas [c1090-1166] See donation of Haraldus de Ewyas above.
"In ancient times there was a castle here, erected by William Fitz-Osborne, Earl of Hereford, soon after the Conquest, although Leland conjectures that it was erected by by King Harold, who gave it to an illegitimate son." The British Gazetteer, Political, Commercial, Benjamin Clarke, 1852, p. 155. It is often written by ancient writers that Harold de Ewyas was the illegitimate son of King Harold, this is untrue. This was likely surmised because he was named Harold, and he was a minor and became a ward of Queen Edith upon his father's death This was for his protection since his grandmother Goda / Godgifu was the daughter of King Elthered and he was in the line of succession to be king.
Harold de Ewias of Ewias-Harold, Herefordshire, was the son of Raoul de Mantes Earl of Hereford & his wife Gytha, (1025-1099) daughter of Osgod Clapa (c1000-1054) (Clapa means Rough) and his unnamed wife. Gytha married on 6/8/1042 Tovi the Proud (c1020-c1043). At her wedding reception held at Osgod's home, King Harthacnut, (8/1018-6/8/1042), son of Cnut the Great and Emma of Normandy (m. 7/1017), died at age 24 under suspicious circumstances of convulsions as he had glass in hand and was toasting the bride and groom. Her father Osgod Clapa was a Danish court staller who was banished in 1046, he was doubtless one of those who had been marked men since the election of Edward the Confessor. Canute, being a Dane, filled the court with Danish noblemen.
After his banishment, Osgod stopped at Brussels to retrieve his wife before heading back to Denmark. Harold “could only have been a boy in January 1066”, adding that “he was then a minor in the wardship of Queen Edith, widow of the Confessor and daughter of Earl Godwin”. Domesday Book for Middlesex states "Harold the son of Earl Ralph, of whom Queen Edith had the custody together with the manor on the day on which King Edward was alive and dead" had held “Ebury” before the conquest. Freeman states that "Harold the son of Ralph" is named in Domesday in Gloucestershire, Worcester, Warwickshire and Middlesex.
Domesday Book records that "Harold son of Earl Ralph holds Sudeley of the king. Ralph his father held it...[and] Toddington" in Gloucestershire; Droitwich in Worcestershire; Chilvers Cotton and Burton Dassett in Warwickshire. Lord of Ewias, Herefordshire after 1086: The Historia sancti Petri Gloucestriæ records that "Haraldus dominus de Ewyas" donated "ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis, Diveles cum capella Sancti Nicholai de Castro, capellam Sancti Jacobi de Ewyas, capellam Sanctæ Kaenæ cum capella de Caneros…decimam annonæ suæ venationis suæ…ecclesiam de Foy…ecclesiam de Alyngetone et ecclesiam de Burnham" in 1100, confirmed by "Theobaldo Cantuarensi archiepiscopo tempore Hamelini abbatis" [abbot from 1148 to 1179]. "Haraldus de Ewyas" donated "ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis de Ewyas…decimam de domino castelli de Ewyas…" to Gloucester St Peter, confirmed by "Roberto herede meo", by undated charter, witnessed by "Rogerus, Johannes, Alexander et Willelmus filii mei…".
Maud was the daughter of Richard, Count of Avranches and his wife Emma de Conteville, the half-sister of William the Conqueror. Harold de Ewyas was born c1051 and was a ward of Queen Edith as a minor after his father died 12/21/1057. Chronologically Maud could not have been the daughter of Hugh Lupus, she could only be his sister. Harold, Lord Ewyas was a young child and underage when he was placed as ward of Queen Edith after the death of his father on 12/21/1057.
Harold inherited his father’s estates in Warwickshire and Gloucestershire, between 1086–1100 and was granted the Lordship and Castle of Ewyas in Herefordshire plus properties of Alfred of Marlborough, including Lydiard in Wiltshire. He founded a small Benedictine priory in Ewyas in 1100. He was also a substantial benefactor of St. Peter’s, Gloucester, and initiated a family tradition of patronage of the monastery at Winchcombe, Gloucestershire to which he granted half a hide of land.
In 1100 Harold's name was added to that of the settlement at Ewyas becoming Ewyas-Harold (previously Ewyas-Lacy named after Walter de Lacy, who was the first owner), founded a priory located within the outer bailey of the castle. Robert, son of Harold, inherited the castle and in 1147 founded Dore Abbey. He had a reputation as a castle builder and is believed to have extended Ewyas Harold. Castle. Source: Ewyas Harold Castle (The Gatehouse Record) - Gatehouse Gazetteer 9/29/2016.
Harold and Matilda ‘Maud’ le Goz d’Avranches had five sons; they were the parents of John FitzHarald de Sudeley, Lord of Sudeley and Toddington; Alexander de Ewias; William de Ewyas; Roger de Ewyas; and Robert FitzHarold de Ewyas.Robert de Ewyas (-Aft 1147), his son and heir, and The Historia sancti Petri Gloucestriae records the confirmation by “Robertus” of the donation of "ecclesiam de Burneham prioratui de Ewyas" made by "patris sui Haraldi" and his own donation of "decimas omnium maneriorum suorum". "Haraldus de Ewyas" donated "ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis de Ewyas … decimam de domino castelli de Ewyas … " to Gloucester St Peter, confirmed by "Roberto herede meo", by undated charter, witnessed by "Rogerus, Johannes, Alexander et Willelmus filii mei…". A manuscript listing donations to Gloucester Saint Peter includes a record of the donation in 1100 by “Haraldus dominus de Ewyas” confirmed later by “Robertus” of "donum Haraldi patris sui”.
In, The History of Ewias Harold, pp. 21/22, "He [Harold de Ewyas] left five sons, Robert, Roger, John, Alexander, and William. Dugdale and others make John the eldest son. But the list in the Charter founding Ewias Priory must be taken as our final authority on this point. Robert inherited the Lordship of Ewias, and John that of Sudeley and Toddington. The Worcestershire land went also to John; and we find him, later on, granting one hide of land in Droitwich to his nephew Richard, the younger son of Robert of Ewias. The Castle of Ewyas, and other Lands, secur'd (doubtless) by his Intermarriage with Maud, [sister not] daughter to Hugh Lupus, Earl of Chester, which Harold founded the Priory of Ewyas." The Baronettage of England, By Arthur Collins (Genealogist),1720.
Sibilla, was the wealthy heiress of Robert, Lord Ewyas, she married Sir Robert de Tregoz of Norfolk and Essex. William de Newmarche stepped forward to claim her, but as the King Richard I had bestowed her in marriage to Tregoz, the Roy gift was not to be disturbed. She afterwards married Rogert de Clifford. 2) Roger de Ewyas (-Aft 1166) 3) John de Ewyas, 4) Alexander and 5) William (a donation was made to Gloucester Saint Peter and was confirmed by "Roberto herede meo", with the following witnesses: "Roger, John, Alexander and William sons of Harold de Ewyas (it was undated). A charter of Robert of Ewyas [II, son of Robert fitz-Harold de Ewyas] (1150-1196 ], gives to Priory the tithes of "my assarts,” ... Witnesses: “Petronilla, my wife, Sibilla, my daughter, William and Herbert, my brothers. The History of Ewias Harold: Its Castle, Priory, and Church, p. 40, 1902. Petronilla was the daughter of Sir Godfrey de Scudamore, of Upton Scudamore and Matilda ‘Maud” Giffard.
The History of the Nuneaton area Notable dates in the area’s history 1000-2000 A.D. (C.E) By Alan F Cook, p. 44. The manor of Chilvers Coton was held, in the reign of William the Conqueror, by Harold, son of Earl Ralph, Lord of Sudeley. Harold held eight hides (960 acres) in Chilvers Coton, and thereafter this land descended in the de Sudeley family. The Ricardian: Journal of the Richard III Society, 2002, p. 568.
Griff manor originated in the twelfth century when Ralph Sudeley divided his manor of Chilvers Coton into three, one part to endow Arbury Priory which he had founded, another to the Knights Templars, and the third part — Griff — being retained for his own use. Griff manor seems to have occupied about one square mile in the south-east of Chilvers Coton parish, between the boundary of Bedworth on the south and Griff brook on the north, beyond which was the manor of Temple. The site of Sudeley Castle and Griff hamlet occupied an approximately central position in the manor. Occasional Papers, Issues 22-28, Dugdale Society 1974, p. 6.
At the time of the Conqueror's Survey Harold, the son of Earl Ralf, held 8 hides in Chilvers Coton of the King, which his father had held before him. John, son of this Harold took the surname of Sudeley from his estates in Gloucestershire, and his son Ralph founded the Priory of Arbury in Chilvers Coton, and endowed it with lands and the advowson of the church there. He also granted lands to the Templars, who are returned in the inquest of 1185 as holding lands there of the fee of Ralph Sudeley, which he himself held to farm for the annual rent of 6½ marks. In 1267 the right of free warren was granted to Bartholomew Sudeley for this lordship. After this time the Sudeley estates descended with their manor of Griff in this parish.
At an early date the manor of Griff was included in that of Chilvers Coton, and thus belonged to the Sudeley family. When Ralph Sudeley gave most of Chilvers Coton to the Templars and to Arbury Priory Griff became the seat of the family. His great-grandson John Sudeley in 1285 claimed to hold their view of frankpledge, assize of bread and ale, gallows, infangentheof, waifs, and free warren, the last by charter and the rest by prescription. These claims were allowed on his acknowledging that he was bound to make suit at the hundred court and to contribute ward-penny and sheriff's aid.
After the death of the last male member of the de Sudeley family in 1367, the manor Griff "Sudeley Castle" passed (1380), like the other Sudley lands, to his nephew, Thomas Boteler. The descent of the manor of Griff to Ralph Boteler, Lord Sudley, is fully set out in a patent of 1469. Entries from the Selden Society analyses (by D.M. Stenton) of the assizes at Coventry for Nuneaton offenders. no. 551.
John Sudley's grandson, also John Sudeley, died in 1367 holding the manor of Griff, worth £8 a year, in which Thomas of Merynton held 1 / 7 of a knight's fee. He also held the right of presentation to Arbury Priory. His heirs were Thomas Boteler, son of his sister Joan, and Margery his younger sister. In the next year the latter received Griff and other manors, but on her death in 1380 it went to Thomas Boteler, who in 1385 settled the manor on himself and his wife Alice, and she received livery thereof in 1398. British History, Parishes: Chilvers Coton, pp. 173-178.
BIRTH: ca. 1090 Herefordshire, England
DEATH: ca. 1166 Herefordshire, England
MARRIED: ca. 1123 Herefordshire, England
William fitz-Harold de Ewyas de Gael de Waer de Ware was one of the younger sons of Harold de Ewyas of Ewyas-Harold Castle and the brother of Robert, Roger, John and Alexander de Ewyas, with Robert being the son and heir of Harold de Ewyas. Roger de Ewyas, held a fee of his brother Robert de Ewyas, Lord of Ewyas at Clive in 1166. Source: Domesday Descendants, K. S. B. Keats-Rohan, 2002, p. 453.
In 1221, Asce, son of Hugh, offered himself on the 4th day against Ralf Stut and Eleanor, his wife, and Maud and Agnes, daughters of William in a plea of assize. It involved illegally altering the covenant on a piece of land at Chilvers Coton. No one ultimately appeared at the court hearing. Sureties had been offered by Roger, son of Kachenild and Drogo (c1166-), son of William de Ware (c1128-) (William was the brother of John de Ware I) (c1120-).
1. John de Ware I of Chilvers Coton (c1120-)
2. William de Ware (c1128-) of Chilvers Coton, had son Drogo (c1166-)
BIRTH: ca. 1120 Herefordshire, England
DEATH: ca. 1186 Herefordshire, England
MARRIED: ca. 1145 Herefordshire, England
CHILD: John Ware II
BIRTH: ca. 1155 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1210 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1180 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: John Ware III
BIRTH: ca. 1190 Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1250 Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1211 Kent, England
CHILD: Anthony Ware I
BIRTH: ca. 1212 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1270 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1240 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: Anthony Ware II
BIRTH: ca. 1255 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1310 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1290 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: Anthony Ware III
BIRTH: ca. 1295 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1350 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1316 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: Edward Ware I
BIRTH: ca. 1325 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1380 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1349 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: Edward Ware II
BIRTH: ca. 1350 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1410 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1371 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: Edward Ware III
BIRTH: ca. 1374 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1435 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1395 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: Edward Ware IV
BIRTH: ca. 1396 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1460 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1417 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: John Ware I
BIRTH: ca. 1418 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1480 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1439 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: John Ware II
BIRTH: ca. 1440 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1510 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1461 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: John Ware III
BIRTH: ca. 1470 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1530 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1501 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: Anthony Ware
BIRTH: ca. 1510 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1570 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1531 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: Peter Ware I, b. ca. 1540
BIRTH: ca. 1051 Herefordshire, England
DEATH: 1120 Herefordshire, England
MARRIED: ca. 1081 Herefordshire, England
WIFE: Matilda "Maud" (SISTER of Hugh Lupus, Earl of Chester & daughter of Richard d'Avranches and Emma de Conteville)
"Ralph Comes Est Anglia, pater In Duchesne's list of names of Normans who flurished in England before the Conquest”, and "Ralph Comes Est Anglia, pater Heraldi dominus de Sudley," Journal of the British Archaeological Association - Vol. 14, British Archaeological Association. p. 36, 1858. The names and order of Harold's sons are perserved in the Gloucester cartulary ... They were Robert, Roger, John (to whom his father gate Sudeley, and whose issue were barons), Alexander, and William. Robert de Ewias, the eldest is described in the "Gesta Stephani" as "vir stemmatis ingenuissimi." According to the "Liber Niger," he held in capte upwards of forty-seven fees, the mesne tenants of which were twenty knights. Mediæval Military Architecture in England, Vol. 2, By George Thomas Clark, p. 43, 1884.
1. Robert Fitz-Harold de Ewyas (c1082-Aft 1147) In 1136, "Stephen commissioned one Robert son of Harold to retrieve matters in Wales.” “This man was the lord of Ewias, the grandson of Ralph Earl of Hereford, the son of Drogo of Mantes and of Godgifu the daughter of King Aethelred." The Foundations of England: 1066-1154, By Sir James Henry Ramsay, p. 357, 1898. "Haraldus de Ewyas" donated "ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis de Ewyas…decimam de domino castelli de Ewyas…" to Gloucester St Peter, confirmed by "Roberto herede meo", witnessed by "Rogerus, Johannes, Alexander et Willelmus filii mei…". A later Gloucester St. Peter manuscript dates this donation to 1100 by “Haraldus dominus de Ewyas”. Bannister states that Robert de Ewias founded in 1147 the Cistercian abbey at Dore in which he was buried, he married Sibilla a wealthy heiress of Sir Robert de Tregoz of Norfolk and Essex.
2. Roger Fitz-Harold de Ewyas (c1084-Aft1166) H Military fee certifications in the Red Book of the Exchequer, in 1166, recorded that "Rogerus de Wias" held a knight’s fee "de Cliva" from "Roberti de Weias" in Herefordshire.
3. John Fitz-Harold de Ewyas de Sudeley (c1086-Bfr 1166) “John de Sudeley, Lord of Sudeley and Toddington in 1140. He m. Grace, dau. and heir of Henry de Traci, feudal Lord of barnstaple.” A Genealogical History of the Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, Bernard Burke, p. 52, 1866. The 1130 Pipe Roll recorded that "John de Sulleia" accounted for his wife’s property in Gloucestershire.
4. Alexander Fitz-Harold de Ewyas [c1088-] See donation of Haraldus de Ewyas above.
5. William Fitz-Harold de Ewyas [c1090-1166] See donation of Haraldus de Ewyas above.
"In ancient times there was a castle here, erected by William Fitz-Osborne, Earl of Hereford, soon after the Conquest, although Leland conjectures that it was erected by by King Harold, who gave it to an illegitimate son." The British Gazetteer, Political, Commercial, Benjamin Clarke, 1852, p. 155. It is often written by ancient writers that Harold de Ewyas was the illegitimate son of King Harold, this is untrue. This was likely surmised because he was named Harold, and he was a minor and became a ward of Queen Edith upon his father's death This was for his protection since his grandmother Goda / Godgifu was the daughter of King Elthered and he was in the line of succession to be king.
Harold de Ewias of Ewias-Harold, Herefordshire, was the son of Raoul de Mantes Earl of Hereford & his wife Gytha, (1025-1099) daughter of Osgod Clapa (c1000-1054) (Clapa means Rough) and his unnamed wife. Gytha married on 6/8/1042 Tovi the Proud (c1020-c1043). At her wedding reception held at Osgod's home, King Harthacnut, (8/1018-6/8/1042), son of Cnut the Great and Emma of Normandy (m. 7/1017), died at age 24 under suspicious circumstances of convulsions as he had glass in hand and was toasting the bride and groom. Her father Osgod Clapa was a Danish court staller who was banished in 1046, he was doubtless one of those who had been marked men since the election of Edward the Confessor. Canute, being a Dane, filled the court with Danish noblemen.
After his banishment, Osgod stopped at Brussels to retrieve his wife before heading back to Denmark. Harold “could only have been a boy in January 1066”, adding that “he was then a minor in the wardship of Queen Edith, widow of the Confessor and daughter of Earl Godwin”. Domesday Book for Middlesex states "Harold the son of Earl Ralph, of whom Queen Edith had the custody together with the manor on the day on which King Edward was alive and dead" had held “Ebury” before the conquest. Freeman states that "Harold the son of Ralph" is named in Domesday in Gloucestershire, Worcester, Warwickshire and Middlesex.
Domesday Book records that "Harold son of Earl Ralph holds Sudeley of the king. Ralph his father held it...[and] Toddington" in Gloucestershire; Droitwich in Worcestershire; Chilvers Cotton and Burton Dassett in Warwickshire. Lord of Ewias, Herefordshire after 1086: The Historia sancti Petri Gloucestriæ records that "Haraldus dominus de Ewyas" donated "ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis, Diveles cum capella Sancti Nicholai de Castro, capellam Sancti Jacobi de Ewyas, capellam Sanctæ Kaenæ cum capella de Caneros…decimam annonæ suæ venationis suæ…ecclesiam de Foy…ecclesiam de Alyngetone et ecclesiam de Burnham" in 1100, confirmed by "Theobaldo Cantuarensi archiepiscopo tempore Hamelini abbatis" [abbot from 1148 to 1179]. "Haraldus de Ewyas" donated "ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis de Ewyas…decimam de domino castelli de Ewyas…" to Gloucester St Peter, confirmed by "Roberto herede meo", by undated charter, witnessed by "Rogerus, Johannes, Alexander et Willelmus filii mei…".
Maud was the daughter of Richard, Count of Avranches and his wife Emma de Conteville, the half-sister of William the Conqueror. Harold de Ewyas was born c1051 and was a ward of Queen Edith as a minor after his father died 12/21/1057. Chronologically Maud could not have been the daughter of Hugh Lupus, she could only be his sister. Harold, Lord Ewyas was a young child and underage when he was placed as ward of Queen Edith after the death of his father on 12/21/1057.
Harold inherited his father’s estates in Warwickshire and Gloucestershire, between 1086–1100 and was granted the Lordship and Castle of Ewyas in Herefordshire plus properties of Alfred of Marlborough, including Lydiard in Wiltshire. He founded a small Benedictine priory in Ewyas in 1100. He was also a substantial benefactor of St. Peter’s, Gloucester, and initiated a family tradition of patronage of the monastery at Winchcombe, Gloucestershire to which he granted half a hide of land.
In 1100 Harold's name was added to that of the settlement at Ewyas becoming Ewyas-Harold (previously Ewyas-Lacy named after Walter de Lacy, who was the first owner), founded a priory located within the outer bailey of the castle. Robert, son of Harold, inherited the castle and in 1147 founded Dore Abbey. He had a reputation as a castle builder and is believed to have extended Ewyas Harold. Castle. Source: Ewyas Harold Castle (The Gatehouse Record) - Gatehouse Gazetteer 9/29/2016.
Harold and Matilda ‘Maud’ le Goz d’Avranches had five sons; they were the parents of John FitzHarald de Sudeley, Lord of Sudeley and Toddington; Alexander de Ewias; William de Ewyas; Roger de Ewyas; and Robert FitzHarold de Ewyas.Robert de Ewyas (-Aft 1147), his son and heir, and The Historia sancti Petri Gloucestriae records the confirmation by “Robertus” of the donation of "ecclesiam de Burneham prioratui de Ewyas" made by "patris sui Haraldi" and his own donation of "decimas omnium maneriorum suorum". "Haraldus de Ewyas" donated "ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis de Ewyas … decimam de domino castelli de Ewyas … " to Gloucester St Peter, confirmed by "Roberto herede meo", by undated charter, witnessed by "Rogerus, Johannes, Alexander et Willelmus filii mei…". A manuscript listing donations to Gloucester Saint Peter includes a record of the donation in 1100 by “Haraldus dominus de Ewyas” confirmed later by “Robertus” of "donum Haraldi patris sui”.
In, The History of Ewias Harold, pp. 21/22, "He [Harold de Ewyas] left five sons, Robert, Roger, John, Alexander, and William. Dugdale and others make John the eldest son. But the list in the Charter founding Ewias Priory must be taken as our final authority on this point. Robert inherited the Lordship of Ewias, and John that of Sudeley and Toddington. The Worcestershire land went also to John; and we find him, later on, granting one hide of land in Droitwich to his nephew Richard, the younger son of Robert of Ewias. The Castle of Ewyas, and other Lands, secur'd (doubtless) by his Intermarriage with Maud, [sister not] daughter to Hugh Lupus, Earl of Chester, which Harold founded the Priory of Ewyas." The Baronettage of England, By Arthur Collins (Genealogist),1720.
Sibilla, was the wealthy heiress of Robert, Lord Ewyas, she married Sir Robert de Tregoz of Norfolk and Essex. William de Newmarche stepped forward to claim her, but as the King Richard I had bestowed her in marriage to Tregoz, the Roy gift was not to be disturbed. She afterwards married Rogert de Clifford. 2) Roger de Ewyas (-Aft 1166) 3) John de Ewyas, 4) Alexander and 5) William (a donation was made to Gloucester Saint Peter and was confirmed by "Roberto herede meo", with the following witnesses: "Roger, John, Alexander and William sons of Harold de Ewyas (it was undated). A charter of Robert of Ewyas [II, son of Robert fitz-Harold de Ewyas] (1150-1196 ], gives to Priory the tithes of "my assarts,” ... Witnesses: “Petronilla, my wife, Sibilla, my daughter, William and Herbert, my brothers. The History of Ewias Harold: Its Castle, Priory, and Church, p. 40, 1902. Petronilla was the daughter of Sir Godfrey de Scudamore, of Upton Scudamore and Matilda ‘Maud” Giffard.
The History of the Nuneaton area Notable dates in the area’s history 1000-2000 A.D. (C.E) By Alan F Cook, p. 44. The manor of Chilvers Coton was held, in the reign of William the Conqueror, by Harold, son of Earl Ralph, Lord of Sudeley. Harold held eight hides (960 acres) in Chilvers Coton, and thereafter this land descended in the de Sudeley family. The Ricardian: Journal of the Richard III Society, 2002, p. 568.
Griff manor originated in the twelfth century when Ralph Sudeley divided his manor of Chilvers Coton into three, one part to endow Arbury Priory which he had founded, another to the Knights Templars, and the third part — Griff — being retained for his own use. Griff manor seems to have occupied about one square mile in the south-east of Chilvers Coton parish, between the boundary of Bedworth on the south and Griff brook on the north, beyond which was the manor of Temple. The site of Sudeley Castle and Griff hamlet occupied an approximately central position in the manor. Occasional Papers, Issues 22-28, Dugdale Society 1974, p. 6.
At the time of the Conqueror's Survey Harold, the son of Earl Ralf, held 8 hides in Chilvers Coton of the King, which his father had held before him. John, son of this Harold took the surname of Sudeley from his estates in Gloucestershire, and his son Ralph founded the Priory of Arbury in Chilvers Coton, and endowed it with lands and the advowson of the church there. He also granted lands to the Templars, who are returned in the inquest of 1185 as holding lands there of the fee of Ralph Sudeley, which he himself held to farm for the annual rent of 6½ marks. In 1267 the right of free warren was granted to Bartholomew Sudeley for this lordship. After this time the Sudeley estates descended with their manor of Griff in this parish.
At an early date the manor of Griff was included in that of Chilvers Coton, and thus belonged to the Sudeley family. When Ralph Sudeley gave most of Chilvers Coton to the Templars and to Arbury Priory Griff became the seat of the family. His great-grandson John Sudeley in 1285 claimed to hold their view of frankpledge, assize of bread and ale, gallows, infangentheof, waifs, and free warren, the last by charter and the rest by prescription. These claims were allowed on his acknowledging that he was bound to make suit at the hundred court and to contribute ward-penny and sheriff's aid.
After the death of the last male member of the de Sudeley family in 1367, the manor Griff "Sudeley Castle" passed (1380), like the other Sudley lands, to his nephew, Thomas Boteler. The descent of the manor of Griff to Ralph Boteler, Lord Sudley, is fully set out in a patent of 1469. Entries from the Selden Society analyses (by D.M. Stenton) of the assizes at Coventry for Nuneaton offenders. no. 551.
John Sudley's grandson, also John Sudeley, died in 1367 holding the manor of Griff, worth £8 a year, in which Thomas of Merynton held 1 / 7 of a knight's fee. He also held the right of presentation to Arbury Priory. His heirs were Thomas Boteler, son of his sister Joan, and Margery his younger sister. In the next year the latter received Griff and other manors, but on her death in 1380 it went to Thomas Boteler, who in 1385 settled the manor on himself and his wife Alice, and she received livery thereof in 1398. British History, Parishes: Chilvers Coton, pp. 173-178.
BIRTH: ca. 1090 Herefordshire, England
DEATH: ca. 1166 Herefordshire, England
MARRIED: ca. 1123 Herefordshire, England
William fitz-Harold de Ewyas de Gael de Waer de Ware was one of the younger sons of Harold de Ewyas of Ewyas-Harold Castle and the brother of Robert, Roger, John and Alexander de Ewyas, with Robert being the son and heir of Harold de Ewyas. Roger de Ewyas, held a fee of his brother Robert de Ewyas, Lord of Ewyas at Clive in 1166. Source: Domesday Descendants, K. S. B. Keats-Rohan, 2002, p. 453.
In 1221, Asce, son of Hugh, offered himself on the 4th day against Ralf Stut and Eleanor, his wife, and Maud and Agnes, daughters of William in a plea of assize. It involved illegally altering the covenant on a piece of land at Chilvers Coton. No one ultimately appeared at the court hearing. Sureties had been offered by Roger, son of Kachenild and Drogo (c1166-), son of William de Ware (c1128-) (William was the brother of John de Ware I) (c1120-).
1. John de Ware I of Chilvers Coton (c1120-)
2. William de Ware (c1128-) of Chilvers Coton, had son Drogo (c1166-)
BIRTH: ca. 1120 Herefordshire, England
DEATH: ca. 1186 Herefordshire, England
MARRIED: ca. 1145 Herefordshire, England
CHILD: John Ware II
BIRTH: ca. 1155 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1210 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1180 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: John Ware III
BIRTH: ca. 1190 Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1250 Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1211 Kent, England
CHILD: Anthony Ware I
BIRTH: ca. 1212 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1270 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1240 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: Anthony Ware II
BIRTH: ca. 1255 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1310 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1290 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: Anthony Ware III
BIRTH: ca. 1295 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1350 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1316 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: Edward Ware I
BIRTH: ca. 1325 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1380 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1349 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: Edward Ware II
BIRTH: ca. 1350 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1410 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1371 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: Edward Ware III
BIRTH: ca. 1374 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1435 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1395 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: Edward Ware IV
BIRTH: ca. 1396 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1460 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1417 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: John Ware I
BIRTH: ca. 1418 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1480 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1439 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: John Ware II
BIRTH: ca. 1440 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1510 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1461 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: John Ware III
BIRTH: ca. 1470 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1530 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1501 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: Anthony Ware
BIRTH: ca. 1510 Tenterden, Kent, England
DEATH: ca. 1570 Tenterden, Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1531 Tenterden, Kent, England
CHILD: Peter Ware I, b. ca. 1540
Will of JOHN HATCH Tenterden, Kent, yeoman, excerpt 3/23/1628. Wife Dorothy £100, brother WM HATCH'S 2nd son Thos £10, youngest son Wm £50, his da. Eliz., w. of ROBERT SOAN of Brasted, £10, his 2nd da. Judith, w. of JOSEPH OSBORNE, of Ashford, £60, her son Jeremy £5 at 21, 3rd da. Marg., wid. of WILLIAM WOOD of Tenterden £20, his 4th da. Mary, w. of WILLIAM SHUSALL, New Romney, 22s, youngest da. Anne Hatch £30 at 21, (marrying with consent of brothers Jn and Wm), If she do as her sister Shusall, only 22s. Sister Winnifred's eldest son THOMAS HUCKSTEPP £15, son Jn Huckstepp £30, dying, to his sons Stephen & Nathaniel equally at 21, her eldest da. Joan, w. of ROBERT NEWMAN late of Crayford dec'd, 20s & silver spoon from Mr. Chapman, 2nd da. Anne, w. of Wm Snatte of Hunton, 20s, Anna her da. 20s at 21, 3rd da. Susan, w. of BENJAMIN ROBUS of Kennarton, £5, to her children: THOMAS RAMKYN, Wm Ramkyn, Mary Ramkyn, Kath. Robus, Lydia Robus & Susan Robus 20s at 21. To Lydia w. of NATHANIELL TILDEN my sister's young. da. £10, to her children Thos, Joseph, Mary, Sarah, Judith & Lydia £20 divided at 21. To sister Kath.'s children: eldest son Jn Dunke £10 & his children 40s at 21, her 2nd son, WILLIAM DUNKE, £20, young. Daniel Dunk, £30, her da. Ann, w. of Rbt Glover, silver spoon & children 40s. Katherine. da. of MARTIN MAYE of Old Romney, by Marg. Dunck, my sister Kath.'s da., £10, her da., Eliz. w. of ? Hubbard, £20. Sister, Ellinor, 22s, her eldest son, THOMAS CHITTENDEN £30, 2nd son JOHN CHITTENDEN £50, youngest son Wm Chittenden £30. Son Nathaniel Chittenden's son, Nathaniel, £20 at 21. Wife's sister's da. Eliz. Pargiter a silver spoon. PETER PHILPOTT, wife's brother, a spurr Royal & Thos Philpott her 1/2-brother 10s. STEPHEN HUCKSTEPP books of Calvin's sermons. To Robert Chittenden 10s. NATHANIEL TILDEN, WILLIAM SNATTE, BENJAMIN ROBUS, ROBERT GLOVER, ROBERT SON OF JOSEPH OSBORNE & THOMAS SMITH who m. my kinswomen 10s. MR. WARREN of Sandwich, late lecturer of Benenden £3, Mr. Lotropp late minister of Eggerton 40s. THOMAS BRATTELL, wife's 1/2-brother 10s James Wills 10s, JAMES WILLS 10s, his w. Mary my wife's brother's da. 20s & da. Dorothie Wills 10s at 21. Brother PETER PHILPOTT'S sons THOS. OF ARUNDELL & JN. OF TENTERDEN, 5s ea. Thos, son of my brother THOS. PHILPOTT, of Rochester 20s. UNCLE PETER WARE £5, JOHN HATCH of Sussex, brother Wm Hatch's eldest son [items] rest to John Hatch, executor. Wits: FRANCIS SMITH, DANIEL BENISON & JOB CUSHMAN.
Kent and the Norman Conquest - In 1066, William the Conqueror gathered an invasion fleet in excess of 650 war ships along with troops from Normandy, Maine, northeastern France, Flanders, Brittany, Normans of southern Italy, various allies and mercenaries - all persuaded with offers of English lands and titles for their service.
After winning the Battle of Hastings, William rested his weary army for two weeks near Hastings, fully expecting the English lords to submit to him. Realizing his hopes of submission were in vain, he advanced his troops toward London. Traveling east through Kent over an old Roman road, William devastated Romney where two of his ships had been attacked.
William received the submission of Dover and its important castle, but not before burning it to the ground. At Dover, his army became ill and he was forced to leave many of them behind. The remaining men made their way to Canterbury where William himself became ill. He sent for the submission of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Stigand, who at the time was grieving the loss of his close friend Harold. With William having the papal blessing and the king dead, Stigand knew he had to submit.
Saxon Nobles and Yeomen, known as the "Men of Kent" rode out to meet William. These "Men of Kent" were descendants of the Jute's recruited by King Vorigern in 449 A.D. Vorigern hired the Jute twin brothers named Hengist and Horsa, the sons of Wihtgils, recognized for their battle prowess and feared by all, to help him protect his kingdom from the Saxons and Franks who were constantly raiding his shores after the Romans left in 410 A.D. For this service they were given the Isle of Thanet.
The men of Kent were willing to submit to William, but only under certain conditions. They wanted to be allowed to continue their ancient laws and liberties. Fortunately for what little remained of Kent, William agreed. It's speculated that these men regarded the war with William as a dispute between him and the Godwinson family, and had hoped to make their own peace.
William, keeping his word, allowed Kent to continue their ancient laws and liberties, one being Gavelkind. This allowed land to descend to all sons equally, was usually divisable by will, did not escheat in case of attainder and execution for felony, and could be aliened by the tenant at the age of fifteen. In general it was a freeman's tenure and was considered by the common law of England, and judicially taken notice of by the King's Courts as the common law of Kent. The only instance in all England of a county having a different common law from the rest of the Kingdom. Gavelkind retained the characteristics of Anglo-Saxon law in a more perfect form than any other species of property in land. Source: Commentaries on the laws of England, Vol. II, By Sir William Blackstone, p. 84.
There is a monument in Kent which states;
As indicated on the monument, there is a distinction between the "Men of Kent" [from east Kent] and "Kentish Men" [from west Kent]. This monument shows they were willing to fight for a common goal, but it also signifies a distinct separation between the two.
Beowulf in the 8th century was among the last to refer to the Jutes. Collectively the Jutes, Angles, Frisians and Saxons became known as the Angelo-Saxons around the end of the 7th century. The remaining Jutes in Jutland were absorbed by the Vikings who established the kingdom of Denmark. It's speculated the Angelo-Saxons of east Kent started referring to themselves as "Men of Kent" soon after this time period.
Peter Ware lived in Tenterden and his ancestors had close associations with other east Kent families dating back hundreds of years, so it seems likely he considered himself one of the "Men of Kent" and not one of the "Kentish Men."
The Angles and Saxons were Saxon tribes and Frankish people from Germany, Northern France and Belgium who settled most of Kent, including west Kent. The Jutes were a Germanic people from the Jutland peninsula in what is modern day Denmark who chose to separate themselves from the rest of England. For the most part the two were able to co-exist peacefully and on occasion join forces when the need arose.
"The Saxon Chronicle confirms a distinction between these two groups:
A.D. 853. "Ealhcre with the 'Men of Kent* fought in Thanet [east Kent] against the heathen army [Danes]."
A.D. 865. "The heathen army [Danes] sate down in Thanet, and made peace with the 'Men of Kent.' And the 'Men of Kent' promised them money for the peace."
A.D. 902. "Battle at the Holmes, between the 'Kentish Men' and the 'Danish Men.'
A.D. 999. "The [Danes] went up along the Medway to Rochetter, and then the 'Kentish forces' stoutly joined battle .... and all the 'West Kentish men they ruined and plundered."
A.D. 1009. "Then came the vast hostile army [Danes] to Sandwich, and they soon went their way to Canterbury; and nil the people of 'East Kent' made peace with the army, and gave them 3000 pounds."
Protestant Martyrs of Kent - During the short reign of Bloody Mary, 1553-1558, 283 Protestants were burnt for their faith and for their refusal to attend what they believed to be a superstitious and idolatrous mass. A total of 62 Protestants were put to death in Kent.
Canterbury saw more martyrdoms than any place except Smithfield in London. John Bland, the vicar of Adisham was often thrown into prison for preaching the Gospel. In November 1554 when he objected to a Roman Catholic Priest celebrating mass at Adisham he was arrested and imprisoned. When he refused to submit to the authority of the Pope, he was sentenced to death by the Bishop of Dover, and he was burned in Canterbury on 12 July 1555.
Alice Benden of Staplehurst was sent to prison for two weeks for refusing to attend mass in her local church, describing it as ‘idolatry committed against the glory of God’. Her husband tried to force her to attend mass but she refused and he offered to pay for his wife to be taken back to prison. She gave herself up and was condemned to death by the Bishop of Dover and was burnt at Canterbury.
Alice Potkins of Staplehurst, when interrogated said, "I am resolved never to confess to a priest, nor pray to a saint, nor creep to the cross." She was sentenced to death, but before she could be burnt, she died of starvation while imprisoned in Canterbury Castle. Joan Bradbridge was burnt at Maidstone on 18 June 1557.
Anglicans William Allin and his wife Katherine of Frittenden fed the poor, sold corn at half price and, worst of all, read scriptures to people. They were burned at the stake at Fairmeadow, Maidstone on 18 June 1557.
The following are names of Protestant Martyrs from Kent who were also surnames in the Will of John Hatche:
John Newman, burnt August 31
Saffron Walden
William Allen, Labourer of Somerton burnt at Walsingham September 1555
Robert Glover, burnt 20 September at Coventry
John Philpott, burnt
Thomasina Wood of Mayfield, burnt 22 June, Lewes
Dunstan Chittenden was facing execution, but eventually he was not condemned.
In the book, The martyrs: or, a history of persecution from the commencement of Christianity to the Present, Including an Account of the Trials, Tortures, and Triumphant Deaths of Many Who Have Suffered Martyrdom, by Martin Ruter and John Foxe the following is written:
"The last [martyr] we find recorded, who suffered for the truth of the gospel in the bloody year 1556, were five persons, confined with many others, in Canterbury castle who were cruelly starved to death. Their names were as follows: William Foster, Alice Potkins, John Archer, condemned: John Clark, Dunstan Chittenden, not condemned. The cruel usage these unhappy persons suffered from their unfeeling persecutors, was displayed in a letter written by one of them, and thrown out of the window of the prison; of which the following is a copy.
"Be it known unto all men that shall read, or hear read, these our letters, that we the poor prisoners of the castle of Canterbury, for God's truth, are kept, and lie in cold irons, and our keepers will not suffer any meat to be brought to us to comfort us. And if any man do bring us any thing, as bread, butter, cheese, or any other food, the said keeper will charge them that so bring us any thing, except money or raiment, to carry it them again; or else, if he do receive any food for any of us, he doth keep it for himself, and he and his servants do spend it, so that we have nothing thereof; and thus the keeper keepeth away our victuals from us: insomuch, that there are four of us prisoners there for the truth, famished already; and thus it is his mind to famish us all. And we think be is appointed thereunto by the bishops and priests, and also of the justices, so to famish us; and not only us of the said castle, but also all other prisoners, in other prisons, for the like cause to be also famished; notwithstanding, we write not these our letters, to the intent that we might not afford to be famished for the Lord Jesus' sake, but for this cause and intent, that they, having no law to famish us in prison, should not do it privately, but that the murderers' hearts should be openly known to all the world, that all men may know of what church they are, and who is their father - Out of the castle of Canterbury."
Among the others confined with these five, were ten men, who having been examined by Dr. Thornton, suffragan of Dover, and Nicholas Harpstield, arch-deacon of Canterbury, were sentenced to be burnt. They had been confined a considerable time, but their sentence was, at length, put into execution; and they were the first who opened the bloody transactions of the year 1557. The names were as follows: Stephen Kemp, of Norgate; William Waterer, of Beddingden; W. Prowting, of Thornham; W. lxwick, of Cranbrook; Thomas Hudson, of Salenge; William Hay, of Hythe; Thomas Stephens, of Beddingden; John Philpott, of Tenterden; Nicholas Final, of Tenterden; Matthew Bradbridge, of Tenterden.
The six first were burnt at Canterbury on the 15th of January, 1557. Stephens and Philpot suffered the next day at Wye; and Final and Bradbridge the day after, at Ashford. They all bore their sufferings with Christian fortitude, happily rejoicing that their troubles were drawing to an end, and that they should leave this world, to be transplanted to that where "the weary are at rest, and the wicked cease from troubling."
BIRTH: ca. 1540 Tenterden co. Kent, England
DEATH: Bur. 12/3/1632 Tenterden, co. Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1571 Tenterden, co. Kent, England
WIFE: 1) Margaret Cotton and 2) Joan Hatche
WIFE'S FATHER: Kalady Cotton
WIFE'S MOTHER: Elizabeth d/o William Fanny
CHILD: Peter Ware II, b. c1588 Tenterden, co. Kent, England married [at age 25] Catherine Eaton b. Abt. Sep 1597 [at age 16], on 8 Jun 1613, in Tenterden, co. Kent, England according to Tenterden Kent Marriages 1597 - 1894, By Peter Smith. Peter Ware II married Catheren Iton [Eaton] on 8 Jun 1612, in Tenterden, co. Kent, England. Catherine Eaton was the daughter of Anthony Eaton and Catherine Adams. There are two sources for this marriage: 1) Tenterden Kent Marriages 1597 - 1894, By Peter Smith, and 2) England Marriages, 1538 - 1973, LDS Project: 102150-7 Film: 1737094, both as Peter Ware and Catherine Iten [Eaton] married on 8 Jun 1613 in Tenterden, Kent, England.
Peter Ware I is mentioned in the will of John Hatche dated 23 Mar 1628, "To my uncle Peeter Ware 5 pounds." Members of this Hatche family are connected to Rev. John Lothropp and his congregation, the majority of whom settled in Scituate in the Plymouth Colony. Rev. Lothropp is found in the will of John Hatche which states, "Alsoe I doe giue vnto Mr. Lotropp late mynister of Eggerton forty shillings." LDS records show his burial: Peter Ware I buried 3 Dec 1632 in Tenterden, co. Kent, the same LDS records show his wife buried 20 Apr 1626, in Tenterden, co. Kent. Source: England Deaths and Burials, 1538 -1991, LDS Project: 102150-7 Film: 1737094.. Peter's burial date and location of burial indicate he is the Peter Ware mentioned in the will of John Hatche of Tenterden, details of Hatche's will are provided later.
The term Pilgrims was first used in 1596 in the 'Confession of Faith' they adopted and, in later references, to their own idea of life on earth as a pilgrimage towards heavenly bliss. Pilgrims were religious dissenters, known as Separatists, who fled persecution under Queen Elizabeth I and her successor King James I, taking up residence in Leyden, Holland in 1609. Many of the group immigrated to America on the Mayflower (1620), the Fortune (1621), the Anne and the Little James (1623) and the second Mayflower (1629). They provided the leadership in the establishment of the colony "New Plymouth" as well as about half the colony's population. Many writers refer to Pilgrims as English Calvinist, however, Calvin's beliefs more closely align with the Puritan's from which the Pilgrims arose. John Calvin's influence on the development of the doctrines of the Protestant Reformation began in 1534 when Calvin was 25. The years spent in Holland were a time of poverty and hardship for a great majority of the congregation; there were fewer English Separatists joining their congregation than anticipated. The culture and language were difficult for the English congregation to learn, and their children became more Dutch as the years passed by. The congregation came to believe that they faced eventual extinction if they remained in Holland. Moreover, a war was brewing between the Dutch and Spanish. Finally a decision was made to emigrate again, this time to America.
Queen Elizabeth I wanted to firmly establish the Church of England as the only church and she attempted to have all religious groups conform to the Anglican Church. The Puritans, another group in the Anglican Church, wanted to "purify" the church of all Roman Catholic ceremonies and practices and bring about further reforms. Both groups wanted to be a church unto themselves but they were being persecuted for their attempts to run their churches the way they wished rather than the way the bishops of the Anglican Church wanted the churches run. Elizabeth I died in 1603. The majority of Englishmen were now Protestant and the Bible was the most read book. Shakespeare, music, poetry all flourished during her reign. Songs were created and sung by the common man as he worked. Elizabeth, however, had no children so the reign of the Tudor's came to an end with her death. Her successor was James I born in 1566. He was already King James VI of Scotland. His mother was Mary, Queen of Scots. She had tried, unsuccessfully, to oust Elizabeth. With the reign of James I, the House of Stuart came to power. He persecuted both Catholics and the extreme Protestant Puritans and Separatists. He believed he had the divine right to rule as he pleased to the extent that he ruled without parliament for seven years (1614-1621). He finally gave in, however, and agreed to let Parliament share in government but he died shortly after.
It was during the end of Elizabeth's years as Queen and the beginning of James' reign that the Separatists left England, fleeing to Holland where there was more acceptance of different religious beliefs and, from 1620 on to America. Despite his treatment of the non-conformists, it was during James' reign, and with his support, that the version of the Bible we know as the King James Version was translated. His son, Charles became King (1625-1649) and proved to be far more uncompromising than his father. It was during his reign that Reverend William Walton and his fellow Puritans educated at Cambridge began to fear for their lives. The Archbishop of Canterbury, William Laud, inflamed anti-Puritan feeling and caused a big wave of emigration of Puritans to America.
William Bradford, (19 Mar 1590-9 May 1657) became leader of the settlers of the Plymouth Colony and was elected thirty times to be the Governor after John Carver died. He was a member of John Robinson's congregation when he married Dorothy May in 1613. Dorothy was the daughter of a well-off English couple living in Amsterdam with Robinson's group. Again referring to John Hatches' will, we find this connection to the May family, "To Katherine May, daughter of Martin Maye of Ould Romney, that he had by Margaret Donck [sometimes Dunke], my sister Katherine's daughter, 10 pounds."
John Robinson (1575 – 1625), founder of congregationalism in Leiden, Holland, was the pastor of the "Pilgrim Fathers" before they left on the Mayflower. He became one of the early leaders of the English Separatists, minister of the Pilgrims, and is regarded (along with Robert Browne) as one of the founders of the Congregational Church. Rev. John Lothrop included among those first built in Scituate in 1637 as "Isaac Robinson's new house." Isaac was the son of John Robinson. It is said by the great American historian, Bancroft, that Calvinish came to America in the Mayflower and he pronounced the Pilgrim Fathers, "Calvinists in their father according to the straightest system." So, it is little wonder that in the will of John Hatche he states, "To Stephen Huckstep my books of Mr. Caluins [Calvin's] sermons upon Galathians."
In his lifetime, William Perkins, born 1558, attained enormous popularity, with sales of his works eventually surpassing even Calvin's. From his position at Cambridge, Perkins was able to influence a whole generation of English churchmen. John Robinson, the founder of congregationalism in Leiden and pastor of the group which went on to found the Plymouth Colony, was one of his pupils. Rev. John Lothropp, initially a Puritan, became sympathetic with the Separatists, and for thirteen years he preached their point of view to an ever growing congregation at Egerton, co. Kent, England. Among this congregation was John Hatche who mentions his uncle "Peeter Ware" in his will. The Separatists point of view became the forerunner to the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
Will of JOHN HATCH Tenterden, Kent, yeoman, excerpt 3/23/1628. Wife Dorothy £100, brother WM HATCH'S 2nd son Thos £10, youngest son Wm £50, his da. Eliz., w. of ROBERT SOAN of Brasted, £10, his 2nd da. Judith, w. of JOSEPH OSBORNE, of Ashford, £60, her son Jeremy £5 at 21, 3rd da. Marg., wid. of WILLIAM WOOD of Tenterden £20, his 4th da. Mary, w. of WILLIAM SHUSALL, New Romney, 22s, youngest da. Anne Hatch £30 at 21, (marrying with consent of brothers Jn and Wm), If she do as her sister Shusall, only 22s. Sister Winnifred's eldest son THOMAS HUCKSTEPP £15, son Jn Huckstepp £30, dying, to his sons Stephen & Nathaniel equally at 21, her eldest da. Joan, w. of ROBERT NEWMAN late of Crayford dec'd, 20s & silver spoon from Mr. Chapman, 2nd da. Anne, w. of Wm Snatte of Hunton, 20s, Anna her da. 20s at 21, 3rd da. Susan, w. of BENJAMIN ROBUS of Kennarton, £5, to her children: THOMAS RAMKYN, Wm Ramkyn, Mary Ramkyn, Kath. Robus, Lydia Robus & Susan Robus 20s at 21. To Lydia w. of NATHANIELL TILDEN my sister's young. da. £10, to her children Thos, Joseph, Mary, Sarah, Judith & Lydia £20 divided at 21. To sister Kath.'s children: eldest son Jn Dunke £10 & his children 40s at 21, her 2nd son, WILLIAM DUNKE, £20, young. Daniel Dunk, £30, her da. Ann, w. of Rbt Glover, silver spoon & children 40s. Katherine. da. of MARTIN MAYE of Old Romney, by Marg. Dunck, my sister Kath.'s da., £10, her da., Eliz. w. of ? Hubbard, £20. Sister, Ellinor, 22s, her eldest son, THOMAS CHITTENDEN £30, 2nd son JOHN CHITTENDEN £50, youngest son Wm Chittenden £30. Son Nathaniel Chittenden's son, Nathaniel, £20 at 21. Wife's sister's da. Eliz. Pargiter a silver spoon. PETER PHILPOTT, wife's brother, a spurr Royal & Thos Philpott her 1/2-brother 10s. STEPHEN HUCKSTEPP books of Calvin's sermons. To Robert Chittenden 10s. NATHANIEL TILDEN, WILLIAM SNATTE, BENJAMIN ROBUS, ROBERT GLOVER, ROBERT SON OF JOSEPH OSBORNE & THOMAS SMITH who m. my kinswomen 10s. MR. WARREN of Sandwich, late lecturer of Benenden £3, Mr. Lotropp late minister of Eggerton 40s. THOMAS BRATTELL, wife's 1/2-brother 10s James Wills 10s, JAMES WILLS 10s, his w. Mary my wife's brother's da. 20s & da. Dorothie Wills 10s at 21. Brother PETER PHILPOTT'S sons THOS. OF ARUNDELL & JN. OF TENTERDEN, 5s ea. Thos, son of my brother THOS. PHILPOTT, of Rochester 20s. UNCLE PETER WARE £5, JOHN HATCH of Sussex, brother Wm Hatch's eldest son [items] rest to John Hatch, executor. Wits: FRANCIS SMITH, DANIEL BENISON & JOB CUSHMAN.
Kent and the Norman Conquest - In 1066, William the Conqueror gathered an invasion fleet in excess of 650 war ships along with troops from Normandy, Maine, northeastern France, Flanders, Brittany, Normans of southern Italy, various allies and mercenaries - all persuaded with offers of English lands and titles for their service.
After winning the Battle of Hastings, William rested his weary army for two weeks near Hastings, fully expecting the English lords to submit to him. Realizing his hopes of submission were in vain, he advanced his troops toward London. Traveling east through Kent over an old Roman road, William devastated Romney where two of his ships had been attacked.
William received the submission of Dover and its important castle, but not before burning it to the ground. At Dover, his army became ill and he was forced to leave many of them behind. The remaining men made their way to Canterbury where William himself became ill. He sent for the submission of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Stigand, who at the time was grieving the loss of his close friend Harold. With William having the papal blessing and the king dead, Stigand knew he had to submit.
Saxon Nobles and Yeomen, known as the "Men of Kent" rode out to meet William. These "Men of Kent" were descendants of the Jute's recruited by King Vorigern in 449 A.D. Vorigern hired the Jute twin brothers named Hengist and Horsa, the sons of Wihtgils, recognized for their battle prowess and feared by all, to help him protect his kingdom from the Saxons and Franks who were constantly raiding his shores after the Romans left in 410 A.D. For this service they were given the Isle of Thanet.
The men of Kent were willing to submit to William, but only under certain conditions. They wanted to be allowed to continue their ancient laws and liberties. Fortunately for what little remained of Kent, William agreed. It's speculated that these men regarded the war with William as a dispute between him and the Godwinson family, and had hoped to make their own peace.
William, keeping his word, allowed Kent to continue their ancient laws and liberties, one being Gavelkind. This allowed land to descend to all sons equally, was usually divisable by will, did not escheat in case of attainder and execution for felony, and could be aliened by the tenant at the age of fifteen. In general it was a freeman's tenure and was considered by the common law of England, and judicially taken notice of by the King's Courts as the common law of Kent. The only instance in all England of a county having a different common law from the rest of the Kingdom. Gavelkind retained the characteristics of Anglo-Saxon law in a more perfect form than any other species of property in land. Source: Commentaries on the laws of England, Vol. II, By Sir William Blackstone, p. 84.
There is a monument in Kent which states;
As indicated on the monument, there is a distinction between the "Men of Kent" [from east Kent] and "Kentish Men" [from west Kent]. This monument shows they were willing to fight for a common goal, but it also signifies a distinct separation between the two.
Beowulf in the 8th century was among the last to refer to the Jutes. Collectively the Jutes, Angles, Frisians and Saxons became known as the Angelo-Saxons around the end of the 7th century. The remaining Jutes in Jutland were absorbed by the Vikings who established the kingdom of Denmark. It's speculated the Angelo-Saxons of east Kent started referring to themselves as "Men of Kent" soon after this time period.
Peter Ware lived in Tenterden and his ancestors had close associations with other east Kent families dating back hundreds of years, so it seems likely he considered himself one of the "Men of Kent" and not one of the "Kentish Men."
The Angles and Saxons were Saxon tribes and Frankish people from Germany, Northern France and Belgium who settled most of Kent, including west Kent. The Jutes were a Germanic people from the Jutland peninsula in what is modern day Denmark who chose to separate themselves from the rest of England. For the most part the two were able to co-exist peacefully and on occasion join forces when the need arose.
"The Saxon Chronicle confirms a distinction between these two groups:
A.D. 853. "Ealhcre with the 'Men of Kent* fought in Thanet [east Kent] against the heathen army [Danes]."
A.D. 865. "The heathen army [Danes] sate down in Thanet, and made peace with the 'Men of Kent.' And the 'Men of Kent' promised them money for the peace."
A.D. 902. "Battle at the Holmes, between the 'Kentish Men' and the 'Danish Men.'
A.D. 999. "The [Danes] went up along the Medway to Rochetter, and then the 'Kentish forces' stoutly joined battle .... and all the 'West Kentish men they ruined and plundered."
A.D. 1009. "Then came the vast hostile army [Danes] to Sandwich, and they soon went their way to Canterbury; and nil the people of 'East Kent' made peace with the army, and gave them 3000 pounds."
Protestant Martyrs of Kent - During the short reign of Bloody Mary, 1553-1558, 283 Protestants were burnt for their faith and for their refusal to attend what they believed to be a superstitious and idolatrous mass. A total of 62 Protestants were put to death in Kent.
Canterbury saw more martyrdoms than any place except Smithfield in London. John Bland, the vicar of Adisham was often thrown into prison for preaching the Gospel. In November 1554 when he objected to a Roman Catholic Priest celebrating mass at Adisham he was arrested and imprisoned. When he refused to submit to the authority of the Pope, he was sentenced to death by the Bishop of Dover, and he was burned in Canterbury on 12 July 1555.
Alice Benden of Staplehurst was sent to prison for two weeks for refusing to attend mass in her local church, describing it as ‘idolatry committed against the glory of God’. Her husband tried to force her to attend mass but she refused and he offered to pay for his wife to be taken back to prison. She gave herself up and was condemned to death by the Bishop of Dover and was burnt at Canterbury.
Alice Potkins of Staplehurst, when interrogated said, "I am resolved never to confess to a priest, nor pray to a saint, nor creep to the cross." She was sentenced to death, but before she could be burnt, she died of starvation while imprisoned in Canterbury Castle. Joan Bradbridge was burnt at Maidstone on 18 June 1557.
Anglicans William Allin and his wife Katherine of Frittenden fed the poor, sold corn at half price and, worst of all, read scriptures to people. They were burned at the stake at Fairmeadow, Maidstone on 18 June 1557.
The following are names of Protestant Martyrs from Kent who were also surnames in the Will of John Hatche:
John Newman, burnt August 31
Saffron Walden
William Allen, Labourer of Somerton burnt at Walsingham September 1555
Robert Glover, burnt 20 September at Coventry
John Philpott, burnt
Thomasina Wood of Mayfield, burnt 22 June, Lewes
Dunstan Chittenden was facing execution, but eventually he was not condemned.
In the book, The martyrs: or, a history of persecution from the commencement of Christianity to the Present, Including an Account of the Trials, Tortures, and Triumphant Deaths of Many Who Have Suffered Martyrdom, by Martin Ruter and John Foxe the following is written:
"The last [martyr] we find recorded, who suffered for the truth of the gospel in the bloody year 1556, were five persons, confined with many others, in Canterbury castle who were cruelly starved to death. Their names were as follows: William Foster, Alice Potkins, John Archer, condemned: John Clark, Dunstan Chittenden, not condemned. The cruel usage these unhappy persons suffered from their unfeeling persecutors, was displayed in a letter written by one of them, and thrown out of the window of the prison; of which the following is a copy.
"Be it known unto all men that shall read, or hear read, these our letters, that we the poor prisoners of the castle of Canterbury, for God's truth, are kept, and lie in cold irons, and our keepers will not suffer any meat to be brought to us to comfort us. And if any man do bring us any thing, as bread, butter, cheese, or any other food, the said keeper will charge them that so bring us any thing, except money or raiment, to carry it them again; or else, if he do receive any food for any of us, he doth keep it for himself, and he and his servants do spend it, so that we have nothing thereof; and thus the keeper keepeth away our victuals from us: insomuch, that there are four of us prisoners there for the truth, famished already; and thus it is his mind to famish us all. And we think be is appointed thereunto by the bishops and priests, and also of the justices, so to famish us; and not only us of the said castle, but also all other prisoners, in other prisons, for the like cause to be also famished; notwithstanding, we write not these our letters, to the intent that we might not afford to be famished for the Lord Jesus' sake, but for this cause and intent, that they, having no law to famish us in prison, should not do it privately, but that the murderers' hearts should be openly known to all the world, that all men may know of what church they are, and who is their father - Out of the castle of Canterbury."
Among the others confined with these five, were ten men, who having been examined by Dr. Thornton, suffragan of Dover, and Nicholas Harpstield, arch-deacon of Canterbury, were sentenced to be burnt. They had been confined a considerable time, but their sentence was, at length, put into execution; and they were the first who opened the bloody transactions of the year 1557. The names were as follows: Stephen Kemp, of Norgate; William Waterer, of Beddingden; W. Prowting, of Thornham; W. lxwick, of Cranbrook; Thomas Hudson, of Salenge; William Hay, of Hythe; Thomas Stephens, of Beddingden; John Philpott, of Tenterden; Nicholas Final, of Tenterden; Matthew Bradbridge, of Tenterden.
The six first were burnt at Canterbury on the 15th of January, 1557. Stephens and Philpot suffered the next day at Wye; and Final and Bradbridge the day after, at Ashford. They all bore their sufferings with Christian fortitude, happily rejoicing that their troubles were drawing to an end, and that they should leave this world, to be transplanted to that where "the weary are at rest, and the wicked cease from troubling."
BIRTH: ca. 1540 Tenterden co. Kent, England
DEATH: Bur. 12/3/1632 Tenterden, co. Kent, England
MARRIED: ca. 1571 Tenterden, co. Kent, England
WIFE: 1) Margaret Cotton and 2) Joan Hatche
WIFE'S FATHER: Kalady Cotton
WIFE'S MOTHER: Elizabeth d/o William Fanny
CHILD: Peter Ware II, b. c1588 Tenterden, co. Kent, England married [at age 25] Catherine Eaton b. Abt. Sep 1597 [at age 16], on 8 Jun 1613, in Tenterden, co. Kent, England according to Tenterden Kent Marriages 1597 - 1894, By Peter Smith. Peter Ware II married Catheren Iton [Eaton] on 8 Jun 1612, in Tenterden, co. Kent, England. Catherine Eaton was the daughter of Anthony Eaton and Catherine Adams. There are two sources for this marriage: 1) Tenterden Kent Marriages 1597 - 1894, By Peter Smith, and 2) England Marriages, 1538 - 1973, LDS Project: 102150-7 Film: 1737094, both as Peter Ware and Catherine Iten [Eaton] married on 8 Jun 1613 in Tenterden, Kent, England.
Peter Ware I is mentioned in the will of John Hatche dated 23 Mar 1628, "To my uncle Peeter Ware 5 pounds." Members of this Hatche family are connected to Rev. John Lothropp and his congregation, the majority of whom settled in Scituate in the Plymouth Colony. Rev. Lothropp is found in the will of John Hatche which states, "Alsoe I doe giue vnto Mr. Lotropp late mynister of Eggerton forty shillings." LDS records show his burial: Peter Ware I buried 3 Dec 1632 in Tenterden, co. Kent, the same LDS records show his wife buried 20 Apr 1626, in Tenterden, co. Kent. Source: England Deaths and Burials, 1538 -1991, LDS Project: 102150-7 Film: 1737094.. Peter's burial date and location of burial indicate he is the Peter Ware mentioned in the will of John Hatche of Tenterden, details of Hatche's will are provided later.
The term Pilgrims was first used in 1596 in the 'Confession of Faith' they adopted and, in later references, to their own idea of life on earth as a pilgrimage towards heavenly bliss. Pilgrims were religious dissenters, known as Separatists, who fled persecution under Queen Elizabeth I and her successor King James I, taking up residence in Leyden, Holland in 1609. Many of the group immigrated to America on the Mayflower (1620), the Fortune (1621), the Anne and the Little James (1623) and the second Mayflower (1629). They provided the leadership in the establishment of the colony "New Plymouth" as well as about half the colony's population. Many writers refer to Pilgrims as English Calvinist, however, Calvin's beliefs more closely align with the Puritan's from which the Pilgrims arose. John Calvin's influence on the development of the doctrines of the Protestant Reformation began in 1534 when Calvin was 25. The years spent in Holland were a time of poverty and hardship for a great majority of the congregation; there were fewer English Separatists joining their congregation than anticipated. The culture and language were difficult for the English congregation to learn, and their children became more Dutch as the years passed by. The congregation came to believe that they faced eventual extinction if they remained in Holland. Moreover, a war was brewing between the Dutch and Spanish. Finally a decision was made to emigrate again, this time to America.
Queen Elizabeth I wanted to firmly establish the Church of England as the only church and she attempted to have all religious groups conform to the Anglican Church. The Puritans, another group in the Anglican Church, wanted to "purify" the church of all Roman Catholic ceremonies and practices and bring about further reforms. Both groups wanted to be a church unto themselves but they were being persecuted for their attempts to run their churches the way they wished rather than the way the bishops of the Anglican Church wanted the churches run. Elizabeth I died in 1603. The majority of Englishmen were now Protestant and the Bible was the most read book. Shakespeare, music, poetry all flourished during her reign. Songs were created and sung by the common man as he worked. Elizabeth, however, had no children so the reign of the Tudor's came to an end with her death. Her successor was James I born in 1566. He was already King James VI of Scotland. His mother was Mary, Queen of Scots. She had tried, unsuccessfully, to oust Elizabeth. With the reign of James I, the House of Stuart came to power. He persecuted both Catholics and the extreme Protestant Puritans and Separatists. He believed he had the divine right to rule as he pleased to the extent that he ruled without parliament for seven years (1614-1621). He finally gave in, however, and agreed to let Parliament share in government but he died shortly after.
It was during the end of Elizabeth's years as Queen and the beginning of James' reign that the Separatists left England, fleeing to Holland where there was more acceptance of different religious beliefs and, from 1620 on to America. Despite his treatment of the non-conformists, it was during James' reign, and with his support, that the version of the Bible we know as the King James Version was translated. His son, Charles became King (1625-1649) and proved to be far more uncompromising than his father. It was during his reign that Reverend William Walton and his fellow Puritans educated at Cambridge began to fear for their lives. The Archbishop of Canterbury, William Laud, inflamed anti-Puritan feeling and caused a big wave of emigration of Puritans to America.
William Bradford, (19 Mar 1590-9 May 1657) became leader of the settlers of the Plymouth Colony and was elected thirty times to be the Governor after John Carver died. He was a member of John Robinson's congregation when he married Dorothy May in 1613. Dorothy was the daughter of a well-off English couple living in Amsterdam with Robinson's group. Again referring to John Hatches' will, we find this connection to the May family, "To Katherine May, daughter of Martin Maye of Ould Romney, that he had by Margaret Donck [sometimes Dunke], my sister Katherine's daughter, 10 pounds."
John Robinson (1575 – 1625), founder of congregationalism in Leiden, Holland, was the pastor of the "Pilgrim Fathers" before they left on the Mayflower. He became one of the early leaders of the English Separatists, minister of the Pilgrims, and is regarded (along with Robert Browne) as one of the founders of the Congregational Church. Rev. John Lothrop included among those first built in Scituate in 1637 as "Isaac Robinson's new house." Isaac was the son of John Robinson. It is said by the great American historian, Bancroft, that Calvinish came to America in the Mayflower and he pronounced the Pilgrim Fathers, "Calvinists in their father according to the straightest system." So, it is little wonder that in the will of John Hatche he states, "To Stephen Huckstep my books of Mr. Caluins [Calvin's] sermons upon Galathians."
In his lifetime, William Perkins, born 1558, attained enormous popularity, with sales of his works eventually surpassing even Calvin's. From his position at Cambridge, Perkins was able to influence a whole generation of English churchmen. John Robinson, the founder of congregationalism in Leiden and pastor of the group which went on to found the Plymouth Colony, was one of his pupils. Rev. John Lothropp, initially a Puritan, became sympathetic with the Separatists, and for thirteen years he preached their point of view to an ever growing congregation at Egerton, co. Kent, England. Among this congregation was John Hatche who mentions his uncle "Peeter Ware" in his will. The Separatists point of view became the forerunner to the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
Lying in the heart of Tenterden is the Church of St. Mildred, dating back to 1180. The 125 foot panoramic view from its 15th-century tower provides an amazing scene across the Weald and to the Channel coast. Tenterden, referred to as the ‘Jewel of the Weald,’ borders the dense woodlands of the Weald and the flatter farmland leading eastwards to Romney Marsh. The first recorded form of TENTERDEN is "TENTWARDENE" in 1179 (Pipe Roll). In its earliest days it was known for its agriculture and livestock. After changing over to sheep farming to meet the need for exported wool, the town began to experience rapid growth. In 1331, Edward III prohibited the export of unwashed wool and encouraged weavers from Flanders to settle here and bring their dyeing and weaving techniques to England. This resulted in large numbers of wealthy landowners among the inhabitants.
BIRTH: ca. 1588 Tenterden co. Kent, England
English Protestant Separatist, Pilgrim
DEATH: Aft. 1627 in Kent, England
MARRIED: 6/8/1613 Tenterden, co. Kent, England
WIFE: Catherine Eaton - More on the Eaton family: https://www.werelate.org/wiki/Eaton_and_Ware_Family_History
WIFE'S FATHER: Anthony Eaton
WIFE'S MOTHER: Catherine Adams
CHILD: Peter Ware III
1. Peter Ware III (ca. 1613 co. Kent, England-Bet 16 Sep 1657-10 Sep 1659 Hampton Parish, York Co. VA). In 1647 Peter was an attorney for Robert Lewis in York Co., VA. In 1675, Peter Ware IV sold land in Queen’s Creek, Hampton Parish, York Co., VA to Nathaniel Bacon in which he identified the land as having belonged to his father, "Peter Ware". Mary Hickes was identified in a 1659 Orphan’s Court document as the widow of Peter Ware.
2. Thomas Ware (ca. 1617 co. Kent, England-Aft 1651 New Kent Co., VA). Annapolis Land Records, Thomas Warr in 1651, sells to James Knott, Gent., of Virginia, 200 acres of land which he describes as "the equal half of my plantation which I now live upon at Mattaponys." Side-lights on Maryland history By Hester (Dorsey) Richardson p. 384. Annapolis Wills, shows James Knott, of Nansemond, in Virginia, dated 4 Sep 1651 was witnessed by George White. Nicholas Ware [spouse of Anne Vassall], at age 21, was a headright for Rev. George White for Lower Norfolk Co., Virginia in 1648.
3. John Ware (ca. 1619 co., Kent, England-Aft 1655 New Kent Co., VA) On 11 Aug 1655, Francis Place conveyed 300 acres lying on the North side of the Rappahannock River about ten miles above Nazemum Town [later Isle of Wight] by deed of gift to "My daughter Mary Place when she arrives at 18 years," it was signed Fra. Place his mark. Witnesses were John Ware, Vin. Stanford, John Philips. Mary Place later married Thomas Powell and by 1666, they deeded this land to James Coghill. Thomas Powell's plantation joined John Garrett's land in Isle of Wight. In 1665 Patent Books extracts in the VA State Library (vol. 25, New Kent Co., p. 117), Edward Dennis and Samuel Mottershott acquired five hundred acres of land described as adjoining the land of Capt. Martin Palmer and Edward Diggs. On 6 Jun 1655 Edward Diggs Esq. sold John Hodson and John Garratt three hundred acres in New Kent on the Mattipony River bounded on the corner of Thomas Saunders and Arakeyaco / Arracaico Swamp.
4. Robert Ware (ca. 1625 co. Kent, England-19 Apr 1699 Dedham, MA) m. Margaret Hunt (c1624-26 Aug 1670 Dedham, MA) Margaret was d/o John Hunt and Hester Seaborne. In Early records of the town of Dedham, Mass. By Carlos Slafter, we find Samuel Bacon, Thomas Eaton, Robert Ware and Comfort Starr on a 1695 tax list side by side. Comfort Starr arrived with the early settlers of Scituate, Pl`ymouth Colony. The earliest date at which the name Robert Ware occurs in the Dedham records is 25 Nov 1642, which states: "Robert Weares is Admitted to the purchase of Thomas Eames his house lott and three acres of land." In 1662 John Eaton and Robert Ware were listed together on a list of petitioners in Dedham, MA. "Robert Ware the Aged" died at age 74 in Dedham, 19 Apr 1699.
5. Nicholas Ware (ca. 1627 co. Kent, England-1663 Rappahannock Co., VA) m. Anne Vassall (c1629 England-Aft 1663 in VA or Barbados). She was the d/o William Vassall and Anne King who were early settlers of Scituate in the Plymouth Colony and later Barbados. At age 21, Nicholas Ware was a headright for Rev. George White for Lower Norfolk Co., VA in 1648. They had sons Nicholas and John who likely settled in Barbados.
Peter Ware married Catheren Iton [Eaton] on 8 Jun 1612, in Tenterden, co. Kent, England. There are two sources for this marriage. 1) Tenterden Kent Marriages 1597 - 1894, By Peter Smith, and 2) England Marriages, 1538 - 1973, LDS Project: 102150-7 Film: 1737094, both as Peter Ware and Catherine Iten [Eaton] married on 8 Jun 1613 in Tenterden, Kent, England. At present there is no further information about Peter Ware II, other than his marriage to Catherine Eaton. This is likely due to the volatile relationship between England and the Separatists, and the excessive force used to suppress nonconforming ministers and their congregation, It is unknown if he was among those who sought refuge in the Netherlands in 1608, nor has his name been found among those imprisoned for gathering in secrecy in homes and buildings.
Possibly due to his young age and being newly married, his involvement may have come a decade later when many of the pilgrims returned to England to make plans to board various ships heading to America. It was their desire to be left alone to live in a pure and righteous way. The reasons suggested by William Bradford, when he notes the "discouragements" of the hard life they had in Holland, and the hope of attracting others by finding "a better, and easier place of living"; the "children" of the group being "drawne away by evill examples into extravagence and dangerous courses"; the "great hope, for the propagating and advancing the gospell of the kingdom of Christ in those remote parts of the world" (Wheelwright, 7-8).
The following information regarding Rev. Henry Jacob and Rev. John Lothropp was taken in part from: The Roots of the Ancient Congregational Church in London, Scituate, and Barnstable, Rev. John Lothropp, Minister, By Dan R. McConnell, published by the Cape Cod Genealogical Society Bulletin, Fall 2008: "Several hundred English ministers, known as Separatists and later referred to as Pilgrims, began speaking out against the Church of England. Pilgrims separated from the Church of England and Puritans purify the Church from within. On July 6, 1604, the separatists were ejected, silenced, suspended, imprisoned or exiled by King James I. Rev. John Lothropp, initially a Puritan, became sympathetic with the Separatists, and for thirteen years he preached their point of view to an ever growing congregation at Egerton, co. Kent, England." [Among this congregation was John Hatche who mentions his uncle "Peeter Ware" in his will].
The Separatists point of view became the forerunner to the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Rev. Henry Jacob, a Separatist, was a prolific writer, publishing numerous tracts and petitions to both Queen Elizabeth and King James; frequently critical of the Church of England. He was imprisoned in 1609, and, on his release, fled to Holland, where he took up residence with the congregation of John Robinson, pastor of the Mayflower Pilgrims. Jacob later wrote that he came to agree with Robinson that “a visible church was constituted by free mutual consent of believers joining and covenanting to live as members of a holy society, and that such a church should elect its ministers, elders, deacons, and the congregation should be governed by it’s officers."
After returning to England, Rev. Jacob organized the first (non-Anglican) Independent Church in the Southwark borough of London. Robinson's congregation continued to live in Leiden, Holland where religious freedom was practiced, discussed and openly debated. Robinson's group lived and worked together and depended heavily on one another for their survival. They secretly operated a printing press and were primarily responsible for printing most of the material circulating against the Church of England during that time. It took several years, but England eventually put enough pressure on Holland to shut them down.
Rev. Jacob was no longer licensed by the Church of England due to his outspoken, non-conformist views. As King James famously remarked about such petitions “No Bishop, No King.” Since the King was head of the Church of England, to abolish the Bishops was to deny Royal authority, an act of Treason. King James, however, did agree to the Puritan request for a new English translation of the Bible, known after its publication in 1611 as the King James Version.
Rev. John Lothrop has been called one of the five most important ministers to arrive in New England during the Great Migration. In 1624, Rev. Henry Jacob joined Separatists living in Virginia, and Rev. John Lothrop became his successor in London with about 60 members. The group's private meetings continued for some time, sometimes barely escaping their persecutors. On April 29, 1632, they were discovered by one of bishop Laud's men and 42 members were apprehended while only 18 escaped. Writers on the subject have commented on his arrest, but are deeply saddened by the lack of knowledge of their names. Rev. Lothrop remained in prison two years until April 1634, and upon his release he removed to Scituate. Jacob and Lothrop’s church is said to be the closest sister church to Robinson’s congregation, a likely reason why John Robinson’s son, Isaac, joined Rev. Lothrop in Scituate in November 1636.
Both the Ware and Eaton families were deeply connected to the Separatists who migrated from Tenterden, co. Kent, to Scituate. A large number of these Separatists migrated to Isle of Wight in Virginia to join Rev. Jacob after word of his arrival reached them. However, upon Jacob's untimely death, they pulled up stakes again and followed the recently arrived Rev. Richard Bennett to his new settlement in Nansemond Co., Virginia.
The Scituate Separatists, referred to as the "men of Kent," arrived at different times and by different routes. Many originated in Tenterden, Benenden, Crittenden, Biddenden, Ashford, Wye, Horsmonden, Cranbrook, Sandhurst, Hawkhurst, Goudhurst, Staplehurst, Egerton, Romney Marsh, Old Romney, New Romney, Tonbridge and Chiddingstone, all in Kent, England. A large number of the group stayed for a short time in Sandwich, co., Kent, before making the long journey.
In Lothrop's diary he wrote, "upon January 8, 1634 Wee had a day of humiliation and then att night joined in covenent togeather, so many of us as had beene in covenenaunt before." James Cudworth, a member of Lothrop's London congregation who arrived the year before wrote, "The Lord has bine very gracious... to bringe us oure Pastor whom we long expected -- Mr. Lothrop, who the Lord has brought us in safety." It is thought Lothrop's Scituate group during this time numbered over 210.
BIRTH: ca. 1588 Tenterden co. Kent, England
English Protestant Separatist, Pilgrim
DEATH: Aft. 1627 in Kent, England
MARRIED: 6/8/1613 Tenterden, co. Kent, England
WIFE: Catherine Eaton - More on the Eaton family: https://www.werelate.org/wiki/Eaton_and_Ware_Family_History
WIFE'S FATHER: Anthony Eaton
WIFE'S MOTHER: Catherine Adams
CHILD: Peter Ware III
1. Peter Ware III (ca. 1613 co. Kent, England-Bet 16 Sep 1657-10 Sep 1659 Hampton Parish, York Co. VA). In 1647 Peter was an attorney for Robert Lewis in York Co., VA. In 1675, Peter Ware IV sold land in Queen’s Creek, Hampton Parish, York Co., VA to Nathaniel Bacon in which he identified the land as having belonged to his father, "Peter Ware". Mary Hickes was identified in a 1659 Orphan’s Court document as the widow of Peter Ware.
2. Thomas Ware (ca. 1617 co. Kent, England-Aft 1651 New Kent Co., VA). Annapolis Land Records, Thomas Warr in 1651, sells to James Knott, Gent., of Virginia, 200 acres of land which he describes as "the equal half of my plantation which I now live upon at Mattaponys." Side-lights on Maryland history By Hester (Dorsey) Richardson p. 384. Annapolis Wills, shows James Knott, of Nansemond, in Virginia, dated 4 Sep 1651 was witnessed by George White. Nicholas Ware [spouse of Anne Vassall], at age 21, was a headright for Rev. George White for Lower Norfolk Co., Virginia in 1648.
3. John Ware (ca. 1619 co., Kent, England-Aft 1655 New Kent Co., VA) On 11 Aug 1655, Francis Place conveyed 300 acres lying on the North side of the Rappahannock River about ten miles above Nazemum Town [later Isle of Wight] by deed of gift to "My daughter Mary Place when she arrives at 18 years," it was signed Fra. Place his mark. Witnesses were John Ware, Vin. Stanford, John Philips. Mary Place later married Thomas Powell and by 1666, they deeded this land to James Coghill. Thomas Powell's plantation joined John Garrett's land in Isle of Wight. In 1665 Patent Books extracts in the VA State Library (vol. 25, New Kent Co., p. 117), Edward Dennis and Samuel Mottershott acquired five hundred acres of land described as adjoining the land of Capt. Martin Palmer and Edward Diggs. On 6 Jun 1655 Edward Diggs Esq. sold John Hodson and John Garratt three hundred acres in New Kent on the Mattipony River bounded on the corner of Thomas Saunders and Arakeyaco / Arracaico Swamp.
4. Robert Ware (ca. 1625 co. Kent, England-19 Apr 1699 Dedham, MA) m. Margaret Hunt (c1624-26 Aug 1670 Dedham, MA) Margaret was d/o John Hunt and Hester Seaborne. In Early records of the town of Dedham, Mass. By Carlos Slafter, we find Samuel Bacon, Thomas Eaton, Robert Ware and Comfort Starr on a 1695 tax list side by side. Comfort Starr arrived with the early settlers of Scituate, Pl`ymouth Colony. The earliest date at which the name Robert Ware occurs in the Dedham records is 25 Nov 1642, which states: "Robert Weares is Admitted to the purchase of Thomas Eames his house lott and three acres of land." In 1662 John Eaton and Robert Ware were listed together on a list of petitioners in Dedham, MA. "Robert Ware the Aged" died at age 74 in Dedham, 19 Apr 1699.
5. Nicholas Ware (ca. 1627 co. Kent, England-1663 Rappahannock Co., VA) m. Anne Vassall (c1629 England-Aft 1663 in VA or Barbados). She was the d/o William Vassall and Anne King who were early settlers of Scituate in the Plymouth Colony and later Barbados. At age 21, Nicholas Ware was a headright for Rev. George White for Lower Norfolk Co., VA in 1648. They had sons Nicholas and John who likely settled in Barbados.
Peter Ware married Catheren Iton [Eaton] on 8 Jun 1612, in Tenterden, co. Kent, England. There are two sources for this marriage. 1) Tenterden Kent Marriages 1597 - 1894, By Peter Smith, and 2) England Marriages, 1538 - 1973, LDS Project: 102150-7 Film: 1737094, both as Peter Ware and Catherine Iten [Eaton] married on 8 Jun 1613 in Tenterden, Kent, England. At present there is no further information about Peter Ware II, other than his marriage to Catherine Eaton. This is likely due to the volatile relationship between England and the Separatists, and the excessive force used to suppress nonconforming ministers and their congregation, It is unknown if he was among those who sought refuge in the Netherlands in 1608, nor has his name been found among those imprisoned for gathering in secrecy in homes and buildings.
Possibly due to his young age and being newly married, his involvement may have come a decade later when many of the pilgrims returned to England to make plans to board various ships heading to America. It was their desire to be left alone to live in a pure and righteous way. The reasons suggested by William Bradford, when he notes the "discouragements" of the hard life they had in Holland, and the hope of attracting others by finding "a better, and easier place of living"; the "children" of the group being "drawne away by evill examples into extravagence and dangerous courses"; the "great hope, for the propagating and advancing the gospell of the kingdom of Christ in those remote parts of the world" (Wheelwright, 7-8).
The following information regarding Rev. Henry Jacob and Rev. John Lothropp was taken in part from: The Roots of the Ancient Congregational Church in London, Scituate, and Barnstable, Rev. John Lothropp, Minister, By Dan R. McConnell, published by the Cape Cod Genealogical Society Bulletin, Fall 2008: "Several hundred English ministers, known as Separatists and later referred to as Pilgrims, began speaking out against the Church of England. Pilgrims separated from the Church of England and Puritans purify the Church from within. On July 6, 1604, the separatists were ejected, silenced, suspended, imprisoned or exiled by King James I. Rev. John Lothropp, initially a Puritan, became sympathetic with the Separatists, and for thirteen years he preached their point of view to an ever growing congregation at Egerton, co. Kent, England." [Among this congregation was John Hatche who mentions his uncle "Peeter Ware" in his will].
The Separatists point of view became the forerunner to the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Rev. Henry Jacob, a Separatist, was a prolific writer, publishing numerous tracts and petitions to both Queen Elizabeth and King James; frequently critical of the Church of England. He was imprisoned in 1609, and, on his release, fled to Holland, where he took up residence with the congregation of John Robinson, pastor of the Mayflower Pilgrims. Jacob later wrote that he came to agree with Robinson that “a visible church was constituted by free mutual consent of believers joining and covenanting to live as members of a holy society, and that such a church should elect its ministers, elders, deacons, and the congregation should be governed by it’s officers."
After returning to England, Rev. Jacob organized the first (non-Anglican) Independent Church in the Southwark borough of London. Robinson's congregation continued to live in Leiden, Holland where religious freedom was practiced, discussed and openly debated. Robinson's group lived and worked together and depended heavily on one another for their survival. They secretly operated a printing press and were primarily responsible for printing most of the material circulating against the Church of England during that time. It took several years, but England eventually put enough pressure on Holland to shut them down.
Rev. Jacob was no longer licensed by the Church of England due to his outspoken, non-conformist views. As King James famously remarked about such petitions “No Bishop, No King.” Since the King was head of the Church of England, to abolish the Bishops was to deny Royal authority, an act of Treason. King James, however, did agree to the Puritan request for a new English translation of the Bible, known after its publication in 1611 as the King James Version.
Rev. John Lothrop has been called one of the five most important ministers to arrive in New England during the Great Migration. In 1624, Rev. Henry Jacob joined Separatists living in Virginia, and Rev. John Lothrop became his successor in London with about 60 members. The group's private meetings continued for some time, sometimes barely escaping their persecutors. On April 29, 1632, they were discovered by one of bishop Laud's men and 42 members were apprehended while only 18 escaped. Writers on the subject have commented on his arrest, but are deeply saddened by the lack of knowledge of their names. Rev. Lothrop remained in prison two years until April 1634, and upon his release he removed to Scituate. Jacob and Lothrop’s church is said to be the closest sister church to Robinson’s congregation, a likely reason why John Robinson’s son, Isaac, joined Rev. Lothrop in Scituate in November 1636.
Both the Ware and Eaton families were deeply connected to the Separatists who migrated from Tenterden, co. Kent, to Scituate. A large number of these Separatists migrated to Isle of Wight in Virginia to join Rev. Jacob after word of his arrival reached them. However, upon Jacob's untimely death, they pulled up stakes again and followed the recently arrived Rev. Richard Bennett to his new settlement in Nansemond Co., Virginia.
The Scituate Separatists, referred to as the "men of Kent," arrived at different times and by different routes. Many originated in Tenterden, Benenden, Crittenden, Biddenden, Ashford, Wye, Horsmonden, Cranbrook, Sandhurst, Hawkhurst, Goudhurst, Staplehurst, Egerton, Romney Marsh, Old Romney, New Romney, Tonbridge and Chiddingstone, all in Kent, England. A large number of the group stayed for a short time in Sandwich, co., Kent, before making the long journey.
In Lothrop's diary he wrote, "upon January 8, 1634 Wee had a day of humiliation and then att night joined in covenent togeather, so many of us as had beene in covenenaunt before." James Cudworth, a member of Lothrop's London congregation who arrived the year before wrote, "The Lord has bine very gracious... to bringe us oure Pastor whom we long expected -- Mr. Lothrop, who the Lord has brought us in safety." It is thought Lothrop's Scituate group during this time numbered over 210.
The monument indicates a distinction between the Men of Kent of east Kent and Kentish Men of west Kent
These "Men of Kent" continued to arrive over the next four years. By 1640, the 50 plus households living in Scituate remained a well-defined group and seldom married outsiders. It is believed that the majority of them shared a common genetic heritage prior to their arrival, and continued this intermarriage between Separatists living in both Scituate, MA and Nansemond, VA.
Samuel Eaton, son of Richard Eaton, Vicar of Great Budworth, was educated at Oxford, was a prolific pamphleteer and the first nonconformist minister in Cheshire. He took orders under the Church of England, but soon dissented. He first went as minister to West Kirby on the Wirrall, but was suspended by Bishop Bridgeman in 1631, taken prisoner by Bishop Laud and imprisoned at Newgate. He fled to Holland after his release joining others who were living there.
Thomas, son of Nathaniel Tilden and Lydia Huckstepp were the parents of Thomas Tilden, chr. 19 Jan 1618 in Tenterden, Kent, England, according to England Births and Christenings, 1538 - 1975. Nathaniel and Lydia settled in Scituate soon after their arrival in 1634 on the Hercules. In Sep. 1634, John Winthrop, Gov. of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, paid close attention to ships coming and going in the Boston Harbor. He wrote in his journal: "The Griffin and another ship now arriving with about 200 passenger and one hundred cattle. Mr. Lothrop and Mr. Simmes, two godly ministers coming in the same ship." Both ships, the Griffin and the Hercules, were carrying members of Lothrop's congregation heading to Scituate. In the History of Scituate, MA, By Samuel Deane, by September 27th, "a considerable settlement had already been made by 'the men of Kent' who received Mr. Lothrop as a former acquaintance."
Nicholas Ware, spouse of Anne Vassall of Scituate, settled in Rappahannock, VA c1650. Nicholas Ware's birth year is estimated to be c1627 based on ship records showing his wife, Anne Vassall, to be age 6 when she arrived in 1635 with her family. We know each of her sisters married at the age of 21, so it is believed Nicholas Ware and Anne Vassall married in Barbados about 1650. William Vassall, Anne's father, removed with his family to Barbados in 1648, and he died shortly before 31 July 1655, when Nicholas Ware is mentioned in his will.
In 1648, Nicholas Ware, age 21, was a headright for Rev. George White, for Lower Norfolk Co., VA. This Nicholas Ware was not the son of Peter Ware, Sr. born c1613, but his younger brother. In the book, Early records of the town of Dedham, Mass. By Carlos Slafter, we find the names of Samuel Bacon, Thomas Eaton, Robert Ware and Comfort Starr, listed side by side. The list was compiled by Comfort Starr, Constable of Dedham, to "collect taxes to defray the towns debt on 16 Dec 1695." Robert Ware of Dedham was born c1625. The earliest date at which the name Robert Ware occurs in the Dedham records is 25 Nov 1642, which states: "Robert Weares is Admitted to the purchase of Thomas Eames his house lott and three acres of land." In 1662 John Eaton and Robert Ware are listed together on a list of petitioners in Dedham, MA. "Robert Ware the Aged" died at age 74 in Dedham, 19 Apr 1699, his will, made 25 Feb 1698, was proved 11 May 1699.
Samuel Eaton, son of Richard Eaton, Vicar of Great Budworth, was educated at Oxford, was a prolific pamphleteer and the first nonconformist minister in Cheshire. He took orders under the Church of England, but soon dissented. He first went as minister to West Kirby on the Wirrall, but was suspended by Bishop Bridgeman in 1631, taken prisoner by Bishop Laud and imprisoned at Newgate. He fled to Holland after his release joining others who were living there.
Thomas, son of Nathaniel Tilden and Lydia Huckstepp were the parents of Thomas Tilden, chr. 19 Jan 1618 in Tenterden, Kent, England, according to England Births and Christenings, 1538 - 1975. Nathaniel and Lydia settled in Scituate soon after their arrival in 1634 on the Hercules. In Sep. 1634, John Winthrop, Gov. of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, paid close attention to ships coming and going in the Boston Harbor. He wrote in his journal: "The Griffin and another ship now arriving with about 200 passenger and one hundred cattle. Mr. Lothrop and Mr. Simmes, two godly ministers coming in the same ship." Both ships, the Griffin and the Hercules, were carrying members of Lothrop's congregation heading to Scituate. In the History of Scituate, MA, By Samuel Deane, by September 27th, "a considerable settlement had already been made by 'the men of Kent' who received Mr. Lothrop as a former acquaintance."
Nicholas Ware, spouse of Anne Vassall of Scituate, settled in Rappahannock, VA c1650. Nicholas Ware's birth year is estimated to be c1627 based on ship records showing his wife, Anne Vassall, to be age 6 when she arrived in 1635 with her family. We know each of her sisters married at the age of 21, so it is believed Nicholas Ware and Anne Vassall married in Barbados about 1650. William Vassall, Anne's father, removed with his family to Barbados in 1648, and he died shortly before 31 July 1655, when Nicholas Ware is mentioned in his will.
In 1648, Nicholas Ware, age 21, was a headright for Rev. George White, for Lower Norfolk Co., VA. This Nicholas Ware was not the son of Peter Ware, Sr. born c1613, but his younger brother. In the book, Early records of the town of Dedham, Mass. By Carlos Slafter, we find the names of Samuel Bacon, Thomas Eaton, Robert Ware and Comfort Starr, listed side by side. The list was compiled by Comfort Starr, Constable of Dedham, to "collect taxes to defray the towns debt on 16 Dec 1695." Robert Ware of Dedham was born c1625. The earliest date at which the name Robert Ware occurs in the Dedham records is 25 Nov 1642, which states: "Robert Weares is Admitted to the purchase of Thomas Eames his house lott and three acres of land." In 1662 John Eaton and Robert Ware are listed together on a list of petitioners in Dedham, MA. "Robert Ware the Aged" died at age 74 in Dedham, 19 Apr 1699, his will, made 25 Feb 1698, was proved 11 May 1699.
BIRTH: ca. 1613 Tenterden co. Kent, England
English Protestant Separatist, Pilgrim and Emigrant Ancestor
DEATH: Bfr. 9/10/1659 Hampton Parish, York Co., VA
MARRIED: ca. 1632 Kent, England
WIFE: Mary Hicks
FATHER: Peter Ware II
MOTHER: Catherine Eaton
BIRTH: ca. 1613 Tenterden co. Kent, England
English Protestant Separatist, Pilgrim and Emigrant Ancestor
DEATH: Bfr. 9/10/1659 Hampton Parish, York Co., VA
MARRIED: ca. 1632 Kent, England
WIFE: Mary Hicks
FATHER: Peter Ware II
MOTHER: Catherine Eaton
1. Peter Ware IV (ca. 1632 co. Kent, England-Bet 1675-23 May 1693 New Kent Co., VA), son and heir, he m. Jane Valentine (c1632 England-Aft. 1693 New Kent Co., VA). Son and heir, he was appointed Asst. Constable in 1660, and that same year he and Nicholas Ware witnessed a deposition. In 1662 he was appointed surveyor, in 1663 he was listed as a headright with John Garrett and in 1665 he was appointed Constable. In 1675 he sold land to Hon. Nathaniel Bacon left to him by his father, that same year he purchased land in New Kent Co. next to Col. William Claiborne, Edward Cardingbrook and John Ware. This land was also next to Jeremiah Rawlings, John Garrett and Nicholas Ware according to a 1683 patent.
2. John Ware (ca. 1634 co. Kent, England-Bfr 1704 New Kent Co., VA) In 1675 John Ware is shown owning property in New Kent Co. adj. Peter Ware, Nicholas Ware and Edward Cardingbrook.
3. Thomas Ware (ca. 1636 co. Kent, England-Aft 1682 New Kent Co., VA) On 26 Feb 1682, he appraised the estate of Thomas Reynolds. In 1637, Thomas Reynolds lived on the south side of the James River next to John Hucks who received 200 acres for transporting John Hodson. On 6 Jun 1655, John Hodson and John Garrett patented 300 acres in New Kent Co., VA.
4. Elizabeth Ware (ca. 1638 co. Kent, England-Aft 1664 New Kent Co., VA) m. John Garrett III (c1630 Nansemond Co., VA-Aft 1665 New Kent Co., VA), son of Mr. John Garrett II of Isle of Wight, VA. In 1664, John Pigg and Robert Abrall were granted 1250 acres in New Kent, and in 1663, George Bryar and Richard Lawrence received 3,000 acres for trans. 60 persons, 3 of which were: Peter Ware, Jno. Pigg and Jno Garrett.
5. Edward Ware (ca. 1640 co. Kent, England-Bfr. 1704) is shown in 1673 as an estate appraiser in Hampton Parish, York Co., VA. He is not charged on the 1704 Quit Rent, and was likely deceased prior to that year. The Edward Ware charged on the 1704 Quit Rent was the son of Nicholas Ware I, charged with 415 acres his father purchased on 29 Nov 1680; 300 acres his father received on 22 Sep 1682; and 20 acres Edward himself purchased on 12 Nov 1700 for a total of 735 acres; this shows Edward received his inheritance while his father was still living.
6. Nicholas Ware I (c1642 Virginia Colony-Aft 1713) On 21 Aug 1665, he patented a total of 386 acres with John Garrett in New Kent Co., next to Col. William Claiborne, Edward Cardingbrook and John Ware. According to his son Edward's 1722 patent, Nicholas Ware received a total of 795 acres from Henry Madison. He received 415 acres in 1680 and an additional 380 acres soon after. The 380 acres belonged to Henry's father, John Madison, Sr. of Queen's Creek, York Co., who was living adj. Col. William Taylor. In 1664, John Madison and John Pigg divided a patent of 1030 acres in New Kent. Nicholas appears on the 1704 Virginia Quit Rent Rolls charged with 718 acres. This 718 acres consisted of 536 acres he patented with John Darwood on 23 Apr 1681. The remaining 182 acres was part of the 386 acres patented with John Garrett on 21 Aug 1665. John Garrett re-patented 204 acres on 26 Apr 1680, adjacent Cardingbrook and Jennings and previously re-patented same on 24 Feb 1675. In a 1713 deed, his son is referred to as Nicholas Ware, Jr., which indicates he was still living at that time. "Grandma's Book" by Eron M. Sharp, dated 1960, states: "Nicholas Ware, the first ancestor who lived in Stratton-Major Parish had married Jenny Garrett, and they settled there in 1665." Nicholas is first mentioned in 1660, when he and his brother Peter signed as witnesses of a deposition given by Francis Carpenter for Thomas Bucke's estate. He and Jenny married about 1667. She was likely the daughter of John Garrett of Upper Norfolk Co., who received 400 acres on 22 May 1642 on Indian Creek on the Western Branch of the Nansemond River. For more on the Garrett Family see:
www.werelate.org/wiki/Garrett_Family_of_Nansemond_%26_New_Kent_Co.%2C_VA .
7. FNU Ware (ca. 1644-Bfr 1657) in 1657 Mary Hickes attended Orphan's Court to request division of property of the deceased orphans of Peter Ware to the remaining children.
8. FNU Ware (ca. 1646-Bfr 1657) in 1657 Mary Hickes attended Orphan's Court to request division of property of the deceased orphans of Peter Ware to the remaining children.
2. John Ware (ca. 1634 co. Kent, England-Bfr 1704 New Kent Co., VA) In 1675 John Ware is shown owning property in New Kent Co. adj. Peter Ware, Nicholas Ware and Edward Cardingbrook.
3. Thomas Ware (ca. 1636 co. Kent, England-Aft 1682 New Kent Co., VA) On 26 Feb 1682, he appraised the estate of Thomas Reynolds. In 1637, Thomas Reynolds lived on the south side of the James River next to John Hucks who received 200 acres for transporting John Hodson. On 6 Jun 1655, John Hodson and John Garrett patented 300 acres in New Kent Co., VA.
4. Elizabeth Ware (ca. 1638 co. Kent, England-Aft 1664 New Kent Co., VA) m. John Garrett III (c1630 Nansemond Co., VA-Aft 1665 New Kent Co., VA), son of Mr. John Garrett II of Isle of Wight, VA. In 1664, John Pigg and Robert Abrall were granted 1250 acres in New Kent, and in 1663, George Bryar and Richard Lawrence received 3,000 acres for trans. 60 persons, 3 of which were: Peter Ware, Jno. Pigg and Jno Garrett.
5. Edward Ware (ca. 1640 co. Kent, England-Bfr. 1704) is shown in 1673 as an estate appraiser in Hampton Parish, York Co., VA. He is not charged on the 1704 Quit Rent, and was likely deceased prior to that year. The Edward Ware charged on the 1704 Quit Rent was the son of Nicholas Ware I, charged with 415 acres his father purchased on 29 Nov 1680; 300 acres his father received on 22 Sep 1682; and 20 acres Edward himself purchased on 12 Nov 1700 for a total of 735 acres; this shows Edward received his inheritance while his father was still living.
6. Nicholas Ware I (c1642 Virginia Colony-Aft 1713) On 21 Aug 1665, he patented a total of 386 acres with John Garrett in New Kent Co., next to Col. William Claiborne, Edward Cardingbrook and John Ware. According to his son Edward's 1722 patent, Nicholas Ware received a total of 795 acres from Henry Madison. He received 415 acres in 1680 and an additional 380 acres soon after. The 380 acres belonged to Henry's father, John Madison, Sr. of Queen's Creek, York Co., who was living adj. Col. William Taylor. In 1664, John Madison and John Pigg divided a patent of 1030 acres in New Kent. Nicholas appears on the 1704 Virginia Quit Rent Rolls charged with 718 acres. This 718 acres consisted of 536 acres he patented with John Darwood on 23 Apr 1681. The remaining 182 acres was part of the 386 acres patented with John Garrett on 21 Aug 1665. John Garrett re-patented 204 acres on 26 Apr 1680, adjacent Cardingbrook and Jennings and previously re-patented same on 24 Feb 1675. In a 1713 deed, his son is referred to as Nicholas Ware, Jr., which indicates he was still living at that time. "Grandma's Book" by Eron M. Sharp, dated 1960, states: "Nicholas Ware, the first ancestor who lived in Stratton-Major Parish had married Jenny Garrett, and they settled there in 1665." Nicholas is first mentioned in 1660, when he and his brother Peter signed as witnesses of a deposition given by Francis Carpenter for Thomas Bucke's estate. He and Jenny married about 1667. She was likely the daughter of John Garrett of Upper Norfolk Co., who received 400 acres on 22 May 1642 on Indian Creek on the Western Branch of the Nansemond River. For more on the Garrett Family see:
www.werelate.org/wiki/Garrett_Family_of_Nansemond_%26_New_Kent_Co.%2C_VA .
7. FNU Ware (ca. 1644-Bfr 1657) in 1657 Mary Hickes attended Orphan's Court to request division of property of the deceased orphans of Peter Ware to the remaining children.
8. FNU Ware (ca. 1646-Bfr 1657) in 1657 Mary Hickes attended Orphan's Court to request division of property of the deceased orphans of Peter Ware to the remaining children.
In 1620, Edwin Bennett, an influential citizen of London, established a settlement called Nansemond located near Isle of Wight, VA. That same year his nephew, Rev. Richard Bennett, arrived aboard the "Seafloure" with his brother, Rev. William Bennett, and Mrs. Utie and her son John. The Rev. Thomas Harrison also labored with them. Nansemond soon became the great center of the dissenting idea, and was most influential in the propagating of the views of the non-conformists and dissenters.
Rev. Richard Bennett and his group moved from Isle of Wight Co. to Nansemond Co. shortly before 1635. Rev. William Bennett was succeeded by Rev. Henry Jacob. On June 3, 1635, Rev. George White, Robert Newman and Richard Bennett, along with others, patented hundreds of acres along the Nansemond River. Bennett's commercial and political connections included William Claiborne of Virginia and Maurice Thompson, a London merchant, allowing him to engage in profitable commerce between Virginia, Maryland, England and the Netherlands.
Early neighbors living along Indian Creek in Nansemond County were: Thomas Powell, James Long, Hugh Sanders, John Bryan, John Garrett, William Powell and William Scott. In 1628 Richard Bennett arrived to manage "Bennett's Welcome" in Isle of Wight, his uncle Edward Bennett's estate. By 1640, he had thousands of acres in both Virginia and Maryland and imported over 600 settlers, mostly Puritans. He was also successful in recruiting three Puritan ministers from Plymouth to Upper Norfolk Co., VA, and in 1646 he organized a mercenary Puritan army to assist the exiled governor of Maryland, Leonard Calvert. Many of these mercenaries remained in Maryland and became the vanguard of a vast Puritan migration to that colony between 1648 - 1650.
Thomas Hatche and Joane Brissenden of Tenterden, county Kent, were the parents of Winifred Hatche, wife of Richard Wills, secondly Stephen Hatherly and third Stephen Huckstep. Her brother John Hatche married Dorothy Philpott. Sarah Tilden, daughter of Nathaniel Tilden, [son of Thomas Tilden and Alice Biggs], and Lydia Huckstep, [daughter of Stephen Huckstep and Winnifred Hatch], married George Sutton in 1635 in Scituate, Plymouth Colony. Their son Nathaniel Sutton married Deborah Austin in Nansemond Co., Virginia on 12 Aug 1668. Upon Nathaniel Tilden’s marriage to his second wife, Elinore Hubbard, he became stepfather to Robert Cushman, the London based agent of the Leyden Pilgrims.
William Bradford, the first governor of the Plymouth Colony, once lived in Amsterdam with the separatists. He married Dorothy Maye, a cousin of Martin Maye of Old Romney who is mentioned in the will of John Hatche. On 23 Dec 1714, John May, Robert Farish and John Pigg patented 2,000 acres in a fork of the Mattaponi River in New Kent Co. A John May was born c1668 in Scituate, Plymouth Colony and married Anne Warren on 8 Apr 1712, however, he died on 3 Jun 1754 in Plymouth, Plymouth Co., MA, so the Virginia John May was likely from another branch of this family.
William Claiborne of Kent, named his Maryland settlement, "Kent Island," and later named his settlement in Virginia "New Kent" Co. A New Kent Co. deed shows William Claiborne sold a portion of this property, "to Peter Ware [Jr.] and making a "free gift" of 100 acres to Matthew Jennings, chirurgeon," according to Virginia Patent Bk. 7, p. 77 dated 23 Apr 1681. In: William Claiborne of Virginia: with some account of his pedigree, By John Herbert Claiborne, the following is written, "As for Claiborne, he was a Church of England man, and affiliated himself with the Puritans." William Claiborne served with Richard Bennett of Nansemond County on the Puritan Commission appointed to bring the colonies of Maryland and Virginia into line during the Cromwell Protectorate.
With the restoration of Charles II to the English throne, the influence of the puritan movement in England and in Virginia diminished. Most of the remaining Puritans became Quakers, particularly after the visit of George Fox and William Edmundson in 1672. A known convert of Edmundson and Fox was Richard Bennett, and many surmise William Claiborne became a convert at that time as well. George Fox in his journal writes of Bennett, "He was a solid wise man, received the truth and died in the same, leaving two Friends his executors.
As the history of the Eastern Shore unfolds, we discover Puritans and Pilgrims from England, New England and New Netherlands, as well as Quakers and Presbyterians, were setting their sights on the Eastern Shore to practice their faith unmolested. The Mayflower Compact was signed by the Pilgrims from Holland and others who joined them on the Mayflower who were referred to as "strangers". Among the signers were, John Carver, William Bradford, Edward Winslow, William Brewster, Isaac Allerton, Miles Standish, John Alden, Samuel Fuller, Christopher Martin, William Mullins, William White, James Chilton, John Craxton, John Billington, Richard Warren, John Howland, Steven Hopkins, Edward Tilly, Francis Cook, Thomas Rogers, Thomas Tinker, John Rigdale, Edward Fuller, John Turner, Francis Eaton, Moses Fletcher, Digery Priest, Thomas Williams, Gilbert Winslow, Edmond Margeson, Peter Brown, Richard Bitteridge, Richard Clark, Richard Gardiner, John Allerton, Thomas English, Edward Doten, Edward Liester, John Goodman and George Soule.
In 1616, upon his return to London, Jacob formed the first Independent Church of England with the following initial members. They continued to meet in secret, mainly in the homes of members: JOHN ALLEN, THOMAS ALLEN, MRS. ALLEN, Brother Arnold, THOMAS ARUNDEL, Mary Atkin, WILLIAM ATWOOD, Praise God Barebone, Sarah Barebone, Mrs. Barnett, Mr. Bates, William Batty, Humphrey Barnard, Richard Blunt, Rice Boy, Richard Browne, Daniel Chidley, Mrs Chitwood, Brother Cradock, James Cudworth, Abigail De Lamar, ELIZABETH DENNE , Mrs Digeby, HENRY DODD, Sister Dry, Brother Dupper, Thomas Dyer, SAMUEL EATON, John Egge, Edward Farre, Joan Ferne Widow, John Fenner, John Flower, Mr. Gibs, MR. GLOVER, Henry Goodall, Ralph Grafton, Wm Granger, BROTHER GREEN, Mary Greenway, MRS. HAMMOND, Jane Harris, Thomas Harris, William Harris, Widow Harvey, Saml Howes, Peninah Howes, John Ireland, Henry Jacob,Sara Jacob, Henry January, William Jennings, John Jerrow, Henry Jessey, Sarah Jones, Thomas Jones, Manasses Kenton, William Kiffin, Mr Laberton, Mrs Laberton, JOHN LOTHROPP, Robert Linnell, Mrs. Linnell, Mrs Lovel, Mark Lucar, John Melbourne, Elizabeth Melbourne, Mabel Melbourne, Brother & Sister Morton, Widow Norton, Henry Parker, Henry Penn, William Pickering, Mary Price, DAVID PRIOR, Stephen Puckle, John Ravenscroft, Robert Reignolds, William Russell, Elizabeth Sergeant, Thomas Sheppard, ROGER SMITH, JOHN SPENCER, Sabine Straismore, Mrs Swinerton, TOBY TALBOT, William Throughton, John Trask, Katherine Treadwell, Richard Treadwell, John Trimber, Hugh Vessey, JOSHUA WARREN, Widow White, G. Wiffield, Benjamin Wilkins, Thomas Wilson, Phyllis Wilson, Susan Wilson, Alice Wincoop, Rebecca Wincoop, Elizabeth Wincoop, John Woodwin.
Names mentioned in early Virginia, Scituate, Barnstable and Dedham are: Bacon, Biggs, Bird, Briggs, Brown, Bryant, Buck, Chambers, Clapp, Coleman, Cooke, Curtis, Ford, Foster, Garrett, Gilson, Hall, Hayward, Hill, Holmes, Huckstep, James, King, Lewis, Mayo, Mitchell, Morris, Osborne, Palmer, Payne, Pierce, Rawlins, Robinson, Rogers, Sayer, Smith, Sutton, Tilden, Turner, Vassall, Ware, Williams, White and Wood.
King and Queen County Virginia, By Alfred Bagby p. 23, EARLY SETTLERS - We give the following names of settlers in that region, on the soil of the present King and Queen County, drawn from the antiquated books now in the land office in Richmond, counting from the year 1625 onward: Major William Nash, Major William Lewis, Dr. Giles Mode, Anthony Haynes, Wyatt, Hodson, Loane, Chapman, Pigge, Colonel Nathaniel Bacon (Arioceo Swamp), Lockey, Austin, Peck, Diggs, Richard Harrison, Mozey, Birch (Hartquake Creek), Morris, Biggs, Hugh Roye, Jennings, James, Brund, Sexton, Woodward, Fuzey, Michel, Robert Pollard (near L. Creek), Clayborne, William Anderson (Poropotank Creek), Butler (Hartquake Swamp), Captain Thomas Byneton, Holmes, Williams (on Bestland, a branch of Piankitank), Robert Bagbie (1672), (joined Skipwith and Chapman), Robert Bagby (above tide, joined Pigge and Hall, 1673), Henden, Key, Captain Lawrence Smith, Lieutenant-Colonel John Smith, Lightfoot, Roystin, Lewis, Hall (on Mattapony), Captain Robert Beverly, Garratt (Hartquake Creek), Mich, Robinson, Style, Story, Jones, Robert Spencer (joined Ed. Diggs), Captain Jacob Lumpkin (1682), Leigh, Madison (joined to Robert Bagbie, Miles, and Chamberlaine, near (Mantapike Path), Colonel Richard Johnson, Echols, Bowden, Thomas Todd, Eastham, Taylor, Neal, Muire, Lane, Key, McKenney, Ed. Gresham (on Exall Swamp), Story. 1664, John Fleet, 1662, William and John Clarke, 1682, Thomas Harwood, John Clarke, Williams, Rogers, and Shackelford; 1693, William Todd, Robert Bird, Captain Joshua Story, Zackery Lewis; 1695, Ed. Gutharie, Alexander Campbell, Colonel Ed. Hill, Colonel Richard Johnson, Jennings, Carlton, Fox, Baylor, Watkins, Ware, Didlake, Pynes, Gardaner, Dunbar, Lyne, Thompson, Truman, William Bird, Gardner (Exall Swamp), Kemp, Temple, Roane, Crain, Captain William Fleet, Rowe, Dunn, Temple, Reuben Garrett, Charles Hill, Bayler, Temple.
On Apr. 16, 1683, Mr. William Sayer patented 550 acres in New Kent Co. on the north side of the Mattaponi River beginning at Mr. Nicholas Ware's path; by John Taylor; to Meade's Corner; adj. Mr. Hall; Mr. Robert Hill and Mr. Henry Biggs; by Chiscake Path, to Mr. Light; Crossing Bridge Br. to Mr. Nicholas Ware. (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Pat. Book 7, p. 262). On Aug. 9, 1693, William Todd and Ignatius Turner witnessed the will of Samuel Huckstep of Stratton Major Parish, King and Queen Co.; both Huckstep and Turner were from Scituate.
In 1647, Peter Ware [Sr.] was attorney for Robert Lewis in a case involving William Todd. In Nell Marion Nugent's Cavaliers and pioneer, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1632-1666, John Garrett and Nicholas Ware, received 386 acres in New Rent, Virginia, on Aug. 21, 1665. This land was located on the northside of the Mattaponi River for transporting eight persons: Sarah Dibdall [wife of Rev. John Dibdall of Surry Co.] Jim White [probably related to Rev. George White], Rowland Lurs, William Bryan, La. Boucher, Fran Cooke, Agnes Buck [probably related to Isaac Buck of Scituate who purchased a house once belonging to Resolved White, brother-in-law of Nicholas Ware]. In 1660 Peter Ware, Jr. and Nicholas Ware witnessed a deposition given by Francis Carpenter for Thomas Bucke's estate.
On 24 Sep 1647, Peter Ware, James Besouth, Philip Walker, William Coxe appraised the estate of Robert Jackson, deceased. Appraisal of other property of Robert Jackson was signed by Peter Ware. (Beverly Fleet, VA. Colonial. Abstract 25, York Co. Page 37, 53) James Besouth was the brother of Elizabeth Besouth who married Richard Harrison. Richard Lee is assignee of Robert Bouth / Besouth) for 357 lbs. tobacco. (Beverly Fleet, VA Colonial Abstract, York Co., Vol. 25, Page 57).
On 16 Sep 1657, Gervase Dodson patented 5200 acres in Westmoreland for transporting 2200 persons, two of them were Mary Hix and Peter Ware (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book 4). In May 1660, Gervase Dodson was among a group of Quakers apprehended and made to appear before the court. Before his death, Dodson was publicly whipped for being caught at a house at night with several Quakers. He was charged with plotting against the Crown. The homeowner was fined an extreme sum, and a book “Perkins & His Works” was confiscated. In his lifetime, William Perkins attained enormous popularity, with sales of his works eventually surpassing even Calvin's. From his position at Cambridge, Perkins was able to influence a whole generation of English churchmen. John Robinson, the founder of congregationalism in Leiden and pastor of the group which went on to found the Plymouth Colony, was one of his pupils.
On 25 Sep 1657, Richard Russell received 1,000 acres in Northumberland Co. about William Presley and adjacent Gervase Dodson and towards Col. [William] Claiborne for Transporting twenty persons, one of which was Richard Eaton. On 8 Dec 1653 John Hunt and Thomas Harwood were administrators of the estate of John Eaton.
Rev. Richard Bennett and his group moved from Isle of Wight Co. to Nansemond Co. shortly before 1635. Rev. William Bennett was succeeded by Rev. Henry Jacob. On June 3, 1635, Rev. George White, Robert Newman and Richard Bennett, along with others, patented hundreds of acres along the Nansemond River. Bennett's commercial and political connections included William Claiborne of Virginia and Maurice Thompson, a London merchant, allowing him to engage in profitable commerce between Virginia, Maryland, England and the Netherlands.
Early neighbors living along Indian Creek in Nansemond County were: Thomas Powell, James Long, Hugh Sanders, John Bryan, John Garrett, William Powell and William Scott. In 1628 Richard Bennett arrived to manage "Bennett's Welcome" in Isle of Wight, his uncle Edward Bennett's estate. By 1640, he had thousands of acres in both Virginia and Maryland and imported over 600 settlers, mostly Puritans. He was also successful in recruiting three Puritan ministers from Plymouth to Upper Norfolk Co., VA, and in 1646 he organized a mercenary Puritan army to assist the exiled governor of Maryland, Leonard Calvert. Many of these mercenaries remained in Maryland and became the vanguard of a vast Puritan migration to that colony between 1648 - 1650.
Thomas Hatche and Joane Brissenden of Tenterden, county Kent, were the parents of Winifred Hatche, wife of Richard Wills, secondly Stephen Hatherly and third Stephen Huckstep. Her brother John Hatche married Dorothy Philpott. Sarah Tilden, daughter of Nathaniel Tilden, [son of Thomas Tilden and Alice Biggs], and Lydia Huckstep, [daughter of Stephen Huckstep and Winnifred Hatch], married George Sutton in 1635 in Scituate, Plymouth Colony. Their son Nathaniel Sutton married Deborah Austin in Nansemond Co., Virginia on 12 Aug 1668. Upon Nathaniel Tilden’s marriage to his second wife, Elinore Hubbard, he became stepfather to Robert Cushman, the London based agent of the Leyden Pilgrims.
William Bradford, the first governor of the Plymouth Colony, once lived in Amsterdam with the separatists. He married Dorothy Maye, a cousin of Martin Maye of Old Romney who is mentioned in the will of John Hatche. On 23 Dec 1714, John May, Robert Farish and John Pigg patented 2,000 acres in a fork of the Mattaponi River in New Kent Co. A John May was born c1668 in Scituate, Plymouth Colony and married Anne Warren on 8 Apr 1712, however, he died on 3 Jun 1754 in Plymouth, Plymouth Co., MA, so the Virginia John May was likely from another branch of this family.
William Claiborne of Kent, named his Maryland settlement, "Kent Island," and later named his settlement in Virginia "New Kent" Co. A New Kent Co. deed shows William Claiborne sold a portion of this property, "to Peter Ware [Jr.] and making a "free gift" of 100 acres to Matthew Jennings, chirurgeon," according to Virginia Patent Bk. 7, p. 77 dated 23 Apr 1681. In: William Claiborne of Virginia: with some account of his pedigree, By John Herbert Claiborne, the following is written, "As for Claiborne, he was a Church of England man, and affiliated himself with the Puritans." William Claiborne served with Richard Bennett of Nansemond County on the Puritan Commission appointed to bring the colonies of Maryland and Virginia into line during the Cromwell Protectorate.
With the restoration of Charles II to the English throne, the influence of the puritan movement in England and in Virginia diminished. Most of the remaining Puritans became Quakers, particularly after the visit of George Fox and William Edmundson in 1672. A known convert of Edmundson and Fox was Richard Bennett, and many surmise William Claiborne became a convert at that time as well. George Fox in his journal writes of Bennett, "He was a solid wise man, received the truth and died in the same, leaving two Friends his executors.
As the history of the Eastern Shore unfolds, we discover Puritans and Pilgrims from England, New England and New Netherlands, as well as Quakers and Presbyterians, were setting their sights on the Eastern Shore to practice their faith unmolested. The Mayflower Compact was signed by the Pilgrims from Holland and others who joined them on the Mayflower who were referred to as "strangers". Among the signers were, John Carver, William Bradford, Edward Winslow, William Brewster, Isaac Allerton, Miles Standish, John Alden, Samuel Fuller, Christopher Martin, William Mullins, William White, James Chilton, John Craxton, John Billington, Richard Warren, John Howland, Steven Hopkins, Edward Tilly, Francis Cook, Thomas Rogers, Thomas Tinker, John Rigdale, Edward Fuller, John Turner, Francis Eaton, Moses Fletcher, Digery Priest, Thomas Williams, Gilbert Winslow, Edmond Margeson, Peter Brown, Richard Bitteridge, Richard Clark, Richard Gardiner, John Allerton, Thomas English, Edward Doten, Edward Liester, John Goodman and George Soule.
In 1616, upon his return to London, Jacob formed the first Independent Church of England with the following initial members. They continued to meet in secret, mainly in the homes of members: JOHN ALLEN, THOMAS ALLEN, MRS. ALLEN, Brother Arnold, THOMAS ARUNDEL, Mary Atkin, WILLIAM ATWOOD, Praise God Barebone, Sarah Barebone, Mrs. Barnett, Mr. Bates, William Batty, Humphrey Barnard, Richard Blunt, Rice Boy, Richard Browne, Daniel Chidley, Mrs Chitwood, Brother Cradock, James Cudworth, Abigail De Lamar, ELIZABETH DENNE , Mrs Digeby, HENRY DODD, Sister Dry, Brother Dupper, Thomas Dyer, SAMUEL EATON, John Egge, Edward Farre, Joan Ferne Widow, John Fenner, John Flower, Mr. Gibs, MR. GLOVER, Henry Goodall, Ralph Grafton, Wm Granger, BROTHER GREEN, Mary Greenway, MRS. HAMMOND, Jane Harris, Thomas Harris, William Harris, Widow Harvey, Saml Howes, Peninah Howes, John Ireland, Henry Jacob,Sara Jacob, Henry January, William Jennings, John Jerrow, Henry Jessey, Sarah Jones, Thomas Jones, Manasses Kenton, William Kiffin, Mr Laberton, Mrs Laberton, JOHN LOTHROPP, Robert Linnell, Mrs. Linnell, Mrs Lovel, Mark Lucar, John Melbourne, Elizabeth Melbourne, Mabel Melbourne, Brother & Sister Morton, Widow Norton, Henry Parker, Henry Penn, William Pickering, Mary Price, DAVID PRIOR, Stephen Puckle, John Ravenscroft, Robert Reignolds, William Russell, Elizabeth Sergeant, Thomas Sheppard, ROGER SMITH, JOHN SPENCER, Sabine Straismore, Mrs Swinerton, TOBY TALBOT, William Throughton, John Trask, Katherine Treadwell, Richard Treadwell, John Trimber, Hugh Vessey, JOSHUA WARREN, Widow White, G. Wiffield, Benjamin Wilkins, Thomas Wilson, Phyllis Wilson, Susan Wilson, Alice Wincoop, Rebecca Wincoop, Elizabeth Wincoop, John Woodwin.
Names mentioned in early Virginia, Scituate, Barnstable and Dedham are: Bacon, Biggs, Bird, Briggs, Brown, Bryant, Buck, Chambers, Clapp, Coleman, Cooke, Curtis, Ford, Foster, Garrett, Gilson, Hall, Hayward, Hill, Holmes, Huckstep, James, King, Lewis, Mayo, Mitchell, Morris, Osborne, Palmer, Payne, Pierce, Rawlins, Robinson, Rogers, Sayer, Smith, Sutton, Tilden, Turner, Vassall, Ware, Williams, White and Wood.
King and Queen County Virginia, By Alfred Bagby p. 23, EARLY SETTLERS - We give the following names of settlers in that region, on the soil of the present King and Queen County, drawn from the antiquated books now in the land office in Richmond, counting from the year 1625 onward: Major William Nash, Major William Lewis, Dr. Giles Mode, Anthony Haynes, Wyatt, Hodson, Loane, Chapman, Pigge, Colonel Nathaniel Bacon (Arioceo Swamp), Lockey, Austin, Peck, Diggs, Richard Harrison, Mozey, Birch (Hartquake Creek), Morris, Biggs, Hugh Roye, Jennings, James, Brund, Sexton, Woodward, Fuzey, Michel, Robert Pollard (near L. Creek), Clayborne, William Anderson (Poropotank Creek), Butler (Hartquake Swamp), Captain Thomas Byneton, Holmes, Williams (on Bestland, a branch of Piankitank), Robert Bagbie (1672), (joined Skipwith and Chapman), Robert Bagby (above tide, joined Pigge and Hall, 1673), Henden, Key, Captain Lawrence Smith, Lieutenant-Colonel John Smith, Lightfoot, Roystin, Lewis, Hall (on Mattapony), Captain Robert Beverly, Garratt (Hartquake Creek), Mich, Robinson, Style, Story, Jones, Robert Spencer (joined Ed. Diggs), Captain Jacob Lumpkin (1682), Leigh, Madison (joined to Robert Bagbie, Miles, and Chamberlaine, near (Mantapike Path), Colonel Richard Johnson, Echols, Bowden, Thomas Todd, Eastham, Taylor, Neal, Muire, Lane, Key, McKenney, Ed. Gresham (on Exall Swamp), Story. 1664, John Fleet, 1662, William and John Clarke, 1682, Thomas Harwood, John Clarke, Williams, Rogers, and Shackelford; 1693, William Todd, Robert Bird, Captain Joshua Story, Zackery Lewis; 1695, Ed. Gutharie, Alexander Campbell, Colonel Ed. Hill, Colonel Richard Johnson, Jennings, Carlton, Fox, Baylor, Watkins, Ware, Didlake, Pynes, Gardaner, Dunbar, Lyne, Thompson, Truman, William Bird, Gardner (Exall Swamp), Kemp, Temple, Roane, Crain, Captain William Fleet, Rowe, Dunn, Temple, Reuben Garrett, Charles Hill, Bayler, Temple.
On Apr. 16, 1683, Mr. William Sayer patented 550 acres in New Kent Co. on the north side of the Mattaponi River beginning at Mr. Nicholas Ware's path; by John Taylor; to Meade's Corner; adj. Mr. Hall; Mr. Robert Hill and Mr. Henry Biggs; by Chiscake Path, to Mr. Light; Crossing Bridge Br. to Mr. Nicholas Ware. (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Pat. Book 7, p. 262). On Aug. 9, 1693, William Todd and Ignatius Turner witnessed the will of Samuel Huckstep of Stratton Major Parish, King and Queen Co.; both Huckstep and Turner were from Scituate.
In 1647, Peter Ware [Sr.] was attorney for Robert Lewis in a case involving William Todd. In Nell Marion Nugent's Cavaliers and pioneer, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1632-1666, John Garrett and Nicholas Ware, received 386 acres in New Rent, Virginia, on Aug. 21, 1665. This land was located on the northside of the Mattaponi River for transporting eight persons: Sarah Dibdall [wife of Rev. John Dibdall of Surry Co.] Jim White [probably related to Rev. George White], Rowland Lurs, William Bryan, La. Boucher, Fran Cooke, Agnes Buck [probably related to Isaac Buck of Scituate who purchased a house once belonging to Resolved White, brother-in-law of Nicholas Ware]. In 1660 Peter Ware, Jr. and Nicholas Ware witnessed a deposition given by Francis Carpenter for Thomas Bucke's estate.
On 24 Sep 1647, Peter Ware, James Besouth, Philip Walker, William Coxe appraised the estate of Robert Jackson, deceased. Appraisal of other property of Robert Jackson was signed by Peter Ware. (Beverly Fleet, VA. Colonial. Abstract 25, York Co. Page 37, 53) James Besouth was the brother of Elizabeth Besouth who married Richard Harrison. Richard Lee is assignee of Robert Bouth / Besouth) for 357 lbs. tobacco. (Beverly Fleet, VA Colonial Abstract, York Co., Vol. 25, Page 57).
On 16 Sep 1657, Gervase Dodson patented 5200 acres in Westmoreland for transporting 2200 persons, two of them were Mary Hix and Peter Ware (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book 4). In May 1660, Gervase Dodson was among a group of Quakers apprehended and made to appear before the court. Before his death, Dodson was publicly whipped for being caught at a house at night with several Quakers. He was charged with plotting against the Crown. The homeowner was fined an extreme sum, and a book “Perkins & His Works” was confiscated. In his lifetime, William Perkins attained enormous popularity, with sales of his works eventually surpassing even Calvin's. From his position at Cambridge, Perkins was able to influence a whole generation of English churchmen. John Robinson, the founder of congregationalism in Leiden and pastor of the group which went on to found the Plymouth Colony, was one of his pupils.
On 25 Sep 1657, Richard Russell received 1,000 acres in Northumberland Co. about William Presley and adjacent Gervase Dodson and towards Col. [William] Claiborne for Transporting twenty persons, one of which was Richard Eaton. On 8 Dec 1653 John Hunt and Thomas Harwood were administrators of the estate of John Eaton.
HERCULES PASSENGER LIST - In the History of Scituate, we find owners of the ship "Hercules" to be, Dr. Comfort Starr, John Witherley, Nathaniel Tilden, Joseph Osborne, and William Hatch. John Witherley, the ship's master, left Sandwich, Kent, England, headed to New England. The Hercules arrived at MA Bay in the Spring of 1635 with the following passengers: Jonas Austen of Tenterden, wife Constance, son Jonas, dau. Lidia and Mary and child James Bennett of Tenterden, Tilden servant Thomas Besbeech of Sandwich, dau. Mary, Alice and Elizabeth John Best of Canterbury / Sandwich, Tailor Thomas Bonney of Sandwich, Shoemaker Thomas Brigden of Faversham, Husbandman, wife Mrs Brigden and 2 children Robert Brooke Maidstone, Mercer, wife Anne, sons Thomas, Samuel, John, dau. Elizabeth and Dorothie Thomas Champion of Ashford Isaac Cole of Sandwich, Carpenter, wife Joan, son Issac, dau. Jane or Anne, child Sarah Couchman, Tilden servant Samuel Dunkin of Ashford, Starre servant Jane, Sarah and John Egelden, children with Thomas Besbeech Edward Ewell, Sandwich, shoemaker Edward Ford, Tenterden, Tilden servant Abraham and James Gallant, children with Brooke family Parnell Harris of Bow, in London William Hatch, Sandwich, Merchant, wife Jane, sons Walter, John and William, dau. Anne, and Jane Thomas Heyward, Aylesford, Tailor, wife Susanna, sons Thomas, John, dau. Elizabeth, Susan and Martha Samuel Hinckley of Tenterden, wife Sarah, dau. Susan, Sarah, Mary, Kinswoman: Elizabeth Hinkle, niece of Samuel William Holmes, Sandwich, Hatch servant Edward Jenkins, Tenterden, Tilden servant Robert Jennings, Sandwich, Hatch servant Margaret Johnes, Sandwich Wife of William Johnes, painter Joseph Ketchell / Ketchrell of Sandwich, Hatch servant Thomas Lapham, Tilden servant John Lewis, Tenterden, wife Sarah, son Lewis, dau. Sarah Agnes Love, Besbeech servant Emme Mason, widow of Eastwell Neuley Thomas of Ashford, Besbeech servant Joseph Pacheing [Patchen] of Ashford, Besbeech servant Marie Perien, Tilden servant Anne Richards, Witherell servant Joseph Rootes of Great Chart James Sayers of Northbourne, Tailor Comfort Starre of Ashford, Chirurgeon, sons Thomas, Comfort and dau. Mary, 3 servants George Sutton of Tenterden, Tilden servant Symon Sutton, Hatch servant Nathaniel Tilden, Tenterden, Yeoman, wife Lydia, sons Joseph, Thomas, Stephen, dau. Marie, Sara, Judith and Lidia. Rose Tritton, Cole servant of Ashford John Turkey of Ashford, Starre servant Lidia Wells, Hatch servant Wines Faint-Not of Ashford Hemp-dresser William Witherell, Maidstone, Schoolmaster, wife Mary, sons: Samuel, Daniel and Thomas Fannett (last name unknown) of Ashford, hemp-dresser.
From English Origins of New England Families from the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volumes I-III, Genealogical Publishing Co, Inc., Baltimore, 1984. Vol. I, p. 245, we find that many of those on board the Hercules were family and close friends of John Hatch / Hatche of Tenterden, co. Kent, England as shown below:
The Will of John Hatche of Tenterden in the County of Kent, yeoman, 23 March 1628/9. To my wife Dorothy Hatch 100 pounds, wearing apparel, plate, furniture, cattle, poultry, grain, cloth, and all my books. To my brother William Hatch's children as follows: to his second son Thomas Hatch 10 pounds and all sums he owes me, and at his death to all his children 50 pounds equally divided, at twenty-one. To his now youngest son William Hatch 50 pounds, and if he die before receiving his legacy reversion to his children at twenty-one, equally divided. To his daughter Elizabeth, wife of Robert Soan of Brasted, 10 pounds, and at her death to her children 40 pounds, equally divided. To his second daughter Judith, wife of Joseph Osborne of Ashford, 60 pounds, and to her son Jeremy Osborne at twenty-one 5 pounds. To his third daughter Margarett, widow of William Wood of Tenterden 20 pounds. To his fourth daughter Mary, wife of William Shusall of New Romney, 22s. To his youngest daughter Anne Hatch 30 pounds at twenty-one, she not to marry without the consent of her brothers John and William Hatch. If she do as her sister Shusall did, without their and my consent, then she shall have only 22s. To my sister Winnifrithe's children as follows: To her eldest son Thomas Huckstepp 15 pounds, and to her other son John Huckstepp 30 pounds. If John die, reversion to his sons Stephen and Nathanaell, equally divided, at the age of twenty-one. To her eldest daughter Joane, widow of Robert Numan late of Crayford deceased, 20s. and a silver spoon which I had of Mr. Chapman, and to her children at twenty-one 10s. each. To her second daughter Anne, wife of WIlliam Snatte of Hunton, 20s., and to Anna Snatte her daughter 20s. at twenty-one. To her third daughter Susan, wife of Benjamin Robus of Kennarton, 5 pounds, and to her sons and daughters Thomas Ramkyn, William Ramkyn, and Mary Ramkin, Katherine Robus, Lidia Robus, and Susan Robus 20s. each at twenty-one. 'Alsoe I do giue vnto Lidia Tilden wife of Nathaniell Tilden my sister's Youngest daughter' 10 pounds and to her children Thomas, Joseph, Mary, Sarah, Judeth, and Lidia 20 pounds equally divided, to be paid at twenty-one. To my sister Katherine's children as follows: to her eldest son John Dunke 10 pounds and to each of his children 40s. at twenty-one. To her second son, William Dunke, 20 pounds. To her youngest son, Daniel Dunk, 30 pounds. To her daughter Ann, wife of Robert Glover, a silver spoon and to each of her children 40s. each. To Katherine May, daughter of Martin Maye of Ould Romney, that he had by Margaret Donck, my sister Katherine's daughter, 10 pounds. To her daugher, Elizabeth Hubbard, wife of ____ Hubbard, 20 pounds. To my sister, Ellynor Chittenden, 22s, and to her children as follows: To her eldest son, Thomas Chittenden 30 pounds, to her second son John Chittenden 50 pounds, to her youngest son, William Chittenden 30 pounds. To her son Nathaniel Chittenden's son, Nathaniel, 20 pounds at twenty-one. To my wife's sister's daughter Elizabeth Pargiter a silver spoon and a 'spurr Ryall.' To Peeter Philpott, my wife's brother, a 'spurr Royal' and to Thomas Philpott, her half-brother, 10s. To Stephen Huckstep 'my books of Mr. Caluins [Calvin's] sermons upon Galathians.' To Robert Chittenden, 10s. To Nathaniell Tilden, William Snatte, Benjamyn Robus, Robert Glover, Robert son of Joseph Osbane, and Thomas Smith that have married my kinswomen, 10s. each as a token of my love. To Mr. Warren of Sandwich late lecturer of Benenden 3 pounds. 'Alsoe I doe giue vnto Mr. Lotropp late mynister of Eggerton fforty shillings.' To Thomas Brattell my wife's half-brother. To James Willes 10s. and to his wife Mary my wife's brother's daughter 20s. and to their daughter Dorothie Wills 10s. at the age of twenty-one. To brother Peeter Philpott's sons Thomas Philpott of Arundell and John Philpott of Tenterden 5s. each. To Thomas, son of my brother Thomas Philpott of Rochester, 20s. To my uncle Peeter Ware 5 pounds. To John Hatch of Mayfile [Mayfield, Sussex], my brother William Hatch's eldest son, certain household goods [named] and a feather bed which was my own father's. The residue of all my goods to the said John Hatch, sole executor. [Signed] John Hatche Witnesses: Francis Smith, Daniell Benison, and Job Cushman.
My Will regarding all my lands. My messuage, buildings, and lands in Tenterden on the dens of Elarinden, Ealvinden, Shrobcot, Donny, and Preston, and my gardens and lands in Tenterden to John Hatch, son of my brother William, he paying my debts, legacies, and the following annuities: To wife Dorothy 4 pounds a year jointure and a further twenty pounds a year for life. To my brother William Hatch's son Thomas and his daughter Elizabeth Soane 4 pounds a year each for liffe. To Joane Numan, sister Wynifrith's daughter, 40s. a year for life. 'To Liddia Tilden wife of Nathaniell Tilden forty shillings a yeare during the tearme of her naturall life.' To Anna wife of Robert Glover, my sister Katherine's daughter, 40s. a year for life. If John Hatch die before the legacies be paid, my loving cousins John Huckstepp, William Hatch, William Donck, and John Chittenden to sell my lands on the dens of Donny and Shrobscot, and to each of them for their pains 10 pounds : After the legacies and annuities are paid, the remainder of the money to John Hatch, son of my said cousin [nephew], John Hatch. [Signed] John Hatch Witnesses: Fraunces Smith, Daniell Benison, and Job Cushman. Record of probate unfinished. (Consistory of Canterbury, Vol. 49, 279).
From English Origins of New England Families from the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volumes I-III, Genealogical Publishing Co, Inc., Baltimore, 1984. Vol. I, p. 245, we find that many of those on board the Hercules were family and close friends of John Hatch / Hatche of Tenterden, co. Kent, England as shown below:
The Will of John Hatche of Tenterden in the County of Kent, yeoman, 23 March 1628/9. To my wife Dorothy Hatch 100 pounds, wearing apparel, plate, furniture, cattle, poultry, grain, cloth, and all my books. To my brother William Hatch's children as follows: to his second son Thomas Hatch 10 pounds and all sums he owes me, and at his death to all his children 50 pounds equally divided, at twenty-one. To his now youngest son William Hatch 50 pounds, and if he die before receiving his legacy reversion to his children at twenty-one, equally divided. To his daughter Elizabeth, wife of Robert Soan of Brasted, 10 pounds, and at her death to her children 40 pounds, equally divided. To his second daughter Judith, wife of Joseph Osborne of Ashford, 60 pounds, and to her son Jeremy Osborne at twenty-one 5 pounds. To his third daughter Margarett, widow of William Wood of Tenterden 20 pounds. To his fourth daughter Mary, wife of William Shusall of New Romney, 22s. To his youngest daughter Anne Hatch 30 pounds at twenty-one, she not to marry without the consent of her brothers John and William Hatch. If she do as her sister Shusall did, without their and my consent, then she shall have only 22s. To my sister Winnifrithe's children as follows: To her eldest son Thomas Huckstepp 15 pounds, and to her other son John Huckstepp 30 pounds. If John die, reversion to his sons Stephen and Nathanaell, equally divided, at the age of twenty-one. To her eldest daughter Joane, widow of Robert Numan late of Crayford deceased, 20s. and a silver spoon which I had of Mr. Chapman, and to her children at twenty-one 10s. each. To her second daughter Anne, wife of WIlliam Snatte of Hunton, 20s., and to Anna Snatte her daughter 20s. at twenty-one. To her third daughter Susan, wife of Benjamin Robus of Kennarton, 5 pounds, and to her sons and daughters Thomas Ramkyn, William Ramkyn, and Mary Ramkin, Katherine Robus, Lidia Robus, and Susan Robus 20s. each at twenty-one. 'Alsoe I do giue vnto Lidia Tilden wife of Nathaniell Tilden my sister's Youngest daughter' 10 pounds and to her children Thomas, Joseph, Mary, Sarah, Judeth, and Lidia 20 pounds equally divided, to be paid at twenty-one. To my sister Katherine's children as follows: to her eldest son John Dunke 10 pounds and to each of his children 40s. at twenty-one. To her second son, William Dunke, 20 pounds. To her youngest son, Daniel Dunk, 30 pounds. To her daughter Ann, wife of Robert Glover, a silver spoon and to each of her children 40s. each. To Katherine May, daughter of Martin Maye of Ould Romney, that he had by Margaret Donck, my sister Katherine's daughter, 10 pounds. To her daugher, Elizabeth Hubbard, wife of ____ Hubbard, 20 pounds. To my sister, Ellynor Chittenden, 22s, and to her children as follows: To her eldest son, Thomas Chittenden 30 pounds, to her second son John Chittenden 50 pounds, to her youngest son, William Chittenden 30 pounds. To her son Nathaniel Chittenden's son, Nathaniel, 20 pounds at twenty-one. To my wife's sister's daughter Elizabeth Pargiter a silver spoon and a 'spurr Ryall.' To Peeter Philpott, my wife's brother, a 'spurr Royal' and to Thomas Philpott, her half-brother, 10s. To Stephen Huckstep 'my books of Mr. Caluins [Calvin's] sermons upon Galathians.' To Robert Chittenden, 10s. To Nathaniell Tilden, William Snatte, Benjamyn Robus, Robert Glover, Robert son of Joseph Osbane, and Thomas Smith that have married my kinswomen, 10s. each as a token of my love. To Mr. Warren of Sandwich late lecturer of Benenden 3 pounds. 'Alsoe I doe giue vnto Mr. Lotropp late mynister of Eggerton fforty shillings.' To Thomas Brattell my wife's half-brother. To James Willes 10s. and to his wife Mary my wife's brother's daughter 20s. and to their daughter Dorothie Wills 10s. at the age of twenty-one. To brother Peeter Philpott's sons Thomas Philpott of Arundell and John Philpott of Tenterden 5s. each. To Thomas, son of my brother Thomas Philpott of Rochester, 20s. To my uncle Peeter Ware 5 pounds. To John Hatch of Mayfile [Mayfield, Sussex], my brother William Hatch's eldest son, certain household goods [named] and a feather bed which was my own father's. The residue of all my goods to the said John Hatch, sole executor. [Signed] John Hatche Witnesses: Francis Smith, Daniell Benison, and Job Cushman.
My Will regarding all my lands. My messuage, buildings, and lands in Tenterden on the dens of Elarinden, Ealvinden, Shrobcot, Donny, and Preston, and my gardens and lands in Tenterden to John Hatch, son of my brother William, he paying my debts, legacies, and the following annuities: To wife Dorothy 4 pounds a year jointure and a further twenty pounds a year for life. To my brother William Hatch's son Thomas and his daughter Elizabeth Soane 4 pounds a year each for liffe. To Joane Numan, sister Wynifrith's daughter, 40s. a year for life. 'To Liddia Tilden wife of Nathaniell Tilden forty shillings a yeare during the tearme of her naturall life.' To Anna wife of Robert Glover, my sister Katherine's daughter, 40s. a year for life. If John Hatch die before the legacies be paid, my loving cousins John Huckstepp, William Hatch, William Donck, and John Chittenden to sell my lands on the dens of Donny and Shrobscot, and to each of them for their pains 10 pounds : After the legacies and annuities are paid, the remainder of the money to John Hatch, son of my said cousin [nephew], John Hatch. [Signed] John Hatch Witnesses: Fraunces Smith, Daniell Benison, and Job Cushman. Record of probate unfinished. (Consistory of Canterbury, Vol. 49, 279).
BIRTH: ca. 1642 Tenterden co. Kent, England
DEATH: Bet. 1702-1704 New Kent Co., VA
MARRIED: ca. 1669
WIFE: Jenny Garrett, b. ca. 1648
FATHER: Peter Ware III
MOTHER: Mary Hickes
WIFE'S FATHER: John Garrett
BIRTH: ca. 1642 Tenterden co. Kent, England
DEATH: Bet. 1702-1704 New Kent Co., VA
MARRIED: ca. 1669
WIFE: Jenny Garrett, b. ca. 1648
FATHER: Peter Ware III
MOTHER: Mary Hickes
WIFE'S FATHER: John Garrett
1. Female Ware (ca. 1670-) This child was female based on Edward and Nicholas receiving their father's estate.
2. Female Ware (ca. 1672-) This child was female based on Edward and Nicholas receiving their father's estate.
3. Female Ware (ca. 1674-) This child was female based on Edward and Nicholas receiving their father's estate.
4. Female Ware (ca. 1676-) This child was female based on Edward and Nicholas receiving their father's estate.
5. Edward Ware (ca. 1678-Aft 1744) is identified as the son of Nicholas Ware I in 1722 when he re-patents land his father patented on 29 Nov 1680. The Virginia 1704 Quit Rent shows he was charged with 735 acres in King and Queen Co. VA. This includes two of his fathers patents; 415 acres on 29 Nov 1680 from Henry Madison, and 300 acres on 22 Sep 1682 for 6 headrights. The remaining 20 acres were purchased by Edward on 12 Nov 1700, giving him a total of 735 acres. This reveals Edward received his portion of his father's estate during his father's lifetime. From 1740-1744, he was granted a license to keep an ordinary near Conway's Warehouse in Caroline Co., his brother Nicholas provided his security for several license renewals.
6. Frances Ware (ca. 1680-c1726) m. Matthew Branch, Sr. (c1675 Henrico Co., VA-15 Dec 1722/4Jul 1726 Henrico Co., VA), son of Thomas Branch and Elizabeth (Dealey ?) Gouch of Henrico Co. Matthew received 50 acres of land in Henrico County in October 1696, paid taxes on 947 acres of land in 1704, and bought 450 acres of land from John Tulit in March 1710.
7. Female Ware (ca. 1680-) This child was female based on Edward and Nicholas receiving their father's estate.
8. Female Ware (ca. 1682-) This child was female based on Edward and Nicholas receiving their father's estate.
9. Nicholas Ware II (c1686 Stratton Major Parish, New Kent Co., VA-1744 St. Mary's Parish, Caroline Co., VA) An Essex Co. patent dated 6 May 1713, identifies him as Nicholas Ware, “Jr.” of Stratton Major Parish, indicating his father was still living in 1713. A 1722 deed names his brother Edward as the son of Nicholas Ware, this deed states Nicholas Ware purchased land from Henry Madison in 1680. A 1713 Essex Co. patent identified him as "Nicholas Ware, Jr." of Stratton Major Parish, King & Queen Co.; this 1713 patent was from Richard Long for 5 shillings, [the 5 shillings denotes a "token" sum, and he was likely his father-in-law]. This land was adj. William Harrison, Samuel Elliott, John Buckner and John Long. A 1734 Caroline County court ordered him to assist with building a new road. He was to have Gabriel Long, [son of Richard who m. Margaret Harrison], John Holloway, Nicholas Ware, Jr. and John Garrett's people to assist. In 1727 John Buckner of Essex Co. sold him 310 acres near Ware's bridge, adj. Golden Vale Swamp, John Holloway and Persimmon Branch. In 1728 he was granted 1000 acres in the fork of the Rapidan River in St. George's Parish, Spotsylvania Co., VA; he sold 500 acres in 1733, and the other 500 acres in 1740 to Jeremiah Rawlings. A land deed shows a Jeremiah Rawlings, dec’d, lived next to Nicholas Ware in New Kent Co. In 1741 Nicholas was appointed Constable in Caroline Co., and the same year he and John Dillard proved the will of William Harrison. In 1744 he mentioned in his will his sons Edward and Nicholas; John Dillard is identified as the writer.
Edward Ware b. ca. 1700, son of Valentine Ware, Jr., married Lucy [Powell or Sanders], who in 1748 was appointed executor of his estate. Her securities were James Powell and Silvanus Sanders. After Edward's death, she married Col. James Lindsay b. 1700 d. 12 Apr 1782, of Caroline Co., widow of Sarah Daniel b. bfr. bap. 23 Feb 1704 d. bet. 15 Jan 1747-1750, d/o William Daniel and Mary Williams. William Daniel gave James Lindsay "my son-in-law" 116 acres purchased from William Berry. On 8 Feb 1751, James Lindsay was appointed guardian for Mary, orphan of Edward Ware. Edward purchased land in 1744 in Orange Co. from Richard Mauldin, which was sold in 1770 by Elizabeth and Jane, children of his brother Henry Ware.
Henry Ware, b. ca. 1708 d. 7 Oct 1750/7 Dec 1750 King George Co. VA, son of Valentine Ware, Jr. and brother of the aforementioned Edward, married [Elizabeth or Jane] Markham Aft. 6 May 1727. His 1750 will names his brother John and son Markham b. 1735 King George Co., VA d. 1831 Gosport, Indiana. Markham married Clara Lindsay, niece of Col. James Lindsay who married Lucy, was the widow of his brother Edward Ware. Col. James Lindsay was widow of Sarah Daniel bap. 23 Feb 1704 d. 1747-Abt 1750, d/o William Daniel and Mary Williams. Mary's father, Robert Williams, of Essex, made a deed of gift to his step-children, "when my son-in-law William Daniel shall see fit." on 16 Aug 1715. In 1739 Henry was living in Constable James Pickett’s Orange Co. precinct south of the Robinson River with 3 tithes. In 1770 Henry's daughters, Elizabeth and Jane, are identified when property in Orange Co. was sold with their brother Markham Ware. His brother Edward Ware originally purchased this same property from Richard Mauldin in 1744.
Information helping to identify three sons of Valentine Ware, Jr., came from Pamunkey Neighbors by Sam Sparacio. An abstract of the will of Henry Ware of King George Co., VA, dated 7 October 1750, mentions son Markham and leaves him lands in Goochland Co., the other children are not named. His wife and brother John Ware are named executors. In 1749 Henry Ware of Hanover Parish, King George Co., VA bought 170 acres on Tuckahoe Creek, Goochland Co., Deed Book 6, page 39. Henry’s will also mentions land in Orange Co. to be divided among his children. Later his children, Markham, Jane and Elizabeth, sell this property, and the description is identical to land purchased in 1744 by Edward Ware, spouse of Lucy, from Richard Mauldin.
2. Female Ware (ca. 1672-) This child was female based on Edward and Nicholas receiving their father's estate.
3. Female Ware (ca. 1674-) This child was female based on Edward and Nicholas receiving their father's estate.
4. Female Ware (ca. 1676-) This child was female based on Edward and Nicholas receiving their father's estate.
5. Edward Ware (ca. 1678-Aft 1744) is identified as the son of Nicholas Ware I in 1722 when he re-patents land his father patented on 29 Nov 1680. The Virginia 1704 Quit Rent shows he was charged with 735 acres in King and Queen Co. VA. This includes two of his fathers patents; 415 acres on 29 Nov 1680 from Henry Madison, and 300 acres on 22 Sep 1682 for 6 headrights. The remaining 20 acres were purchased by Edward on 12 Nov 1700, giving him a total of 735 acres. This reveals Edward received his portion of his father's estate during his father's lifetime. From 1740-1744, he was granted a license to keep an ordinary near Conway's Warehouse in Caroline Co., his brother Nicholas provided his security for several license renewals.
6. Frances Ware (ca. 1680-c1726) m. Matthew Branch, Sr. (c1675 Henrico Co., VA-15 Dec 1722/4Jul 1726 Henrico Co., VA), son of Thomas Branch and Elizabeth (Dealey ?) Gouch of Henrico Co. Matthew received 50 acres of land in Henrico County in October 1696, paid taxes on 947 acres of land in 1704, and bought 450 acres of land from John Tulit in March 1710.
7. Female Ware (ca. 1680-) This child was female based on Edward and Nicholas receiving their father's estate.
8. Female Ware (ca. 1682-) This child was female based on Edward and Nicholas receiving their father's estate.
9. Nicholas Ware II (c1686 Stratton Major Parish, New Kent Co., VA-1744 St. Mary's Parish, Caroline Co., VA) An Essex Co. patent dated 6 May 1713, identifies him as Nicholas Ware, “Jr.” of Stratton Major Parish, indicating his father was still living in 1713. A 1722 deed names his brother Edward as the son of Nicholas Ware, this deed states Nicholas Ware purchased land from Henry Madison in 1680. A 1713 Essex Co. patent identified him as "Nicholas Ware, Jr." of Stratton Major Parish, King & Queen Co.; this 1713 patent was from Richard Long for 5 shillings, [the 5 shillings denotes a "token" sum, and he was likely his father-in-law]. This land was adj. William Harrison, Samuel Elliott, John Buckner and John Long. A 1734 Caroline County court ordered him to assist with building a new road. He was to have Gabriel Long, [son of Richard who m. Margaret Harrison], John Holloway, Nicholas Ware, Jr. and John Garrett's people to assist. In 1727 John Buckner of Essex Co. sold him 310 acres near Ware's bridge, adj. Golden Vale Swamp, John Holloway and Persimmon Branch. In 1728 he was granted 1000 acres in the fork of the Rapidan River in St. George's Parish, Spotsylvania Co., VA; he sold 500 acres in 1733, and the other 500 acres in 1740 to Jeremiah Rawlings. A land deed shows a Jeremiah Rawlings, dec’d, lived next to Nicholas Ware in New Kent Co. In 1741 Nicholas was appointed Constable in Caroline Co., and the same year he and John Dillard proved the will of William Harrison. In 1744 he mentioned in his will his sons Edward and Nicholas; John Dillard is identified as the writer.
Edward Ware b. ca. 1700, son of Valentine Ware, Jr., married Lucy [Powell or Sanders], who in 1748 was appointed executor of his estate. Her securities were James Powell and Silvanus Sanders. After Edward's death, she married Col. James Lindsay b. 1700 d. 12 Apr 1782, of Caroline Co., widow of Sarah Daniel b. bfr. bap. 23 Feb 1704 d. bet. 15 Jan 1747-1750, d/o William Daniel and Mary Williams. William Daniel gave James Lindsay "my son-in-law" 116 acres purchased from William Berry. On 8 Feb 1751, James Lindsay was appointed guardian for Mary, orphan of Edward Ware. Edward purchased land in 1744 in Orange Co. from Richard Mauldin, which was sold in 1770 by Elizabeth and Jane, children of his brother Henry Ware.
Henry Ware, b. ca. 1708 d. 7 Oct 1750/7 Dec 1750 King George Co. VA, son of Valentine Ware, Jr. and brother of the aforementioned Edward, married [Elizabeth or Jane] Markham Aft. 6 May 1727. His 1750 will names his brother John and son Markham b. 1735 King George Co., VA d. 1831 Gosport, Indiana. Markham married Clara Lindsay, niece of Col. James Lindsay who married Lucy, was the widow of his brother Edward Ware. Col. James Lindsay was widow of Sarah Daniel bap. 23 Feb 1704 d. 1747-Abt 1750, d/o William Daniel and Mary Williams. Mary's father, Robert Williams, of Essex, made a deed of gift to his step-children, "when my son-in-law William Daniel shall see fit." on 16 Aug 1715. In 1739 Henry was living in Constable James Pickett’s Orange Co. precinct south of the Robinson River with 3 tithes. In 1770 Henry's daughters, Elizabeth and Jane, are identified when property in Orange Co. was sold with their brother Markham Ware. His brother Edward Ware originally purchased this same property from Richard Mauldin in 1744.
Information helping to identify three sons of Valentine Ware, Jr., came from Pamunkey Neighbors by Sam Sparacio. An abstract of the will of Henry Ware of King George Co., VA, dated 7 October 1750, mentions son Markham and leaves him lands in Goochland Co., the other children are not named. His wife and brother John Ware are named executors. In 1749 Henry Ware of Hanover Parish, King George Co., VA bought 170 acres on Tuckahoe Creek, Goochland Co., Deed Book 6, page 39. Henry’s will also mentions land in Orange Co. to be divided among his children. Later his children, Markham, Jane and Elizabeth, sell this property, and the description is identical to land purchased in 1744 by Edward Ware, spouse of Lucy, from Richard Mauldin.
1660 - Peter Ware [Jr.] and Nicholas Ware signed as witnesses of a deposition given by Francis Carpenter, for Thomas Bucke's estate. (VA State Library Archives, York Co. Records 1659-1662).
1665 - 21 Aug, John Garrett & Nicholas Ware patented 386 acres in New Kent on the N. side of the Mattaponi River upon head branches of Hartequack Sw., beginning at the mouth of Cattaile Branch & crossing Wolfe Branch. Trans. of 8 pers: Sarah Dibdall, Tim. White, Rowland Lurs., (?), Sa. Boucher, Wm. Bryan, Fran. Cooke, Agnes Buck, James Haines. (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol. I, Page 476).
1671 - 16 Jun, John Darwood and Nicholas Ware patented 536 acres in New Kent Co., Stratton Major Parish, bet. the branches of Piankatank Swamp and the Mattaponi. 300 acres for Darwood and 200 for Ware for transporting 11 persons. (Williamsburg Historical Research Center).
1680 - 29 Nov, Henry Madison sold Nicholas Ware 415 Acres in New Kent Co., Stratton Major Parish, on the south side of Dragon Swamp at the mouth of Timber Branch. Note: Edward, son of Nicholas Ware, received this land in a patent dated 22 Jun 1722, included in a patent of 815 acres in Stratton Major Parish, King and Queen Co., VA.
1681, 23 Apr, Nicholas Ware patented 536 acres in New Kent Co., Stratton Major Parish upon Assatiams branches, according to bounds formerly made by Col. William Cleyborne (sic); beg. in Michell's line; adj. John Durwood (sic); Griffin Lewis &c. Trans. of 11 pers. "eleven rights recorded under Jno. Dorwoods (sic) and Nico. Wards (sic) old pattent is good to Richd. Ward and used for this pattent.". Note: This was 10 years after the 1671 patent for 536 acres. (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book No. 7, p. 218) .
1682 - 22 Sep, Nicholas Ware 300 acres in New Kent Co., on the north side of the Mattaponi River, adj. land of Jeremiah Rawlins; dec'd, Mr. Edward Cardingbrook; over the Indian Cabin Meadow; by br. of Tassatians Creek by John Ware and Griffin Lewis; &c. Trans. of 6 pers. (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book 7, Page 242)
1682 - 22 Nov, Thomas Spencer 220 acres, New Kent Co., beginning at Will Rogers; to Mr. Biggs to the Silk Grass Meadow; to Mr. Nicholas Ware. (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Pat. Book 7, Page 250).
1683 - 16 Apr, Mr. William Sayer (Sawyer) 550 acres, New Kent Co. on the north side of the Mattaponi River beginning at Mr. Nicholas Ware's path; by John Taylor; to Meade's Corner; adj. Mr. Hall; Mr. Robert Hill and Mr. Henry Biggs; by Chiscake Path, to Mr. Light; Crossing Bridge Br. to Mr. Nicholas Ware. (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book 7, Page 262).
1683 - 29 May, Richard Threddor (Threader) 105 acres in New Kent Co., Stratton Major Parish on the north side of the Mattaponi River, beginning at a branch of Indian Cabin dividing this and land of Nicholas Ware to Jeremiah Rawlins, over Tassasion Swamp; to John Garrett; and Mr. (Edward) Cardinbrooke; on the Iron Rock Bridge for transportation of three persons: Jon. Fowler, Tho. Hay, James Frier. (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Bk 7, p. 264)
1691 - 20 Oct, William Cardwell and William Fenne, 499 acres in New Kent Co. on the north side of the Mattaponi River, but now in King and Queen Co. beg. by Powlcatt Bridge.; by Thomas Meade, by Thomas Browne's just over the bridge by Thomas Maconees; along Eaphraim Rove's to Mr. Henry Biggs; by Mr. Bird's Road; down Ingram's Meadow; to George light to Nicholas Ware. (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book No. 8, Page 369).
1702 - Nicholas Ware - Vestryman, Letter to Ed Protlock for minister. (Stratton Major Parish, King and Queen Co., Vestry Records 1729-1783 by C. G. Chamberlayne).
1660 - Peter Ware [Jr.] and Nicholas Ware signed as witnesses of a deposition given by Francis Carpenter, for Thomas Bucke's estate. (VA State Library Archives, York Co. Records 1659-1662).
1665 - 21 Aug, John Garrett & Nicholas Ware patented 386 acres in New Kent on the N. side of the Mattaponi River upon head branches of Hartequack Sw., beginning at the mouth of Cattaile Branch & crossing Wolfe Branch. Trans. of 8 pers: Sarah Dibdall, Tim. White, Rowland Lurs., (?), Sa. Boucher, Wm. Bryan, Fran. Cooke, Agnes Buck, James Haines. (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol. I, Page 476).
1671 - 16 Jun, John Darwood and Nicholas Ware patented 536 acres in New Kent Co., Stratton Major Parish, bet. the branches of Piankatank Swamp and the Mattaponi. 300 acres for Darwood and 200 for Ware for transporting 11 persons. (Williamsburg Historical Research Center).
1680 - 29 Nov, Henry Madison sold Nicholas Ware 415 Acres in New Kent Co., Stratton Major Parish, on the south side of Dragon Swamp at the mouth of Timber Branch. Note: Edward, son of Nicholas Ware, received this land in a patent dated 22 Jun 1722, included in a patent of 815 acres in Stratton Major Parish, King and Queen Co., VA.
1681, 23 Apr, Nicholas Ware patented 536 acres in New Kent Co., Stratton Major Parish upon Assatiams branches, according to bounds formerly made by Col. William Cleyborne (sic); beg. in Michell's line; adj. John Durwood (sic); Griffin Lewis &c. Trans. of 11 pers. "eleven rights recorded under Jno. Dorwoods (sic) and Nico. Wards (sic) old pattent is good to Richd. Ward and used for this pattent.". Note: This was 10 years after the 1671 patent for 536 acres. (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book No. 7, p. 218) .
1682 - 22 Sep, Nicholas Ware 300 acres in New Kent Co., on the north side of the Mattaponi River, adj. land of Jeremiah Rawlins; dec'd, Mr. Edward Cardingbrook; over the Indian Cabin Meadow; by br. of Tassatians Creek by John Ware and Griffin Lewis; &c. Trans. of 6 pers. (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book 7, Page 242)
1682 - 22 Nov, Thomas Spencer 220 acres, New Kent Co., beginning at Will Rogers; to Mr. Biggs to the Silk Grass Meadow; to Mr. Nicholas Ware. (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Pat. Book 7, Page 250).
1683 - 16 Apr, Mr. William Sayer (Sawyer) 550 acres, New Kent Co. on the north side of the Mattaponi River beginning at Mr. Nicholas Ware's path; by John Taylor; to Meade's Corner; adj. Mr. Hall; Mr. Robert Hill and Mr. Henry Biggs; by Chiscake Path, to Mr. Light; Crossing Bridge Br. to Mr. Nicholas Ware. (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book 7, Page 262).
1683 - 29 May, Richard Threddor (Threader) 105 acres in New Kent Co., Stratton Major Parish on the north side of the Mattaponi River, beginning at a branch of Indian Cabin dividing this and land of Nicholas Ware to Jeremiah Rawlins, over Tassasion Swamp; to John Garrett; and Mr. (Edward) Cardinbrooke; on the Iron Rock Bridge for transportation of three persons: Jon. Fowler, Tho. Hay, James Frier. (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Bk 7, p. 264)
1691 - 20 Oct, William Cardwell and William Fenne, 499 acres in New Kent Co. on the north side of the Mattaponi River, but now in King and Queen Co. beg. by Powlcatt Bridge.; by Thomas Meade, by Thomas Browne's just over the bridge by Thomas Maconees; along Eaphraim Rove's to Mr. Henry Biggs; by Mr. Bird's Road; down Ingram's Meadow; to George light to Nicholas Ware. (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book No. 8, Page 369).
1702 - Nicholas Ware - Vestryman, Letter to Ed Protlock for minister. (Stratton Major Parish, King and Queen Co., Vestry Records 1729-1783 by C. G. Chamberlayne).
On 15 Aug 1711 Henry Ware, b, c1690, son of Valentine Ware, Sr., King and Queen Co., married Margaret Daniel, d. 6 May 1727 per Christ Church Parish Records, Middlesex Co., VA. An excerpt of the will of her father, Robert Daniel, spouse of Margaret Price Daniel, written 23 Dec 1720, names: wife Margaret, sons Robert, Harry, Garrett, James, daughters Margaret Ware and Jane Segar. Witnesses were John Bryant, Mary Hunt and John Owens. Source: VA Middlesex Will Book 1713-1734. Jane Segar married 12 May 1720 Oliver Segar and several years after his death on 26 Mar 1734, she married 15 Aug 1738 Robert Dudley.
What little we know about Jenny Garrett came from "Grandma's Book" written by Eron M. Sharp, dated 1960: "Grandma used to tell of her grandfather who died the year that she was born, she had heard much about him. Robert Ware, born in 1781, was the son of Nicholas Ware and Mary Matthews Ware. Nicholas Ware was the son of Henry Ware and Martha Garrett who had moved from Caroline County, Virginia to Edgefield County, S.C. as early as 1773, and had moved over into Wilkes County, Georgia, as early as 1776. Henry Ware and several of his sons were active in the Revolutionary War in fighting for American Independence, and his son, Nicholas Ware, as a reward for his part in the war, had received several hundred acres of good land in Lincoln County, Georgia, which formed the nucleus of the Ware property, to which many acres were added in the years to follow. Mary Matthews Ware, the grandmother of Joseph B. Ware, was descended from another old Colonial Virginia family, the first immigrant of this family being Governor Samuel Matthews, one time Governor of Virginia around 1660. As far as family and pedigree was concerned, the Ware of Lincoln County did not have to bow their heads to anyone. But they were the kind of people who were not like the "newly rich," having to impress others of their worth. They were so accustomed and so sure of themselves as to be quite unimpressed with it and to be among the truly big people of the community in a humble and unassuming way. They were not the richest people of the county, but they ranked among the "top quality" as the negroes used to say of them. The slaves in the old days were as conscious of the standing of their masters as were the masters, and as proud to belong to "quality folks."
The early Wares of Virginia were devout adherents of the Church of England. The first ancestors of our line lived in King and Queen County and belonged to Stratton-Major Parish, attending the church there. A seating plan of this old colonial church shows the Ware pews. The church was founded in 1665 and members of the Ware family were among the very first communicants. Several members of the family were vestrymen of the Parish. Nicholas Ware, the first ancestor who lived in Stratton-Major Parish had married Jenny Garrett, and they settled there in 1665. A son of theirs, Nicholas Ware, Jr., went up into what is now Caroline County, Virginia, as early certainly as 1713. He lived in St. Mary's Parish and attended St. Mary's Church. He died in 1744 in Caroline county, and left two sons named Henry and Nicholas. Henry and Nicholas Ware, sons of Nicholas of St. Mary's Parish, married sisters, daughters of John Garrett, a relative of some degree of their grandmother Jenny Garrett of Stratton-Major Parish in King and Queen County. Nicholas married Dolly Garrett and in later life moved to Edgefield County, S.C. where he died, leaving many descendants."
In 1787 a man named John Price Posey set fire to the courthouse of New Kent County and burned it completely. He was hanged for his deed, but nothing could restore the Colonial records that told of the early days of New Kent, an enormous county in the 1600's, and the counties that were formed after 1654. These records included those of King & Queen County until 1691, King William County until 1702, Hanover County, Louisa County and Caroline County until 1728. Toward the end of the Civil War a number of counties had sent the records that began after the fire of 1787 to Richmond for safekeeping. These, also, were completely destroyed by fire when Federal forces burned Richmond in April of 1865. All that remains of this burned county, ravaged by two wars, are a few records collected by Beverley Fleet many years ago, the Quit Rent Rolls of 1704, the priceless abstracts of land patents compiled by Nell Nugent, and the valuable Vestry Book of Stratton Major Parish, transcribed and edited by C. G. Chamberlayne in 1931.
On 21 Aug 1665, John Garrett and Nicholas Ware acquired 386 acres of land in New Kent Co, (later King and Queen), which lay along Heartquake Creek and the meanders of Wolfe and Cattail Branches on the north side of the Mattaponi River for transporting eight persons to the colony. (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants 1623-1666, Nell Marion Nugent, Vol 1, p. 476). In 1675 his brother, Peter Ware, patented land adj. Col. William Claiborne, Edward Cardingbrook and John Ware. A 1683 deed mentions John Garrett being adj. Mr. Cardingbrook. This land is centered between the existing King and Queen Co. line and the Mattaponi River, below Courthouse Landing and above Melrose Landing.
Nicholas Ware, spouse of Ann Vassall, was deceased by 1662, three years prior to the 21 Aug 1665 patent between John Garrett and Nicholas Ware. The eldest child of Nicholas Ware and Ann Vassall would have been under the age of 21 in 1665, as Ann was age 6 in 1635 per the ship’s log book. Colonial law in America states that full majority was reached at the age of 21 and over to perform unrestricted legal actions such as buying land. In order for this Nicholas to be her son, Ann would need to become his mother by age 15, while all four of her sisters are known to have married after the age of 21. It is believed Nicholas Ware, spouse of Ann Vassall, was the younger brother of Peter Ware, Sr., spouse of Mary Hickes.
After selling his father’s land in Queen's Creek, York Co., in 1675, Peter Ware, Jr. purchased land next to his brother, in New Kent Co., VA, adj. William Claiborne. Col. William Claiborne was given command of a militia in 1644, which effectively removed all Indians living at the head of the York River, sending them completely out of the region. To compensate Col. Claiborne for loss of land in Kent Island (later Maryland), which was taken from him and given to the Calvert's, in 1652, he was granted 5,000 acres at the former site of the Indian town he had annihilated in 1644. This land was located on the Pamunkey River where it joins the Mattaponi to form the York.
In 1722 Nicholas Ware is identified as the father of Edward Ware, and also the Nicholas Ware who purchased land in New Kent Co., Stratton Major Parish, on the south side of Dragon Swamp at the mouth of the Timber Branch from Henry Madison in a deed dated 1680. Nicholas received a total of 795 acres from Henry Madison. He received 415 acres in 1680, and an additional 380 acres soon after. The 380 acres previously belonged to Henry Madison's father, John Madison, Jr., of Queen's Creek, York Co., Virginia, who lived adj. Col. William Taylor. John patented 1030 acres in New Kent Co. in 1664 with John Pigg, each receiving 515 acres; Madison researchers believe John Madison, Jr. was deceased prior to 1680.
In 1675, thousands of New Englander's were massacred by hostile Indians, and residents of the Virginia Colony became convinced the Indians in their region intended to do the same. The Susquehannock, a powerful tribe that moved into the area, started raiding plantations in the winter of 1676, after an attack by settlers claiming a white servant had been killed by a Doeg Indian. The settlers attacked not only the Doeg’s, but also the Susquehannock. The peaceful Ocaneechee Indians, who continued living on the shore of the Matteponi, were forced to flee after an attack by Nathaniel Bacon in 1676. Bacon was able to rally numerous settlers, and acting without the consent of the colony, captured or killed most of the tribe. The fate of the Susquehannock and the Doeg’s remains unknown.
Gov. Berkeley ordered him captured, and in September Bacon marched on Jamestown itself and burned the capital to the ground. Bacon died of dysentery the following month and the rebellion collapsed. After the attack, the remaining tribe members accepted their fate, and their leader, Anne, wife of the slain tribal leader Totopotomi, moved them to the Mattaponi Indian Reservation, located on the south bank of the Mattaponi River in King William Co. The tribe was granted land by the government, which was the only lasting agreement the Indians made with Colonial Virginia.
The Indians remained an ever-present threat during this time, but to a lesser degree. Pirates were another threat that plagued the early settlers. Many sought land grants on streams away from the Rappahannock for fear of pirates. The pirates harassed the Virginia coast and inland waters in the interest of Holland, who was at war with England. In 1667, the tip of land protruding into the York River, across from Yorktown, was fortified for the settlers’ protection.
The Ocaneechee’s, decimated by disease and massacres, were peaceful by the early 1660’s. Settlers moved to New Kent Co. by traveling up the York River to the mouth of the Mattaponi, continuing past the peaceful Mattaponi Indians, to the narrows of the Mattaponi near Poplar Landing. Stratton-Major Parish established in 1664. Parish records show the Ware’s as Vestrymen of Stratton Major Parish in New Kent Co. during this time.
Valentine Ware, Sr. was the son of Peter Ware, Jr. according to the following three sources: 1) York Co. Deeds, Orders, Wills, Book 1, 1633-57, 1691-94 - Valentine Ware 23 May 1693 of "King and Queen Co,” by deed of sale, states that he is son and heir to Peter Ware, Jr. and Jane his mother confirming the deed of 1675. 2) Beverly Fleet, Abstracts, King and Queen Co. VA p. 210 - Valentine Ware of age on 24 May 1693 when his literate mother Jane Ware of King and Queen Co. testified about the estate of Peter Ware deceased in Hampton Parish, York Co. 26 May 1675. 3) VA Colonial Abstracts, Vol. 6 - Valentine Ware testified on behalf of his mother Jane, who wrote, "I Jane Ware of King & Queen Co., empower my son Valentine Ware to acknowledge for me sale by Peter Ware late of York Co., deceased, land in Hampton Parish, York Co. 26 May 1675 to Honorable Nathaniel Bacon,” signed Jane Ware 24 May 1693.
In 1693, Valentine Ware, Sr. married Mary Dudley, daughter of William Dudley and Elizabeth Cary, was appointed executor of the will of Hon./Col. Nathaniel Bacon, son of Rev. James Bacon, Rector of Burgate Suffolk, England, and grandson of Sir James Bacon. Nathaniel, who died without issue, had been both acting Governor of Virginia and President of the King's Council. Nathaniel Bacon's estate was quite extensive, owning property in both Virginia and England, and would have been a difficult task to administer for the most experienced. His estate was originally intended for his cousin, Nathaniel Bacon the rebel, but his cousin's untimely death in 1676, dictated he leave his estate to his niece, Abigail Smith. Abigail married Major Lewis Burwell II, who provided bond for Valentine while performing his duties as executor.
Joanna Burwell, daughter of Major Lewis Burwell II and Abigail Smith Burwell, married William Bassett, Jr., son of William Bassett who married Bridget Cary (believed to be the niece of Elizabeth Cary who married William Dudley). The Bassett family owned 150 acres in 1639 bounding east and west on the Chickahominy north to Pattococok, York Co., VA (later part of New Kent Co.). This property was located near Felgate’s Creek, and later became known at “Ringfield” after it was sold to Joseph Ring in 1692/3. According to the book, “The Hoskins of Virginia and Related Families,” it also bordered property owned by Peter Ware. Sr.
During 1678, the royal government, at Jamestown, authorized the construction of the first fort for protection from the Indians to be built on the upper reaches of the Mattaponi River, in what is now present-day Caroline Co. Settlement of all the river valleys in Caroline soon followed. Even before Bacon’s Rebellion diminished the possibility of a savage death by Indians, a brave few ventured across the established frontier into what would become Caroline County. Most were a fiercely independent lot, stubbornly holding on to their homesteads. Flaunting the rule of the English King, they became the first Colonial citizens to sever official ties with Great Britain, making important contributions to the history of the United States.
Landowners who controlled vast estates used thousands of African Slaves to till the land, and were opposed to further migration of white settlers. Robert Beverley, a wealthy landowner, instituted crop rotation, made permanent improvement in his fields, imported grapevines from England and developed his own strains of wine, stated to be the best in the colony. He also improved livestock, and his interest in horses was to lay the foundation for horse racing in Caroline Co., Virginia.
William Dudley, Sr., Mary Dudley's father, participated in Bacon's Rebellion (he died shortly thereafter). According to the Virginia Historical Magazine - Whitehall, Dec. 22, 1677, "Order of King in Council on Petition of Elizabeth Dudley, widow of William Dudley late of Middlesex County, Virginia, on behalf of herself and her three sons setting forth that her husband was forced to administer Bacon's unlawful Oath, but with a salvo to his allegiance to his Majesty and before he would obtain the benefit of his Maj. Pardon. Sir William Berkeley seized fifteen hogsheads of tobacco to his own use, prays restitution. His Majesty being very sensible that many of his poor subjects there must have suffered many hardships in that calamitous time, and desiring they may be restored to all they can justly lay a claim to orders that said petition and papers annexed be referred to Lords of Trade and Plantations for their report when his Majesty will declare his further pleasure."
Mary Dudley and Robert Dudley 1533-1588, whose common ancestor was John Dudley Sutton VI, Knight, Baron, b. 25 Dec 1400, Lord Lt. of Ireland. Robert was a favorite of Queen Elizabeth I, who made him Earl of Leicester in 1564. Son of John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, he assisted his father in a plan to secure Lady Jane Grey's succession to the throne in 1553. John Dudley had taken great trouble to charm and influence King Edward VI; his powerful position as Lord President of the Council was based on his personal ascendancy over the King.
However, the young King was ailing. John hurriedly married his son Lord Guilford Dudley to Lady Jane Grey, one of Henry VIII's great-nieces and a claimant to the throne. Edward accepted Jane as his heir and, on his death in 1553, Jane assumed the throne. Despite the Council recognizing her claim, the country rallied to Mary, Catherine of Aragon's daughter and a devout Roman Catholic. Jane reigned for nine days and was later executed, as was her husband in 1554. Robert Dudley was condemned to death when the scheme failed, but later pardoned.
Robert Dudley's dashing personality and good looks made him Elizabeth's favorite courtier from her accession in 1558. At one time, Elizabeth considered marrying him had not his wife, Amy Robsart, died under unusual circumstances in 1560. Many suspected Dudley had murdered her, but there was no evidence to implicate him, nor did he lose influence with the queen. He was given Kenilworth Castle, near Coventry, in 1563 and ennobled in 1564.
Elizabeth later tried to marry him to Mary, Queen of Scots, who rejected the proposal. In 1578, he succeeded in alienating Elizabeth by marrying the widow of the 1st Earl of Essex. Queen Elizabeth never married and became known as the "Virgin Queen," and the namesake for the Virginia Colony.
What little we know about Jenny Garrett came from "Grandma's Book" written by Eron M. Sharp, dated 1960: "Grandma used to tell of her grandfather who died the year that she was born, she had heard much about him. Robert Ware, born in 1781, was the son of Nicholas Ware and Mary Matthews Ware. Nicholas Ware was the son of Henry Ware and Martha Garrett who had moved from Caroline County, Virginia to Edgefield County, S.C. as early as 1773, and had moved over into Wilkes County, Georgia, as early as 1776. Henry Ware and several of his sons were active in the Revolutionary War in fighting for American Independence, and his son, Nicholas Ware, as a reward for his part in the war, had received several hundred acres of good land in Lincoln County, Georgia, which formed the nucleus of the Ware property, to which many acres were added in the years to follow. Mary Matthews Ware, the grandmother of Joseph B. Ware, was descended from another old Colonial Virginia family, the first immigrant of this family being Governor Samuel Matthews, one time Governor of Virginia around 1660. As far as family and pedigree was concerned, the Ware of Lincoln County did not have to bow their heads to anyone. But they were the kind of people who were not like the "newly rich," having to impress others of their worth. They were so accustomed and so sure of themselves as to be quite unimpressed with it and to be among the truly big people of the community in a humble and unassuming way. They were not the richest people of the county, but they ranked among the "top quality" as the negroes used to say of them. The slaves in the old days were as conscious of the standing of their masters as were the masters, and as proud to belong to "quality folks."
The early Wares of Virginia were devout adherents of the Church of England. The first ancestors of our line lived in King and Queen County and belonged to Stratton-Major Parish, attending the church there. A seating plan of this old colonial church shows the Ware pews. The church was founded in 1665 and members of the Ware family were among the very first communicants. Several members of the family were vestrymen of the Parish. Nicholas Ware, the first ancestor who lived in Stratton-Major Parish had married Jenny Garrett, and they settled there in 1665. A son of theirs, Nicholas Ware, Jr., went up into what is now Caroline County, Virginia, as early certainly as 1713. He lived in St. Mary's Parish and attended St. Mary's Church. He died in 1744 in Caroline county, and left two sons named Henry and Nicholas. Henry and Nicholas Ware, sons of Nicholas of St. Mary's Parish, married sisters, daughters of John Garrett, a relative of some degree of their grandmother Jenny Garrett of Stratton-Major Parish in King and Queen County. Nicholas married Dolly Garrett and in later life moved to Edgefield County, S.C. where he died, leaving many descendants."
In 1787 a man named John Price Posey set fire to the courthouse of New Kent County and burned it completely. He was hanged for his deed, but nothing could restore the Colonial records that told of the early days of New Kent, an enormous county in the 1600's, and the counties that were formed after 1654. These records included those of King & Queen County until 1691, King William County until 1702, Hanover County, Louisa County and Caroline County until 1728. Toward the end of the Civil War a number of counties had sent the records that began after the fire of 1787 to Richmond for safekeeping. These, also, were completely destroyed by fire when Federal forces burned Richmond in April of 1865. All that remains of this burned county, ravaged by two wars, are a few records collected by Beverley Fleet many years ago, the Quit Rent Rolls of 1704, the priceless abstracts of land patents compiled by Nell Nugent, and the valuable Vestry Book of Stratton Major Parish, transcribed and edited by C. G. Chamberlayne in 1931.
On 21 Aug 1665, John Garrett and Nicholas Ware acquired 386 acres of land in New Kent Co, (later King and Queen), which lay along Heartquake Creek and the meanders of Wolfe and Cattail Branches on the north side of the Mattaponi River for transporting eight persons to the colony. (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants 1623-1666, Nell Marion Nugent, Vol 1, p. 476). In 1675 his brother, Peter Ware, patented land adj. Col. William Claiborne, Edward Cardingbrook and John Ware. A 1683 deed mentions John Garrett being adj. Mr. Cardingbrook. This land is centered between the existing King and Queen Co. line and the Mattaponi River, below Courthouse Landing and above Melrose Landing.
Nicholas Ware, spouse of Ann Vassall, was deceased by 1662, three years prior to the 21 Aug 1665 patent between John Garrett and Nicholas Ware. The eldest child of Nicholas Ware and Ann Vassall would have been under the age of 21 in 1665, as Ann was age 6 in 1635 per the ship’s log book. Colonial law in America states that full majority was reached at the age of 21 and over to perform unrestricted legal actions such as buying land. In order for this Nicholas to be her son, Ann would need to become his mother by age 15, while all four of her sisters are known to have married after the age of 21. It is believed Nicholas Ware, spouse of Ann Vassall, was the younger brother of Peter Ware, Sr., spouse of Mary Hickes.
After selling his father’s land in Queen's Creek, York Co., in 1675, Peter Ware, Jr. purchased land next to his brother, in New Kent Co., VA, adj. William Claiborne. Col. William Claiborne was given command of a militia in 1644, which effectively removed all Indians living at the head of the York River, sending them completely out of the region. To compensate Col. Claiborne for loss of land in Kent Island (later Maryland), which was taken from him and given to the Calvert's, in 1652, he was granted 5,000 acres at the former site of the Indian town he had annihilated in 1644. This land was located on the Pamunkey River where it joins the Mattaponi to form the York.
In 1722 Nicholas Ware is identified as the father of Edward Ware, and also the Nicholas Ware who purchased land in New Kent Co., Stratton Major Parish, on the south side of Dragon Swamp at the mouth of the Timber Branch from Henry Madison in a deed dated 1680. Nicholas received a total of 795 acres from Henry Madison. He received 415 acres in 1680, and an additional 380 acres soon after. The 380 acres previously belonged to Henry Madison's father, John Madison, Jr., of Queen's Creek, York Co., Virginia, who lived adj. Col. William Taylor. John patented 1030 acres in New Kent Co. in 1664 with John Pigg, each receiving 515 acres; Madison researchers believe John Madison, Jr. was deceased prior to 1680.
In 1675, thousands of New Englander's were massacred by hostile Indians, and residents of the Virginia Colony became convinced the Indians in their region intended to do the same. The Susquehannock, a powerful tribe that moved into the area, started raiding plantations in the winter of 1676, after an attack by settlers claiming a white servant had been killed by a Doeg Indian. The settlers attacked not only the Doeg’s, but also the Susquehannock. The peaceful Ocaneechee Indians, who continued living on the shore of the Matteponi, were forced to flee after an attack by Nathaniel Bacon in 1676. Bacon was able to rally numerous settlers, and acting without the consent of the colony, captured or killed most of the tribe. The fate of the Susquehannock and the Doeg’s remains unknown.
Gov. Berkeley ordered him captured, and in September Bacon marched on Jamestown itself and burned the capital to the ground. Bacon died of dysentery the following month and the rebellion collapsed. After the attack, the remaining tribe members accepted their fate, and their leader, Anne, wife of the slain tribal leader Totopotomi, moved them to the Mattaponi Indian Reservation, located on the south bank of the Mattaponi River in King William Co. The tribe was granted land by the government, which was the only lasting agreement the Indians made with Colonial Virginia.
The Indians remained an ever-present threat during this time, but to a lesser degree. Pirates were another threat that plagued the early settlers. Many sought land grants on streams away from the Rappahannock for fear of pirates. The pirates harassed the Virginia coast and inland waters in the interest of Holland, who was at war with England. In 1667, the tip of land protruding into the York River, across from Yorktown, was fortified for the settlers’ protection.
The Ocaneechee’s, decimated by disease and massacres, were peaceful by the early 1660’s. Settlers moved to New Kent Co. by traveling up the York River to the mouth of the Mattaponi, continuing past the peaceful Mattaponi Indians, to the narrows of the Mattaponi near Poplar Landing. Stratton-Major Parish established in 1664. Parish records show the Ware’s as Vestrymen of Stratton Major Parish in New Kent Co. during this time.
Valentine Ware, Sr. was the son of Peter Ware, Jr. according to the following three sources: 1) York Co. Deeds, Orders, Wills, Book 1, 1633-57, 1691-94 - Valentine Ware 23 May 1693 of "King and Queen Co,” by deed of sale, states that he is son and heir to Peter Ware, Jr. and Jane his mother confirming the deed of 1675. 2) Beverly Fleet, Abstracts, King and Queen Co. VA p. 210 - Valentine Ware of age on 24 May 1693 when his literate mother Jane Ware of King and Queen Co. testified about the estate of Peter Ware deceased in Hampton Parish, York Co. 26 May 1675. 3) VA Colonial Abstracts, Vol. 6 - Valentine Ware testified on behalf of his mother Jane, who wrote, "I Jane Ware of King & Queen Co., empower my son Valentine Ware to acknowledge for me sale by Peter Ware late of York Co., deceased, land in Hampton Parish, York Co. 26 May 1675 to Honorable Nathaniel Bacon,” signed Jane Ware 24 May 1693.
In 1693, Valentine Ware, Sr. married Mary Dudley, daughter of William Dudley and Elizabeth Cary, was appointed executor of the will of Hon./Col. Nathaniel Bacon, son of Rev. James Bacon, Rector of Burgate Suffolk, England, and grandson of Sir James Bacon. Nathaniel, who died without issue, had been both acting Governor of Virginia and President of the King's Council. Nathaniel Bacon's estate was quite extensive, owning property in both Virginia and England, and would have been a difficult task to administer for the most experienced. His estate was originally intended for his cousin, Nathaniel Bacon the rebel, but his cousin's untimely death in 1676, dictated he leave his estate to his niece, Abigail Smith. Abigail married Major Lewis Burwell II, who provided bond for Valentine while performing his duties as executor.
Joanna Burwell, daughter of Major Lewis Burwell II and Abigail Smith Burwell, married William Bassett, Jr., son of William Bassett who married Bridget Cary (believed to be the niece of Elizabeth Cary who married William Dudley). The Bassett family owned 150 acres in 1639 bounding east and west on the Chickahominy north to Pattococok, York Co., VA (later part of New Kent Co.). This property was located near Felgate’s Creek, and later became known at “Ringfield” after it was sold to Joseph Ring in 1692/3. According to the book, “The Hoskins of Virginia and Related Families,” it also bordered property owned by Peter Ware. Sr.
During 1678, the royal government, at Jamestown, authorized the construction of the first fort for protection from the Indians to be built on the upper reaches of the Mattaponi River, in what is now present-day Caroline Co. Settlement of all the river valleys in Caroline soon followed. Even before Bacon’s Rebellion diminished the possibility of a savage death by Indians, a brave few ventured across the established frontier into what would become Caroline County. Most were a fiercely independent lot, stubbornly holding on to their homesteads. Flaunting the rule of the English King, they became the first Colonial citizens to sever official ties with Great Britain, making important contributions to the history of the United States.
Landowners who controlled vast estates used thousands of African Slaves to till the land, and were opposed to further migration of white settlers. Robert Beverley, a wealthy landowner, instituted crop rotation, made permanent improvement in his fields, imported grapevines from England and developed his own strains of wine, stated to be the best in the colony. He also improved livestock, and his interest in horses was to lay the foundation for horse racing in Caroline Co., Virginia.
William Dudley, Sr., Mary Dudley's father, participated in Bacon's Rebellion (he died shortly thereafter). According to the Virginia Historical Magazine - Whitehall, Dec. 22, 1677, "Order of King in Council on Petition of Elizabeth Dudley, widow of William Dudley late of Middlesex County, Virginia, on behalf of herself and her three sons setting forth that her husband was forced to administer Bacon's unlawful Oath, but with a salvo to his allegiance to his Majesty and before he would obtain the benefit of his Maj. Pardon. Sir William Berkeley seized fifteen hogsheads of tobacco to his own use, prays restitution. His Majesty being very sensible that many of his poor subjects there must have suffered many hardships in that calamitous time, and desiring they may be restored to all they can justly lay a claim to orders that said petition and papers annexed be referred to Lords of Trade and Plantations for their report when his Majesty will declare his further pleasure."
Mary Dudley and Robert Dudley 1533-1588, whose common ancestor was John Dudley Sutton VI, Knight, Baron, b. 25 Dec 1400, Lord Lt. of Ireland. Robert was a favorite of Queen Elizabeth I, who made him Earl of Leicester in 1564. Son of John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, he assisted his father in a plan to secure Lady Jane Grey's succession to the throne in 1553. John Dudley had taken great trouble to charm and influence King Edward VI; his powerful position as Lord President of the Council was based on his personal ascendancy over the King.
However, the young King was ailing. John hurriedly married his son Lord Guilford Dudley to Lady Jane Grey, one of Henry VIII's great-nieces and a claimant to the throne. Edward accepted Jane as his heir and, on his death in 1553, Jane assumed the throne. Despite the Council recognizing her claim, the country rallied to Mary, Catherine of Aragon's daughter and a devout Roman Catholic. Jane reigned for nine days and was later executed, as was her husband in 1554. Robert Dudley was condemned to death when the scheme failed, but later pardoned.
Robert Dudley's dashing personality and good looks made him Elizabeth's favorite courtier from her accession in 1558. At one time, Elizabeth considered marrying him had not his wife, Amy Robsart, died under unusual circumstances in 1560. Many suspected Dudley had murdered her, but there was no evidence to implicate him, nor did he lose influence with the queen. He was given Kenilworth Castle, near Coventry, in 1563 and ennobled in 1564.
Elizabeth later tried to marry him to Mary, Queen of Scots, who rejected the proposal. In 1578, he succeeded in alienating Elizabeth by marrying the widow of the 1st Earl of Essex. Queen Elizabeth never married and became known as the "Virgin Queen," and the namesake for the Virginia Colony.
BIRTH: 1686 Stratton Major Parish, New Kent Co., VA
DEATH: 1744 St. Mary's Parish, Caroline Co., VA
MARRIED: c1708 Caroline Co., VA
WIFE: Ms. Long, daughter of Richard Long
FATHER: Nicholas Ware I
MOTHER: Jenny Garrett
WIFE'S FATHER: Richard Long
BIRTH: 1686 Stratton Major Parish, New Kent Co., VA
DEATH: 1744 St. Mary's Parish, Caroline Co., VA
MARRIED: c1708 Caroline Co., VA
WIFE: Ms. Long, daughter of Richard Long
FATHER: Nicholas Ware I
MOTHER: Jenny Garrett
WIFE'S FATHER: Richard Long
1. Nicholas Ware III, (12/29/1709-11/10/1799) m. 1) Sarah Munday b. Abt 1712 m. before 27 Oct 1739 (date of her father's will) and she died c1742, he married c1742 2) Dorothy "Dolly" Garrett b. Abt. 1720, she d. Bet. 1784-1795.
2. John Ware, b. ca. 1712 m. Bfr. 1739 Mary Munday, in June 1750, John Ware of St. Stephen's Parish King & Queen Co. sold to Richard Jones, Jr. of South Farnham, Essex Co., 30 acres of Essex land adj. to Ridge Rd. the dividing line of said Ware and Jones.
3. James Ware, b. 15 Nov 1714 m. c1735, Agnes Todd of Gloucester, daughter of Dr. George Todd, his son Nicholas b. 8/12/1739 moved to Abbeville, SC, and became known as the “Abbeville” Nicholas. Agnes' surname has been verified by the Ware / Webb Family Bible which states, "James Ware Sr born Nov 15, 1714 Agnes Todd wife of James Ware Sr was born 20 Dec 1714." It also names each of their children with accurate dates of birth. "In 1744 Nicholas Ware of Caroline was dead and the executor of his estate was Nicholas Ware. Another son of this Nicholas Ware "Junr" who left Stratton Major Parish, King and Queen County, appears to be James Ware, Sr. b. 15 Nov 1714." Source: Hoskins of Virginia and related families: Hundley, Ware, Roy, Garnett, Waring, Bird, Buckner, Dunbar, Trible, Booker, Aylett, [et al.] By Charles Willard Hoskins Warner, 1971, p. 157.
4. Elizabeth Ware, b. c1716 m. Edward Garrett, son of John Garrett and Frances Buckner. Their son Edward Garrett, Jr. m. Ann West Owsley, and they named a son Nicholas Ware Garrett.
5. Edward Ware, b. c1722 m. Lettice "Letty" Powell
6. Henry Ware, Sr., (Capt.) b. c1726 m. Martha "Patsy" Garrett, d/o John Garrett and Frances Dudley.
2. John Ware, b. ca. 1712 m. Bfr. 1739 Mary Munday, in June 1750, John Ware of St. Stephen's Parish King & Queen Co. sold to Richard Jones, Jr. of South Farnham, Essex Co., 30 acres of Essex land adj. to Ridge Rd. the dividing line of said Ware and Jones.
3. James Ware, b. 15 Nov 1714 m. c1735, Agnes Todd of Gloucester, daughter of Dr. George Todd, his son Nicholas b. 8/12/1739 moved to Abbeville, SC, and became known as the “Abbeville” Nicholas. Agnes' surname has been verified by the Ware / Webb Family Bible which states, "James Ware Sr born Nov 15, 1714 Agnes Todd wife of James Ware Sr was born 20 Dec 1714." It also names each of their children with accurate dates of birth. "In 1744 Nicholas Ware of Caroline was dead and the executor of his estate was Nicholas Ware. Another son of this Nicholas Ware "Junr" who left Stratton Major Parish, King and Queen County, appears to be James Ware, Sr. b. 15 Nov 1714." Source: Hoskins of Virginia and related families: Hundley, Ware, Roy, Garnett, Waring, Bird, Buckner, Dunbar, Trible, Booker, Aylett, [et al.] By Charles Willard Hoskins Warner, 1971, p. 157.
4. Elizabeth Ware, b. c1716 m. Edward Garrett, son of John Garrett and Frances Buckner. Their son Edward Garrett, Jr. m. Ann West Owsley, and they named a son Nicholas Ware Garrett.
5. Edward Ware, b. c1722 m. Lettice "Letty" Powell
6. Henry Ware, Sr., (Capt.) b. c1726 m. Martha "Patsy" Garrett, d/o John Garrett and Frances Dudley.
The eldest son of Nicholas Ware II and Ms. Long was Nicholas Ware III, b. 29 Dec 1709 in Stratton Major Parish, New Kent Co., VA, and d. 10 Nov 1799 in Edgefield Co. VA at age 90. He married first Sarah Munday (c1712-c1742) and secondly Dorothy "Dolly" Garrett (c1720-Bet. 1784-1795), daughter of John Garrett and Frances Dudley, and sister of Martha Garrett who married his brother Henry Ware. Sarah Ware was named in the will of her father John Munday dated 27 Oct 1739, and her husband Nicholas Ware is mentioned in several estate documents. His brother John Ware married her sister Mary Munday.
Children of Nicholas Ware and Sarah Munday, daughter of John Munday and Elizabeth Reeves:
Their children are unknown, however, it is assumed they did have children who have yet to be identified. Possible names: Nicholas Ware b. 1734-1742; John Ware b. 1734-1742; Elizabeth Ware b. 1734-1742; Mary Ware b. 1734-1742 and Sarah Ware b. 1734-1742. Sarah Ware possibly died abt. 1742/43 with her mother during childbirth since Nicholas and Dolly later named a daughter Sarah.
Children of Nicholas Ware and Dorothy "Dolly" Garrett, daughter of John Garrett and Frances Dudley:
1. Henry Ware b. ca. 1744;
2. Reuben Ware, (1746-1803) m. Susan Graves. A letter regarding the lineage of Rueben Ware found in the Ware Family File in the Frankfort Historical Library, Mrs. Leadru Ware Kirby of Missouri states, “Rueben Ware was born in Caroline County, Virginia, moved to Franklin Co. KY and died in 1803. Reuben was born in 1746 and married Susan Graves.” She lists the parents of Reuben Ware as Nicholas and Dolly (Garrett) Ware. Reuben “moved to Kentucky with his sister Sarah Ware Samuel and other Ware relatives to settle in Shelby County.” Their children are listed as Thomas; William; Nicholas; Mary (Polly) who married Rev. George Waller.” The National Society of Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, Vol. XXXIV, p. 81, states: Reuben Ware served in the 5th and 9th Virginia Continental Lines and married Susan "unknown." His father, Nicholas Ware III, was born 29 December 1709 and died 10 November 1799, he married 1) Sarah Munday, daughter of John Munday and Elizabeth Harrison (the mother of his children) and 2) Dorothy “Dolly” Garrett, daughter of John Garrett and Frances Dudley. In Abstract of Early Kentucky Wills and Inventories, By Junie Estelle Stewart King, the following is written: Ware, Reuben. May 1803. Apprs: Giles Samuels, Thomas Settle, Daniel Peak.
3. Sarah Ware b. ca. 1748 m. William Samuel / Samuels b. c1746 son of Robert Samuel / Samuels and Lucy William / Williams Wilder states, "Sarah Ware, dau of No. Fl. (Edgefield) Nicholas Ware (IV) wife Dolly Garrett Ware) b. in VA and William Samuel - they went to Kentucky with her brother."
4. Robert Ware (Capt) (5 Apr 1750 Caroline Co., VA-4 Nov 1817 Edgefield District, SC) m. Margaret "Peggy" Tankersley c1750 / 1 Caroline Co., VA-22 Dec 1829 Edgefield Co. SC, d/o Joseph and Susannah (Thompson) Tankersley.
Children of Nicholas Ware and Sarah Munday, daughter of John Munday and Elizabeth Reeves:
Their children are unknown, however, it is assumed they did have children who have yet to be identified. Possible names: Nicholas Ware b. 1734-1742; John Ware b. 1734-1742; Elizabeth Ware b. 1734-1742; Mary Ware b. 1734-1742 and Sarah Ware b. 1734-1742. Sarah Ware possibly died abt. 1742/43 with her mother during childbirth since Nicholas and Dolly later named a daughter Sarah.
Children of Nicholas Ware and Dorothy "Dolly" Garrett, daughter of John Garrett and Frances Dudley:
1. Henry Ware b. ca. 1744;
2. Reuben Ware, (1746-1803) m. Susan Graves. A letter regarding the lineage of Rueben Ware found in the Ware Family File in the Frankfort Historical Library, Mrs. Leadru Ware Kirby of Missouri states, “Rueben Ware was born in Caroline County, Virginia, moved to Franklin Co. KY and died in 1803. Reuben was born in 1746 and married Susan Graves.” She lists the parents of Reuben Ware as Nicholas and Dolly (Garrett) Ware. Reuben “moved to Kentucky with his sister Sarah Ware Samuel and other Ware relatives to settle in Shelby County.” Their children are listed as Thomas; William; Nicholas; Mary (Polly) who married Rev. George Waller.” The National Society of Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, Vol. XXXIV, p. 81, states: Reuben Ware served in the 5th and 9th Virginia Continental Lines and married Susan "unknown." His father, Nicholas Ware III, was born 29 December 1709 and died 10 November 1799, he married 1) Sarah Munday, daughter of John Munday and Elizabeth Harrison (the mother of his children) and 2) Dorothy “Dolly” Garrett, daughter of John Garrett and Frances Dudley. In Abstract of Early Kentucky Wills and Inventories, By Junie Estelle Stewart King, the following is written: Ware, Reuben. May 1803. Apprs: Giles Samuels, Thomas Settle, Daniel Peak.
3. Sarah Ware b. ca. 1748 m. William Samuel / Samuels b. c1746 son of Robert Samuel / Samuels and Lucy William / Williams Wilder states, "Sarah Ware, dau of No. Fl. (Edgefield) Nicholas Ware (IV) wife Dolly Garrett Ware) b. in VA and William Samuel - they went to Kentucky with her brother."
4. Robert Ware (Capt) (5 Apr 1750 Caroline Co., VA-4 Nov 1817 Edgefield District, SC) m. Margaret "Peggy" Tankersley c1750 / 1 Caroline Co., VA-22 Dec 1829 Edgefield Co. SC, d/o Joseph and Susannah (Thompson) Tankersley.
From Garrett, Catlett, Ware, and related families, p. 22, William George Bilton, Claude Monroe Hill, 1989, the following was written, "John Garrett, a genealogist, gives the date of his birth as 1700 in Kent County, Virginia. He died in the Ninety-Six District. (His wife has not established an identity; she is thought to have been Frances or Martha, a daughter of Colonel John Scott of New Kent Militia."
I agree with Bilton and Hill that her name was Frances, as this name was carried down though their children and grandchildren, however, I could not find any connection to the Scott family, but I did find a strong connection to the Dudley family. In 1762 in Caroline Co., VA, the estate of Robert Dudley was being settled with John Garrett, Robert Garrett and Henry Ware as executors of his will. (Caroline Co. Wills and Deeds). After researching the Dudley family, I found the widow Jane Daniel Segar m. Robert Dudley, and Margaret Daniel m. Henry Ware, a close cousin of Henry Ware and Martha Garrett, on 15 Aug 1711.
This new information on Nicholas Ware b. 29 Dec 1709 came from The Library of Virginia which has a search engine of their holdings at www.lva.virginia.gov. Charles "Chuck" Tucker was doing a search for Tucker and found this listing: Ware-Tucker-Turnbull family Bible record, 1709-1930 (microform) and 28126 Miscellaneous reel 445, which contained a wealth of information.
Sarah Munday, daughter of John Munday, [son of Thomas who died in 1703], and Elizabeth Harrison, daughter of Andrew Harrison and Eleanor [Long] Elliott. In the will of John Munday dated 27 Oct 1739, St. Ann's Parish, Essex Co. names sons John, Thomas, Joseph, Charles, Harrison [a minor] and Ambrose [a minor]. Daughters were Sarah Ware, Mary Ware, Margaret, Winifred, Tabitha, Wife and Executrix Elizabeth. On 12 Sep 1735, Nicholas Ware, John Long, Wm. Harrison and John Munday appraised the estate of Baldwin Collown.
I agree with Bilton and Hill that her name was Frances, as this name was carried down though their children and grandchildren, however, I could not find any connection to the Scott family, but I did find a strong connection to the Dudley family. In 1762 in Caroline Co., VA, the estate of Robert Dudley was being settled with John Garrett, Robert Garrett and Henry Ware as executors of his will. (Caroline Co. Wills and Deeds). After researching the Dudley family, I found the widow Jane Daniel Segar m. Robert Dudley, and Margaret Daniel m. Henry Ware, a close cousin of Henry Ware and Martha Garrett, on 15 Aug 1711.
This new information on Nicholas Ware b. 29 Dec 1709 came from The Library of Virginia which has a search engine of their holdings at www.lva.virginia.gov. Charles "Chuck" Tucker was doing a search for Tucker and found this listing: Ware-Tucker-Turnbull family Bible record, 1709-1930 (microform) and 28126 Miscellaneous reel 445, which contained a wealth of information.
Sarah Munday, daughter of John Munday, [son of Thomas who died in 1703], and Elizabeth Harrison, daughter of Andrew Harrison and Eleanor [Long] Elliott. In the will of John Munday dated 27 Oct 1739, St. Ann's Parish, Essex Co. names sons John, Thomas, Joseph, Charles, Harrison [a minor] and Ambrose [a minor]. Daughters were Sarah Ware, Mary Ware, Margaret, Winifred, Tabitha, Wife and Executrix Elizabeth. On 12 Sep 1735, Nicholas Ware, John Long, Wm. Harrison and John Munday appraised the estate of Baldwin Collown.
1705 - Mar 13, according to the Stratton Major Parish vestry book, Nicholas Ware was a church warden.
1713 - May 6, Indenture between Richard Long of St. Mary's Parish in Essex Co. and Nicholas Ware, Jr. of Stratton Major Parish, King and Queen Co. for consideration of five shillings lawful money from Nicholas Ware to Richard Long for 171 acres in the parish of St. Mary's in Essex Co., bounding Samuel Elliott, John Buckner, John Long and William Harrison's land. Wits: William Corrington, Jr., Joseph Edmundson, and James Anderson. Teste: Richard Buckner. (Essex Co. Deeds and Wills No. 14, 1711-1716, Reel 6, p. 118).
1722 - 18 Aug, Larkin Chew of Spotsylvania Co., VA, Gent., to John Spicer of King George Co, VA, 20 lbs. currency for 400 acres land in St. Stephen's Parish, Spotsylvania Co., VA on the north side of the Mattaponi River. Witnesses: Thomas Chew, Francis Hay, Nicholas Ware. (Virginia Co., Records Spotsylvania Co. (1721-1800, Deed Book A, 1722-1729, p. 88)
1723 - 28 Oct, Richard Buckner of Essex Co., 4500 acres of land in King and Queen Co. in Drysdale Parish, beginning on a ridge below Mr. (Nicholas) Ware's mill in sight of the main road, corner to Prosser and Pannel, to land of John Hay, deceased on the east side of Deep Run (later Ware Creek). (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol. III, p. 256)
1727 - 20 Feb, John Buckner of St. Mary's Parish in Essex Co. conveys unto Nicholas Ware of the same Parish 310-1/2 acres in St. Mary's Parish near Ware's bridge adj. John Holloway and Persimmon Branch, Golden Vaile Swamp, for a consideration of 47 lbs., 7 shilling, 4 pence and 1031 lbs. tobacco. Signed John Buckner. Witnesses John Rodgers, John Robinson and Francis Hay. (Essex Co., VA Deed Book 18, p. 322)
1728 - 28 Sep,- Nicholas Ware was granted 1000 acres in the folk of the Rapadan River beginning at the white oak standing in the head of Maple Run in St. George's Parish, Spotsylvania Co. VA. (Virginia Patent Book 13, p. 436)
1733 - May 1, Nicholas Ware of St. Mary's Parish in Caroline Co., for several good causes and considerations, do give to Robert Andress 500 acres in St. Mark's Parish of Spotsylvania Co., part of a tract granted Ware on 28 Sep 1728. Wits, William Phillips, Thomas Sanders.
1734 - Caroline Co., VA court ordered Nicholas Ware to assist with building a new road. He was to have Gabriel Long, [son of Richard Long who married Margaret Harrison], John Holloway, Nicholas Ware, Jr. and John Garrett's people assist.
1740 - 24 Jul - Nicholas Ware of St. Mary's Parish, Caroline Co. to Jeremiah Rollins (Rawlings) of Drisdale Parish, King and Queen Co., 500 acres in St. Mark's Parish being half of a patent granted to Nicholas Ware 28 Sep 1728, which was sold for consideration of 60 lbs. current money of Virginia. Signed, Nicholas Ware. Note: This land was later sold on 12 Mar 1776 by Jeremiah Rawlins of St. Margaret's Parish, Caroline Co. to William Plumer Thurston of Fredericksville Parish, Louisa Co. 500 acres in Bromfield Parish, being the land which Jeremiah Rawlins purchased of Nicholas Ware, late of Caroline Co. and adjoining the land of John Powell, Cornelius Rucker, George Thompson, all deceased, also the land of James Finney and Michael Rice and a tract of land now in the possession of Nathan Underwood.
1741 - Nicholas Ware was appointed Constable in Caroline Co., VA.
1741 - Nicholas Ware and John Dillard proved the will of Wm Harrison of Caroline Co., securities were Richard Hampton and Robert Taliaferro. Wm Harrison was the son of Andrew Harrison and Eleanor Long of St. Mary's Parish, Essex Co., and brother of Margaret Harrison who m. Gabriel Long. Their son Richard Long m. Elizabeth, daughter of John Garrett and Frances. Frances is believed to be the sister of Robert Dudley of Caroline Co., VA both children of Robert Dudley of Caroline Co., VA.
1744 - Nicholas Ware in his will mentions his sons Nicholas Ware and Edward Ware with John Dillard identified as the writer.
1705 - Mar 13, according to the Stratton Major Parish vestry book, Nicholas Ware was a church warden.
1713 - May 6, Indenture between Richard Long of St. Mary's Parish in Essex Co. and Nicholas Ware, Jr. of Stratton Major Parish, King and Queen Co. for consideration of five shillings lawful money from Nicholas Ware to Richard Long for 171 acres in the parish of St. Mary's in Essex Co., bounding Samuel Elliott, John Buckner, John Long and William Harrison's land. Wits: William Corrington, Jr., Joseph Edmundson, and James Anderson. Teste: Richard Buckner. (Essex Co. Deeds and Wills No. 14, 1711-1716, Reel 6, p. 118).
1722 - 18 Aug, Larkin Chew of Spotsylvania Co., VA, Gent., to John Spicer of King George Co, VA, 20 lbs. currency for 400 acres land in St. Stephen's Parish, Spotsylvania Co., VA on the north side of the Mattaponi River. Witnesses: Thomas Chew, Francis Hay, Nicholas Ware. (Virginia Co., Records Spotsylvania Co. (1721-1800, Deed Book A, 1722-1729, p. 88)
1723 - 28 Oct, Richard Buckner of Essex Co., 4500 acres of land in King and Queen Co. in Drysdale Parish, beginning on a ridge below Mr. (Nicholas) Ware's mill in sight of the main road, corner to Prosser and Pannel, to land of John Hay, deceased on the east side of Deep Run (later Ware Creek). (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol. III, p. 256)
1727 - 20 Feb, John Buckner of St. Mary's Parish in Essex Co. conveys unto Nicholas Ware of the same Parish 310-1/2 acres in St. Mary's Parish near Ware's bridge adj. John Holloway and Persimmon Branch, Golden Vaile Swamp, for a consideration of 47 lbs., 7 shilling, 4 pence and 1031 lbs. tobacco. Signed John Buckner. Witnesses John Rodgers, John Robinson and Francis Hay. (Essex Co., VA Deed Book 18, p. 322)
1728 - 28 Sep,- Nicholas Ware was granted 1000 acres in the folk of the Rapadan River beginning at the white oak standing in the head of Maple Run in St. George's Parish, Spotsylvania Co. VA. (Virginia Patent Book 13, p. 436)
1733 - May 1, Nicholas Ware of St. Mary's Parish in Caroline Co., for several good causes and considerations, do give to Robert Andress 500 acres in St. Mark's Parish of Spotsylvania Co., part of a tract granted Ware on 28 Sep 1728. Wits, William Phillips, Thomas Sanders.
1734 - Caroline Co., VA court ordered Nicholas Ware to assist with building a new road. He was to have Gabriel Long, [son of Richard Long who married Margaret Harrison], John Holloway, Nicholas Ware, Jr. and John Garrett's people assist.
1740 - 24 Jul - Nicholas Ware of St. Mary's Parish, Caroline Co. to Jeremiah Rollins (Rawlings) of Drisdale Parish, King and Queen Co., 500 acres in St. Mark's Parish being half of a patent granted to Nicholas Ware 28 Sep 1728, which was sold for consideration of 60 lbs. current money of Virginia. Signed, Nicholas Ware. Note: This land was later sold on 12 Mar 1776 by Jeremiah Rawlins of St. Margaret's Parish, Caroline Co. to William Plumer Thurston of Fredericksville Parish, Louisa Co. 500 acres in Bromfield Parish, being the land which Jeremiah Rawlins purchased of Nicholas Ware, late of Caroline Co. and adjoining the land of John Powell, Cornelius Rucker, George Thompson, all deceased, also the land of James Finney and Michael Rice and a tract of land now in the possession of Nathan Underwood.
1741 - Nicholas Ware was appointed Constable in Caroline Co., VA.
1741 - Nicholas Ware and John Dillard proved the will of Wm Harrison of Caroline Co., securities were Richard Hampton and Robert Taliaferro. Wm Harrison was the son of Andrew Harrison and Eleanor Long of St. Mary's Parish, Essex Co., and brother of Margaret Harrison who m. Gabriel Long. Their son Richard Long m. Elizabeth, daughter of John Garrett and Frances. Frances is believed to be the sister of Robert Dudley of Caroline Co., VA both children of Robert Dudley of Caroline Co., VA.
1744 - Nicholas Ware in his will mentions his sons Nicholas Ware and Edward Ware with John Dillard identified as the writer.
At this time, there were numerous small patents of land. Small landowners were in a better position to prosper if they were not dependent upon the limited supply of labor. These holders of small grants became affluent members of the ever-growing community. The tobacco business was booming, the English loved the taste of the American tobacco developed by John Rolfe and could never seem to get enough. The higher demand for tobacco required more land to grow, cultivate and harvest the crop.
Peumansend Creek, is the general location of the original property owned by Nicholas Ware of St. Mary’s Parish, Caroline Co., VA (originally Essex Co.). This property was located on Goldenvale Creek, which is west of Rt. 17 below Samuels Corner and above Monroe Corner, VA. Most of the property was located on the now Fort A. P. Hill (Ambrose Powell Hill), which is currently the active army's premier live fire and maneuver training center on the east coast serving all branches of the armed forces. The Fort A. P. Hill site describes their location as near Bowling Green, VA and 20 miles southeast of Fredericksburg, VA.
Edward Ware can be traced back to Nicholas Ware of Caroline Co. when Nicholas provided security for him to operate an Ordinary from his home. In 1748 after Edward’s death, his wife Lucy was ordered by the Caroline Court to have administration of her husband’s estate, James Powell and Silvanus Sanders were her securities. She later married Col. James Lindsay of Caroline County and Henry Ware's son Markham married Clara Lindsay, James’ niece.
Goochland Co. was formed in 1728 from Henrico County, part of the Shire of Henrico in 1634; it was named for Sir William Gooch, lieutenant governor in 1727-1749. Its county seat is Goochland. From its original territory came Albemarle Co., Amherst Co., part of Appomattox Co., Buckingham Co., Campbell Co. Cumberland Co., Fluvanna Co. (formed in 1777 from a chunk of Albemarle Co. was one of the Commonwealth's smallest counties), Nelson Co. and Powhatan Co.
Peter Ware, b. c1706, was the son of Valentine Ware, Jr. In his will dated 1741, we learn he had previously received 214 plus acres on Tuckahoe Creek in Goochland Co., VA from his father, which he then wills to his brother Henry [John Ware to be one of his executors]. There are two land patents by Valentine Ware, Jr. which can be seen on-line at the Virginia State Library Archives showing he patented a total of 429 acres in Tuckahoe Creek (Patent 11, p. 203, dated 9/5/1723 by Valentine Ware in Henrico Co., 262 acres in the fork of Tuckahoe creek on the north side of the James River; and Patent 12, p. 122, dated 12/10/1724 by Valentine Ware in Henrico Co., 167 acres on the north side of the James River, in a great fork of Tuckahoe Creek. By dividing 429, you have 214 plus acres, the amount each brother received from their father, Valentine Ware, Jr.
John Ware, son of Peter Ware and Judith Scott and grandson of Valentine Ware, Jr. born ca 1736 and died 1801, married Mary Watson. He served in the Goochland County Militia in 1777 as Captain. He was the son of Peter Ware and Judith Scott and the grandson of Valentine Ware, Jr. He was often referred to as being from "Old Albemarle,” and was one of the first inhabitants of the Seven Islands. The Buckingham District Battalion was organized in September 1775, using the old independent company of Albemarle as a nucleus. Among the Companies formed from September 1775 to May 1776 was the company of Captain John Ware, Albemarle County, September 1775. The battalion held its first muster near Rockfish Gap in mid-September. Enlistments in the regular service depleted the battalion, and five of its companies were merged into the 2nd Minute Battalion, commanded by Colonel Charles Lewis. He was named in the will of his father, Peter Ware, which states: "I give and bequeath unto my son John... half the land I hold in Goochland near the Seven Islands namely half the back land and half the Island when of age." This land was in the western portion of Goochland and in 1744 it became Albemarle Co. and in 1749 it became Fluvanna Co.
According to Alexander Brown, Esq. papers held in the Special Collections Department, Swem Library, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia: John Ware from Old Albemarle served in the French and Indian War in 1755. Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol. 8 p. 8, shows he received bounty land in KY for his service. The Will of John Ware of Fluvanna Co., sick and weak…tract of land known as Fork Ordinary may be sold and applied to discharging a debt due the Commonwealth…land lying in Buckingham which is in dispute (and a suit in chancery now pending between myself and Robert Cary)… sons: Washington Ware, Ulysses Ware, John Ware, daughter: Polly Ware…tract of land known as Seven Islands whereon I now live. Exors: Sons Washington and Ulysses… Made 10 August 1801, Witness: John Miller, Samuel Glass Signed/ John Ware. 8 Sept. 1801 produced in court Peter Henry Ware, Security Fluvanna WB 1: 223.
Peter's daughter Jane married Robert Hunter, a deed found in Clarke Co., GA shows that John Hunter of Guilford Co., NC in 1777 leaves a deed of gift to his grandchildren, named in the deed are: Nancy Ware, John Ware, Pauline Ware, Jane Ware, Samuel Scott Ware, Alexander Harrison, Rachel Ware Hunter and John Ware Hunter. From this it appears Henry Ware, Judith's brother, married Nancy Hunter and had Nancy, John, Pauline, Jane and Samuel Scott. Nancy was named after his wife, John after his brother, Pauline after his half-sister (Pauline Jordan who married John Cabell), Jane after his sister, and Samuel Scott Ware after his stepfather, Samuel Jordan, and of course his mother's maiden name. Jane named her children Rachel Ware Hunter, most likely after Robert's mother, and John Ware Hunter after his father.
A few citizens enjoyed the income from established plantations, but many were still in the process of carving out a meager existence in the wilderness. Half the county was landless, being slaves or white indentured servants. The population of 5,000 was scattered over 350,000 acres. Settlers had one thing in common, tobacco, there were no towns, few churches, and three small trading centers, and many did not even know their neighbors. In 1732 a road opened designed to roll oxen-pulled hogheads packed with tobacco, hitched to an axle drum through the center, and tobacco began to roll towards the river.
Valentine’s father-in-law, Col. William Leigh, was born about 1654 in York Co. and married Mary Green, believed to be the daughter of Charles Green and Elizabeth Iverson. He had been a King and Queen Co. Burgess and Militia Capt., Col. and Commander in Chief, and a member of the August Virginia Council, and the first Judge of the Admiralty Court of VA. In 1703, he was chairman of the Virginia House of Burgesses. He lived on a branch of the York River and had to cross the York to get to Williamsburg, the seat of the Virginia government. Land patented by Lea from 1682-1699 was in St. Stephens Parish, in King and Queen, except for a large grant in Essex Co.
In 1705, Lea's 6,200 acres was inherited by his son John, who married Ann Taylor. Elizabeth, John’s daughter, married Zachary Taylor and was the president’s grandmother. His son, William, married Frances Major, and their daughter Sarah married George Penn, brother of John Penn, whose grandson, John Penn, signed the Declaration of Independence.
After her husband’s death, Mary Leigh and her sons-in-law, Valentine Ware, and William Haines, obtained two patents in King and Queen Co. on 2 May 1705. The first for 600 acres (land patent book 5, p. 488, and book 9, p. 657), and the second for 260 acres (deed K&Q 1731-1). This land was originally New Kent Co. adjacent Peter Ware, Jr., which he bought from Col. William Claybourne. On 4 Dec 1714, William, son of Col. William Leigh, purchased 100 acres in King and Queen Co. from Thomas Ware, deceased, located next to John Madison’s Mill North of the Mattaponi River in St. Stephens Parish (Land Patent Book 10, p. 214 Virginia State Library).
According to "Old Churches, Ministers, and Families of Virginia", by Bishop Meade, Page 376, Article XXXIII. The following list of vestrymen in Stratton Major Parish, commencing in 1739, will show who were the leading men in all the civil and ecclesiastical matters of the parish and county: Richard Roy, Richard Johnson, Henry Hickman, Edward Ware, Thomas Foster, Thomas Dudley, John Collier, Gawin Corbin, Valentine Ware, Roger Gregory, Richard Anderson, John Robinson, Benjamin Needler, Robert Dudley, John Livingston, Robert Gaines, Philip Roots, John Ware, Richard Shackleford, William Taliafero, John Strakey, William Lyne, Charles Collier, Thomas Thorpe, Thomas Langford, John Shackleford, John Foster, Philip Roots, Francis Gaines, John Whiting, Thomas Reade Roots, John Whiting, James Prior, Thomas Dillard, Lyne Shackleford, Hon. Richard Corbin, William Hall, John Taylor Corbin, Benjamin Robinson, Humphrey Garrett, Richard Bray, James Didlake, Philip Taliafero, Lyne Shackleford, Jr., Thomas Dillard, John Kidd.
In "Wingfield's History of Caroline County, Va." by Marshall Wingfield, the following is written: "Some counties contained several parishes, and some parishes embraced more than one county. The law required that churches be so situated that all inhabitants might attend them without any great inconvenience, and as a result churches were found on an average from ten to fifteen miles apart, according to the density of population. The parish vestry consisted of twelve of the most prominent and substantial men of the parish, and divided with the court the responsibility for the public welfare of their respective communities".
In 1739, Nicholas Ware II appraised the estate of Thomas Powell of Caroline Co., Tyler Abstracts, p. 51, he is believed to be closely related to Letitia Powell who married Edward Ware.
In 1740 Nicholas Ware II of St. Mary's Parish Caroline Co. sold to Jeremiah Rollins of Drysdale Parish, King and Queen Co., 500 acres in St. Mark's Parish being half of a patent granted to Nicholas Ware 28 Sep 1728, which was sold for consideration of 60 lbs. current money of Virginia. Deed Book 4, p. 178.
In 1741 - Nicholas Ware II was appointed Constable in Caroline Co., VA. Source: Early Ware's in Virginia, obtained from the Historical Society, Richmond, VA. The sheriffs were assisted by county court appointed constables, one per district. The constable's duties included serving as bailiff, enforcing the law, and maintaining order. They collected fines for small offences, whipped criminals, arrested violators of the revenue laws, accompanied those who searched places suspected of containing smuggled goods, and had sole charge of runaway sailors, servants and slaves. To these were added the duties of visiting tobacco fields and destroying all inferior growths, such as "seconds" or "suckers," the killing of stray dogs, and superfluous dogs about the "quarters," and the execution of the game laws. It was an unpopular job, since it involved enforcing some highly unpopular laws. The constable served no set term, but rather served until he resigned, moved, died, or was fired. There was a fairly high mortality rate among Virginia constables. Most Caroline constables either resigned or were fired for not enforcing a law. The constable's fees, like the fees of many other officers of that period, were paid in tobacco, for summoning a witness, five; for summoning coroner's jury and witnesses, fifty; for putting person in the stocks, ten; for whipping a person, ten; and for removing from the parish any person suspected of becoming a public charge, two pounds for every mile traveled going and returning. He also received one pound of tobacco out of the county levy for each titheable in his precinct, and was exempt from payment of taxes, and from jury service, while in office.
In 1744, the Last will and Testament of Nicholas Ware II, deceased, was presented in Court by Nicholas Ware [his son], and others therein named who made oath thereto according to Law and being further proved by the oaths of John Dillard, Benjamin Harrison, and Nathan Hall, witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded by John Dillard, the writer of the will of Nicholas Ware, (who) made oath that the Intention of the Testator was to Leave the negro woman he had lent to his wife during her widowhood to his son Edward during his life, and also the other two negroes, Ben and Sarah. Caroline County, VA, Order Book, 1740-1746, p. 349.
James Ware, Jr. was the son of James Ware and Agnes Todd, daughter of George Todd, M.D. who got his medical education in Scotland, but came from England. Their family name was Fox. They were known for their intelligence and wealth and loyalty. They were knighted TODD. The English word Todhunter was used when people wanted wealth, they sought Todds friendship, and became Todhunters. Source: Trimble families: a partial listing of the descendants of some colonial families 1958, p. 168.
Peumansend Creek, is the general location of the original property owned by Nicholas Ware of St. Mary’s Parish, Caroline Co., VA (originally Essex Co.). This property was located on Goldenvale Creek, which is west of Rt. 17 below Samuels Corner and above Monroe Corner, VA. Most of the property was located on the now Fort A. P. Hill (Ambrose Powell Hill), which is currently the active army's premier live fire and maneuver training center on the east coast serving all branches of the armed forces. The Fort A. P. Hill site describes their location as near Bowling Green, VA and 20 miles southeast of Fredericksburg, VA.
Edward Ware can be traced back to Nicholas Ware of Caroline Co. when Nicholas provided security for him to operate an Ordinary from his home. In 1748 after Edward’s death, his wife Lucy was ordered by the Caroline Court to have administration of her husband’s estate, James Powell and Silvanus Sanders were her securities. She later married Col. James Lindsay of Caroline County and Henry Ware's son Markham married Clara Lindsay, James’ niece.
Goochland Co. was formed in 1728 from Henrico County, part of the Shire of Henrico in 1634; it was named for Sir William Gooch, lieutenant governor in 1727-1749. Its county seat is Goochland. From its original territory came Albemarle Co., Amherst Co., part of Appomattox Co., Buckingham Co., Campbell Co. Cumberland Co., Fluvanna Co. (formed in 1777 from a chunk of Albemarle Co. was one of the Commonwealth's smallest counties), Nelson Co. and Powhatan Co.
Peter Ware, b. c1706, was the son of Valentine Ware, Jr. In his will dated 1741, we learn he had previously received 214 plus acres on Tuckahoe Creek in Goochland Co., VA from his father, which he then wills to his brother Henry [John Ware to be one of his executors]. There are two land patents by Valentine Ware, Jr. which can be seen on-line at the Virginia State Library Archives showing he patented a total of 429 acres in Tuckahoe Creek (Patent 11, p. 203, dated 9/5/1723 by Valentine Ware in Henrico Co., 262 acres in the fork of Tuckahoe creek on the north side of the James River; and Patent 12, p. 122, dated 12/10/1724 by Valentine Ware in Henrico Co., 167 acres on the north side of the James River, in a great fork of Tuckahoe Creek. By dividing 429, you have 214 plus acres, the amount each brother received from their father, Valentine Ware, Jr.
John Ware, son of Peter Ware and Judith Scott and grandson of Valentine Ware, Jr. born ca 1736 and died 1801, married Mary Watson. He served in the Goochland County Militia in 1777 as Captain. He was the son of Peter Ware and Judith Scott and the grandson of Valentine Ware, Jr. He was often referred to as being from "Old Albemarle,” and was one of the first inhabitants of the Seven Islands. The Buckingham District Battalion was organized in September 1775, using the old independent company of Albemarle as a nucleus. Among the Companies formed from September 1775 to May 1776 was the company of Captain John Ware, Albemarle County, September 1775. The battalion held its first muster near Rockfish Gap in mid-September. Enlistments in the regular service depleted the battalion, and five of its companies were merged into the 2nd Minute Battalion, commanded by Colonel Charles Lewis. He was named in the will of his father, Peter Ware, which states: "I give and bequeath unto my son John... half the land I hold in Goochland near the Seven Islands namely half the back land and half the Island when of age." This land was in the western portion of Goochland and in 1744 it became Albemarle Co. and in 1749 it became Fluvanna Co.
According to Alexander Brown, Esq. papers held in the Special Collections Department, Swem Library, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia: John Ware from Old Albemarle served in the French and Indian War in 1755. Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol. 8 p. 8, shows he received bounty land in KY for his service. The Will of John Ware of Fluvanna Co., sick and weak…tract of land known as Fork Ordinary may be sold and applied to discharging a debt due the Commonwealth…land lying in Buckingham which is in dispute (and a suit in chancery now pending between myself and Robert Cary)… sons: Washington Ware, Ulysses Ware, John Ware, daughter: Polly Ware…tract of land known as Seven Islands whereon I now live. Exors: Sons Washington and Ulysses… Made 10 August 1801, Witness: John Miller, Samuel Glass Signed/ John Ware. 8 Sept. 1801 produced in court Peter Henry Ware, Security Fluvanna WB 1: 223.
Peter's daughter Jane married Robert Hunter, a deed found in Clarke Co., GA shows that John Hunter of Guilford Co., NC in 1777 leaves a deed of gift to his grandchildren, named in the deed are: Nancy Ware, John Ware, Pauline Ware, Jane Ware, Samuel Scott Ware, Alexander Harrison, Rachel Ware Hunter and John Ware Hunter. From this it appears Henry Ware, Judith's brother, married Nancy Hunter and had Nancy, John, Pauline, Jane and Samuel Scott. Nancy was named after his wife, John after his brother, Pauline after his half-sister (Pauline Jordan who married John Cabell), Jane after his sister, and Samuel Scott Ware after his stepfather, Samuel Jordan, and of course his mother's maiden name. Jane named her children Rachel Ware Hunter, most likely after Robert's mother, and John Ware Hunter after his father.
A few citizens enjoyed the income from established plantations, but many were still in the process of carving out a meager existence in the wilderness. Half the county was landless, being slaves or white indentured servants. The population of 5,000 was scattered over 350,000 acres. Settlers had one thing in common, tobacco, there were no towns, few churches, and three small trading centers, and many did not even know their neighbors. In 1732 a road opened designed to roll oxen-pulled hogheads packed with tobacco, hitched to an axle drum through the center, and tobacco began to roll towards the river.
Valentine’s father-in-law, Col. William Leigh, was born about 1654 in York Co. and married Mary Green, believed to be the daughter of Charles Green and Elizabeth Iverson. He had been a King and Queen Co. Burgess and Militia Capt., Col. and Commander in Chief, and a member of the August Virginia Council, and the first Judge of the Admiralty Court of VA. In 1703, he was chairman of the Virginia House of Burgesses. He lived on a branch of the York River and had to cross the York to get to Williamsburg, the seat of the Virginia government. Land patented by Lea from 1682-1699 was in St. Stephens Parish, in King and Queen, except for a large grant in Essex Co.
In 1705, Lea's 6,200 acres was inherited by his son John, who married Ann Taylor. Elizabeth, John’s daughter, married Zachary Taylor and was the president’s grandmother. His son, William, married Frances Major, and their daughter Sarah married George Penn, brother of John Penn, whose grandson, John Penn, signed the Declaration of Independence.
After her husband’s death, Mary Leigh and her sons-in-law, Valentine Ware, and William Haines, obtained two patents in King and Queen Co. on 2 May 1705. The first for 600 acres (land patent book 5, p. 488, and book 9, p. 657), and the second for 260 acres (deed K&Q 1731-1). This land was originally New Kent Co. adjacent Peter Ware, Jr., which he bought from Col. William Claybourne. On 4 Dec 1714, William, son of Col. William Leigh, purchased 100 acres in King and Queen Co. from Thomas Ware, deceased, located next to John Madison’s Mill North of the Mattaponi River in St. Stephens Parish (Land Patent Book 10, p. 214 Virginia State Library).
According to "Old Churches, Ministers, and Families of Virginia", by Bishop Meade, Page 376, Article XXXIII. The following list of vestrymen in Stratton Major Parish, commencing in 1739, will show who were the leading men in all the civil and ecclesiastical matters of the parish and county: Richard Roy, Richard Johnson, Henry Hickman, Edward Ware, Thomas Foster, Thomas Dudley, John Collier, Gawin Corbin, Valentine Ware, Roger Gregory, Richard Anderson, John Robinson, Benjamin Needler, Robert Dudley, John Livingston, Robert Gaines, Philip Roots, John Ware, Richard Shackleford, William Taliafero, John Strakey, William Lyne, Charles Collier, Thomas Thorpe, Thomas Langford, John Shackleford, John Foster, Philip Roots, Francis Gaines, John Whiting, Thomas Reade Roots, John Whiting, James Prior, Thomas Dillard, Lyne Shackleford, Hon. Richard Corbin, William Hall, John Taylor Corbin, Benjamin Robinson, Humphrey Garrett, Richard Bray, James Didlake, Philip Taliafero, Lyne Shackleford, Jr., Thomas Dillard, John Kidd.
In "Wingfield's History of Caroline County, Va." by Marshall Wingfield, the following is written: "Some counties contained several parishes, and some parishes embraced more than one county. The law required that churches be so situated that all inhabitants might attend them without any great inconvenience, and as a result churches were found on an average from ten to fifteen miles apart, according to the density of population. The parish vestry consisted of twelve of the most prominent and substantial men of the parish, and divided with the court the responsibility for the public welfare of their respective communities".
In 1739, Nicholas Ware II appraised the estate of Thomas Powell of Caroline Co., Tyler Abstracts, p. 51, he is believed to be closely related to Letitia Powell who married Edward Ware.
In 1740 Nicholas Ware II of St. Mary's Parish Caroline Co. sold to Jeremiah Rollins of Drysdale Parish, King and Queen Co., 500 acres in St. Mark's Parish being half of a patent granted to Nicholas Ware 28 Sep 1728, which was sold for consideration of 60 lbs. current money of Virginia. Deed Book 4, p. 178.
In 1741 - Nicholas Ware II was appointed Constable in Caroline Co., VA. Source: Early Ware's in Virginia, obtained from the Historical Society, Richmond, VA. The sheriffs were assisted by county court appointed constables, one per district. The constable's duties included serving as bailiff, enforcing the law, and maintaining order. They collected fines for small offences, whipped criminals, arrested violators of the revenue laws, accompanied those who searched places suspected of containing smuggled goods, and had sole charge of runaway sailors, servants and slaves. To these were added the duties of visiting tobacco fields and destroying all inferior growths, such as "seconds" or "suckers," the killing of stray dogs, and superfluous dogs about the "quarters," and the execution of the game laws. It was an unpopular job, since it involved enforcing some highly unpopular laws. The constable served no set term, but rather served until he resigned, moved, died, or was fired. There was a fairly high mortality rate among Virginia constables. Most Caroline constables either resigned or were fired for not enforcing a law. The constable's fees, like the fees of many other officers of that period, were paid in tobacco, for summoning a witness, five; for summoning coroner's jury and witnesses, fifty; for putting person in the stocks, ten; for whipping a person, ten; and for removing from the parish any person suspected of becoming a public charge, two pounds for every mile traveled going and returning. He also received one pound of tobacco out of the county levy for each titheable in his precinct, and was exempt from payment of taxes, and from jury service, while in office.
In 1744, the Last will and Testament of Nicholas Ware II, deceased, was presented in Court by Nicholas Ware [his son], and others therein named who made oath thereto according to Law and being further proved by the oaths of John Dillard, Benjamin Harrison, and Nathan Hall, witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded by John Dillard, the writer of the will of Nicholas Ware, (who) made oath that the Intention of the Testator was to Leave the negro woman he had lent to his wife during her widowhood to his son Edward during his life, and also the other two negroes, Ben and Sarah. Caroline County, VA, Order Book, 1740-1746, p. 349.
James Ware, Jr. was the son of James Ware and Agnes Todd, daughter of George Todd, M.D. who got his medical education in Scotland, but came from England. Their family name was Fox. They were known for their intelligence and wealth and loyalty. They were knighted TODD. The English word Todhunter was used when people wanted wealth, they sought Todds friendship, and became Todhunters. Source: Trimble families: a partial listing of the descendants of some colonial families 1958, p. 168.
BIRTH: ca. 1726 Caroline Co., VA
DEATH: 11/1/1801 Lincoln Co., GA
MARRIED: ca. 1747 Caroline Co., VA
WIFE: Martha Garrett
FATHER: Nicholas Ware II
MOTHER: Ms. Long
WIFE'S FATHER: John Garrett
WIFE'S MOTHER: Frances Dudley
1. Frances Ware, ca. 1748 m. Thomas Waugh of Bedford, VA
2. Martha "Patsy" Ware, ca. 1750 m. Edmund Lyon
3. John Ware, ca. 1752 d. 1795 Franklin Co., GA m. Mary Moss
4. James Ware (Capt), ca. 1754-1826 Morgan Co., GA m. Mary Tate 1780
5. Henry Ware, Jr., b. 12/16/1756 d. 11/22/1807 Lincoln Co., GA
6. Nicholas Ware, b. 1758 Caroline Co., VA d. 1827 Morgan Co., GA
7. Robert Ware, b. 10/10/1759 d. 5/18/1827 Montgomery, AL
8. Sarah Ware, b. 9/15/1762 d. 8/7/1853 Henry Co., GA
BIRTH: ca. 1726 Caroline Co., VA
DEATH: 11/1/1801 Lincoln Co., GA
MARRIED: ca. 1747 Caroline Co., VA
WIFE: Martha Garrett
FATHER: Nicholas Ware II
MOTHER: Ms. Long
WIFE'S FATHER: John Garrett
WIFE'S MOTHER: Frances Dudley
1. Frances Ware, ca. 1748 m. Thomas Waugh of Bedford, VA
2. Martha "Patsy" Ware, ca. 1750 m. Edmund Lyon
3. John Ware, ca. 1752 d. 1795 Franklin Co., GA m. Mary Moss
4. James Ware (Capt), ca. 1754-1826 Morgan Co., GA m. Mary Tate 1780
5. Henry Ware, Jr., b. 12/16/1756 d. 11/22/1807 Lincoln Co., GA
6. Nicholas Ware, b. 1758 Caroline Co., VA d. 1827 Morgan Co., GA
7. Robert Ware, b. 10/10/1759 d. 5/18/1827 Montgomery, AL
8. Sarah Ware, b. 9/15/1762 d. 8/7/1853 Henry Co., GA
On December 10, 1822, James Ware, son of Edward Ware and Lettice Powell wrote the following letter to his sister Sarah Smith, "I have thought for several years that I would come to see you but old age has so much affected me that I hardly ever expect to see you in this world except you was to come to Georgia. I now have to conclude for Mr. Honley Dummond is now waiting on me so please to excuse me for the shortness of this letter nothing more but remains your affectionate brother until death. Signed James Ware N.B. I wish you inform me when you write where our cousin Thomas Waugh is and how himself and family are." (Virginia Historical Society, MSS 2 SM 616b, pages 7-8) Note: Thomas Waugh married Frances Ware, daughter of Henry Ware, Sr. and Martha Garrett.
Merchants and tobacco traders flocked to the Caroline warehouse and tavern, a place to lodge and dine. Men of all walks of life met at the tavern to discuss issues, as well as business. In "Colonial Caroline, A History of Caroline County, Virginia," by T. E. Campbell, The Dietz Press Incorporated, Richmond, VA on page 411, Edward Ware (Henry's uncle) maintained a tavern from 1740-1744 near Conway's warehouse. His brother-in-law Robert Garrett was licensed to maintain a stand near Conway's warehouse, and Henry and Nicholas operated a blacksmithing business in this same area.
Robert Garrett, Nicholas Ware III, and Henry Ware were sworn to military duty on the same day, 13 Mar 1762; Nicholas and Henry as Lieutenants, and Robert Garrett as a Commissioned Officer in the Caroline Militia. A Halifax land deed later shows Nicholas as "Col. Nicholas Ware" on 10 Jul 1777. They took oath to His Majesty's Crown and Government, the first under the Commonwealth of Virginia. Henry married Martha Garrett, and his brother Nicholas married her sister, Dorothy "Dolly" Garrett, daughters of John Garrett and Frances Dudley.
The Wares soon left Virginia and made their home in South Carolina, Henry and Martha settled in an area called District Ninety-Six. After the founding of Charles Towne (near the present city of Charleston, S.C.) late in the 17th Century, trade and commerce increased between coastal residents and Indians of the interior. The Cherokee Path was a primary trade route between Charles Towne and the inland Indian villages, but a number of the paths across SC intersected at Ninety-Six. The name "Ninety-Six" came from an estimate that the site lay ninety-six miles down the Cherokee Path from Keowee, a major Indian town in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Because of the intersecting paths and its convenience as a stopover point, the area became a hub for trading many goods and services. Leather and pelts were the principal interest of white traders and were purchased from Indians, white hunters and trappers in exchange for guns, powder, rum and other supplies.
One of the most successful white traders was a businessman named Robert Gouedy who established a trading post in the area about 1751. Gouedy prospered here and expanded his commercial enterprises to include money-lending and farming. By the time he died in 1775, Gouedy owned over 1500 acres in the area, and almost 500 people owed him money. The base of support offered by Gouedy's enterprises and the stores of other tradesmen in the area along with reliable water and fertile bottomlands gave rise to increasing settlement here. At first the Ninety-Six community was a scattering of homes for several miles around, but by the mid-1750's, blacksmith shops and flour mills had complimented existing development.
White settlement around Ninety-Six was on the rise, but friction with the Indians also increased. For a decade, Indian attacks were common throughout South Carolina, and settlers sought refuge in frontier forts. Fort Ninety-Six was an example and was built around Robert Gouedy's barn. During the Cherokee War, over 200 Cherokees unsuccessfully attacked this fort in March 1760. Finally, a treaty was signed with the Indians in 1761. According to the treaty, no Indian could travel below Keowee without permission, and the Indian's hunting privileges were also largely surrendered.
A resurgence in settlement in the Ninety-Six area followed peace with the Cherokees, and as population increased, demands for schools, churches, good roads and law enforcement arose. With no police, outlaws preyed on local residents. Vigilante groups formed to provide protection. But the justice of these vigilantes was often severe, and the colonial government finally provided the backcountry with law enforcement authority in 1769. This took the form of courthouses and jails to be built in each of seven judicial districts. The law authorizing these structures in the Ninety-Six District specified that the buildings be "within one mile" of Fort Ninety Six. They actually were finished in 1772 about one-half mile north of Fort Ninety-Six and Gouedy Trading Post. Robert Gouedy was able to enjoy the benefits of law enforcement authority without his clientele being intimidated by having a sheriff, jail and courthouse directly across the street from the Gouedy Trading Post.
The courthouse and jail provided a focus for more development, and the village of Ninety-Six began to evolve. On the eve of the American Revolution, Ninety-Six Village contained at least a dozen buildings (courthouse, jail, homes, blacksmith shop) and was the new center of activity in the area.
The area Henry and Martha settled in would not be known as Edgefield until 1785, and just north in Abbeville Co. there's the town of Ware Shoals and Ware Place where "Abbeville" Nicholas settled and started a textile mill. It was during this time that a land lottery was established for any white man, following the removal of all Indians in this area. Henry arrived in the Piedmont area of South Caroline sometime shortly after 1771, with his wife's parents John Garrett and Frances Dudley. His brother Col. Nicholas and wife Dolly Garrett followed on 2 Oct 1782, the date he received his first land grant on Stevens Creek.
Soon other Wares began to arrive in Edgefield, Capt. Robert Ware (spouse of Margaret Tankersley, and son of Nicholas Ware and Sarah Munday); James Ware (spouse of Mary "Molly" Veal); Edward Ware (spouse of Sarah Thurmond), (these last two were sons of Edward Ware and Lettice Powell); and Nicholas of Abbeville (spouse of Peggy Hodges), son of James and Agnes Todd. All six became known as those "Six Ware Pioneers" in the Carolina - Georgia section according to William Murtha Wilder’s book, "Wilder and Connecting (especially Ware) Families in the Southeastern United States," printed 15 May 1951.
According to John Abney Chapman's, History of Edgefield County: From the Earliest Settlement to 1897, "The Wares were large landholders in the Edgefield section. They had an elegant residence near Woodlawn, on an eminence, perhaps the highest in this section, where they lived with ease and elegance, if not in luxury. Large orchids and brick walls, a distillery and other evidence of wealth and prosperity were noticeable not many years ago. The beautiful grounds, and house were totally destroyed by fire, and there is no piece of evidence of the old remains -- memories are all that are left of its past."
Robert Garrett, Nicholas Ware III, and Henry Ware were sworn to military duty on the same day, 13 Mar 1762; Nicholas and Henry as Lieutenants, and Robert Garrett as a Commissioned Officer in the Caroline Militia. A Halifax land deed later shows Nicholas as "Col. Nicholas Ware" on 10 Jul 1777. They took oath to His Majesty's Crown and Government, the first under the Commonwealth of Virginia. Henry married Martha Garrett, and his brother Nicholas married her sister, Dorothy "Dolly" Garrett, daughters of John Garrett and Frances Dudley.
The Wares soon left Virginia and made their home in South Carolina, Henry and Martha settled in an area called District Ninety-Six. After the founding of Charles Towne (near the present city of Charleston, S.C.) late in the 17th Century, trade and commerce increased between coastal residents and Indians of the interior. The Cherokee Path was a primary trade route between Charles Towne and the inland Indian villages, but a number of the paths across SC intersected at Ninety-Six. The name "Ninety-Six" came from an estimate that the site lay ninety-six miles down the Cherokee Path from Keowee, a major Indian town in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Because of the intersecting paths and its convenience as a stopover point, the area became a hub for trading many goods and services. Leather and pelts were the principal interest of white traders and were purchased from Indians, white hunters and trappers in exchange for guns, powder, rum and other supplies.
One of the most successful white traders was a businessman named Robert Gouedy who established a trading post in the area about 1751. Gouedy prospered here and expanded his commercial enterprises to include money-lending and farming. By the time he died in 1775, Gouedy owned over 1500 acres in the area, and almost 500 people owed him money. The base of support offered by Gouedy's enterprises and the stores of other tradesmen in the area along with reliable water and fertile bottomlands gave rise to increasing settlement here. At first the Ninety-Six community was a scattering of homes for several miles around, but by the mid-1750's, blacksmith shops and flour mills had complimented existing development.
White settlement around Ninety-Six was on the rise, but friction with the Indians also increased. For a decade, Indian attacks were common throughout South Carolina, and settlers sought refuge in frontier forts. Fort Ninety-Six was an example and was built around Robert Gouedy's barn. During the Cherokee War, over 200 Cherokees unsuccessfully attacked this fort in March 1760. Finally, a treaty was signed with the Indians in 1761. According to the treaty, no Indian could travel below Keowee without permission, and the Indian's hunting privileges were also largely surrendered.
A resurgence in settlement in the Ninety-Six area followed peace with the Cherokees, and as population increased, demands for schools, churches, good roads and law enforcement arose. With no police, outlaws preyed on local residents. Vigilante groups formed to provide protection. But the justice of these vigilantes was often severe, and the colonial government finally provided the backcountry with law enforcement authority in 1769. This took the form of courthouses and jails to be built in each of seven judicial districts. The law authorizing these structures in the Ninety-Six District specified that the buildings be "within one mile" of Fort Ninety Six. They actually were finished in 1772 about one-half mile north of Fort Ninety-Six and Gouedy Trading Post. Robert Gouedy was able to enjoy the benefits of law enforcement authority without his clientele being intimidated by having a sheriff, jail and courthouse directly across the street from the Gouedy Trading Post.
The courthouse and jail provided a focus for more development, and the village of Ninety-Six began to evolve. On the eve of the American Revolution, Ninety-Six Village contained at least a dozen buildings (courthouse, jail, homes, blacksmith shop) and was the new center of activity in the area.
The area Henry and Martha settled in would not be known as Edgefield until 1785, and just north in Abbeville Co. there's the town of Ware Shoals and Ware Place where "Abbeville" Nicholas settled and started a textile mill. It was during this time that a land lottery was established for any white man, following the removal of all Indians in this area. Henry arrived in the Piedmont area of South Caroline sometime shortly after 1771, with his wife's parents John Garrett and Frances Dudley. His brother Col. Nicholas and wife Dolly Garrett followed on 2 Oct 1782, the date he received his first land grant on Stevens Creek.
Soon other Wares began to arrive in Edgefield, Capt. Robert Ware (spouse of Margaret Tankersley, and son of Nicholas Ware and Sarah Munday); James Ware (spouse of Mary "Molly" Veal); Edward Ware (spouse of Sarah Thurmond), (these last two were sons of Edward Ware and Lettice Powell); and Nicholas of Abbeville (spouse of Peggy Hodges), son of James and Agnes Todd. All six became known as those "Six Ware Pioneers" in the Carolina - Georgia section according to William Murtha Wilder’s book, "Wilder and Connecting (especially Ware) Families in the Southeastern United States," printed 15 May 1951.
According to John Abney Chapman's, History of Edgefield County: From the Earliest Settlement to 1897, "The Wares were large landholders in the Edgefield section. They had an elegant residence near Woodlawn, on an eminence, perhaps the highest in this section, where they lived with ease and elegance, if not in luxury. Large orchids and brick walls, a distillery and other evidence of wealth and prosperity were noticeable not many years ago. The beautiful grounds, and house were totally destroyed by fire, and there is no piece of evidence of the old remains -- memories are all that are left of its past."
Capt. Robert Ware and Margaret Tankersley were the grandparents of Susan Margaret Ware (daughter of Nicholas Ware and Susannah Carr) who married Francis Eppes. Francis was the grandson of Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), author of the Declaration of Independence, Governor of Virginia, founder of the University of Virginia and third President of the United States. Nicholas Ware born in Virginia on 16 Feb 1776, son of Capt. Robert Ware and Margaret Tankersley, moved to Augusta, Georgia where he became Mayor and prominent in business circles and political life. He was a United States Senator for Georgia when he died while in New York in 1834. Ware County, Georgia is named for him. He married 1) Mary Randolph and 2) Susannah Carr.
Children of Capt. Robert Ware b. 5 Apr 1750 Caroline Co., VA - d. 11/4/1817 Edgefield Co., SC m. Margaret "Peggy" Tankersley on 29 Dec 1767, daughter of Joseph Tankersley and Susannah Thompson (5 Nov 1750-12/30/1829) c1771 in Spotsylvania Co., VA.
1. Joseph N. Ware b. 6 Dec 1772 Caroline Co., VA - d. 3/18/1809 Richmond Co., GA, m. Mrs. Elizabeth (Dawson) Howell, widow, on 1/11/1797 was Sheriff of the City of Augusta, GA. Joseph will was signed on 3/18/1801 and probated 5/2/1808 in Richmond Co. It stated: "To daughter Polly Arrington, not 17, a slave. Residue to my wife Elizabeth and all my children; Robert Dawson, Polly Arrington, Joseph, Edward Rowell, Henry Britton, and William Ware, sons not 21. Friends Nicholas Ware, David Reed, Lewis Harris, William Bacon, and my wife Elizabeth." (GA DAR, Wills, pg 44, in Augusta Genealogical Society Library).
2. Nicholas Ware (Sen.) b. 16 Feb 1776 Caroline Co., VA - d. 9/7/1824 NY m. 1) Mary Randolph 2 Dec 1800 m. 2) Susan Brooks Carr 12 Jun 1806 d/o Thomas Dabney Carr and Frances Bacon (had Robert Alexander, MD 5/10/1807, Thomas Carr 12/1/1808, Mary Ann Lavonia 6/13/1811, Frances Selina 4/25/1813, Susan M. c1815, Nicholas c1817, Richard Henry c1819 and Caroline Virginia c1821). Nicholas bequeathed to his wife Susan young bay horses and carriage, and equal shares of the residue of his estate to each his wife and minor children. He also mentioned his brother George. Will signed 8/16/1824, and Probated 10/25/1824. Original Probate Records found in a folder (loose files on shelf along back wall) in Richmond Co. CourtHouse, Augusta GA.
3. Sarah Ware b. Caroline Co., VA 3 Aug 1778 - d. 9/19/1855 Edgefield, SC m. Lewis Harris 8 Jun 1795 in Mount Pleasant, Charleston, SC. d. 9/19/1855 Edgefield, SC m. Lewis Harris 8 Jun 1795 in Mount Pleasant, Charleston, SC.
4. Lucy Green Ware b. 2 Aug 1781 Caroline Co., VA m. William Bacon (d. 1811 Augusta, GA) 3/7/1803 Augusta Co., GA.
5. Robert Tankersley Ware b. 17 Dec 1783 Caroline Co., VA d. Jun 1821 m. Elizabeth Stanton 23 Dec 1805 (children Lucy b. 1807, Ann c1809, Margaret c1811 m. c1831 George McKie, Henry c1813 m. Susan Crafton).
6. Thompson "Thomas" Ware, Col. b. 12 May 1786 Caroline Co., VA - d. 1842 Florida m. Elizabeth D. (Betty) Howell (c1786- 8/11/1828) on 5 Feb 1807 GA. The History of Jefferson County, Florida states, "In 1837, a large tract of land near Lamont was acquired by Col. Thompson Ware of Edgefield District, SC. He was born in 1786 and first settled in Georgia, then in 1836, came to Florida." He called this tract, and the home they built "Wareland". Thompson was described as a man of "firmness of character and business ability whose life work was shortened by his death in 1842, at age 56."
7. Susannah Ware b. 11 Nov 1768 Caroline Co., VA - d. 9/23/1812 Edgefield, SC m. Daniel Barksdale Jan 1786. Her will was signed on 9/23/1812, "being sick and weak in body, but of perfect mind and memory", and proved on 12/18/1812. (Edgefield Co. Will Book "A", p. 310, Box 6, Pkg. 190) Thomas Meriwether qualified as Executor. Her will was signed on 9/23/1812, "being sick and weak in body, but of perfect mind and memory", and proved on 12/18/1812. (Edgefield Co. Will Book "A", p. 310, Box 6, Pkg. 190) Thomas Meriwether qualified as Executor.
8. Henry Ware b. 1 Feb 1789, Caroline Co., VA - d. 9/1817 Edgefield, SC m. Amelia Jones 19 Jun 1817, he died before their first child was born, and his brother Thompson Ware adopted and reared his son Joseph. Henry died just three months after marrying Amelia Jones, and two months prior to his father's death. Henry's son (by the former Amelia Jones) was mentioned in his father's will, which was signed and dated on Oct. 16, 1817, and probated in Edgefield County on May 21, 1818.
9. George Green Tankersley (G. T.) Ware b. 8 Feb 1794 Caroline Co., VA - d. aft. 1830 Edgefield, SC m. 24 Feb 1835 Jane E. Middleton, granddaughter of Arthur Middleton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Their son, Dr. George G. Ware, was a physician and surgeon of Stanton; he was born in 1835, near Stanton, and is one of eleven children. His father was born in Caroline Co., in 1794, where he was raised and educated, and married, February 6, 1825, and in 1835 moved to Haywood County, where he engaged in farming near Stanton, and remained until his death, April 23, 1862. Mrs. Ware was a granddaughter of Arthur Middleton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. She was born in South Carolina in 1805, and died in 1875, a worthy member of the Presbyterian Church. Dr. George Ware was educated at the Jackson Male College at Athens, Ga. He commenced reading medicine when only nineteen, under Dr. Wm. Hewitt, of Stanton; in 1853 he entered Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia, and graduated in 1856, and since then has practiced at Stanton, carrying a large practice, and being one of the most successful physicians in the county. Dr. Ware was for a short time surgeon in the Fifth Georgia Regiment (Confederate Army), but was compelled to resign on account of ill health. In September, 1863, he married Miss Lucy A., daughter of William and Elizabeth Waldron, of Edgefield District, S. C., and of ten children born to them, six are living: Carrie M., William W., John H., Robert T., Jennie D., Mary C. Mrs. Ware was born in South Carolina, October 1845, and died May 6, 1886, a member of the Presbyterian Church. Dr. Ware is pleasantly located in the western part of the town, and besides his town residence owns over 1,200 acres of land. In politics he is now a Democrat, but formerly a Whig. He is a member of the Old School Presbyterian Church, and a Mason, and belongs to the K of H and K of P.
Children of Capt. Robert Ware b. 5 Apr 1750 Caroline Co., VA - d. 11/4/1817 Edgefield Co., SC m. Margaret "Peggy" Tankersley on 29 Dec 1767, daughter of Joseph Tankersley and Susannah Thompson (5 Nov 1750-12/30/1829) c1771 in Spotsylvania Co., VA.
1. Joseph N. Ware b. 6 Dec 1772 Caroline Co., VA - d. 3/18/1809 Richmond Co., GA, m. Mrs. Elizabeth (Dawson) Howell, widow, on 1/11/1797 was Sheriff of the City of Augusta, GA. Joseph will was signed on 3/18/1801 and probated 5/2/1808 in Richmond Co. It stated: "To daughter Polly Arrington, not 17, a slave. Residue to my wife Elizabeth and all my children; Robert Dawson, Polly Arrington, Joseph, Edward Rowell, Henry Britton, and William Ware, sons not 21. Friends Nicholas Ware, David Reed, Lewis Harris, William Bacon, and my wife Elizabeth." (GA DAR, Wills, pg 44, in Augusta Genealogical Society Library).
2. Nicholas Ware (Sen.) b. 16 Feb 1776 Caroline Co., VA - d. 9/7/1824 NY m. 1) Mary Randolph 2 Dec 1800 m. 2) Susan Brooks Carr 12 Jun 1806 d/o Thomas Dabney Carr and Frances Bacon (had Robert Alexander, MD 5/10/1807, Thomas Carr 12/1/1808, Mary Ann Lavonia 6/13/1811, Frances Selina 4/25/1813, Susan M. c1815, Nicholas c1817, Richard Henry c1819 and Caroline Virginia c1821). Nicholas bequeathed to his wife Susan young bay horses and carriage, and equal shares of the residue of his estate to each his wife and minor children. He also mentioned his brother George. Will signed 8/16/1824, and Probated 10/25/1824. Original Probate Records found in a folder (loose files on shelf along back wall) in Richmond Co. CourtHouse, Augusta GA.
3. Sarah Ware b. Caroline Co., VA 3 Aug 1778 - d. 9/19/1855 Edgefield, SC m. Lewis Harris 8 Jun 1795 in Mount Pleasant, Charleston, SC. d. 9/19/1855 Edgefield, SC m. Lewis Harris 8 Jun 1795 in Mount Pleasant, Charleston, SC.
4. Lucy Green Ware b. 2 Aug 1781 Caroline Co., VA m. William Bacon (d. 1811 Augusta, GA) 3/7/1803 Augusta Co., GA.
5. Robert Tankersley Ware b. 17 Dec 1783 Caroline Co., VA d. Jun 1821 m. Elizabeth Stanton 23 Dec 1805 (children Lucy b. 1807, Ann c1809, Margaret c1811 m. c1831 George McKie, Henry c1813 m. Susan Crafton).
6. Thompson "Thomas" Ware, Col. b. 12 May 1786 Caroline Co., VA - d. 1842 Florida m. Elizabeth D. (Betty) Howell (c1786- 8/11/1828) on 5 Feb 1807 GA. The History of Jefferson County, Florida states, "In 1837, a large tract of land near Lamont was acquired by Col. Thompson Ware of Edgefield District, SC. He was born in 1786 and first settled in Georgia, then in 1836, came to Florida." He called this tract, and the home they built "Wareland". Thompson was described as a man of "firmness of character and business ability whose life work was shortened by his death in 1842, at age 56."
7. Susannah Ware b. 11 Nov 1768 Caroline Co., VA - d. 9/23/1812 Edgefield, SC m. Daniel Barksdale Jan 1786. Her will was signed on 9/23/1812, "being sick and weak in body, but of perfect mind and memory", and proved on 12/18/1812. (Edgefield Co. Will Book "A", p. 310, Box 6, Pkg. 190) Thomas Meriwether qualified as Executor. Her will was signed on 9/23/1812, "being sick and weak in body, but of perfect mind and memory", and proved on 12/18/1812. (Edgefield Co. Will Book "A", p. 310, Box 6, Pkg. 190) Thomas Meriwether qualified as Executor.
8. Henry Ware b. 1 Feb 1789, Caroline Co., VA - d. 9/1817 Edgefield, SC m. Amelia Jones 19 Jun 1817, he died before their first child was born, and his brother Thompson Ware adopted and reared his son Joseph. Henry died just three months after marrying Amelia Jones, and two months prior to his father's death. Henry's son (by the former Amelia Jones) was mentioned in his father's will, which was signed and dated on Oct. 16, 1817, and probated in Edgefield County on May 21, 1818.
9. George Green Tankersley (G. T.) Ware b. 8 Feb 1794 Caroline Co., VA - d. aft. 1830 Edgefield, SC m. 24 Feb 1835 Jane E. Middleton, granddaughter of Arthur Middleton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Their son, Dr. George G. Ware, was a physician and surgeon of Stanton; he was born in 1835, near Stanton, and is one of eleven children. His father was born in Caroline Co., in 1794, where he was raised and educated, and married, February 6, 1825, and in 1835 moved to Haywood County, where he engaged in farming near Stanton, and remained until his death, April 23, 1862. Mrs. Ware was a granddaughter of Arthur Middleton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. She was born in South Carolina in 1805, and died in 1875, a worthy member of the Presbyterian Church. Dr. George Ware was educated at the Jackson Male College at Athens, Ga. He commenced reading medicine when only nineteen, under Dr. Wm. Hewitt, of Stanton; in 1853 he entered Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia, and graduated in 1856, and since then has practiced at Stanton, carrying a large practice, and being one of the most successful physicians in the county. Dr. Ware was for a short time surgeon in the Fifth Georgia Regiment (Confederate Army), but was compelled to resign on account of ill health. In September, 1863, he married Miss Lucy A., daughter of William and Elizabeth Waldron, of Edgefield District, S. C., and of ten children born to them, six are living: Carrie M., William W., John H., Robert T., Jennie D., Mary C. Mrs. Ware was born in South Carolina, October 1845, and died May 6, 1886, a member of the Presbyterian Church. Dr. Ware is pleasantly located in the western part of the town, and besides his town residence owns over 1,200 acres of land. In politics he is now a Democrat, but formerly a Whig. He is a member of the Old School Presbyterian Church, and a Mason, and belongs to the K of H and K of P.
Senator Nicholas Ware, as a young child, moved with his parents to Edgefield, S.C., and a few years later toAugusta, GA; received a thorough English education; studied medicine; studied law in Augusta and at Litchfield (CT) Law School; was admitted to the bar and commenced practice in Augusta; member, State house of representatives 1808-1811, 1814-1815; mayor of Augusta 1819-1821. During his administration, a site was selected and the cornerstone laid for the city courthouse on Green St. He was elected as a Republican to the US Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Freeman Walker and served from 11/10/1821, until his death in NY City 9/7/1824. In his honor, Ware County was established on December 15, 1824 by an act of the General Assembly, which was created from a portion of Appling Co., (an area of Georgia never visited by Sen. Nicholas Ware). His home in Augusta Co., Georgia (pictured) was build in 1818, at a cost of $40,000, equal to roughly $12 million in today's market, earning it the nickname ``Ware's Folly.'' He was elected to the U.S. Senate the year after his house was built, and reportedly addressed people from the second-story balcony of his house. With its hand-crafted, curving staircase and multitude of imported and expensive woods, the home of Augusta Mayor Nicholas Ware was constructed with great attention to detail.
A three-story house, extravagant in description, located at the corner of Telfair and Fifth Streets, patterned in the Federal style of architecture, with wood carvings, archways, a hand carved mahogany staircase, and heart pine floors. Gazing up from the basement, one may become dizzy following a spiral staircase winding all the way to the attic. Off from the center stairway are the living rooms and parlors, which were often used as a dance hall. It is recorded that Marquis de Lafayette, on a visit to Augusta, danced the minuet at a ball given in his honor in 1825 at Senator Ware's home.
Other Federal characteristics found in Ware's Folly include its elaborate doors with elliptical fan windows, fine detailing at the cornice, dormers in the upper stories and details such as columns, small entry porches, six-over-six paned windows, swags and shutters. The architecture and construction of Ware's Folly may have been inspired by two Charleston, S.C., homes, the Nathaniel Russell House and the Bennett house, and probably was built by a master builder.
Although he lived in Ware's Folly for only a few years, it is said Ware was particular about its maintenance. When visitors departed his home, he would send a servant out with them to polish the exterior mahogany banister along the horseshoe staircase. After it rained, a servant would rub the exposed wood until it was dry. Another legend states the window weights contributed to the needs of the Confederacy, producing 2000 pounds of lead for bullets.
Four years after he died, his widow, Susan, sold the house to Richard and Emily Tubman, who were married there, according to records filed when the home became listed on the National Register of Historic Places. After the Tubman's sold the home, it changed hands many times. By 1904, the area had become less fashionable, with wealthy people discovering The Hill, and the home sold for only $4,000.
At one time, there was talk of demolishing Ware's Folly. In 1932 the Augusta Art Club formed. In 1935, searching for a permanent home, it bought an option to purchase Ware's Folly. The problem was, the club couldn't come up with the money to complete the purchase. Finally, Olivia Herbert, a tobacco heiress and frequent winter visitor to Augusta, came to the rescue. She paid $4,000 for the building and gave it to the art club, and then paid about $40,000 to redo the wiring and plumbing and make other renovations.
Another grandson of Capt Robert Ware was William Ware (1801-1853), son of Joseph and Elizabeth Dawson. He raised and commanded a company of volunteers at the Siege of Bexar and on March 12, 1836, was elected captain of the Second Company of Col. Sidney Sherman's Second Regiment, Texas Volunteers. He took part in the battle of San Jacinto, where James Washington Winters described his effort "like a wild mustang."
In Montgomery County in 1836 William Ware married Elizabeth Ann Crane, the daughter of John Crane. In 1840 he owned 3,864 acres in Montgomery County, as well as eleven horses and seventy-five head of cattle. In 1844 he moved his family, which had now grown to eight children, to Kaufman County where they remained until 1849. The family then moved to a farm on York Creek, twelve miles south of New Braunfels, where Elizabeth Ware died on December 20, 1849. In 1850 Ware's family, eight children and three of his wife's younger siblings, were living on Cibolo Creek in Bexar County, where their property was assessed at $3,500. In 1852 William moved west again, establishing on August 17, 1852, the community of Waresville (now Utopia) in Uvalde County. At that time he was said to be the only Anglo-American family between D'Hanis and the Rio Grande. Ware died at Waresville on March 9, 1853.
William Bassett who married Bridget Cary and they were the great grandparents of William Henry Harrison born 2/9/1773, the 9th President of the United States. Harrison, taking office in the midst of a very bad depression, long lines of people were asking him for jobs. He was a kindly man and wanted to help and he worked hard. Worn out by his campaign, his inauguration speech and the favor seekers, Harrison caught a cold which soon developed into pneumonia. Harrison is remembered for having the shortest term of all the Presidents, dying only one month after his inauguration.
The Bassett's lived in York Co. on the Pamunkey River in 1664 in an area near Felgate's Creek, adjacent land originally belonging to Peter Ware, Sr. William Bassett was an officer in Rutherford's Regiment at the Battle of Dunkirk; he had the task of securing the defenses for the colony for this he received 10,000 pounds of tobacco. In his will is mentioned....to my sister Mary Scott. Mary was born about 1634 and married about 1654 Newport Isle of Wight, England to Joseph Foster born about 1634. He died about 1664 York Co., VA, and Mary then went with her three children, Joseph, Jr., Anne, and Mary to live with her brother William. About 1663, she married in York Co., VA John Scott. Joseph Foster, son of Sir Thomas Foster, arrived from Southampton, England about 1650 and settled in Virginia. His son Joseph lived at a place called Foster's Castle in New Kent, VA, and it was there that he married Mary Bassett of Eltham.
Over the next twenty years many men were charged with, "unlawfully assembling themselves to Teach or Preach the Gospel under the pretense of religion other than according to the Liturgy of the Church of England, not having Episcopal Ordination according to the Canons and dissenting from the Church of England. They were also charged with laboring to persuade many persons in communion of the Church of England to dissent from the same and for raising factions in the minds of his Majesty's Subjects contrary to the laws of the colony and against the Peace of our Lord The King, his Crown and Dignity."
Rev. Robert Ware petitioned the Middlesex County Court on June 24, 1771 to allow him to establish a place of public worship in the county, the petition was rejected and Robert Ware, John Waller, James Greenwood and William Webb were put in prison, where they remained forty-six days. Taylor, J. B., Lives of Virginia Baptist Ministers, 2d ed. pp. 79.
This path was one of determination for John Waller who became a leader in establishing Baptist Churches across Eastern Virginia during this time. Waller first appeared about 1766, when he served on a grand jury indictment of Lewis Craig for preaching the Gospel in Spotsylvania Co. Two years later, both were imprisoned together for preaching in that same county. Although knowing their fate if caught, they continued and were also imprisoned in Hanover, Caroline, Essex and Middlesex Counties, often being physically abused, and on one occasion severely whipped by the sheriff.
In 1772 Rev. Waller constituted the Lower King and Queen Baptist Church, of which Robert Ware became the first pastor. That same year Waller organized the Glebe Landing Church in Middlesex Co., and was soon responsible for the care of five churches. He left Virginia in 1793 for South Carolina where he opened the Siloam Baptist church in 1799. Nicholas Ware and Dolly Garrett had Reuben b. c1746 whose daughter Mary b. c1766 married the Rev. John Waller, most likely a son of the above Rev. John Waller.
Although Henry Ware, Sr. was sworn to military duty in the Caroline Co. Militia on 13 Mar 1762, at age 36, it was not until 1771 that he attained the rank of Captain. Being a blacksmith, Henry was undoubtedly in excellent shape for the job. The Revolution began in 1776, Henry was 50, two years later he organized and equipped a company of militia at his own expense, which served on active duty during the war, in which all five of his sons served with him.
Early in the battle most enlistees would join and leave the army as they pleased. Weapons and supplies were so scarce that, at one point, Ben Franklin advocated using bows and arrows. At the battle of Guilford CourtHouse, NC in 1781, General Nathaniel Greene placed the inexperienced NC militiamen in front and his more seasoned men in the rear. They were soon forced to retreat, but severely hurt the enemy, forcing it northward to Virginia.
In Oct. 1781, Washington's force of 9,000 men and a French force of 7,000 attacked Cornwallis's army at Yorktown. The French fleet under the "Comte de Grasse" blocked Chesapeake Bay, the British fleet could not enter to aid Cornwallis, and the British were defeated ending the war.
Henry's sons Nicholas, James, Henry Jr., and Robert Ware returned home safely after the war. It is not known if his son John died during the war, but he died during this time period, leaving behind two young sons Thomas and Henry, of whom only Henry survived to be named in his grandfather's will in 1801.
After returning home from the war, Henry, Sr. received a land grant in Wilkes Co., Georgia (in a part which later became Lincoln Co.) for his service during the war, and soon moved to Wilkes Co., was one of the first seven counties established in Georgia. After settling in, he was selected by the community to hold the office of Justice of the Peace in Wilkes Co., and in 1783 he was chosen to represent Wilkes Co. in the Georgia House of Representatives. In 1798 he was selected to be a Georgia Delegate to the first Constitutional Convention in Louisville, Georgia.
Notes for Henry Ware, Sr.: On 13 Mar 1762, he was sworn to military duty in the Caroline Co. Militia at the rank of Lieutenant; in 1771 he attained the rank of Captain. During the Revolutionary War, he organized and equipped a company of militia at his own expense. He was appointed Justice of the Peace in Wilkes Co., Georgia on 12 Jan 1782 by the House of Assembly, and again on 30 Apr 1782 and 4 Feb 1783. He was a member of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia, and a member of the Continental Congress elected from Georgia. He attended the Savannah Assembly on 7 Jan 1783 as Representative of Wilkes Co. He was Justice of Inferior Court, Lincoln Co., Georgia 24 Aug 1796 and Feb 1798, and a Delegate from Lincoln County to the Convention in Louisville in 1798 when the Georgia state constitution was formed.
12 Apr 1784 - Certificate of Service by Col. Elijah Clark upon which he requested 250a bounty in Washington County. (Revolutionary Record Georgia, Candler, vol. ii, p. 76-106, 191, 254).
26 April 1799 - sold to Nina Winn of Fairfield City; Deed for 146 acres being part of 250a granted to Henry Ware, Sr. on the Savannah River adj. Ware, Barnabas Pace and Drewry Pace. A plat is included. The tract adjoins Douglas Island. Martha Ware signed by Mark Witnesses: John Winn & Robert Leverett, registered 21 July 1801, pp. 348-49 Lincoln Co, Georgia.
Nicholas Ware, Edward Waugh (attorney for Thomas Waugh of Virginia), Robert Ware, Samuel McClendon, James Ware, and Edmund Lyon, heirs of Henry Ware (Sr.), dec'd, to Henry Ware (Jr.), 22 July 1805. Deed for 450a on Savannah River, granted to Henry Ware, (Sr.) dec'd adjoining William Fuqua. Wit: Anderson Lumpkin signed Henry Ware, Jr. Registered 27 November 1806, pp. 165-167.
Thomas Lewis Ware, a son of Rev. Nicholas Cornelius Ware, grandson of Rev. Robert Alexander Ware, great grandson of Nicholas Ware and great great grandson of Henry Ware, Sr. was the soldier about whom the book "35 Days to Gettysburg, The Campaign Diaries of Two American Enemies", by Mark Nesbitt was written. It was the daily diary entries of Thomas Lewis Ware, a confederate soldier in the Northern Virginia Army, Co. G, 15th GA Regiment of Infantry from Lincoln Co. GA (enlisted 7/14/1861), as well as the diary of a federal soldier, written as they approached Gettysburg.
Other Federal characteristics found in Ware's Folly include its elaborate doors with elliptical fan windows, fine detailing at the cornice, dormers in the upper stories and details such as columns, small entry porches, six-over-six paned windows, swags and shutters. The architecture and construction of Ware's Folly may have been inspired by two Charleston, S.C., homes, the Nathaniel Russell House and the Bennett house, and probably was built by a master builder.
Although he lived in Ware's Folly for only a few years, it is said Ware was particular about its maintenance. When visitors departed his home, he would send a servant out with them to polish the exterior mahogany banister along the horseshoe staircase. After it rained, a servant would rub the exposed wood until it was dry. Another legend states the window weights contributed to the needs of the Confederacy, producing 2000 pounds of lead for bullets.
Four years after he died, his widow, Susan, sold the house to Richard and Emily Tubman, who were married there, according to records filed when the home became listed on the National Register of Historic Places. After the Tubman's sold the home, it changed hands many times. By 1904, the area had become less fashionable, with wealthy people discovering The Hill, and the home sold for only $4,000.
At one time, there was talk of demolishing Ware's Folly. In 1932 the Augusta Art Club formed. In 1935, searching for a permanent home, it bought an option to purchase Ware's Folly. The problem was, the club couldn't come up with the money to complete the purchase. Finally, Olivia Herbert, a tobacco heiress and frequent winter visitor to Augusta, came to the rescue. She paid $4,000 for the building and gave it to the art club, and then paid about $40,000 to redo the wiring and plumbing and make other renovations.
Another grandson of Capt Robert Ware was William Ware (1801-1853), son of Joseph and Elizabeth Dawson. He raised and commanded a company of volunteers at the Siege of Bexar and on March 12, 1836, was elected captain of the Second Company of Col. Sidney Sherman's Second Regiment, Texas Volunteers. He took part in the battle of San Jacinto, where James Washington Winters described his effort "like a wild mustang."
In Montgomery County in 1836 William Ware married Elizabeth Ann Crane, the daughter of John Crane. In 1840 he owned 3,864 acres in Montgomery County, as well as eleven horses and seventy-five head of cattle. In 1844 he moved his family, which had now grown to eight children, to Kaufman County where they remained until 1849. The family then moved to a farm on York Creek, twelve miles south of New Braunfels, where Elizabeth Ware died on December 20, 1849. In 1850 Ware's family, eight children and three of his wife's younger siblings, were living on Cibolo Creek in Bexar County, where their property was assessed at $3,500. In 1852 William moved west again, establishing on August 17, 1852, the community of Waresville (now Utopia) in Uvalde County. At that time he was said to be the only Anglo-American family between D'Hanis and the Rio Grande. Ware died at Waresville on March 9, 1853.
William Bassett who married Bridget Cary and they were the great grandparents of William Henry Harrison born 2/9/1773, the 9th President of the United States. Harrison, taking office in the midst of a very bad depression, long lines of people were asking him for jobs. He was a kindly man and wanted to help and he worked hard. Worn out by his campaign, his inauguration speech and the favor seekers, Harrison caught a cold which soon developed into pneumonia. Harrison is remembered for having the shortest term of all the Presidents, dying only one month after his inauguration.
The Bassett's lived in York Co. on the Pamunkey River in 1664 in an area near Felgate's Creek, adjacent land originally belonging to Peter Ware, Sr. William Bassett was an officer in Rutherford's Regiment at the Battle of Dunkirk; he had the task of securing the defenses for the colony for this he received 10,000 pounds of tobacco. In his will is mentioned....to my sister Mary Scott. Mary was born about 1634 and married about 1654 Newport Isle of Wight, England to Joseph Foster born about 1634. He died about 1664 York Co., VA, and Mary then went with her three children, Joseph, Jr., Anne, and Mary to live with her brother William. About 1663, she married in York Co., VA John Scott. Joseph Foster, son of Sir Thomas Foster, arrived from Southampton, England about 1650 and settled in Virginia. His son Joseph lived at a place called Foster's Castle in New Kent, VA, and it was there that he married Mary Bassett of Eltham.
Over the next twenty years many men were charged with, "unlawfully assembling themselves to Teach or Preach the Gospel under the pretense of religion other than according to the Liturgy of the Church of England, not having Episcopal Ordination according to the Canons and dissenting from the Church of England. They were also charged with laboring to persuade many persons in communion of the Church of England to dissent from the same and for raising factions in the minds of his Majesty's Subjects contrary to the laws of the colony and against the Peace of our Lord The King, his Crown and Dignity."
Rev. Robert Ware petitioned the Middlesex County Court on June 24, 1771 to allow him to establish a place of public worship in the county, the petition was rejected and Robert Ware, John Waller, James Greenwood and William Webb were put in prison, where they remained forty-six days. Taylor, J. B., Lives of Virginia Baptist Ministers, 2d ed. pp. 79.
This path was one of determination for John Waller who became a leader in establishing Baptist Churches across Eastern Virginia during this time. Waller first appeared about 1766, when he served on a grand jury indictment of Lewis Craig for preaching the Gospel in Spotsylvania Co. Two years later, both were imprisoned together for preaching in that same county. Although knowing their fate if caught, they continued and were also imprisoned in Hanover, Caroline, Essex and Middlesex Counties, often being physically abused, and on one occasion severely whipped by the sheriff.
In 1772 Rev. Waller constituted the Lower King and Queen Baptist Church, of which Robert Ware became the first pastor. That same year Waller organized the Glebe Landing Church in Middlesex Co., and was soon responsible for the care of five churches. He left Virginia in 1793 for South Carolina where he opened the Siloam Baptist church in 1799. Nicholas Ware and Dolly Garrett had Reuben b. c1746 whose daughter Mary b. c1766 married the Rev. John Waller, most likely a son of the above Rev. John Waller.
Although Henry Ware, Sr. was sworn to military duty in the Caroline Co. Militia on 13 Mar 1762, at age 36, it was not until 1771 that he attained the rank of Captain. Being a blacksmith, Henry was undoubtedly in excellent shape for the job. The Revolution began in 1776, Henry was 50, two years later he organized and equipped a company of militia at his own expense, which served on active duty during the war, in which all five of his sons served with him.
Early in the battle most enlistees would join and leave the army as they pleased. Weapons and supplies were so scarce that, at one point, Ben Franklin advocated using bows and arrows. At the battle of Guilford CourtHouse, NC in 1781, General Nathaniel Greene placed the inexperienced NC militiamen in front and his more seasoned men in the rear. They were soon forced to retreat, but severely hurt the enemy, forcing it northward to Virginia.
In Oct. 1781, Washington's force of 9,000 men and a French force of 7,000 attacked Cornwallis's army at Yorktown. The French fleet under the "Comte de Grasse" blocked Chesapeake Bay, the British fleet could not enter to aid Cornwallis, and the British were defeated ending the war.
Henry's sons Nicholas, James, Henry Jr., and Robert Ware returned home safely after the war. It is not known if his son John died during the war, but he died during this time period, leaving behind two young sons Thomas and Henry, of whom only Henry survived to be named in his grandfather's will in 1801.
After returning home from the war, Henry, Sr. received a land grant in Wilkes Co., Georgia (in a part which later became Lincoln Co.) for his service during the war, and soon moved to Wilkes Co., was one of the first seven counties established in Georgia. After settling in, he was selected by the community to hold the office of Justice of the Peace in Wilkes Co., and in 1783 he was chosen to represent Wilkes Co. in the Georgia House of Representatives. In 1798 he was selected to be a Georgia Delegate to the first Constitutional Convention in Louisville, Georgia.
Notes for Henry Ware, Sr.: On 13 Mar 1762, he was sworn to military duty in the Caroline Co. Militia at the rank of Lieutenant; in 1771 he attained the rank of Captain. During the Revolutionary War, he organized and equipped a company of militia at his own expense. He was appointed Justice of the Peace in Wilkes Co., Georgia on 12 Jan 1782 by the House of Assembly, and again on 30 Apr 1782 and 4 Feb 1783. He was a member of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia, and a member of the Continental Congress elected from Georgia. He attended the Savannah Assembly on 7 Jan 1783 as Representative of Wilkes Co. He was Justice of Inferior Court, Lincoln Co., Georgia 24 Aug 1796 and Feb 1798, and a Delegate from Lincoln County to the Convention in Louisville in 1798 when the Georgia state constitution was formed.
12 Apr 1784 - Certificate of Service by Col. Elijah Clark upon which he requested 250a bounty in Washington County. (Revolutionary Record Georgia, Candler, vol. ii, p. 76-106, 191, 254).
26 April 1799 - sold to Nina Winn of Fairfield City; Deed for 146 acres being part of 250a granted to Henry Ware, Sr. on the Savannah River adj. Ware, Barnabas Pace and Drewry Pace. A plat is included. The tract adjoins Douglas Island. Martha Ware signed by Mark Witnesses: John Winn & Robert Leverett, registered 21 July 1801, pp. 348-49 Lincoln Co, Georgia.
Nicholas Ware, Edward Waugh (attorney for Thomas Waugh of Virginia), Robert Ware, Samuel McClendon, James Ware, and Edmund Lyon, heirs of Henry Ware (Sr.), dec'd, to Henry Ware (Jr.), 22 July 1805. Deed for 450a on Savannah River, granted to Henry Ware, (Sr.) dec'd adjoining William Fuqua. Wit: Anderson Lumpkin signed Henry Ware, Jr. Registered 27 November 1806, pp. 165-167.
Thomas Lewis Ware, a son of Rev. Nicholas Cornelius Ware, grandson of Rev. Robert Alexander Ware, great grandson of Nicholas Ware and great great grandson of Henry Ware, Sr. was the soldier about whom the book "35 Days to Gettysburg, The Campaign Diaries of Two American Enemies", by Mark Nesbitt was written. It was the daily diary entries of Thomas Lewis Ware, a confederate soldier in the Northern Virginia Army, Co. G, 15th GA Regiment of Infantry from Lincoln Co. GA (enlisted 7/14/1861), as well as the diary of a federal soldier, written as they approached Gettysburg.
BIRTH: 12/16/1756 Caroline Co., VA
DEATH: 11/22/1807 Lincoln Co., GA
MARRIED: 12/14/1783 Goochland Co., VA
WIFE: Winifred "Winnie" Mims (1/11/1760 Goochland Co., VA-9/14/1812 Lincoln Co., GA)
FATHER: Henry Ware, Sr.
MOTHER: Martha Garrett
WIFE'S MOTHER: Lydia Jones
BIRTH: 12/16/1756 Caroline Co., VA
DEATH: 11/22/1807 Lincoln Co., GA
MARRIED: 12/14/1783 Goochland Co., VA
WIFE: Winifred "Winnie" Mims (1/11/1760 Goochland Co., VA-9/14/1812 Lincoln Co., GA)
FATHER: Henry Ware, Sr.
MOTHER: Martha Garrett
WIFE'S MOTHER: Lydia Jones
1. James Anthony Ware, b. 2/26/ 1785 m. Mary "Polly" Mims
2. Britton Mims Ware, b. 12/15/1786
3. John Mims Ware, b. 2/29/1788 Edgefield Co., SC. d. 8/18/ 1838 Heard Co., GA m. Lucy Sturdivant 5/11/1811
4. Sarah "Sally" Ware, b. 11/17/1789 Heard, Lincoln Co. GA d. 9/9/1852 Heard, Lincoln Co. GA m. Benaiah McClendon b. 10/22/1781 Heard, Lincoln Co. GA d. 9/16/1852 Heard, Lincoln Co. GA s/o Samuel and Sarah (Ware) McClendon.
5. Lucy Jones Ware, b. 12/18/1791 Edgefield Co., SC d. 12/15/ 1831 Pike Co., GA m. George W. Turrentine on 1/4/1821
6. David Ware, b. 5/22/1793
2. Britton Mims Ware, b. 12/15/1786
3. John Mims Ware, b. 2/29/1788 Edgefield Co., SC. d. 8/18/ 1838 Heard Co., GA m. Lucy Sturdivant 5/11/1811
4. Sarah "Sally" Ware, b. 11/17/1789 Heard, Lincoln Co. GA d. 9/9/1852 Heard, Lincoln Co. GA m. Benaiah McClendon b. 10/22/1781 Heard, Lincoln Co. GA d. 9/16/1852 Heard, Lincoln Co. GA s/o Samuel and Sarah (Ware) McClendon.
5. Lucy Jones Ware, b. 12/18/1791 Edgefield Co., SC d. 12/15/ 1831 Pike Co., GA m. George W. Turrentine on 1/4/1821
6. David Ware, b. 5/22/1793
Winifred Mims, daughter of Drury Mims and Lydia Jones of Goochland, VA, m. Henry Ware, Jr. on 12/14/1783 in Goochland Co., VA. Winnie's siblings were John, Livingston, David, Britton, Tignal, Matthew, Drury, Ridley and Lydia. Lydia's parents were Francis Jones, (s/o Matthew Jones and Mary Tignal) and Mary Ridley, (d/o Capt. Nathaniel Ridley, Sheriff of Isle of Wight Co. and Elizabeth Day). Drury’s parents were David Mims, bap. 1/1/1701 St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., VA, will 10/1781 Goochland Co., VA (son of Thomas Mims and Mellyanne Martin) and Agnes Weldy, (d/o William Weldy who died in 1782). William Weldy's brother was Benjamin Mims who m. Judith Woodson.
Virginia Marriage Records, By Elizabeth Petty Bentley, p. 155, informs us that Drury Mims and Ann Ridgway married on 4/2/1750 in Cumberland Co., VA. Drury Mims and his second wife Lydia Jones would have married about 1759. Drury married Ann Ridgway at age 20, with permission of his parents since he was under 21 and needed consent. He may have lost his first wife and family due to illness or childbirth.
Matthew Jones (born prior to 1620) was of Mulberry Island, Warwick Co., VA and m. Elizabeth Albrighton. This Jones family often used maternal names as given names which included, Tignal, Ridley, Harwood, Albridgton (was called Britton). Drury and Lydia had their first child and daughter Winnifred “Winnie” Mims on 1/11/1760. They named a son Britton Mims Ware, and neither Britton nor Mims was used as a given name in the Ware family prior to this time. This shows that Winnie was the daughter of Lydia Jones as this name came from her family line.
The following shows a little about the family of Francis Albritton (Albrighton , Albridgton) (ca. 1609-4/1667), he purchased land in York Co., VA, in January 1651. per York Co. Record Book #1, p. 33. He bought adjoining land in 1655 (p. 98). He made his will in York Co., VA 9 Apr 1667, naming seven children; Richard, Francis, George, John, Anne and Margaret. Each of their names was spelled Albrighton, but his will was signed Albritton. Francis Albritton, written 9 April, 1667, proved 24 April, 1667. Wife extx.; eldest son Richard; sons Francis, John and George; daughters Elizabeth, Anne and Margaret ; Thomas Allen and John Hothersall overseers. Witnesses: Ralph Flower, Owen Morris, Thomas Greene.
1. Richard Albritton (ca. 1633-4/23/1683) m. Mary Wooten
2. Francis Albritton (ca. 1635-)
3. John Albritton (ca. 1637-)
4. George Albritton (ca. 1639-) Warwick Co., VA d. 1697/8
5. Margaret Albritton (ca. 1641-) m. William Bell
6. Elizabeth Albritton (ca. 1643-) m. Matthew Jones (ca. 1641-1712)
7. Anne Albritton (ca. 1645-)
Virginia Marriage Records, By Elizabeth Petty Bentley, p. 155, informs us that Drury Mims and Ann Ridgway married on 4/2/1750 in Cumberland Co., VA. Drury Mims and his second wife Lydia Jones would have married about 1759. Drury married Ann Ridgway at age 20, with permission of his parents since he was under 21 and needed consent. He may have lost his first wife and family due to illness or childbirth.
Matthew Jones (born prior to 1620) was of Mulberry Island, Warwick Co., VA and m. Elizabeth Albrighton. This Jones family often used maternal names as given names which included, Tignal, Ridley, Harwood, Albridgton (was called Britton). Drury and Lydia had their first child and daughter Winnifred “Winnie” Mims on 1/11/1760. They named a son Britton Mims Ware, and neither Britton nor Mims was used as a given name in the Ware family prior to this time. This shows that Winnie was the daughter of Lydia Jones as this name came from her family line.
The following shows a little about the family of Francis Albritton (Albrighton , Albridgton) (ca. 1609-4/1667), he purchased land in York Co., VA, in January 1651. per York Co. Record Book #1, p. 33. He bought adjoining land in 1655 (p. 98). He made his will in York Co., VA 9 Apr 1667, naming seven children; Richard, Francis, George, John, Anne and Margaret. Each of their names was spelled Albrighton, but his will was signed Albritton. Francis Albritton, written 9 April, 1667, proved 24 April, 1667. Wife extx.; eldest son Richard; sons Francis, John and George; daughters Elizabeth, Anne and Margaret ; Thomas Allen and John Hothersall overseers. Witnesses: Ralph Flower, Owen Morris, Thomas Greene.
1. Richard Albritton (ca. 1633-4/23/1683) m. Mary Wooten
2. Francis Albritton (ca. 1635-)
3. John Albritton (ca. 1637-)
4. George Albritton (ca. 1639-) Warwick Co., VA d. 1697/8
5. Margaret Albritton (ca. 1641-) m. William Bell
6. Elizabeth Albritton (ca. 1643-) m. Matthew Jones (ca. 1641-1712)
7. Anne Albritton (ca. 1645-)
Shadrach Mims, Drury’s brother, married Mary Woodson. Shadrach's great granddaughter, Zerelda Amanda Mims was the wife of Jesse James, the outlaw. Drury's brother David married Sarah Scott, daughter of Samuel Scott and granddaughter of Col. John Scott and Judith Dudley. Sarah Scott's brother was Brig. General Charles Scott, Gov. of Kentucky. Also, Elizabeth Scott, daughter of Samuel Scott, married Major John Middleton and their daughter, Jane Middleton, married George Green Tankersley (G. T.) Ware, son of Capt. Robert Ware and Margaret Tankersley.
The following is a list of the Civil and Military officers in Virginia in 1680. WARWICK— p/A June, 1699. Humphrey Harwood, Miles Cary, Samuell Ransha, Wm. Rascow, Thomas Charles, MATTHEW JONES, Robert Hubbard, William Carey, Sheriff, Thomas Merry. Quorum. Miles Wills, Thomas Haynes, JOHN TIGNALL. The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. I. Jan, 1894. No. 3. Matthew Jones of Warwick County was born about 1640 married Elizabeth Albridgton and had probably Francis and Matthew, who are named as land owners in 1704. Matthew Jones, born about 1665, married a Tignall. A John Tignall was a land owner in Warwick in 1704. He had at least two sons Matthew and Francis. The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 1. Jan. 1895.
The 1713 Warwick Quit Rent Roll was preserved in England and his now part of the Colonial Williamsburg manuscript collection lists many farms in Nutmeg Quarter. Gerrard Ridley had 300 acres. His ancestor, Peter Ridley, was a member of the House of Burgesses in 1645. John Tignall bought 392 acres in Nutmeg Quarter in 1705, for which Judith Tignall paid a quit rent in 1713. Thomas Tignall was a churchwarden in Warwick.
Shadrach Mims, Drury’s brother, married Mary Woodson. Shadrach's great granddaughter, Zerelda Amanda Mims was the wife of Jesse James, the outlaw. Drury's brother David married Sarah Scott, daughter of Samuel Scott and granddaughter of Col. John Scott and Judith Dudley. Sarah Scott's brother was Brig. General Charles Scott, Gov. of Kentucky. Also, Elizabeth Scott, daughter of Samuel Scott, married Major John Middleton and their daughter, Jane Middleton, married George Green Tankersley (G. T.) Ware, son of Capt. Robert Ware and Margaret Tankersley.
The following is a list of the Civil and Military officers in Virginia in 1680. WARWICK— p/A June, 1699. Humphrey Harwood, Miles Cary, Samuell Ransha, Wm. Rascow, Thomas Charles, MATTHEW JONES, Robert Hubbard, William Carey, Sheriff, Thomas Merry. Quorum. Miles Wills, Thomas Haynes, JOHN TIGNALL. The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. I. Jan, 1894. No. 3. Matthew Jones of Warwick County was born about 1640 married Elizabeth Albridgton and had probably Francis and Matthew, who are named as land owners in 1704. Matthew Jones, born about 1665, married a Tignall. A John Tignall was a land owner in Warwick in 1704. He had at least two sons Matthew and Francis. The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 1. Jan. 1895.
The 1713 Warwick Quit Rent Roll was preserved in England and his now part of the Colonial Williamsburg manuscript collection lists many farms in Nutmeg Quarter. Gerrard Ridley had 300 acres. His ancestor, Peter Ridley, was a member of the House of Burgesses in 1645. John Tignall bought 392 acres in Nutmeg Quarter in 1705, for which Judith Tignall paid a quit rent in 1713. Thomas Tignall was a churchwarden in Warwick.
Shadrach Mims, Drury’s brother, married Mary Woodson. Shadrach's great granddaughter, Zerelda Amanda Mims was the wife of Jesse James, the outlaw. Drury's brother David married Sarah Scott, daughter of Samuel Scott and granddaughter of Col. John Scott and Judith Dudley. Sarah Scott's brother was Brig. General Charles Scott, Gov. of Kentucky. Also, Elizabeth Scott, daughter of Samuel Scott, married Major John Middleton and their daughter, Jane Middleton, married George Green Tankersley (G. T.) Ware, son of Capt. Robert Ware and Margaret Tankersley.
This James family photo, which James expert George Warfel says most likely was taken in October 1858, includes: Jesse James (back row, third from left) next to his future wife, Zee Mims; his stepfather, Reuben Samuel (middle row; second from left) next to Jesse's mother, Zeralda Elizabeth Cole James Samuel (third from left); Jesse's half-brother, John T. Samuel (front row), next to Jesse's sister, Susan James (far right). It is believed the other two men are John Newman Edwards (back row, far left) and Frank James (with beard), but Warfel disagrees.
Following the American Revolution, Jay’s Treaty was signed after Federalists pleaded the advantages of regularizing relations with Britain. The treaty proved to be highly profitable to the United States, and from 1795 to 1800 American exports to Britain boomed, and the U.S. became Britain’s best customer. Coincidentally, Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin brought about a vast explosion in the raising and export of cotton.
At the same time in Georgia, General Andrew Jackson moved the Creeks to prevent further contact with the Seminoles after the Creek War, the Battle of Horseshoe Bend, Alabama. He also forced them to cede the Southern third of present day Georgia to the state. The land was made available to any white man with $4.00 by way of a land lottery, or given as land grants to soldiers returning from the Revolutionary War.
Prior to the Revolutionary War, Henry, Jr. lived and worked in Edgefield Co. SC, running his general store. After the war, he, along with his father and cousins, received a war service grant of land in Wilkes Co., Georgia. With the exception of his cousin Capt. Robert Ware, who remained in Edgefield, all other Wares moved on to Georgia after the war. It is thought Henry Ware, Jr. remained in Edgefield Co., SC, and moved to Lincoln Co., Georgia shortly before his death.
Following the American Revolution, Jay’s Treaty was signed after Federalists pleaded the advantages of regularizing relations with Britain. The treaty proved to be highly profitable to the United States, and from 1795 to 1800 American exports to Britain boomed, and the U.S. became Britain’s best customer. Coincidentally, Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin brought about a vast explosion in the raising and export of cotton.
At the same time in Georgia, General Andrew Jackson moved the Creeks to prevent further contact with the Seminoles after the Creek War, the Battle of Horseshoe Bend, Alabama. He also forced them to cede the Southern third of present day Georgia to the state. The land was made available to any white man with $4.00 by way of a land lottery, or given as land grants to soldiers returning from the Revolutionary War.
Prior to the Revolutionary War, Henry, Jr. lived and worked in Edgefield Co. SC, running his general store. After the war, he, along with his father and cousins, received a war service grant of land in Wilkes Co., Georgia. With the exception of his cousin Capt. Robert Ware, who remained in Edgefield, all other Wares moved on to Georgia after the war. It is thought Henry Ware, Jr. remained in Edgefield Co., SC, and moved to Lincoln Co., Georgia shortly before his death.
BIRTH: 2/29/1788 Edgefield Co., SC
DEATH: 8/18/1838 Heard Co., GA
MARRIED: 5/11/1811 Lincoln Co., GA
WIFE: Lucy Sturdivant
FATHER: Henry Ware, Jr.
MOTHER: Winifred "Winnie" Mims
WIFE'S FATHER: Matthew Sturdivant, Jr.
WIFE'S MOTHER: Patsy Tomlinson
DESCENDING SON: James Britton Ware
BIRTH: 2/29/1788 Edgefield Co., SC
DEATH: 8/18/1838 Heard Co., GA
MARRIED: 5/11/1811 Lincoln Co., GA
WIFE: Lucy Sturdivant
FATHER: Henry Ware, Jr.
MOTHER: Winifred "Winnie" Mims
WIFE'S FATHER: Matthew Sturdivant, Jr.
WIFE'S MOTHER: Patsy Tomlinson
DESCENDING SON: James Britton Ware
1. Sarah Ware, 5/10/1812-8/29/1812
2. Julian Ware, b. 11/8/1813 m. James Frances Brown
3. Caroline Ware, b. 1814 m. Barrett
4. Charlotte Ware, b. 1/5/1816 m. A. O. Stephens
5. Henry Ware, b. 8/24/1818
6. Lucy Jane Ware, b. 1820 m. B. C. Jones
7. Elizabeth Ware, b. 1/10/1821 m. James Strong
8. David Sturdivant Ware, b. 8/25/1825
9. John Mims Ware, Jr., b. 2/14/1828 m. Mary Ransom
10. James Britton Ware b. 6/16/1830 m. Sarah Margaret Tabitha Simms
2. Julian Ware, b. 11/8/1813 m. James Frances Brown
3. Caroline Ware, b. 1814 m. Barrett
4. Charlotte Ware, b. 1/5/1816 m. A. O. Stephens
5. Henry Ware, b. 8/24/1818
6. Lucy Jane Ware, b. 1820 m. B. C. Jones
7. Elizabeth Ware, b. 1/10/1821 m. James Strong
8. David Sturdivant Ware, b. 8/25/1825
9. John Mims Ware, Jr., b. 2/14/1828 m. Mary Ransom
10. James Britton Ware b. 6/16/1830 m. Sarah Margaret Tabitha Simms
John Mims Ware was born on 2/27/1788 in Edgefield, SC, grew to manhood on the farm, and was educated at the nearby country schools. By age 20, John was settled in Lincoln County, Georgia with his family. He soon met Lucy Sturdivant, an orphan girl living with her uncle Lockhart, of Lincoln Co., and on 5/11/1811 they were married, John was 23 and Lucy was 21. Their first child, Sarah, was born on 5/10/1812, but died at the age of three months on 8/29/1812; they were beside themselves with grief. Julian, Caroline, Charlotte, Henry, Lucy Jane, Elizabeth, and David Sturdivant were all born in Lincoln, GA.
It was during this time period, the federal government promised to remove the Lower Creek, Upper Creek and Cherokee Indians from Georgia soil. Both political parties in Georgia favored Indian removal, and in 1823 the newly elected Governor George Troup moved quickly to do so. The Lower Creek Indians headed by William McIntosh, Jr., the son of William McIntosh, Sr. and a Creek woman, and first cousin to Governor Troup, headed negotiations between the Lower Creek Nation, and the United States. After a lengthy negotiation, they signed the 1825 treaty, which sold the Lower Creek land in Georgia for a fair sum of money, and they received an equivalent amount of land west of the Mississippi River, which they chose. Troup moved quickly to survey and distribute the land by lottery.
The Upper Creeks in Alabama continued to be hostile, murdering William McIntosh, Jr., and raiding across the river, attacking riverboats, towns, and farms. President John Quincy Adams intervened and ordered Troup to stop moving on the Indian land, and renegotiated the Treaty of 1825. This new treaty left a small piece of land on the Georgia-Alabama border in the Upper Creek hands. Ignoring the new treaty, Troup ordered that land surveyed for the lottery as well. The Upper Creeks continued their assaults, which eventually caused them to be removed as well. They were probably moved west across the Chattahoochee, joining the other southern Indians on their "Trail of Tears" to the Trans-Mississippi West.
In 1827 they moved to Pike County, John was 39 and Lucy 37, and they were expecting their eighth child, John Mims, Jr., who was born on 2/14/1828. After John Jr. was born they moved briefly to Troup County, where in 1828 after hearing about the new land lottery, John and Lucy decided to settle in Heard County where James Britton was born on 6/30/1830. He raised his children on the plantation, and they received their education at a little log schoolhouse a few miles from the homestead.
It was during this time period, the federal government promised to remove the Lower Creek, Upper Creek and Cherokee Indians from Georgia soil. Both political parties in Georgia favored Indian removal, and in 1823 the newly elected Governor George Troup moved quickly to do so. The Lower Creek Indians headed by William McIntosh, Jr., the son of William McIntosh, Sr. and a Creek woman, and first cousin to Governor Troup, headed negotiations between the Lower Creek Nation, and the United States. After a lengthy negotiation, they signed the 1825 treaty, which sold the Lower Creek land in Georgia for a fair sum of money, and they received an equivalent amount of land west of the Mississippi River, which they chose. Troup moved quickly to survey and distribute the land by lottery.
The Upper Creeks in Alabama continued to be hostile, murdering William McIntosh, Jr., and raiding across the river, attacking riverboats, towns, and farms. President John Quincy Adams intervened and ordered Troup to stop moving on the Indian land, and renegotiated the Treaty of 1825. This new treaty left a small piece of land on the Georgia-Alabama border in the Upper Creek hands. Ignoring the new treaty, Troup ordered that land surveyed for the lottery as well. The Upper Creeks continued their assaults, which eventually caused them to be removed as well. They were probably moved west across the Chattahoochee, joining the other southern Indians on their "Trail of Tears" to the Trans-Mississippi West.
In 1827 they moved to Pike County, John was 39 and Lucy 37, and they were expecting their eighth child, John Mims, Jr., who was born on 2/14/1828. After John Jr. was born they moved briefly to Troup County, where in 1828 after hearing about the new land lottery, John and Lucy decided to settle in Heard County where James Britton was born on 6/30/1830. He raised his children on the plantation, and they received their education at a little log schoolhouse a few miles from the homestead.
John built a new home on their property, consisting of 400 acres, which is recorded in the National Register of Historic Places as being a significant example of architecture of the period. The caption above the rendering states, "The Ware Home in Heard County, Georgia, was begun by pioneer settler John Mims Ware.
Known as "Judge Ware," he was a Justice of the Peace, State Senator and plantation owner. At his death in 1838 at age 50, Judge Ware left instructions for the completion of his new house. His widow, Lucy Sturdivant Ware, lived in the home, as did their son, James Britton Ware with his young bride Sarah Margaret Tabitha Simms in 1850. J. B. ("Britt") Ware established the family of Wares who would return generation after generation to the old home place. The house was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1980, and burned during a lightning storm in 1983. House drawn in 1993 by Annie Hadden Crenshaw, great-great-great granddaughter of John Mims Ware and Lucy Sturdivant."
The 1850 agricultural schedule indicated that production centered on grain products, such as wheat and oats. In 1827 he and his wife were among the founders of Bethel Baptist Church in Heard County (which for a time was the largest church in the Western Baptist Association). Over the next few years John was elected Judge of Heard County and a Justice of the Peace, and later became the first man to represent Heard Co. in the Georgia Senate. Unfortunately on August 18, 1838, at age 50, he died of heart failure, his children ranged from 8 to 25. His will specified his estate be divided equally among his children, upon his wife’s death.
After her husband's death, she finished construction of their second house in Heard Co. and continued to run the farm successfully for many years with the help of her children and slaves. Lucy died on October 22, 1869.
Will of John Mims Ware dated August 17, 1838:
This is a true record of my Will and Testament. It is my will that my property possessions and estate be kept together. It is my will that as my children become of age, that each one of them shall have given off to them as much of my estate as has been given off to my daughter Julian Brown and after each child has had a proportionate part with Julian Brown, it is my will that my wife Lucy give off to each one and all of my children my property equally as she may think best and give it to them along as she can spar it. Furthermore it is my will for my children to be educated as well as my estate will admit of and circumstance will allow. It is my will that my house shall be finished off in this way. viz ... it is my wish for as many of my horses be sold at fall next as can be spared a sufficient number reserved for the use of my wife and plantation purpose. It is my will and testament that my wife Lucy ... manage my estate I have herein stated during her widowhood and if she should marry she is and shall be entitled to a child's part of my estate. Furthermore, it is my will for my brother David Ware to administer my estate with my wife Lucy Ware. Signed sealed and acknowledged in presence of Thomas Watts. Signed John M. Ware. Teste: William I. Germany, Jeptha V. David, Christopher B. Brown.
Known as "Judge Ware," he was a Justice of the Peace, State Senator and plantation owner. At his death in 1838 at age 50, Judge Ware left instructions for the completion of his new house. His widow, Lucy Sturdivant Ware, lived in the home, as did their son, James Britton Ware with his young bride Sarah Margaret Tabitha Simms in 1850. J. B. ("Britt") Ware established the family of Wares who would return generation after generation to the old home place. The house was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1980, and burned during a lightning storm in 1983. House drawn in 1993 by Annie Hadden Crenshaw, great-great-great granddaughter of John Mims Ware and Lucy Sturdivant."
The 1850 agricultural schedule indicated that production centered on grain products, such as wheat and oats. In 1827 he and his wife were among the founders of Bethel Baptist Church in Heard County (which for a time was the largest church in the Western Baptist Association). Over the next few years John was elected Judge of Heard County and a Justice of the Peace, and later became the first man to represent Heard Co. in the Georgia Senate. Unfortunately on August 18, 1838, at age 50, he died of heart failure, his children ranged from 8 to 25. His will specified his estate be divided equally among his children, upon his wife’s death.
After her husband's death, she finished construction of their second house in Heard Co. and continued to run the farm successfully for many years with the help of her children and slaves. Lucy died on October 22, 1869.
Will of John Mims Ware dated August 17, 1838:
This is a true record of my Will and Testament. It is my will that my property possessions and estate be kept together. It is my will that as my children become of age, that each one of them shall have given off to them as much of my estate as has been given off to my daughter Julian Brown and after each child has had a proportionate part with Julian Brown, it is my will that my wife Lucy give off to each one and all of my children my property equally as she may think best and give it to them along as she can spar it. Furthermore it is my will for my children to be educated as well as my estate will admit of and circumstance will allow. It is my will that my house shall be finished off in this way. viz ... it is my wish for as many of my horses be sold at fall next as can be spared a sufficient number reserved for the use of my wife and plantation purpose. It is my will and testament that my wife Lucy ... manage my estate I have herein stated during her widowhood and if she should marry she is and shall be entitled to a child's part of my estate. Furthermore, it is my will for my brother David Ware to administer my estate with my wife Lucy Ware. Signed sealed and acknowledged in presence of Thomas Watts. Signed John M. Ware. Teste: William I. Germany, Jeptha V. David, Christopher B. Brown.
BIRTH: 6/16/1830 Heard Co., GA
DEATH: 1/30/1918 Heard Co., GA
MARRIED: 10/11/1849 Coweta Co., GA
WIFE: Sarah Margaret Tabitha Simms
FATHER: John Mims Ware
MOTHER: Lucy Sturdivant
WIFE'S MOTHER: Comfort Mattox Grace
DESCENDING SON: John Fletcher Brook Ware
BIRTH: 6/16/1830 Heard Co., GA
DEATH: 1/30/1918 Heard Co., GA
MARRIED: 10/11/1849 Coweta Co., GA
WIFE: Sarah Margaret Tabitha Simms
FATHER: John Mims Ware
MOTHER: Lucy Sturdivant
WIFE'S MOTHER: Comfort Mattox Grace
DESCENDING SON: John Fletcher Brook Ware
1. Alberta Virginia "Ginnie" Ware, 3/8/1851-7/28/1923 m. Walter G. Orr
2. Almira Elizabeth "Poss" Ware, 5/21/1853-2/5/1940 never married
3. Adeline Glenn "Ade" Ware, 5/17/1855-2/14/1914 m. George T. Snow
4. John F. B. Ware, 9/12/1857-11/20/1922 m. 1. Lula Walker and 2. Eula Adamson
5. Alonzo Crawford Ware, 12/17/1859 - 1/18/1943 m. Sarah Kendrick
6. Albert Zollicoffer "Zol” Ware, 12/15/1860- c1943 m. Annie Walker (Lula's sister)
7. James Britton Ware, Jr., 5/21/1864 – 12/24/1883
8. Henry Hall Ware, 8/28/1866 m. Emma Allen on 11/30/1893
9. Robert Houston Thomas Ware, 6/18/1868- aft. 1943 m. Julia Valena Davis 1890
10. Rigdon Mims "Rig" Ware, 11/20/1870-10/1964 m. Emily Virginia Shackleford
2. Almira Elizabeth "Poss" Ware, 5/21/1853-2/5/1940 never married
3. Adeline Glenn "Ade" Ware, 5/17/1855-2/14/1914 m. George T. Snow
4. John F. B. Ware, 9/12/1857-11/20/1922 m. 1. Lula Walker and 2. Eula Adamson
5. Alonzo Crawford Ware, 12/17/1859 - 1/18/1943 m. Sarah Kendrick
6. Albert Zollicoffer "Zol” Ware, 12/15/1860- c1943 m. Annie Walker (Lula's sister)
7. James Britton Ware, Jr., 5/21/1864 – 12/24/1883
8. Henry Hall Ware, 8/28/1866 m. Emma Allen on 11/30/1893
9. Robert Houston Thomas Ware, 6/18/1868- aft. 1943 m. Julia Valena Davis 1890
10. Rigdon Mims "Rig" Ware, 11/20/1870-10/1964 m. Emily Virginia Shackleford
On 16 Jun. 1830, James Britton (J. B.) was born to John Mims, 42, and Lucy, age 40, he was 8 when his father died. At 19, he married Sarah Margaret Tabitha Simms, age 16, on 11 Oct. 1849 at the Bethel Baptist Church, and quickly started a family. Sarah Simms was the daughter of John Simms and Comfort Maddox Grace b. 3/26/1798 married 9/16/1816 Hancock, GA (daughter of Thomas Grace and Sally Maddox). Comfort's siblings were James, Elizabeth, Martha, Tabitha, Joshua, Dolby, Margaret, Jeptha, Mary, Silas and Thomas.
On Oct. 28, 1850, they purchased 202-1/2 acres from a neighbor, Thomas H. Hanson, and built their home. His superior abilities as a man of affairs being quickly recognized by his fellow citizens, he was elected Justice of the Peace at 21, serving eight years. In 1859 and 1860 he was elected to represent Heard Co. in the general assembly.
By 1860, J. B. operated the plantation with 13 slaves. According to the 1860 agricultural schedule, production was expanded to include peas and beans, Irish and sweet potatoes, and honey, and later barley, while the number of livestock doubled. Sheep were introduced to the plantation and produced 40 pounds of wool annually. By 1880 production of these crops increased, which continued until the early twentieth century. J. B. later added a tannery, which produced boot and shoe products using oak bark from surrounding woodlands.
About a year after the start of the Civil War in 1861, Henry, age 43, David, age 36, and John, Jr., age 33, enlisted in the confederate army. In 1863 James raised a company of seventy men, of which he was elected Captain of the State Guards. It became Company G, of Colonial Wilcoxon’s regiment of state troops and General Iverson’s Brigade, which took part in several skirmishes near Rome, Georgia. The decision to leave his family was hard because it meant leaving behind his wife and six small children, their ages being 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 and a newborn. His wife, Sarah, would be left alone to administer to all the needs of a large family and plantation. He left with a heavy heart, to join the war effort. In 1864, Lucy Ware, J. B.'s mother, purchased a $400.00 bond for the Confederate States of America, it was signed by U. B. Wilkinson.
In 1864 he enlisted in the confederate service, in which he continued rendering valuable service until the surrender. During the Battle of Atlanta and Sherman's march, the Ware home served as a refuge for relatives and friends in the Atlanta area. During the "unpleasantness" he gave up his business and devoted money, time and labor to caring for the families of the soldiers, a noble service on his part which they never forgot, and were always ready to express their gratitude. Only David and James returned home, his brother, John, Jr., left behind a wife, a small son.
After his mother’s death in 1869, James purchased the family home from his siblings, and successfully managed his estate over the next 10 years. In 1872 he was incorporated in the Jury Commissioner’s Bill and served continuously until 1904. In 1874 he was elected to the Georgia Legislature receiving 500 of the 700 votes cast, working in both the House and Senate.
On Oct. 28, 1850, they purchased 202-1/2 acres from a neighbor, Thomas H. Hanson, and built their home. His superior abilities as a man of affairs being quickly recognized by his fellow citizens, he was elected Justice of the Peace at 21, serving eight years. In 1859 and 1860 he was elected to represent Heard Co. in the general assembly.
By 1860, J. B. operated the plantation with 13 slaves. According to the 1860 agricultural schedule, production was expanded to include peas and beans, Irish and sweet potatoes, and honey, and later barley, while the number of livestock doubled. Sheep were introduced to the plantation and produced 40 pounds of wool annually. By 1880 production of these crops increased, which continued until the early twentieth century. J. B. later added a tannery, which produced boot and shoe products using oak bark from surrounding woodlands.
About a year after the start of the Civil War in 1861, Henry, age 43, David, age 36, and John, Jr., age 33, enlisted in the confederate army. In 1863 James raised a company of seventy men, of which he was elected Captain of the State Guards. It became Company G, of Colonial Wilcoxon’s regiment of state troops and General Iverson’s Brigade, which took part in several skirmishes near Rome, Georgia. The decision to leave his family was hard because it meant leaving behind his wife and six small children, their ages being 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 and a newborn. His wife, Sarah, would be left alone to administer to all the needs of a large family and plantation. He left with a heavy heart, to join the war effort. In 1864, Lucy Ware, J. B.'s mother, purchased a $400.00 bond for the Confederate States of America, it was signed by U. B. Wilkinson.
In 1864 he enlisted in the confederate service, in which he continued rendering valuable service until the surrender. During the Battle of Atlanta and Sherman's march, the Ware home served as a refuge for relatives and friends in the Atlanta area. During the "unpleasantness" he gave up his business and devoted money, time and labor to caring for the families of the soldiers, a noble service on his part which they never forgot, and were always ready to express their gratitude. Only David and James returned home, his brother, John, Jr., left behind a wife, a small son.
After his mother’s death in 1869, James purchased the family home from his siblings, and successfully managed his estate over the next 10 years. In 1872 he was incorporated in the Jury Commissioner’s Bill and served continuously until 1904. In 1874 he was elected to the Georgia Legislature receiving 500 of the 700 votes cast, working in both the House and Senate.
June 24, 1883 proved to be the worst day of James and Sarah's life (pictured center above), their beloved son James Britton, Jr., died from typhoid fever while away at college. In 1904 James was elected State Senator of the 37th District. While in the Senate he introduced and secured the passage of a bill making drunkenness on the public highway a crime, as well as introducing and having enacted the bill forbidding the sale of whiskey in Georgia within the radius of one mile from a church. He served as foreman of the grand jury over 21 times. He was also Treasurer of the Western Baptist Association, and President of the Corinth Agricultural and Horticultural Club.
Before his death he wrote the following words, "Nothing can give me more consolation in my old age than to see the people of my county obedient and submissive to the will of God which the Scriptures say is the beginning of his love. Oh, what days of rejoicing will be with the good people when the bottle and the pistol toter become a thing of the past."
At a reunion he said, "during my life, I set out to make a useful man of myself, and take such position in life that would make life worth living. My highest ambition in life was to raise my children to be men and women of integrity and dignity, these principles being the foundations of all greatness. To what extent I have instilled these principles into the minds of my children, I leave to my neighbors and to the public to decide. I admonished all my grandchildren, and their children to improve upon their parents." He finished by saying that this day was a happy reunion day, but his prayer was that the world all live so that when death comes, we would meet again for a happy reunion in heaven. At his death at age 87, he had 40 grandchildren and 41 great grandchildren, and was one of Heard County’s leading citizens. This home recently burned to the ground during a lightning storm and nothing was saved.
The descendants of John Mims Ware hold an annual reunion (pictured) on the last Sunday in July every year at Bethel Baptist Church in the SE corner of Heard County, about 7 miles from Corinth. The picture on the left shows a gathering of the family about 1910. The First reunion was held in 1903. If raining, it is moved to Johnny Brown's Barbeque near Hogansville. The event is a catered barbecue, and you need only bring folding chairs and a small fee per person for the dinner.
Before his death he wrote the following words, "Nothing can give me more consolation in my old age than to see the people of my county obedient and submissive to the will of God which the Scriptures say is the beginning of his love. Oh, what days of rejoicing will be with the good people when the bottle and the pistol toter become a thing of the past."
At a reunion he said, "during my life, I set out to make a useful man of myself, and take such position in life that would make life worth living. My highest ambition in life was to raise my children to be men and women of integrity and dignity, these principles being the foundations of all greatness. To what extent I have instilled these principles into the minds of my children, I leave to my neighbors and to the public to decide. I admonished all my grandchildren, and their children to improve upon their parents." He finished by saying that this day was a happy reunion day, but his prayer was that the world all live so that when death comes, we would meet again for a happy reunion in heaven. At his death at age 87, he had 40 grandchildren and 41 great grandchildren, and was one of Heard County’s leading citizens. This home recently burned to the ground during a lightning storm and nothing was saved.
The descendants of John Mims Ware hold an annual reunion (pictured) on the last Sunday in July every year at Bethel Baptist Church in the SE corner of Heard County, about 7 miles from Corinth. The picture on the left shows a gathering of the family about 1910. The First reunion was held in 1903. If raining, it is moved to Johnny Brown's Barbeque near Hogansville. The event is a catered barbecue, and you need only bring folding chairs and a small fee per person for the dinner.
BIRTH: 9/12/1857 Heard Co., GA
DEATH: 11/20/1922 Heard Co., GA
MARRIED: 1882 Heard Co., GA
WIFE: Lula Fannie Walker
FATHER: James Britton Ware
MOTHER: Sarah Margaret Tabitha Simms
WIFE'S FATHER: John Joseph Walker
WIFE'S MOTHER: Lucy Ann Johnson
DESCENDING SON: William Britton Ware
1. William Britton Ware, b. 12/26/1883 d. 9/8/1968 m. Frances Lucille Swinson
2. Annie Lou Ware, b. 3/7/1885 d. aft. 1954 m. Sam Hassell
3. Genevieve Ware, b. 12/6/ 1886 Corinth, GA, d. 1/27/1973 m. Samuel Parks Phillips
4. Johnnie Mae Ware, b. 4/16/1888 d. 5/2/1973 m. Joe W. Porter
5. Rigdon Webb Ware, b. 10/19/1892 d. 1958, never married
6. Ruth Ware, b. 10/19/1892 d. 10/20/1892
7. Othella Ware, b. 10/19/1892 d. 10/30/1892 (triplets)
BIRTH: 9/12/1857 Heard Co., GA
DEATH: 11/20/1922 Heard Co., GA
MARRIED: 1882 Heard Co., GA
WIFE: Lula Fannie Walker
FATHER: James Britton Ware
MOTHER: Sarah Margaret Tabitha Simms
WIFE'S FATHER: John Joseph Walker
WIFE'S MOTHER: Lucy Ann Johnson
DESCENDING SON: William Britton Ware
1. William Britton Ware, b. 12/26/1883 d. 9/8/1968 m. Frances Lucille Swinson
2. Annie Lou Ware, b. 3/7/1885 d. aft. 1954 m. Sam Hassell
3. Genevieve Ware, b. 12/6/ 1886 Corinth, GA, d. 1/27/1973 m. Samuel Parks Phillips
4. Johnnie Mae Ware, b. 4/16/1888 d. 5/2/1973 m. Joe W. Porter
5. Rigdon Webb Ware, b. 10/19/1892 d. 1958, never married
6. Ruth Ware, b. 10/19/1892 d. 10/20/1892
7. Othella Ware, b. 10/19/1892 d. 10/30/1892 (triplets)
John Fletcher Brook Ware and Lula Fannie Walker (pictured) were married about 1882, and together they had seven children, which included triplets, two of whom died in infancy. John and Lula lived for several years with John’s parents in Heard Co. before moving into their own home nearby. The 1900 census shows John and Lula living in the Cooksville District of Heard County, not far from his parents.
Lula Fannie Walker, born in 1860, was the oldest of three children, her siblings were Annie, and a brother “Buddy” John, who were orphaned when their mother, Lucy Johnson, died of tuberculosis after a lengthy illness in 1869. Her illness followed the death of their father Joe Walker who was killed during the Civil War in 1865, at age 38. Lula was nine when she went to live with her grandparents James and Margaret Johnson. It was under her grandmother's care that Lula was able to graduate from LaGrange Female College where she was a music student and valedictorian, Annie also attended LaGrange College.
John Joseph Walker, son of Jeremiah, was the youngest of 11 children, born when his father was 50 years of age. His sister was Almira born 10 Dec 1807, and was 38 years old in 1845. The source for this information is the Jeremiah H. Walker family Bible dated 1803. Jeremiah's parents were Rev. Sanders Walker and Sarah Lamar from Prince William Co., Virginia, died in Georgia. Jeremiah's grandparents were James Walker and Mary Saunders.
Lula Walker and her sister Annie both married Ware brothers, John Fletcher Brook Ware and Albert Zollicoffer "Zol" Ware. John was a tall, soft-spoken, dignified man, and "Zoll" was always ready for fun and a good time. Zoll and Annie’s children were Janie, Charlie and Louise Ware.
After the birth of the triplets in 1892, Lula's health started to decline, the nature of her illness is unknown, a letter written by her daughter indicates she was in constant pain, for which her doctor, Dr. Webb prescribed morphine. During the Civil War, morphine proved to be a miracle drug for the relief of pain, so much so, that a soldier returning from war could be identified by the small pouch of morphine hanging around his neck.
The Georgia legislature, realizing the addictive nature of morphine, soon passed a law prohibiting it from being sold over the counter without a physician's approval.
It was during this period of time, that John and Lula decided to move to Texas, she wrote letters to various colleges in Texas applying for teaching positions, and finally chose a small college at Omen, Texas, in an area of east Texas bordering the small towns of Arp and Troup beside Lake Tyler. At first, she talked seriously of moving to a little town in Oklahoma, Kingfisher, were there was an Evangelical college with a splendid music department.
The family sold their farm in Hogansville, and loaded their possessions onto the train, which included a grand piano, and moved to Texas. They bought a farm outside the little town, and a home near the college. Over the next few years, Lula's health continued to decline and she died in 1904, at the age of 44, leaving three daughters, and two sons.
In 1905, their eldest daughter, Annie Lou, married Sam Hassell. Annie was 19 when her mother died, Genevieve Florence (pictured) was 18, and Johnnie, who married Joe W. Porter in 1915, was 16. Their eldest son, Urial Bayles "U. B." Wilkerson, was 21, and working with the Texas & Pacific Railroad, and the youngest son, Webb, was 12. Genevieve and U. B. (who changed his name to William) were the only two children who gave John and Lula grandchildren, Annie Lou and Sam Hassell adopted a daughter. Genevieve moved to OK in El Reno, OK Territory, and married Samuel Parks Philips in 1907. John returned to Heard Co., c1910, as the 1910 census shows John, age 52, and his youngest son Webb, 17, living with his parents and sister Almira. Webb lived in Georgia for several years, and later returned to Texas. For the remainder of his life, Webb traveled from Georgia to Texas, hopping trains and he earned money by working as a mechanic, he never married or settled down.
After returning to Georgia, John went to work as a farm superintendent for his long time family friend John Holland Melson, principal of the Agricultural and Mechanical (A&M) School in Carrollton, GA. Shortly after starting work, he was introduced to his second wife, Eula Adamson. Eula, worked at the A&M as well. John Holland Melson's son, Holland Melson, played matchmaker and pretending to be John, called Eula and asked her to meet him for a picnic. Another friend called John, pretended to be Eula, and did the same. The match was a success and they were soon married. On Jan. 30, 1918, John attended the funeral of his father; he and his five brothers were pallbearers, and only four short years later, John developed pneumonia and was never able to recover.
Lula Fannie Walker, born in 1860, was the oldest of three children, her siblings were Annie, and a brother “Buddy” John, who were orphaned when their mother, Lucy Johnson, died of tuberculosis after a lengthy illness in 1869. Her illness followed the death of their father Joe Walker who was killed during the Civil War in 1865, at age 38. Lula was nine when she went to live with her grandparents James and Margaret Johnson. It was under her grandmother's care that Lula was able to graduate from LaGrange Female College where she was a music student and valedictorian, Annie also attended LaGrange College.
John Joseph Walker, son of Jeremiah, was the youngest of 11 children, born when his father was 50 years of age. His sister was Almira born 10 Dec 1807, and was 38 years old in 1845. The source for this information is the Jeremiah H. Walker family Bible dated 1803. Jeremiah's parents were Rev. Sanders Walker and Sarah Lamar from Prince William Co., Virginia, died in Georgia. Jeremiah's grandparents were James Walker and Mary Saunders.
Lula Walker and her sister Annie both married Ware brothers, John Fletcher Brook Ware and Albert Zollicoffer "Zol" Ware. John was a tall, soft-spoken, dignified man, and "Zoll" was always ready for fun and a good time. Zoll and Annie’s children were Janie, Charlie and Louise Ware.
After the birth of the triplets in 1892, Lula's health started to decline, the nature of her illness is unknown, a letter written by her daughter indicates she was in constant pain, for which her doctor, Dr. Webb prescribed morphine. During the Civil War, morphine proved to be a miracle drug for the relief of pain, so much so, that a soldier returning from war could be identified by the small pouch of morphine hanging around his neck.
The Georgia legislature, realizing the addictive nature of morphine, soon passed a law prohibiting it from being sold over the counter without a physician's approval.
It was during this period of time, that John and Lula decided to move to Texas, she wrote letters to various colleges in Texas applying for teaching positions, and finally chose a small college at Omen, Texas, in an area of east Texas bordering the small towns of Arp and Troup beside Lake Tyler. At first, she talked seriously of moving to a little town in Oklahoma, Kingfisher, were there was an Evangelical college with a splendid music department.
The family sold their farm in Hogansville, and loaded their possessions onto the train, which included a grand piano, and moved to Texas. They bought a farm outside the little town, and a home near the college. Over the next few years, Lula's health continued to decline and she died in 1904, at the age of 44, leaving three daughters, and two sons.
In 1905, their eldest daughter, Annie Lou, married Sam Hassell. Annie was 19 when her mother died, Genevieve Florence (pictured) was 18, and Johnnie, who married Joe W. Porter in 1915, was 16. Their eldest son, Urial Bayles "U. B." Wilkerson, was 21, and working with the Texas & Pacific Railroad, and the youngest son, Webb, was 12. Genevieve and U. B. (who changed his name to William) were the only two children who gave John and Lula grandchildren, Annie Lou and Sam Hassell adopted a daughter. Genevieve moved to OK in El Reno, OK Territory, and married Samuel Parks Philips in 1907. John returned to Heard Co., c1910, as the 1910 census shows John, age 52, and his youngest son Webb, 17, living with his parents and sister Almira. Webb lived in Georgia for several years, and later returned to Texas. For the remainder of his life, Webb traveled from Georgia to Texas, hopping trains and he earned money by working as a mechanic, he never married or settled down.
After returning to Georgia, John went to work as a farm superintendent for his long time family friend John Holland Melson, principal of the Agricultural and Mechanical (A&M) School in Carrollton, GA. Shortly after starting work, he was introduced to his second wife, Eula Adamson. Eula, worked at the A&M as well. John Holland Melson's son, Holland Melson, played matchmaker and pretending to be John, called Eula and asked her to meet him for a picnic. Another friend called John, pretended to be Eula, and did the same. The match was a success and they were soon married. On Jan. 30, 1918, John attended the funeral of his father; he and his five brothers were pallbearers, and only four short years later, John developed pneumonia and was never able to recover.

BIRTH: 12/26/1883 Corinth, GA
DEATH: 9/8/1968 Ft. Worth, TX
MARRIED: 10/23/1919 Baird, TX
WIFE: Frances Lucille Swinson
FATHER: John Fletcher Brook Ware
MOTHER: Lulu Fannie Walker
WIFE'S FATHER: John Thomas Swinson
WIFE'S MOTHER: Pearl Marvin Estill
1. Billie Frances Ware (8/21/20 Mingus, TX-8/7/2013 Weatherford, TX) m. Jesse Brown
2. Lt. Richard "Dick" Kendrick Ware (1/14/1922 Mingus, TX-5/8/44 Pearlburg, Germany, KIA WWII)
3. Mary Dorothy "Dot" Ware (10/18/24 Abilene, TX- 2/16/65 Los Angeles, CA) m. James B. Short
4. Jimmy "Jim" Hall Ware (3/9/26 Abilene, TX-3/11/99 Fort Worth, TX) m. 1) Dorothy Mae Grammer 2) Isla Dee Witte
5. Mickey Joe Ware (6/13/28 Fort Worth, TX-12/15/50 Ector Co., Odessa, TX)
6. Gary Vern Ware (2/7/31 Fort Worth, TX-4/21/88 Springfield, IL)
7. Betty Lou Ware (12/24/35 Troupe Co., TX-5/3/2015 Dallas, TX) m. Richard "Dick" McQuiston
8. Ronald "Ronnie" Allen Ware (12/8/1938 Troupe Co., TX-8/28/41 Fort Worth, TX)
9. Judith “Judy” Ann Ware (10/14/41 Fort Worth, TX-Denver, CO) m. David Dwight Culbertson
BIRTH: 12/26/1883 Corinth, GA
DEATH: 9/8/1968 Ft. Worth, TX
MARRIED: 10/23/1919 Baird, TX
WIFE: Frances Lucille Swinson
FATHER: John Fletcher Brook Ware
MOTHER: Lulu Fannie Walker
WIFE'S FATHER: John Thomas Swinson
WIFE'S MOTHER: Pearl Marvin Estill
1. Billie Frances Ware (8/21/20 Mingus, TX-8/7/2013 Weatherford, TX) m. Jesse Brown
2. Lt. Richard "Dick" Kendrick Ware (1/14/1922 Mingus, TX-5/8/44 Pearlburg, Germany, KIA WWII)
3. Mary Dorothy "Dot" Ware (10/18/24 Abilene, TX- 2/16/65 Los Angeles, CA) m. James B. Short
4. Jimmy "Jim" Hall Ware (3/9/26 Abilene, TX-3/11/99 Fort Worth, TX) m. 1) Dorothy Mae Grammer 2) Isla Dee Witte
5. Mickey Joe Ware (6/13/28 Fort Worth, TX-12/15/50 Ector Co., Odessa, TX)
6. Gary Vern Ware (2/7/31 Fort Worth, TX-4/21/88 Springfield, IL)
7. Betty Lou Ware (12/24/35 Troupe Co., TX-5/3/2015 Dallas, TX) m. Richard "Dick" McQuiston
8. Ronald "Ronnie" Allen Ware (12/8/1938 Troupe Co., TX-8/28/41 Fort Worth, TX)
9. Judith “Judy” Ann Ware (10/14/41 Fort Worth, TX-Denver, CO) m. David Dwight Culbertson

Top from left Judy, Betty, Jim - Middle from left, Gary Ronnie, Dick - Bottom from left, Joe, Dot and Billie.
At birth he was named Urial Bayles (U. B.) Wilkinson Ware and as a young man, he changed his name to William Britton. At age 20, William, who was known by most as "Bill," went to work as a fireman with the Texas and Pacific (T&P) Railroad. At age 36 in 1918, Bill, now a Railroad Engineer, made a scheduled stop in Baird, TX, and met Frances Swinson, age 16, at the Texas & Pacific (T&P) Cafe'.
Frances worked briefly as a dental assistant, but quit after being sexually harassed by her boss and went to work as a waitress for the Baird Texas Railroad Café. On 23 Oct 1919, Bill and Frances were married, and they eventually settled down in Fort Worth, TX. During the depression in 1933, Bill was laid off from the railroad, and moved his wife and 6 children to the old homeplace in east Texas until he was rehired by the railroad 3 years later. Life was hard during this time, as it was for many, the only food they had was what they were able to grow. The weather was uncooperative and farming proved to be an unprofitable venture, they were only able to grow one bale of hay during each growing season, and barely enough food to survive.
In 1937, Bill was rehired by the railroad, and the family quickly returned to Ft. Worth. Several years after the family returned, oil was discovered on the family property in east Texas by wildcatters. They had been authorized to search for oil by his sister, Annie Lou, and her husband. In 1941 tragedy struck when they lost their young son Ronnie who died of a ruptured appendicitis before age two. This would not be the final tragedy in their lives; in 1944 they lost their son Dick during World War II, and in 1950 an automobile accident would claim the life of son Joe, only months after he returned home from active duty. The final tragedy in their lives came in 1965 when their daughter Dot died of cancer. Bill continued to work for the Railroad until his retirement at age 67. He died at the age of 84 in 1968 and Frances died at age 75 in 1978.
Frances worked briefly as a dental assistant, but quit after being sexually harassed by her boss and went to work as a waitress for the Baird Texas Railroad Café. On 23 Oct 1919, Bill and Frances were married, and they eventually settled down in Fort Worth, TX. During the depression in 1933, Bill was laid off from the railroad, and moved his wife and 6 children to the old homeplace in east Texas until he was rehired by the railroad 3 years later. Life was hard during this time, as it was for many, the only food they had was what they were able to grow. The weather was uncooperative and farming proved to be an unprofitable venture, they were only able to grow one bale of hay during each growing season, and barely enough food to survive.
In 1937, Bill was rehired by the railroad, and the family quickly returned to Ft. Worth. Several years after the family returned, oil was discovered on the family property in east Texas by wildcatters. They had been authorized to search for oil by his sister, Annie Lou, and her husband. In 1941 tragedy struck when they lost their young son Ronnie who died of a ruptured appendicitis before age two. This would not be the final tragedy in their lives; in 1944 they lost their son Dick during World War II, and in 1950 an automobile accident would claim the life of son Joe, only months after he returned home from active duty. The final tragedy in their lives came in 1965 when their daughter Dot died of cancer. Bill continued to work for the Railroad until his retirement at age 67. He died at the age of 84 in 1968 and Frances died at age 75 in 1978.
William Lewis Estill married Frances Drucilla Morris and they became the parents of Pearl Marvin Estill who married John Thomas Swinson, and they in turn were the parents of Frances Lucille Swinson who married William Britton Ware.
Link to Morris family of Bertie County, NC, Rutherford County, NC, Union County, GA and Gwinnett County, GA.
Link to Morris family of Bertie County, NC, Rutherford County, NC, Union County, GA and Gwinnett County, GA.
BIRTH: 2/7/1931 Ft. Worth, TX
DEATH: 4/21/1988 Springfield, IL MARRIED: 9/12/1952 Ft. Worth, TX WIFE: Mildred Hall FATHER: William Britton Ware MOTHER: Frances Lucille Swinson WIFE'S FATHER: Burch Hall, Sr. WIFE'S MOTHER: Nannie Beulah Stone CHILDREN: 1. Kenneth Wayne Ware 2. Wanda Jean Ware 3. Larry Stephen Ware 4. Susan Marie Ware 5. Christopher Allen Ware b. 4/12/1962 d. 10/24/2010 6. Scott Edward Ware |
They returned to Ft. Worth when Gary was six, where he grew to manhood. His siblings described him as highly intelligent, extremely talented and insightful, with the potential to go far. Gary had the potential and desire to go far, but his ambitions were suddenly put on hold as the United States entered World War II.
The first member of the family to enlist was his brother Richard "Dick" Ware, who was later killed in action over Pearlberg, Germany on a bombing mission. Dick had been a Second Lieutenant and a Bombardier, and was awarded the Purple Heart.
The following letter was written by Richard “Dick” Ware while stationed at the Army Air Base at Dalhart, Texas, on 22 Dec 1943:
Dear Mom, Today makes one week at Dalhart and I haven't found a single thing wrong with the place yet, which is surprising. I guess after that Salt Lake deal anything would seem ok. When we first came here it was covered with snow. Lately it has been a sea of slick, slimey mud. It's ok in the early morning and evening when it's frozen but up in the day it's really sloppy. It started snowing again today and the wind is just like ice. It cuts you like a knife. I don't think I've seen weather near this cold in my life. We've been going to school every day from 9 to 5 since last Friday. We go to school half a day tomorrow and are supposed to fly in the afternoon. From the way they're treating us here you'd think that we'd never seen a bomb sight or dropped a bomb before, but I guess they're just making sure that we haven't forgotten anything. Today a 17 came in, and its landing gear was frozen and wouldn't come down so they had to make a belly landing. The pilot sure made a pretty landing and no one was hurt. I think practically everyone on the base was down there to watch the landing as the ship circled the base several times before landing. It looks like I won't get to come home for Christmas after all. We're SUPPOSED to get off from Friday noon at 8 a.m. Sunday but that won't be enough time. If I could get off until noon Sunday I'd have time enough to make it. I'm scheduled to be here through training and on my way March 16th, but that's quite a while off and we're supposed to get a week or 10 days leave then. All of our instructors here are men who have completed their tour of combat and really know what kind of training will do us the most good when we get over there. A "Tour of Duty" is 25 missions in England and after completing them everyone comes back and takes an instructor's job or something similar in the U.S. I'm getting kind of sleepy so I'd better quit for now. So long for now and a Merry Christmas to all. Love, Dick.
After his death, his mother drove past Baylor hospital in Dallas and got a faraway look in her eyes and said she had brought Dick to Baylor to be fitted for a leg brace back in the 1930's because he had a lot of trouble walking due to the polio. She had to leave all the other kids and Pop on the farm to manage as best they could while she was gone. Her daughter described watching her mother while she was telling this story, and was completely amazed that she was able to withstand all the trials and tribulations she had to endure during her life.
In 1948, at age 17, Gary desired to follow in his brother's footsteps and enlist, but he could not do so without his parents signature. After much persuading, they agreed to his demands, which was an extremely difficult decision for them, because it had only been four years earlier they had lost Dick. Gary was their fourth son to enlist in the service, and the third to choose the Navy. His request to be stationed with his brother Joe at the Naval Air Station in Norfolk, Virginia was approved, but they were never stationed together in Norfolk at the same time. Joe was stationed there while Gary was in training in Pensacola, Florida, and Joe's enlistment ended and he went home before Gary arrived in Norfolk. During his enlistment, Gary was assigned to the "Lighter than air division" or blimps.
After his enlistment ended in 1949, Joe returned to Texas where tragedy struck again shortly before Christmas the following year, he was killed in an automobile accident in Odessa. The Red Cross arranged for Gary's emergency leave. After the funeral, he returned to NAS in Norfolk, Virginia to complete his enlistment, but it was with a heavy heart. Shortly after his return to Norfolk, he met his future wife, Mildred "Mickey" Hall. Joe's death continued to weigh heavily on his mind during this time, which made the remainder of his enlistment in the Navy difficult.
Traffic Mishap - Two are Injured one person was killed early today in a grinding traffic collision in the 1700 block of W. Second. Mickey Joe Ware, 23, Fort Worth, an employee of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Co., was killed instantly. Charles Wilson a sedan in which he was riding rammed into the rear of a parked truck. Ann Alfreita Trumbla, 20, was injured. Roxana, another occupant of the car, is in critical condition in Ector county hospital. She is suffering from a badly lacerated face, head injuries and possible internal injuries. Phil Edward Simmons, 20, Nocona, Tex. also an employee of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. was also injured. He is suffering from a badly lacerated face, head injuries and possible internal injuries. Phil Edward Simmons, 20, Nocona, Tex. also an employee of the telephone company, is in county hospital receiving treatment for cuts and bruises and a broken arm. Investigating patrolmen O. B. McDougal and W. L Riddle said Simmons was driver of a 1939 model sedan that rammed into the rear of a 1950 truck that was parked. The fatal accident occurred about 12:30 a.m. The truck, which had been driven by A. C. Carroll Jr., 23, Tulsa, Okla, belongs to the Fadens Pipe and Supply Co., Tulsa. Ware and Simmons had been working out of the Midland telephone office as cable splicer' helpers. They had been living in the Western Motel in Odessa. The body of Ware is at the Hubbard Funeral home, Odessa. Hospital attendants today said the condition of the woman was “very critical.” They said Simmons was not seriously injured. The investigating officers said the sedan, which was demolished, was travelling east on W. Second when the accident occurred Police today were attempting to locate the parents of the injured. The Odessa American from Odessa, Texas, Page 1, December 15, 1950.
In 1952, Gary and Mickey returned to Fort Worth, and were married on September 12, 1952. After returning to Texas, they bought a small home in Ft. Worth where Gary worked as a supervisor for a manufacturing company; several years later he acquired his barbering license by working nights and attending school during the day. In 1959, the family moved to Virginia to be closer to Mickey's family, and Gary obtained employment near NASA. During this time, NASA was already in an advanced lunar exploration program, and had been for a full year before President John F. Kennedy, on 5/25/1961, committed this nation to the national goal of lunar conquest.
Gary often spoke of the men from Langley who frequented the barbershop and the many discussions about the Apollo astronauts and kept the family abreast of all the daily activities of the Apollo mission. After the lunar landing, he made sure everyone he met knew he had been the barber for his hero's, "Buzz" Aldrin, Mike Collins and Neal Armstrong. He died in Springfield, IL on April 21, 1988, his much cherished letters were uplifting, and always expressed his love for God. He often ended his letters with the phrase, "My beloved daughter, may God keep you safe in his sheltering arms."
The first member of the family to enlist was his brother Richard "Dick" Ware, who was later killed in action over Pearlberg, Germany on a bombing mission. Dick had been a Second Lieutenant and a Bombardier, and was awarded the Purple Heart.
The following letter was written by Richard “Dick” Ware while stationed at the Army Air Base at Dalhart, Texas, on 22 Dec 1943:
Dear Mom, Today makes one week at Dalhart and I haven't found a single thing wrong with the place yet, which is surprising. I guess after that Salt Lake deal anything would seem ok. When we first came here it was covered with snow. Lately it has been a sea of slick, slimey mud. It's ok in the early morning and evening when it's frozen but up in the day it's really sloppy. It started snowing again today and the wind is just like ice. It cuts you like a knife. I don't think I've seen weather near this cold in my life. We've been going to school every day from 9 to 5 since last Friday. We go to school half a day tomorrow and are supposed to fly in the afternoon. From the way they're treating us here you'd think that we'd never seen a bomb sight or dropped a bomb before, but I guess they're just making sure that we haven't forgotten anything. Today a 17 came in, and its landing gear was frozen and wouldn't come down so they had to make a belly landing. The pilot sure made a pretty landing and no one was hurt. I think practically everyone on the base was down there to watch the landing as the ship circled the base several times before landing. It looks like I won't get to come home for Christmas after all. We're SUPPOSED to get off from Friday noon at 8 a.m. Sunday but that won't be enough time. If I could get off until noon Sunday I'd have time enough to make it. I'm scheduled to be here through training and on my way March 16th, but that's quite a while off and we're supposed to get a week or 10 days leave then. All of our instructors here are men who have completed their tour of combat and really know what kind of training will do us the most good when we get over there. A "Tour of Duty" is 25 missions in England and after completing them everyone comes back and takes an instructor's job or something similar in the U.S. I'm getting kind of sleepy so I'd better quit for now. So long for now and a Merry Christmas to all. Love, Dick.
After his death, his mother drove past Baylor hospital in Dallas and got a faraway look in her eyes and said she had brought Dick to Baylor to be fitted for a leg brace back in the 1930's because he had a lot of trouble walking due to the polio. She had to leave all the other kids and Pop on the farm to manage as best they could while she was gone. Her daughter described watching her mother while she was telling this story, and was completely amazed that she was able to withstand all the trials and tribulations she had to endure during her life.
In 1948, at age 17, Gary desired to follow in his brother's footsteps and enlist, but he could not do so without his parents signature. After much persuading, they agreed to his demands, which was an extremely difficult decision for them, because it had only been four years earlier they had lost Dick. Gary was their fourth son to enlist in the service, and the third to choose the Navy. His request to be stationed with his brother Joe at the Naval Air Station in Norfolk, Virginia was approved, but they were never stationed together in Norfolk at the same time. Joe was stationed there while Gary was in training in Pensacola, Florida, and Joe's enlistment ended and he went home before Gary arrived in Norfolk. During his enlistment, Gary was assigned to the "Lighter than air division" or blimps.
After his enlistment ended in 1949, Joe returned to Texas where tragedy struck again shortly before Christmas the following year, he was killed in an automobile accident in Odessa. The Red Cross arranged for Gary's emergency leave. After the funeral, he returned to NAS in Norfolk, Virginia to complete his enlistment, but it was with a heavy heart. Shortly after his return to Norfolk, he met his future wife, Mildred "Mickey" Hall. Joe's death continued to weigh heavily on his mind during this time, which made the remainder of his enlistment in the Navy difficult.
Traffic Mishap - Two are Injured one person was killed early today in a grinding traffic collision in the 1700 block of W. Second. Mickey Joe Ware, 23, Fort Worth, an employee of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Co., was killed instantly. Charles Wilson a sedan in which he was riding rammed into the rear of a parked truck. Ann Alfreita Trumbla, 20, was injured. Roxana, another occupant of the car, is in critical condition in Ector county hospital. She is suffering from a badly lacerated face, head injuries and possible internal injuries. Phil Edward Simmons, 20, Nocona, Tex. also an employee of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. was also injured. He is suffering from a badly lacerated face, head injuries and possible internal injuries. Phil Edward Simmons, 20, Nocona, Tex. also an employee of the telephone company, is in county hospital receiving treatment for cuts and bruises and a broken arm. Investigating patrolmen O. B. McDougal and W. L Riddle said Simmons was driver of a 1939 model sedan that rammed into the rear of a 1950 truck that was parked. The fatal accident occurred about 12:30 a.m. The truck, which had been driven by A. C. Carroll Jr., 23, Tulsa, Okla, belongs to the Fadens Pipe and Supply Co., Tulsa. Ware and Simmons had been working out of the Midland telephone office as cable splicer' helpers. They had been living in the Western Motel in Odessa. The body of Ware is at the Hubbard Funeral home, Odessa. Hospital attendants today said the condition of the woman was “very critical.” They said Simmons was not seriously injured. The investigating officers said the sedan, which was demolished, was travelling east on W. Second when the accident occurred Police today were attempting to locate the parents of the injured. The Odessa American from Odessa, Texas, Page 1, December 15, 1950.
In 1952, Gary and Mickey returned to Fort Worth, and were married on September 12, 1952. After returning to Texas, they bought a small home in Ft. Worth where Gary worked as a supervisor for a manufacturing company; several years later he acquired his barbering license by working nights and attending school during the day. In 1959, the family moved to Virginia to be closer to Mickey's family, and Gary obtained employment near NASA. During this time, NASA was already in an advanced lunar exploration program, and had been for a full year before President John F. Kennedy, on 5/25/1961, committed this nation to the national goal of lunar conquest.
Gary often spoke of the men from Langley who frequented the barbershop and the many discussions about the Apollo astronauts and kept the family abreast of all the daily activities of the Apollo mission. After the lunar landing, he made sure everyone he met knew he had been the barber for his hero's, "Buzz" Aldrin, Mike Collins and Neal Armstrong. He died in Springfield, IL on April 21, 1988, his much cherished letters were uplifting, and always expressed his love for God. He often ended his letters with the phrase, "My beloved daughter, may God keep you safe in his sheltering arms."